Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2822 Taking advantage of others’ likes

An Ran stopped him in time to prevent him from harming himself, "It has nothing to do with you, it's my own fault. I... In short, don't blame yourself, it really has nothing to do with you."

It was okay if she didn't say that. The more she said that, the more uncomfortable Huang Xin became.

He thinks that An Ran caused the current situation and suffered these injuries just to help him.

"What are you going to do now? What did Si Chen say? Will he be responsible?" Huang Xin was confused. He didn't want Si Chen to take responsibility. If Si Chen didn't take responsibility, he would be angry.

An Ran lowered his head, most of his face was shrouded in shadow, and said in a low mood, "He didn't say anything. He is not responsible for what I said. We are all adults. It was also because he drank too much. I know that he is now a woman." My friend, he also likes his girlfriend very much. I hope he can pretend that nothing happened, so that he can live a good life without any psychological burden. "

"What did you say?" Huang Xin was so angry that he almost ran away, grabbed her wrist, and said with hatred, "He did something worse than a beast to you, and you actually let him pretend that nothing happened! Since he If you have a girlfriend and like his girlfriend, why do you do this to you! Sister An Ran, let me take you to find him! Why should his girlfriend compare with you? We all grew up together, even if we are outsiders. Yes, he did something sorry for you, he must be responsible!"

How could An Ran ask him to go find Si Chen? If she went to find Si Chen, what she had just done to mislead him would be in vain.

She looked pale, held hands and refused to leave, "I won't go."

"Sister An Ran, just forget it! I can't swallow this breath! How could he do this to you? He obviously liked you so much before. If it wasn't because he liked you, I would have pursued you at that time..." Huang Xin endured it. , continued, "Anyway, we can't let it go like this. Sister An Ran, you encountered this kind of thing because of me. Today, I will help you get justice even if I risk my life!"

As he said that, he was going to take An Ran to Si Chen to argue.

An Ran seemed to be unable to stop him. His eyes turned red, and tears rolled down directly on the back of his angry, almost violent hands. His voice was hoarse and fragile, "Stop talking, okay? I don't want to go. Can you leave me some dignity? You must Do you want me to have no self-esteem at all?”

The tears she shed burned the angry man's heart, and his anger slowly dropped.

An Ran continued, "It's not his fault for this. He was drunk and I sent him here. I..."

She laughed self-deprecatingly, tears streaming down her face, "It was me who was a bitch, and I thought he would be waiting for me there. I didn't expect that he would have a girlfriend, and I have never been able to accept this fact. At that time, he hugged me When he fell in love with me, I didn't push him away immediately. In the end, it was my own fault. He already had a girlfriend, so why didn't I push him away? How could I have the face to take responsibility for him? "

She was miserable enough today, and she would cry at any time if she was asked to cry.

An Ran just took this opportunity to vent, her voice choked with sobs, "Let's forget about this matter, and I don't want to think about it anymore. Huang Xin, please lend me two million. This is just helping me. Wait." I have raised enough money and I will return it to you as soon as possible, but you still don’t believe me.”

"I believe it!" Huang Xin clenched her teeth tightly, and her heart hurt terribly from her tears, but looking at her like that, it was hard to say that she wanted to settle the score with Si Chen.

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