And just after the sound of the system, the chat group is still lively.

It seems that all of them have not yet … Recovered from the earth-shattering battle just now.

Captain America: Completely incomprehensible! What’s wrong with that bug alien?

Captain America: Why did he watch the bomb… Exploding on your own planet? Killed so many people?

Loki Odinson: Don’t you see? He’s a big bug? Can you expect bugs to think calmly?

Godzilla: In my opinion, this alien should adore the rampant Hulk! Can’t accept him becoming weak!

Rocky Odinson: Monster? Hahaha! ^_^ It’s funny, sure enough, only monsters can understand monsters!

Godzilla: Weak god, no wonder you can only be thrown around by the strong.

Loki Odinson: What do you say? Monsters, you are so daring. (〝▼皿▼)

Wolverine: To be honest, what I can’t understand more than any bugs is the green monster.

Wolverine: Not only is this guy’s defenses amazingly strong, but I can see very clearly the injuries he has received… Recovered quickly!

Also possessing self-healing genes, Wolverine’s observation in this area has always been keen.

Loki Odinson: Self-healing ability, do you say that green monster still has self-healing ability? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): It’s outrageous, great power, terrifying defense, agile speed, and now self-healing ability!

Bruce Banner: No wonder, even that sentinel of a million suns exploding… Can’t beat this super Hulk!

While speaking, Bruce Banner only felt that his heart was beating wildly, and he could not calm down.

It turned out that in another universe, there would actually be such a powerful Hulk!

Perhaps, this is the most terrifying Hulk in the multiverse!

Sentinel: I’ve fought with the Hulk many times before, and in the end, I won! This time on the screen, it was just an accident!

Sentinel: Next time, just use nothingness…

Charles Xavier: Hey! Young man, calm down! In order to defeat the enemy, it is very dangerous to let the second personality control your body!

Bruce Banner: Yes! If one is not careful, you let Nothingness completely gain dominance, and maybe your own personality will disappear!

At this moment, Banner immediately thought that in the “Thor III” video, that Hulk lived on the planet of High Heavenly Venerable for a year or two!

During this period, Banner didn’t even have a chance to show his head!

If this state of affairs continues for a long time, then Bruce Banner is dead!

Sentinel: What? This…… (⊙o⊙)

John Constantine: To be honest, that monster is really outrageous, not only can it withstand physical attacks, but even Dr. Demon’s magical attacks can’t kill him!

Stephen Strange: The Devil… Dr. Demonize? (O_O)

John Constantine: It’s the Doctor Strange who borrowed the power of the Helllord, and I think it’s a good title, it’s a simple way to summarize his condition.

Master Mordo: Sigh. What’s going on here? Could it be that Doctor Strange in the multiverse will only borrow the power of the Demon King and even the Demon God?

Stephen Strange: I think it’s okay to do it if it’s to protect the world, not for personal desires.

Stephen Strange: Besides, the white magic practiced by our Karma Taj must also be with the help of the power of the demon god!

Stephen Strange: It’s just that we borrowed the god of white magic… Trinity Vishan Emperor! It’s not just the Dark God.

Master Mordo: …………

Watchmen Universe.

“Huh… This variant of mine is quite open-minded. ”

Watching Strange defend his absorption of the power of the Demon God, Dr. Demonization’s eyes also showed a little relief.

He still regrets his reckless actions, but even so, Dr. Demonization still believes that sometimes he must absorb the power of darkness when necessary!

The most typical example is for immortality… And the ancient mage who absorbed the power of Dormammu!

At this moment, Dr. Manhattan, who was standing on the side, suddenly spoke:

“The power of that sentinel is not limited to a million sun explosions.”

“Moreover, this ability does not come from the universe he is in!”

“Oh? This kid also absorbed the energy of another dimension? ”

There was a hint of curiosity in Dr. Demon’s eyes, but soon a wry smile appeared on his face, and he looked down at his right hand.

I saw that his palm involuntarily transformed from a human hand into an octopus’s tentacle!

This is the sequel of absorbing the body of the demon god!

Looking at the constantly moving octopus tentacles, Dr. Demonization secretly said in his heart:

“I hope he can control the xenomorph energy in his body and don’t become… Same as me! ”

At this time, someone in the chat group bubbled up again.

Nick Fury: I’m not a superpower, I’m not a magician, I don’t know about superpowers, but there’s one thing I never understand.

Nick Fury: The 4 superheroes of the Illuminati banished the Hulk because it couldn’t control itself on Earth and caused damage!

Nick Fury: But this green guy went to an alien planet and turned into a calm, sane, and even somewhat benevolent monarch! Overthrew the tyrant of that planet, and freed and released slaves?

Nick Fury: Isn’t it strange that this has changed too much?

In the face of the black egg’s question, you were silent for a while in the chat group, and no one knew how to answer.

Bruce Wayne: Perhaps, it was the harsh environment and continuous combat of the alien planet that forced the two personalities in Hulk to merge,

Sentinel: Can the continuation of the battle fuse personalities?

Bruce Wayne: I’m just proposing a hypothesis, don’t be cranky!

Thinking that the sentinel might run to indiscriminately fuse his personality because of his own words, Wayne was so shocked that he quickly spoke up to stop it.

From the screen, Sentinel’s other illusory personality seems to be very violent, and he once broke every bone in the Hulk’s body!

If such a personality is allowed to dominate, coupled with the power of the Sentinel million sun explosions, then the Earth of the 616 universe … I’m afraid it will all be blown up by him!

Ganata, the daughter of the star swallower: the energy of a million solar explosions? Uh-huh, my saliva is almost dripping down my voice.

Sentry:??? (⊙_⊙)

Ganata, the daughter of the star-swallowing star: If only you were in my universe, I should be able to eat for a long time just because of the energy in you.

Sentinel: I’m sorry, I don’t know what words to use to respond to you.

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallower: Oops! In the face of the girl’s request, you just need to smile. (*^▽^*)

Ghost Rider: A girl who has lived for an unknown number of thousands of years?

Ganata, Daughter of Star Swallowing: Aren’t you my messenger? Why do you keep spitting on me? (▼ヘ▼#)

Ghost Rider: You really know a lot about Earth culture…

At this time, the dim screen finally lit up again.

[Start broadcasting “Superman Red Son”]

“Son of Red, is this another parallel universe Superman?”

As soon as he saw the title, Bruce Wayne’s spirit was immediately lifted.

In fact, even while watching the previous images, his brain never stopped.

Wayne has been thinking hard… How to restrain Silver Superman Clark!

[Now, Wayne also wants to see if Superman in other parallel universes can inspire him! ] 】

【Beautiful country, metropolis. 】

[A call into a famous genius… Lex Luthor’s bedroom was taken by his wife Louise Luthor. 】

[It turned out that the caller was the owner of the Daily Planet, and he called Louis specifically. 】

“Oh my God, boss! It’s only 6 a.m., what’s going on? “】

[Louis had just woken up from his sleep by the sound of the phone and seemed a little unhappy. 】

[The boss told Louis that it is said that there will be the big news of the century at noon! ] Reputedly…… It was the Solstice Kingdom that developed a new superweapon! 】

[At noon, the president’s speech on TV suddenly shocked the entire beautiful country! ] 】

[It turns out that the Winter Kingdom announced to the world an alien superman wearing a combat suit and possessing almost unlimited energy! ] 】

[This alien fell into a farm in Wukiran 30 years ago and was raised by a local farmer. 】

[The darkest humor is that if this alien spacecraft lands 12 hours earlier, this alien will become a citizen of a beautiful country.] 】

[This explosive news immediately stunned the entire beautiful country. 】

[The most inflamed thing is that this superman of the Winter Country actually flew to the sky above the beautiful country very quickly, went around in circles and went back! ] 】

[Now, fear, doubt, horror and fear… All kinds of negative emotions suddenly drowned the entire beautiful country! 】

[TV, radio, newspapers… All the media are dancing in a crowd, spreading all kinds of horrific messages to the people. 】

[“Super power! Super speed! Flight! There’s even Super Breath! Oh God! How is this possible? “】

“People say that this superman is using his super vision to spy on us from outer space! “】

[“In a few weeks, the people of the Solstice will fight under the leadership of Superman! “】

In the small town of Smoville, Kansas, two elderly women are talking. 】

[“Hell, now a whole country is smearing lead on their walls! “】

“It is said that this is the only way to resist Superman’s perspective vision! “】

[An elderly woman said with a palpitation:]

“Martha, can’t we let that superman see through his X-rays… Come and peek at us to the bathroom! “】

“What? Am I a Winterborn? ”

Looking at the image on the screen, Clark opened his mouth slightly, and the whole person was a little confused.

Throughout his adult life, Clark traveled around the world in search of the secrets of his life.

Therefore, he didn’t care about the Solstice Kingdom or something.

However, when he saw that the entire beautiful country was frightened by “himself”, Clark’s mood was also extremely complicated.

Not to mention, now even “Martha” is talking about applying lead to the bathroom walls!

That’s outrageous.

At the thought of this, the muscles on Clark’s face couldn’t help but tremble.

For him, it doesn’t matter whether he is Superman or not, whether he is revered or not, only his family… is the most valuable!

“The Winter Kingdom has Superman, and this is trouble.”

Standing aside, Bruce Wayne’s expression immediately became extremely serious, and there was even a trace of worry in his eyes.

In fact, he was not worried that the Solstice Congress would rely on superhuman power to conquer the world.

In fact, Master Wayne is associated with the world of Watchmen!

In that world, the beautiful country obtained Dr. Manhattan who was enough to crush all enemies.

In response to the threat of Manhattan, the Solstice frantically develops black weapons, which finally brings the entire world to the brink of destruction!

Bruce Wayne’s concern is that in this parallel universe on the screen, the beautiful Congress plays the role of the Winterfell Kingdom… In order to deal with this red superman, make a move to destroy the world!

At this moment, a new image also appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[After possessing superhuman power, the high-level of the Winter Kingdom was extremely excited, thinking that conquering the world was at hand. ] 】

[On the other hand… The rulers of the beautiful country were terrified, and the general was even more frightened and sweated. 】

[Facing Superman with Man of Steel, whether it is the military CIA or FBI, is meaningless. 】

[Now, the only person the president can count on… It is the greatest genius of the beautiful country and the husband of star journalist Louis, Lex Luthor! 】

[After accepting the commission, Lex Luthor thought for three months, and finally one day, while reading the headlines on the front page of the newspaper, he had a wit and thought of a way to defeat Superman. 】

[“Is it the president?”] I’m Luthor. “】

[Lex spoke into the phone and did not hesitate to make a shocking statement:]

“I need 100 technicians, 10 million in funding, and permission to crash a Winter Winter satellite in a populated area!”] “】

[Faced with the terrible threat of Superman, the president seemed to agree to Lex Luthor’s terms without hesitation. 】

[Not long after, a winter satellite orbiting the atmosphere suddenly lost control and began to fall towards the earth. 】

[Moreover, the place where it fell is actually the metropolis of a beautiful country! ] 】

[After learning this information, Superman flew out without hesitation. 】

“At home, they call me a fighter, but I’ve never been a fighter. “】

[While flying, Superman thinks:]

“Warriors fight only to obey orders, to fight for their own people. “】

“And … I will only fight for justice! “】

[Red Superman used his super speed to fly over the beautiful country in an instant! ] 】

[He grabbed the satellite that was about to fall on the metropolis and threw it into the sea.] 】

[“Oops! “】

[But watching the fragments of the satellite scatter in the air, the red superman’s eyes also showed a trace of remorse. ] 】

[He could have vaporized the entire satellite with his own heat rays, or he could have slowed its fall with super breathing.] 】

[However, Red Superman doesn’t seem to be fully proficient in his superpowers. 】

[Therefore, he can only use the most primitive method to solve this problem, which has caused some hidden dangers. ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[A satellite debris hit the roof of the Daily Planet, and the huge earth statue standing on the roof loosened and fell! ] 】

[“Danger! “】

[Seeing that the huge earth was about to hit a mother and son, Superman immediately flew over! ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[In an instant, Superman caught “Earth” with one hand, and grabbed a balloon that flew out of the child’s hand with the other! ] 】

[Until this moment, the people of the beautiful country realized that the reason why this red superman came… It’s to save them! 】

[While saving the mother and son, Superman also met Lex Luthor’s wife, Louise Luthor for the first time. ] 】

[Just when Superman completed his rescue and flew into the sky again, Lex Luthor, who was standing in the distance and holding a telescope, also laughed proudly:]

【”Very good! The plan was a perfect success, and immediately went to salvage the satellite that had fallen into the sea. “】

“If I’m not mistaken, the material Superman left on that satellite shell is enough for me to clone a new Superman!”] “】

PS: In the future, there will be “Injustice”, “Batman: The Dark Knight Returns” … Exciting to come! If you have any comics you want to see, please also leave a message in the comment area.

PS2: Collect! Ask for flowers! Ask for review votes! Ask for a monthly pass! All for support! ^_^

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