“This Lex Luthor, really hasn’t changed at all!”

Looking at what Luthor was doing on the screen, Clark’s brows twisted together again.

It seems that no matter which parallel universe, Lex Luthor always seems to regard Superman as a mortal enemy.

To be honest, Clark didn’t quite understand why Luthor was so directed at himself!

Don’t…… Is he out of some kind of human dignity? Can’t tolerate an alien with more power than himself?

Is this guy’s self-esteem so fragile?

In addition to regret, a trace of anger rose in Superman’s heart.

In order to create a replica Superman, Lex Luthor even risked crashing a satellite into the metropolis!

You know, his wife Louise is coming, and you are working in the metropolis!

Moreover, if this satellite really falls in the metropolis, the impact and shock caused by it is enough to raze most of the city!

Doesn’t he care at all?

Looking at Superman’s eyes gloomy, Bruce Wayne suddenly said:

“Luthor should have judged … Your variant will surely rush to save the metropolis. ”

“It’s his trust in you.”


Clark’s expression relaxed, and his thoughts turned, and suddenly he thought of Louis Luthor.

Clark didn’t feel much about Louise Lane marrying Lex Luthor in this universe.

Until now, he had only treated Louise as a colleague.

Or, because I saw the image of “Man of Steel” in advance, and now… Every time Clark saw Louise, he felt faintly embarrassed.


Hearing Wayne’s words, Peter Parker and Little Wanda looked at each other, and their expressions became very strange.

Obviously a mortal enemy, but so confident that Superman will definitely come to save people.

What’s wrong with that Luthor?

At this time, Loki glanced back at Magneto and suddenly laughed:

“Hahaha! I think…… The relationship between Luthor and that Superman seems to be a bit like that between you and that Charles. ”

“Less gibberish.”

Magneto turned his head proudly and gently raised his chin:

“No matter how powerful I am, Charles will not be jealous of me, and vice versa.”


He looked at Clark, and suddenly snorted softly:

“This kid’s rotten and good personality is really similar to Charles!”

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After meeting Louis Luthor in the metropolis, Red Superman found that he seemed to have a trace of affection for this woman. 】

[However, he did not express it. 】

[Because, Superman saw the wedding ring on Louise’s hand at that time. 】

[In the following time, Red Superman will either rescue people in various parts of the Solstice Kingdom or review soldiers in Red Square.] 】

[His prestige is getting higher and higher, and he has won the trust of the rulers and people of the Winter Kingdom. 】

[The supreme ruler of the Winter Kingdom is even ready to let Superman replace his illegitimate son Roslov as the successor of this country. 】

[Roslov was very angry about this:]

“If you let him succeed you, he might even be in that position for 1 million years!”] “】

“God, who knows if this alien will die of old age? “】

[Because of the superman, the power of the Winter Kingdom has flourished, and it has even attracted the eyes of the paradise island that has re-entered the world. ] 】

[Queen Hippolyta of the Amazon, led an envoy to the capital of the Solstice for an official diplomatic visit. 】

[During this banquet, Hippolyta’s daughter Diana becomes interested in Red Superman. 】

[The two even used their superpowers to dance a dance that did not touch the ground. ] 】

[This is the first time Diana has encountered… A young man with the same strength as himself. 】

For her daughter to like Superman, the queen of the Amazons, Hippolyta, is also happy to see it.

After all, marrying a powerful man who may rule the world in the future will not be as good as Diana, and it will be a good thing for Paradise Island.

“Huh? Will I like that Superman? ”

In the senior apartment, Diana Prince looked at the girl on the screen with bright eyes and a smirk of an adolescent girl, and frowned without a trace.

She has been invisible in human society for more than half a century, and her experience is far deeper than that of Superman Clark.

In Diana’s opinion, the older boy’s mind was too simple and not very suitable as a lifelong partner.

“However, as a Kryptonian, how long will he live?”

Thinking of this, Diana suddenly sighed faintly.

As a demigod, her lifespan is calculated in millennia.

Therefore, once Diana fell in love with mortals, it was destined to end badly.

At this time, in the live broadcast room, Bruce Wayne’s eyes widened sharply, and his face showed a trace of incredulity.

The ruler of the Winter Kingdom… Ready to pass the seat to that Superman?

What is this operation?

“A monarch with super speed, super power, and probably not even death?”

The more Young Master Wayne thought about it, the faster his heart beat faster, and he couldn’t calm down for a while.

Superman’s personal strength is already strong enough to crush everything, and if it is combined with the national strength of a powerful country, it will really sweep the world!

However, does such a god-like man really know how to govern the country?

Let him run the country, will he make a mess of everything?

[Image continues.] 】

[Diana’s love for Red Superman is so unconcealed that even the rulers of the Winter Kingdom see it. 】

[“Hahaha, Superman! Imagine if you could marry Diana, what kind of children would you have? “】

[The ruler’s signature beard trembled with laughter:]

“Think about the future, Superman, you’re going to give birth to one… The Superman Dynasty that keeps our ideas alive! “】

[“Besides that, are there other women in this world who are worthy of our great body of steel?”] “】

[In this regard, Superman can’t raise any spirit:]

“Comrade, I left the farm and came to the big city just to use my power to help others. “】

[Halfway through, Superman seemed to have discovered something and flew out directly at super speed. ] 】

[Superman flew to a nearby farm and found Peter Roslov, who was drinking alcohol while shooting the scarecrow. 】

[Roslov hates Superman very much, but with the strength of the drink, he still directly vented all the words from his heart. ] 】

[It turned out that two weeks earlier, Roslov had just shot and killed his parents in front of a boy. 】

[And all this is only because this couple is printing anti-superman leaflets. 】

“The boy’s hateful eyes made me unforgettable for the rest of my life. “】

[Tears welled up in Roslov’s eyes:]

“I’ll never forget the boy, some say he jumped into the river, others say he got into the sewers, where he prepared for revenge. “】

“I killed his parents with my own hands, how would this affect a child?” “】

[“Superman … Can you tell me? “】

After learning that he would never be the successor of the country, Roslov’s heart seemed to collapse all at once. 】

[Remembering all the evil things he had done in the past, he excitedly raised the gun to his head and pulled the trigger! ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[Fortunately, at the end of the day, Superman still blocked the bullet with super speed. 】

“This… No way? ”

In the live broadcast room, Bruce Wayne’s pupils contracted violently, the blood on his face almost disappeared, and his expression was almost like seeing a ghost.

At this moment, memories full of pain and panic surged madly into his heart, completely drowning Young Master Wayne like a tide.

Parents killed in front of them!

Then, the boy is determined to take revenge!

Is this a coincidence?

Out of some instinct, Bruce Wayne can be sure that the one on the screen… The little boy who bites his lip and leaves the scene of his parents’ murder is a variant of himself in this “red superuniverse”!

Most likely, after his parents were killed, he was determined to avenge all this!

When he grows up, he will become Batman who is invisible in the shadows!

Looking at Bruce Wayne’s pale face and scattered eyes, Clark quickly walked over and asked.

“Huh? What’s going on? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? ”

Well, looking at Clark’s concerned expression, Young Master Wayne opened his mouth slightly, but did not say anything.

From the current situation, that boy will definitely become the enemy of Red Superman when he grows up.

This, may be the fate between them!

【Image continues】

[Just as Superman and Rostov were talking, he suddenly heard the cry for help again and again, and immediately flew out at super speed. ] 】

[It turned out that the ruler of the Winter Kingdom was poisoned, and even if Superman rushed over, there was no time to save him. ] 】

[After the assassination of the ruler, the situation in the Winter Kingdom suddenly fell into chaos. 】

[Pretty Country seized the opportunity to expand its own advantages while creating a superhuman clone under the research of Lex Luthor! ] 】

[Bizarro! 】

[In the face of this tense situation, the high-level of the Winter Kingdom side hopes that Superman can sit in the position of supreme ruler and lead them out of the predicament. 】

[However, Red Superman refused:]

[“Why… With super power, am I qualified to be the leader of this country? “】

“Sorry, comrades, this kind of thing is completely contrary to everything I believed in since childhood. “】

[Soon, the submarine of the beautiful country carried the clone Superman Bizaro across the Atlantic Ocean and came to the front of the border of the Solstice Country. 】

[The clone superman just flew into the sky, and a superhuman figure appeared in front of him. ] 】

[“The coast in this area is a forbidden area, comrade, if you understand, nod your head! “】

[Looking at the clone Superman who was not good at coming in front of him, the red Superman directly used the heat ray force and set the other party’s whole body on fire! ] 】

[Superman Clone wanted to fight back, but was quickly punched by Red Superman! ] 】

[Obviously, this guy is just an inferior copy of Superman, and he is not a real Superman opponent at all. 】

[“Bang! “】

[Under Superman’s heavy blow, Superclone suddenly shot a strong green light from his eyes. 】

[It seems that the superpower in his body is out of control! ] 】

[In the nearby beautiful country submarine, the pilot was affected by the green spoke rays released by the clone Superman, and inadvertently pressed the black guide… Bounce the launch button! 】

[“Boom! “】

[A pilot bullet crossed the sky and flew somewhere.] 】

[Seeing this scene, Superman was shocked, but the clone Superman Bizaro seized this opportunity and punched him out again. ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[The red superman’s body was like a cannonball, and he was beaten all the way to the Yin Kingdom! ] Fell to London! 】

[After some effort, Red Superman finally succeeded in knocking out the clone Superman Bizarro. 】

[But at this moment, he was surprised to find that it was more beautiful than the guide launched by the submarine.] Bomb, also flew over Len Town! 】

[This guide… Once the bomb explodes, the whole of London will be completely destroyed! 】

[At this moment, Superman Clone suddenly made an incredible move! ] 】


[Bizaro let out a strong cryogenic breath, freezing the red superman’s body for a short time, and then he flew into the sky and grabbed the guide… bomb, and took it out of the atmosphere. 】


[With the earth-shattering explosion, Superman Clone used this heroic act to end his short life. ] 】

[Faced with Bizarro’s defeat, Lex Luthor also gave up everything, even divorced Louise, and decided to devote his life to the plan to defeat Superman. 】

[After thwarting this invasion of the beautiful country, Superman meets the red-haired girl he once had a crush on as a child at the funeral of the ruler. 】

【Country·· After the funeral, Superman, who is confused about the future, flies alone in the air. 】

[Suddenly. His super vision saw the red-haired girl in the crowd again. 】

[In order to attend this funeral, she spent all her savings. 】

[Now, she’s with her own children… Queue up for relief food. 】

[Looking at the long line, a sense of mission finally rose in Superman’s heart! ] 】

[These are people who need help!] 】

[If the country is ruled by him, Superman feels… I can help these people live and work in peace! 】

[Red Superman once again flew into the sky under the admiration of countless people, and his voice resounded in all directions and reached the ears of tens of millions of people. ] 】

[“Comrades! Tell your friends that they will never have to be afraid or hungry again. “】

“Superman is coming to save them!”] “】

[20 years later, under the rule of Superman, the Kingdom of Solstice has become incomparably powerful and prosperous. 】

[Now, almost the whole world has become an ally of the Winter Kingdom, and almost all countries have voluntarily handed over their rule to Red Superman. 】

[Even Diana of Paradise Island has thrown herself under Red Superman and is working with him to plant the Red Flag all over the world! ] 】

[Only the beautiful country and Chile remain.] 】

[These two countries are the last places in the world where ZBism is still practised, and… are on the verge of economic and social collapse! 】


“This… It’s not a joke. ”

“This red superman, is he going to rule the world?”

Seeing this, there was another exclamation in the live broadcast room!

Then, everyone turned their heads to look at Clark, who looked confused, and their eyes were full of strangeness.

How did you do it?

Could it be that this guy not only has great power, he is a genius ruler?

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