Half an hour later, Huang Xin arrived in a hurry. As soon as he entered the door, he rushed into the apartment and shouted anxiously, "Sister An Ran!"

When the female boss saw that a new man had arrived, she glanced meaningfully at An Ran, who had changed her clothes and tidied up again. She sneered and said, "Beauty, you are good at deceiving men. Where did this come from? The little brother who popped up?"

"Never mind your business, watch your mouth later." An Ran gave her a cold glance with a warning.

The female boss sneered, stood up and said, "Don't worry, I'm not your mother, and I don't have time to care about you messing around outside. I just need to deal with this house and don't let you get involved. Everything else has nothing to do with me. "

An Ran's face became even more ugly when he heard her sarcastic voice. She bit her lower lip, not daring to argue with the female boss, fearing that the female boss would expose her fig leaf in front of Huang Xin later.

Soon, Huang Xin rushed in.

There was sweat on his forehead, and you could tell how urgent he was.

As soon as he came in, he saw An Ran, and then saw the owner of the apartment next to An Ran. He was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously searched around the house, "Where is Si Chen?"

"he's gone."

Huang Xin couldn't understand why she suddenly called him in such a hurry, "Sister An Ran, what's wrong with you?"

An Ran was about to speak but stopped.

Huang Xin waited for a long time without waiting for her to speak. While anxious, he noticed the scars on her arms. His face sank, and he suddenly grabbed her injured arm, "What happened to your hand? Who grabbed it?"

An Ran's expression became more and more serious. He pulled out his arm, bit his lip and said, "Don't worry about it, Huang Xin. Do you have money? Can you lend me two million?"

Two million is not a small amount.

But in W City, where every inch of land is at a premium, even a small apartment is worth more than one million, plus the sealing fee, it's at least two million.

Huang Xin frowned and asked in confusion, "Yes, why do you suddenly want so much money?"

Something happened to the Huang family, but it wasn't to the point of freezing their accounts.

He is usually not short of money, and his pocket money adds up to several million.

"I want to buy this house."

"Buy a house? Well, why are you buying a house? And a second-hand house? No, Sister An Ran, what happened? Didn't you and Si Chen talk about something in my bar? Why did you come here? Si Chen Not here. What's the matter with the injury on your arm?" Huang Xin vaguely felt what happened. As a man, An Ran was the woman he liked, so he didn't want to think about it.

An Ran broke away from his hand, with a pretty face as white as snow, she avoided his gaze and said, "I don't want to say, nothing happened."

"What do you mean nothing happened!" Huang Xin was full of blood after all. Even if he didn't want to think about it, he still couldn't hold back his anger. "Did Si Chen do something bad to you?"

"No, he drank too much..."

Drank too much!

Apartment hotel!

An Ran suddenly wants to buy a house!

Huang Xin felt like he was suffocating. When he thought about it, he could almost imagine what happened.

Si Chen got drunk and forced An Ran to have sex, so An Ran had injuries on his arms. She asked herself to borrow money to buy a house because she was afraid that the matter would spread, and she wanted to silence the apartment owner!

Knowing the 'truth', he felt extremely painful, and punched the wall with a trembling fist, "I shouldn't have asked you to help me, I..."

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