
Looking at the skull that fell to the ground on the screen and kept burning, Swallowing Sister turned around with some doubt, looked at the Evil Spirit Knight and asked:

“Don’t you often tell me that as long as you transform into this appearance, you will never die?”

“But this Deadpool, how did he kill you so easily?”


The flames above the Evil Spirit Knight’s head shook, and the skeleton showed an extremely strange expression on his face, but finally said helplessly:

“God knows, maybe that tights pervert… What multiverse god is blessed. ”

At this moment, the confusion in the heart of the Evil Spirit Knight is also difficult to describe in words.

After becoming a spirit of vengeance, no matter what kind of damage he encounters, as long as the hellfire burns, he can fully recover!

This is the elemental demon lord hiding in his body… The power of Zatannos!

If he is said to be burned to death by hellfire, it is like a fish drowned in water!

Not only unbelievable, it’s just ridiculous!


Hearing the words of the Evil Spirit Knight, Swallowing Mei snorted coldly.

Soon, she remembered another thing, that Guli eccentric Deadpool seemed to see the observer with his own eyes!

And observers, usually should hide between the gaps of the multiverse!

It is impossible for ordinary humans to see it!

Moreover, let a neuropathy suddenly gain the power to kill a multiverse-level observer!

Those who can do this kind of thing, I’m afraid… At least it is also an “eternal” level god!

Thinking of this, Swallowing Mei’s little face wrinkled.

What’s going on?

Could it be that this pervert in a red tights is really favored by “eternity”?

At this time, a new image also appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[The picture turned, and came to the tall buildings of Manhattan, New York.] 】

[Deadpool and Spider-Man are fighting fiercely in the air.] 】

[Apparently, after taking out a string of superheroes and supervillains, Deadpool has found this good neighbor of New York City… Spider-Man. 】

[“Ugh! “】

[Before, these two have also fought each other, but this time the situation is completely different! ] 】

[Deadpool’s knife will kill, leaving several deep bone wounds on the little spider’s body. ] 】

“I’ve dealt with more neuroses than you, Wade!”] “】

[Using his air superiority, Spider-Man seized the opportunity and threw Deadpool to the ground! ] 】

[“Snap! “】

[Deadpool fell from a high altitude, like a tomato, splashing a large amount of blood on the top of a car! ] 】

[Of course, Spider-Man also knows very well that this injury is not worth mentioning for Deadpool, who has the ability to heal himself. ] 】

[He swung directly to Deadpool’s side with spider silk and dragged Deadpool, who had just recovered from his injuries, up. ] 】

“Your self-healing factor is really useful, but those who die at your hands are not so lucky.”] “】

[Spider-Man’s voice is full of anger and puzzlement. 】

[He didn’t understand at all that although Deadpool was a mercenary who took money to do things before, and there was no lack of human life on his hands, he never killed innocents madly! ] 】

“Enough, Wade! Your trick is just stolen from me! “】

“So stop yelling to cut me to pieces, you can’t scare me!”] “】

[In the face of Spider-Man’s endless nagging, Deadpool didn’t talk nonsense with him, and directly took out a gun to resist Spider-Man’s head. ] 】

“You’re right, I won’t cut you again. “】

[Facing the muzzle of the black hole hole, Spider-Man actually did not dodge, it seems that he does not believe that Deadpool will really kill himself! ] 】

[But unfortunately, this time, the little spider guessed wrong…]

[“Bang! “】

[With a deafening gunshot, half of Spider-Man’s head was shattered by Deadpool’s large-caliber pistol.] 】

New York has since lost a good neighbor. 】

“My variant… Actually died? ”

In the live broadcast room, the extraordinary Spider-Man… Peter Parker was completely stunned.

Although, he knows that there is no Deadpool in his world.

But another Spider-Man blasted off his head, and the brain plasma cracked! It still shocked Peter so much that his heart almost froze, and his body was as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and even his hands and feet were cold!

“Peter, don’t go to your heart, it’s just an image.”

Reaching out and patting Peter’s shoulder to comfort him, Tony Stark glanced at the screen and said in a deep voice:

“First the X-Men, then the Fantastic Four, and now Spider-Man…”

“This universe may be the same as the 616 universe, a hybrid universe.”

“Hybrid universe?”

The sentry also asked with some curiosity at this time:

“You mean, characters from other universes will also appear here?”

“So… Will there be me? ”

Tony looked back at the sentry with some surprise.

Although this man is crazy, his brain does not seem to be stupid.

At this time, Little Wanda suddenly sneered:

“If this universe really has you, then… You might die at the hands of that Deadpool too! ”


The sentry reached out and scratched his head, not seeming to be very afraid.

“If this guy is really that powerful, then the next time I meet him, let’s kill him first…”

“I’ll go…”

Tony heard black lines appear on his forehead, and couldn’t help but glare at little Wanda accusingly.

Obviously knowing that this kid is not mentally normal, you still say such things!

If he went back to his own world… Really chasing and killing the waiter all over the street, what should I do?

At this time, a new image also appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After killing Spider-Man, Deadpool staggered into the alley and muttered in a low voice:]

“It’s fun, it’s incredible, then… Who to kill next? “】

[At this time, a cold voice seemed to sound in his head:]

“It doesn’t matter who it is, they all have to die anyway!”] “】


[Deadpool seems to be arguing with the voice in his head:]

“I’m tired of killing these little people. I want to kill more worthy targets, those that can shock the world! “】


[That grim voice laughed:]

“Now you don’t need to shock anyone at all, you already have me. “】

“You’ve been lurking deep inside me, haven’t you? “】

[Deadpool took off his red hood and put his crooked jaw back in place:]

[“The reason why I became so strange is because of you…”


Seeing this, there was a sudden silence in the live broadcast room, and everyone involuntarily turned their heads and glanced at the sentry, and the sentry himself did not seem to react.

“What the hell?”

Little Wanda suddenly stretched out her hand to cover her face and made a sound similar to a sigh:

“In the multiverse… Is it so rich in dual personality maniacs? ”

Bruce Wayne’s eyes narrowed, and he said slowly:

“It seems that it should be the spiritual attack of that spirit shocker… Accidentally activated Deadpool’s 2nd personality. ”

“What’s worse, this personality is still a serial killer!”

“Not only that.”

Tony Stark said playfully:

“After awakening this personality, Deadpool seems to have acquired some strange superpowers,”

“For example, he is able to see through reality and find the figure of the observer!”

“Even… You can also cut off the head of an observer with one sword! ”

“That’s an exaggeration.” Peter Parker listened incredulously.

“Can you become so powerful just by awakening the second personality? It’s just open! ”

At this time, the sentry suddenly nodded repeatedly:

“You’re right! That nothingness is much more powerful than me! “

“As long as I encounter a difficult enemy, I will hand it over to nothingness…”

Seeing the sentry’s eyes showing a trance, his expression looked like sleepwalking.

“When I wake up, whether it’s an enemy or something else… It’s all taken out of nothingness! “

“( ̄ mouth ̄)!!!”

Upon hearing this, everyone in the live broadcast room showed a hint of horror in their eyes. Even Superman Clark… He frowned without a trace.

If this man goes crazy, he may be more dangerous than Deadpool.

[Image continues.] 】

[The screen turns and comes to the Avengers Building. 】

[Captain Steve Rogers. Iron Man Tony Stark, Captain Marvel Carol Danvers, Wolverine, Hawkeye, Luke Cage and others all gathered here. 】

[It turns out that since killing the little spider, Deadpool has successively killed “Black Panther” T’Challa, “White Tiger” Angela Toro and “Iron Fist” Daniel Rand. ] 】

[Deadpool is so murderous that the Avengers can’t bear it! ] 】

[The radical Wolverine and Hawkeye and others directly decided to cut the grass and remove the roots, completely kill Deadpool, and make him unable to be resurrected! ] 】

[Just as this person was discussing how to deal with this matter, Iron Man’s butler Jarvis suddenly ran in in a panic. ] 】

“No, Dr. Hank Pym is gone. “】

“Moreover, all the Pym particles he stored have disappeared! “】

[At this time, with its wild sixth sense, Wolverine seemed to notice something, and his face suddenly changed:]

“So it is, I know who Deadpool’s next target is. “】

“That’s us! “】

[At this moment, tons of huge explosives suddenly appeared on the table surrounded by the Avengers! ] And Hank Pym’s body! 】

[These explosives even include a large number of guides… Play! 】

[It turned out that death had already killed Hank Pym, and he also used his Pym particles to shrink all the countless explosives collected to the extreme and hide them in the Avengers headquarters. ] 】

[This is what Deadpool is targeting the Avengers… The ultimate death trap! 】

[“Avengers! Hurry up and find cover. “】

[Captain America only had time to shout these words, and all the Avengers were engulfed in dazzling white light. ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[With an earth-shattering roar, the earth will shake! ] A mushroom cloud soars into the sky! 】

[The headquarters of the Avengers rose in an instant! ] Countless pieces were torn to pieces by the terrifying blast wave. 】

[“Hula la…”]

[After the loud noise caused by the explosion subsided, a huge deep pit appeared in the original location of the Avengers’ headquarters. 】

[The surrounding area of the pothole is scorched earth, full of devastation, thick smoke, and fire! ] 】

[In the ruins of a large area of wreckage, the mask of Iron Man, the shield of Captain America, the skeleton of Wolverine… Everywhere. 】

[As for Hawkeye, Jarvis and the others, there was nothing left, and they were completely blown up. ] 】

[“Hahaha… Fragments of men and women… It rained down from the sky! “】

[Holding Ant-Man Hank Pym’s helmet in his hand, Deadpool also came to this ruins at some point.] 】

He looked at the dead silence around him and let out a smug laugh. 】

Seeing this, the chat group also exploded instantly.

Wolverine: Bones? I was blown up to bones? (⊙_⊙)

Looking at the metal skeleton on the screen, Wolverine suddenly only felt a little bitter in his mouth.

He quickly guessed that the reason why his variant still had bones left was probably because he had been injected with Edman alloy!

In other words, if you change to the current him, you will be bombed like this… No matter what self-healing genes can’t work, I’m afraid it will disappear in an instant!

Carol Danvers: What kind of joke is this, I’m going to be blown up? (╯‵□)╯︵┻━┻

Searching all over the screen, Carol couldn’t find a trace of herself.

In the end, Captain Marvel finally had to admit that he who was dressed like a circus girl might already be a corpse.

At this moment, a wave of anger suddenly rushed straight to Captain Marvel’s brain!

At the same time, there is also a bone-crushing cultivation!

She’s the strongest superhero on earth!

What guide ·· Bombs, bombs… How could it hurt her?

Tony Stark: Don’t you even have time to put on your helmet? I’m also miserable about this…

Captain America: This Deadpool isn’t just a madman, he’s smart and knows how to make plans!

Deadpool: Whahahaha, of course, since it’s me, even if it’s really crazy, you’re a genius madman. O(∩_∩)O haha~

Tony Stark: You should thank… We don’t have the ability to travel through the universe right now! Otherwise……

Deadpool: Otherwise, are you going to come and kill me? Come on! I’ll wait. o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Carol Danvers: Something is wrong, there is absolutely something wrong with this universe!

Carol Danvers: Since it’s my variant, how could I die so easily!

Nick Fury: Captain Danvers, it’s hard to talk about that. In the previous zombie universe, didn’t your variant also become a zombie?

Carol Danvers: ……… (⊙_⊙)

Rocky Oddinson: Wait a minute, I didn’t see my silly brother’s body.

Thor: Of course, I’m a god, a bomb on earth, how can it hurt me!

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen,

[Image continues.] 】

[“You’re happy too early…”]

[With an angry voice, two people stood up from the ruins. 】

[One is Luke Cage, who has an almost indestructible skin, and the other is Thor, the God of Thunder!] 】

[A simple bomb is not enough to kill these two people. 】

[But Deadpool’s scheme has only just begun. 】

“Hehe, I have long expected that the explosion just now will not kill you. “】

[Looking at the angry black man in front of him, Deadpool laughed nonchalantly:]

“So, I used Pym particles to shrink a lot of bombs and put them in your coffee.” “】

“You… Did you drink those coffees? “】

【“!!! “】

[Luke Cage’s face changed drastically, but before he could do anything, a dull explosion sounded from his body. 】


[Although the skin is indestructible, Luke Cage’s internal organs are no different from ordinary people. 】

[I saw that this black man instantly fell to the ground and turned into a puddle of mud. ] 】

“Abominable sinners, I will avenge them! “】

[Seeing the Avengers being killed one by one by the madmen in front of him, Thor was furious! ] 】

“I will not only defeat you and kill you, but also completely erase your existence from this city. “】

[While shouting appalling slogans, Thor threw the Mjolnir in his hand! ] 】

[“Swoosh! “】

[In the nick of time, Deadpool dodged Mjolnir’s blow! ] 】

[But just as Mjolnir turned back and flew back into Thor’s hands, Deadpool struck. ] 】

“As a god, mortal weapons really have no effect on you. “】

“But… I have a question. “】

[“Which is harder, it’s your hammer… Or your body? “】

[Just as Deadpool was nagging, the Ant-Man helmet in his hand lit up with an ominous light. ] 】

[It’s a Pym particle!] 】

[Deadpool used the only remaining Pym particles on Thor’s Meow Hammer! ] 】

[In an instant, the meow hammer that flew towards Thor was immediately made a hundred times larger. ] 】

“What? “】

[Looking at Mjolnir that almost obscured the entire line of sight in front of him, Thor’s face immediately showed a look of horror and inexplicability. ] 】

[But just before he could react, the huge Thor Hammer suddenly crushed on him, the Thor God! ] 】

[“Aaaa “】

[Caught off guard, Thor, the god of thunder, was pressed below by a huge meow hammer, and the whole person was almost beaten into a meatloaf! ] 】

“This… That’s impossible! ”

In Asgard, Thor’s mouth was wide open, and he was in place with a thick shock, his eyes looked at the screen stupidly, and his face was confused, and he looked particularly distracted.

He couldn’t have dreamed that someone would use Mjolnir against him!

And…… And it worked!

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