Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 2824 Because I’m disgusting, I don’t want to be disgusted anymore

The expert was familiar with him and was not frightened by his unhappy tone. Calmly flipping through the various examination data sent by the nurse, he said with a puzzled tone, "The examination results are out. It's quite strange. When I did a routine examination for you just now, you did have that lady's fluid on your body. But the strange thing is that your body's hormones indicate that your body is in a very quiet state and there is no excitement."

He put down the data pad, pushed up his glasses and said, "Generally speaking, after men and women have just had sex, their whole bodies are in a relatively intense state. The cells, blood, and muscles should be in a state of excitement for the next three or four hours. The status of your cells, blood, and muscles shows that you have not done it. The results of your routine examination are 80%... But this is the first time I have encountered this situation..."

Si Chen frowned, "Nothing."

The expert said unhurriedly, "But there is also a possibility of this happening. That is - you didn't do it, but it was set up by someone else. She solved it on her own and did something to you. You have to really want to find out. You can bring the woman here, and I’ll let someone check her out. Otherwise, I can only say half and half based on this inspection data. After all, my idea is just a guess, and it’s possible that you are a virgin. In the case of being drugged, the blood cells are not excited. "

Si Chen pursed his thin lips with deep eyes and said with a headache, "It's too late."

"What?" This time it was the expert's turn to be stunned.

Si Chen stood up and pushed away the examination in front of him. The result was the same as if there was no examination. "You have to tell me this an hour in advance. You may still have time to call someone over for examination. It is definitely too late now."

With An Ran's deep scheming, he spent so much effort on this calculation, there is definitely no chance that there will be a flaw waiting for him to catch at the end.

If it was true as the doctor said, An Ran must have taken a shower as soon as they left the apartment. Clean up the evidence, and then you can find a reason to continue to pester him.

He couldn't give her a chance to get involved!

As for whether they did it or not.

No matter what, his instinct told him that he had not touched Enron! Let alone doing it, he has never even kissed her!

Because it's disgusting!

Now that a woman other than Lin Anxin approaches him, his body will instinctively feel disgusted. Like kissing or other intimate actions, he will even show signs of vomiting.

He was drugged, but his body's instincts were still there.

He didn't believe he touched Enron.

If it really happened, when he left 5 million and left, it was impossible for An Ran to let him go so easily given his character of never giving up until he achieved his goal.

Si Chen's mind was in chaos. He couldn't sort out the mess and simply stopped thinking about it. "Besides these, is there any other way to check this? I've done the rest for you."

"Um...who did you get into? Why do I feel like you want to peel off your skin to see if it's been stained? That's not the case. We are all men. Even if you sleep with someone, you won't suffer. "Experts couldn't help but feel depressed.

Si Chen glanced at him with peach blossom eyes and touched his thin lips, "Because it's disgusting."

Because I am disgusted, I want to do everything possible to prove my innocence so as not to continue to be disgusted!

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