Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2820 Being pulled by the hair and beaten

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"Follow me to the police station!"

"Let go!"

No matter how much she struggled and screamed, the female boss would just grab her hair and pull her. If An Ran kicked her, she would use her sharp nails to scratch An Ran's neck.

"You are shameless and want to implicate me. Come and follow me to the police station. Really, I have seen shameless women, but I have never seen such a shameless woman like you."

"No wonder they all climbed into men's beds. They would rather give you money than ask for it. Ha. Despicable!"

"Don't think that I don't know. Seeing that you don't have any marks on your body, I know that they haven't touched you. I was puzzled when you brought someone here before. The man was so drunk. Why are you still here? How about cheating? Haha, it turns out you did it yourself and then spread the liquid on others to accuse others. Isn’t that just a man?”

"Looking at you, I must have a girlfriend. You still use such shameless methods to embarrass us women!"

"I have never met a woman like you. If there was a woman like you around my husband, I would let a green tea framer like you know why the flowers are so red in no time!"


The female boss was originally angry that An Ran had lied to her, but now that she thought that An Ran might implicate her, she couldn't control her anger even more. She violently tore off several hairs of the struggling man, and then took the opportunity to kick her a few times. The more he curses, the more straightforward he becomes, and the more he curses, the more fierce he becomes.

"No, follow me to the police station! I will take you to file a case! I don't want to be implicated by you."

An Ran was definitely not as strong as the female boss in terms of physical strength. During the struggle, he suffered several losses, his neck was scratched and his hair was torn out. She didn't even have a single piece of clothing on her body, and she looked like a mistress who had been caught by her first wife, and was in a miserable state.

While enduring the pull of the female boss, she found her mobile phone and hurriedly called Huang Xin and asked Huang Xin to come over.

Huang Xin on the other end of the phone heard something was wrong with her voice and immediately said he would come over immediately.

She hung up the phone, stood up, and fiercely pushed away the female boss who dragged her to the police station. He gritted his teeth and said, "I won't hurt you, you just want money! Wait! I bought your apartment!"

"Did you buy it? What did you buy it for? The five million you got from the immortal jump have not yet arrived. Who knows if someone will find out about your trick and tell you to get out without giving you the money." The female boss completely turned her away. She looked at her like the kind of woman who sticks to a wealthy man on the side of the road. He glanced at her sideways and said with disdain in his eyes.

An Ran was beaten again and humiliated again and again. Her anger and blood surged fiercely. She wiped the blood on her neck and gritted her teeth and said, "Don't worry, I won't miss your money anyway. But today's You'd better not talk about it, otherwise I won't let you go!"

After all, she came from the compound and lived on the top of the pyramid since she was a child. She was considered a favorite. The aura is still there.

The female boss was frightened by her and didn't drag her to the police station anymore. However, she didn't feel good about it. She sat on the sofa and said, "Okay, you want to buy this place. I'll just pretend that nothing happened today." ! If you want to lie to me, I will send you to the police station and let the police file a case. Anyway, I won’t let you implicate me!”

"Don't worry, your money will be indispensable!" An Ran went to get dressed with a gloomy face.

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