【Image continues】

[Looking at the corpses all over the ground, Deadpool’s nervous laughter stopped.] 】

[At this time, that voice suddenly sounded in his head again. 】

“Are you satisfied? “】

[“Hmph, should I be satisfied? Deadpool asked coldly. 】

[That voice suddenly became high:]

[“Never satisfied! “】

[Faced with a sharp roar in his head, Deadpool said with some regret:]

“I’m sorry… Things got to this point, but I had to. “】

[Looking at the wreckage left by the Avengers not far away, Deadpool’s words were full of indomitable determination. ] 】

“They always thought I was crazy, but they didn’t know… Only I saw through the truth of this world. “】

[Deadpool’s tone suddenly became a little melancholy:]

“These Avengers… They never realized they were just a bunch of puppets. “】

[“Man made out by the Lord … Dance…… In love…… Death…… Resurrection…… And then die again. “】

“It’s just a performance for human pleasure, always under the manipulation and manipulation of others.”] “】

“Just like me. “】

[At this time, the voice in Deadpool’s head also became low:]

“You are out of pity… Just killed them. “】

“And, you just killed the greatest superhero on the planet, and from then on, everything should be for you… Easy as pie! “】

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Charles Xavier: It seems that this Deadpool is not a simple madman either, and his behavior may be bitter.

Magneto: Charles, your weakness is committed again! What kind of bitterness? If you have a bitter intention, you can kill innocents at will?

Charles Xavier: Eric, why do I find it a little strange to say something like this from your mouth?

Magneto: ……… Damn it! Charles, who are you? I never kill innocents!

Deadpool: yes, I think so too! Those who die under my knife must be guilty!

Deadpool: Or else… Why did the heavens want them to die under my sword? O(∩_∩)O haha~

Magneto: Damn maniac, I didn’t talk to you, get out of here!

Bruce Wayne: Without considering the possibility of schizophrenia, this Deadpool really seems to think… He was on a great mission, and by slaughtering those people, he was actually saving them.

Nick Fury: I’d rather believe… It was Satan who was crucified, and he would not have believed in this neurosis! Every word said by such a person is crazy talk!

Nick Fury: Let me tell you this, we used to have a special prison in S.H.I.E.L.D., which was used to hold this kind of… Conspiracy theory maniac with a foil hat on his head!

Tony Stark: Crazy or not, this universe on the screen… It’s kind of weird.

Tony Stark: Jarvis is not an AI, but my butler. Captain Marvel dressed like a Yan dancer, and was blown up by a bomb…

Carol Danvers: Tony Stark! If you don’t want me to come to Earth specifically to visit you, you’d better pay attention to what you say. o(▼皿▼メ;)o

Tony Stark: I’m just stating the facts.

Bruce Wayne: Judging from the previous images, this Deadpool only has the superpower of self-healing in addition to the combat skills of a mercenary.

Bruce Wayne: And this murderous maniac Deadpool, not only can see the trail of the observer, but also has an amazing strategic mind, and even successfully destroyed the entire Avengers!

Bruce Wayne: If you exclude his cold-blooded and crazy killings, purely from the perspective of a strategist, I admire him a little.

Tony Stark: Huh? What did you say? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Bruce Wayne: In your words, I’m just stating the facts.

Bruce Wayne: If I were in the same universe as this Deadpool, I would do everything I could to capture him and put him in the most rigorous prison in the world!

Loki Odinson: Mortal, can you do it?

Looking at the screen, looking at that murderous mad Deadpool… Using the Pym particle to cleverly let Thor kill himself! In addition to Loki’s shock, the feelings in his heart were also mixed.

He has always considered himself the number one liar in the Nine Realms, and he is also the person with the highest intelligence! But Loki never thought about it… Pym particles can still be used like this!

That crazy Deadpool is so smart!

Dr. Manhattan: This Wayne, I’m afraid it’s hard to arrest Deadpool.

Deadpool: Wow! Blue eagle! Sure enough, of all the multiverses, only you understand me best.

Bruce Wayne: Dr. Manhattan, what do you mean by that?

Looking at this blue eagle who had been diving and rarely spoke, but had the strongest strength in the group, Young Master Wayne’s heart suddenly tightened.

Such a big guy will probably not speak at will.

Dr. Manhattan: It’s hard to explain in your language, but in this universe on the screen, Deadpool may have become some kind of… Unique presence.

Dr. Manhattan: In the framework of the monolithic universe, what he wants to do will definitely succeed, and the people he wants to kill will also die.

Bruce Wayne: This… What is the logic of this? ( ̄ mouth ̄)!!!

Dr. Manhattan: It’s not logic, it’s anti-logical, but in that universe, that’s reality.

Wanda Maximov: Huh? (⊙_⊙)

Deadpool: Huh, haha… I don’t understand, but I’m just that good. ^_^

Just when everyone was confused, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After Deadpool razed the Avengers headquarters to the ground, there is only one person left of the Avengers, that is, the Hulk Hulk! ] 】

[In order to completely cut the grass and remove the roots, Deadpool also found this crazy big monster. ] 】

[“Roar! “】

[With a crazy roar, the Hulk grabbed Deadpool’s body and tore it in half alive.] 】

“You hurt Hulk’s friends, you killed Hulk’s enemies. “】

[The Hulk threw the corpse in his hand to the ground fiercely:]

[“Only the Hulk can kill Hulk’s enemies. “】

[Glancing at the already shattered Deadpool, the Hulk turned his head and left.] 】

[After killing Deadpool, the Hulk went straight to a cave, slept, and then changed back to Dr. Banner in his sleep. 】

“What? This…”

Seeing this scene, Bruce Banner in front of the screen suddenly felt an uncontrollable sense of horror rising in his heart, making him creepy and sweaty!

Just before, the invisible woman Susan also exploded Deadpool’s head like this, and then turned around.

As a result, in just a few seconds, Deadpool grew the exploded head back and killed Susan with one sword!

“You idiot, that’s a self-healing person! How could he die so easily! ”

Watching Dr. Banner sleep soundly in the cave, Bruce Banner was so anxious that his forehead sweated.

But…… It was really “afraid of what would come”, and soon, Deadpool also appeared in this cave.

“You really shouldn’t have torn me to pieces… Just go to sleep. “】

[Deadpool’s cold words instantly woke up Dr. Banner, but before his body could change, Deadpool immediately cut off Bruce Banner’s head with both hands and hands. 】

At this time, there was an uproar in the chat group again.

Sentinel: No way, how could this Hulk be so weak! So simple to be killed!

Loki Odinson: Stupid to the extreme, actually sleeping while returning to human form, is this an initiative to send the head up to cut people?

Bruce Banner: ……… I really don’t have much to say. (⊙_⊙)

John Constantine: That’s what Manhattan just said… Anti-logical?

Bruce Wayne: What Deadpool wants to do will succeed, and the person he wants to kill will definitely expose his greatest weakness to his knife.

Bruce Wayne: It looks like… There is a hand of God manipulating!

Tony Stark: God’s Hand… That’s right!

Tony Stark: After destroying the Avengers, Deadpool once said that those who died under him were all puppets!

Their life, old age, sickness and death, and even their joy, anger and sorrow are all under the manipulation of others!

Bruce Wayne: You mean, that invisible hand… Also took control of the death of the Avengers?

Tony Stark: Exactly!

Divine Kesha: All kinds of invisible and shadowless control powers, just like void creatures from high dimensions.

Divine Kesha: In the eyes of high-dimensional creatures, low-dimensional beings are like characters in books, and they can be modified, even deleted, or resurrected at will!

Tony Stark: That’s right! That’s it, Deadpool definitely means that!

Tony Stark: He recognized… Those superheroes, including himself, are under the control of some kind of high-dimensional existence, which is why he wants to destroy everything!

Thanos Thanos: Huh… Can’t accept the fate of being manipulated? This crazy guy still has his own arrogance.

Bruce Wayne: But there’s a problem! If the purpose of Deadpool… He wanted to rebel against those high-dimensional beings, so why was his action so successful?

Bruce Wayne: In other words… Why did those high-ranking beings take the initiative to cooperate with him?

Tony Stark: That’s probably the only way you have to ask that Manhattan.

At this moment, a new image also appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[The relatives and friends of the superheroes killed by Deadpool gathered, led by Aunt May of the little spider, they took out all the gold and silver jewelry they could and invited a famous killer to kill Deadpool.] 】

[This killer is the master of imitation. 】

[At the same time, Deadpool’s killing did not stop, Venom, and even the Green Goblin Norman Osborne, were all beheaded by him! ] 】

[Immediately after, he tied Charles Xavier, the leader of the X-Men, to an abandoned factory.] 】

[In the face of Charles’s persuasion, Deadpool was unmoved, and plunged a knife into Professor X’s leg, forcing him to use telepathy to lure other X-Men to this factory. ] 】

[This place has long been transformed into a huge labyrinth by Deadpool. 】

[“Ahhh! “】

[The laser eye accidentally wrapped his head in a huge red gel. ] 】

[Under the threat of lack of oxygen, Laser Eye couldn’t help but use his own laser light, wanting to shoot through this gel. ] 】

[But he didn’t expect that this was a trap from the beginning! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[After touching the laser light, this red gel exploded instantly! ] 】

[Not only killed the laser eye, but also blew up the White Queen Emma Forster, Cannon Sam and others around him! ] 】

[At the same time, the steel Lux, the little naughty and the king of cards on the other side have also encountered traps! ] 】

[“Aaaa “】

[Under the strong high-voltage current bombardment, the three people were instantly electrocuted into coke, and even the steel and iron bones of Steel Lux did not survive. ] 】

[In fact, there are far more mutants killed by Deadpool’s trap. 】

[Magneto is also trapped somewhere in this factory, wrapped in a huge acid gel, and has long been corroded into a dry corpse. 】

[“Phantom Cat” Katie is trapped in a mirrored four-dimensional cube, can never escape, and will eventually be exhausted and die alive inside. ] 】

[“Hahaha! “】

[Looking at Charles, who was in pain, Deadpool laughed proudly. 】

“Everyone thinks I’m mentally retarded, but I’m actually the only one in the world who can see the truth. “】

[It turns out that Deadpool has long seen through this world. 】

[All along, he has been acting so crazy, playing the world, just because… His subconscious tells him that everything around him is illusory! 】

“Speaking of which… I also want to thank you for sending me to that mental hospital! “】

[“Thanks to the Spirit Shocker who messed up my brain, I was completely sobered up! “】

[“Enough! “】

[Looking at his students and best friends, dying one by one, Professor Charles finally couldn’t bear it. 】

[He doesn’t think Deadpool sees the truth at all, he just thinks this man is completely crazy! ] 】

[In the face of this murderous devil, Charles, who has always been the Virgin, also decided to abandon his principles and bottom line and use his psychic ability to completely stop Deadpool! ] 】

[An angry Charles enters Deadpool’s brain and wants to stop his brain from working.] 】

[But at this moment, he also saw what Deadpool saw…]

[The ultimate truth of this world. 】

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