"Why do I have the illusion that you were raped by a woman?" The expert made a joke and shrugged helplessly after finding that he didn't laugh, "Okay, there are some ways. Since you want to check, let's just do it all. I'll find some information, wait." "Yes." Si Chen spent three hours trying all the methods, and the specific results will take some time to get. After all, some examinations are more advanced and involve bones and blood. After the examination, he returned to Lin Anxin's ward tiredly. "Mr. Si." The bodyguards on both sides of the ward were guarding the ward diligently to prevent reporters from sneaking in. Si Chen asked with a frown, "Is there anyone inside?" "To reply to Mr. Si, Miss Lin's agent and wife are in the ward." The bodyguard stood straight, and there was no fluctuation in his voice. "My mother is here too?" Si Chen frowned. The bodyguard replied respectfully, "My wife went back and brought chicken soup to Miss Lin. She just entered Miss Lin's ward ten minutes ago." Si Chen pushed the door open and walked in. The VIP ward that the hospital arranged for Lin Anxin was not as good as the special ward where Chi Enen lived, but it was also one of the best wards.

The room was large, with a sofa, refrigerator, and TV.

Su Yijiu was sitting on the sofa chatting with Shanni, and her expression seemed to be very interested in what Shanni said.

The two saw him coming back and stopped for a moment.

Shanni stood up first and greeted him politely, "Mr. Si."

Su Yijiu was much more casual. He did not stand up, but glanced at him unhappily and said to him, "Where have you been? I haven't seen you for most of the day."

"I went to deal with something." Si Chen didn't want to talk about An Ran's affairs, lest Su Yijiu lost his temper and went to find An Ran, but made things worse.

Su Yijiu frowned and looked at him in confusion. When she saw the fatigue in his eyes, she thought for a while and said, "Did you go to check who fired the gun?"

"Yeah." Si Chen sat down opposite her perfunctorily.

Su Yijiu slowly straightened up, her well-maintained face showing a murderous temperament, "Have you found out? Who is it?"

Now Lin Anxin and Si Chen are married, and she is her daughter-in-law. Although the two are secretly married, she is already her person.

Her people are bullied like this, she can't just let it go easily!

"The inside story is complicated, I don't know how to tell you. Beijue is handling it, don't worry, he won't let the person behind the scenes go."

Su Yijiu was at the scene herself, and she knew very well that the bullet on Lin Anxin's shoulder was for Chi Enen to block, and she was not surprised at all that Li Beijue would investigate this matter. Since Si Chen said so, she didn't say anything, but turned to look at the person on the bed with melancholy, and said worriedly, "Why hasn't Anxin woken up yet? Didn't the doctor say that she would wake up within 12 hours after the bullet was removed? It's been seven or eight hours, why is the person still not responding, do you want to ask the doctor to come and see?" She was not afraid that the chicken soup she made by herself would get cold, but she was worried about Lin Anxin.

Si Chen also looked at the pale and fragile little woman on the bed, his heart tightened, and he pursed his thin lips, "Wait a little longer, it's not 12 hours yet. If she doesn't wake up within 12 hours, I'll ask the doctor to come and see her." He turned around, looked at Su Yijiu and Shanni, and said, "Mom, you guys go back first, it's getting late, I can stay here tonight. I'll call you if anything happens."

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