This plan of Kong Ming and others can only be regarded as a trivial matter. After being quickly finalized, it was temporarily put aside.

After all, Wei Huo's life is quite clear to them. Nowadays, the price of paper is getting lower and lower, so the cost of writing this novel is not high.

The only problem is where to find a good storyteller.

After all, when it comes to being knowledgeable and knowledgeable, Kong Ming and Pang Tong did their part, and Zhang Song and Liu Ba could also be a little more modest.

But when it comes to how to tell a story in a compelling way, they are indeed not as good as professional actors.

In addition, Pang Tong is still very interested:

"Kong Ming, you really don't know how to teach?"

Kong Ming glanced at Pang Tongyi, with doubts about his IQ written all over his face:

"If Liang Ruo knows the art of ghosts and gods, he can just kill the thief Cao with a lightning strike. Why bother working here?"

"Moreover, can the art of ghosts and gods compare to the scientific methods of later generations?"

This is the only thing Kong Ming is interested in now.

In his opinion, this kind of theory is much more reliable than borrowing the east wind or borrowing one's fate from the star.

Liu Bei also laughed and said:

"Taoist magic cannot borrow the east wind."

"Scientific methods can actually create the east wind."

They could not forget the power of Dongfeng Express.

Everyone was a little silent for a while. Comparatively speaking, they were still confident that it would take two or three generations to catch up in this prosperous Tang Dynasty.

But the difference with that later generation is really incomprehensible.

Kong Ming clapped his hands and said calmly:

"Famous generals can speed up the process of history."

"Why can't we do it?"

Pang Tong's mind came alive, and he understood almost instantly.

It is not necessarily necessary to catch up with the prosperous Tang Dynasty, it only needs to be stronger than the Jin Dynasty after the world is unified.

And this shouldn't be too simple, after all, Sima Yi holds it in his hand now.

But... he shook his head slightly with regret. Regardless of his master's permission, Pang Tong himself would not kill him suddenly.

Punishing without committing a crime or punishing without teaching is not the way of a great man.

[From the Sui Dynasty, the mayor of Mayi County, to the Tang Dynasty, Wei Guogong, who lived and died in glory and sorrow.

From the great nephew of the famous general Han Qinhu, to the peerless general with more skill than Wei Huo.

From the respectful man Wei Guogong, who destroyed his country in battles, to the today's King Tuota Li who is still popular.

This late-blooming genius general and Li Shimin got along well with each other.

Together they created the foundation of the prosperous age and the spirit of martial arts in the early Tang Dynasty.

After two dynasties, he achieved great fame and glory in the annals of history, and achieved great success in the art of war.

It is no exaggeration to say that Li Jing was the most perfect person in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

"A soldier has three forces, one is momentum, the other is terrain, and the third is situation."

This was proposed by Li Jing himself as an improvement and supplement to "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu.

"Those who make good use of soldiers are always correct and always surprising, making the enemy unpredictable. Therefore, correctness will win, and surprise will also win."

This is also the analysis of ancient military philosophy proposed by Li Jing.

Combined with Sun Wu and Wu Qi's military thinking, cavalry was used as the absolute main force of the Tang army, so that it could use its mobility to fight blitzes in small spaces and blitzes in large spaces.

This is the law of military use refined and summarized by Li Jing. Its influence has been throughout the Tang Dynasty, and it is still one of the models for us to examine ancient war tactics.

This old man is very good at attacking:

The cone formation created by Sun Bin was highly praised by Li Jing and became the basic offensive formation of the Tang Army. The forward was sharp and fast, and the wings were strong and powerful. It could quickly break through the enemy's formation and tear apart the formation. It was the strongest and most commonly used fighting method of the Tang Army.

This old man is also very good at defense:

The method of successive resistance and mutual cover for defeating the army was also proposed by Li Jing, but he did not use it in his career.

This old man is also very good at attacking difficulties:

Li Jing proposed that when facing a strong enemy, a vertical formation should be used, that is, crossbowmen, archers and vanguards are arranged vertically in alternating positions. The vertical formation is less likely to collapse and easier to command than the horizontal formation.

At the end of the 18th century, Napoleon led the French artillery troops to use this method to sweep across Europe, and named it column tactics.

In short, regardless of these posthumous names, Li Jing can be regarded as a monument in the history of ancient warfare in terms of his military attainments alone.

And looking back at this old man’s life again:

Being saved by the Ming Lord on the verge of death is an opportunity;

In troubled times, we can show what we have learned, this is the time;

The emperor has no suspicion and is willing to delegate power. This is the environment;

In the end, he became famous and lived for eighty years before suddenly passing away. It can be said that he had nothing else to pursue.

Some people say that since ancient times, famous generals are like beautiful women, and they are not allowed to grow old in the world.

Li Jing said, a late bloomer will make a glorious history, and will he have no regrets in life?

So our issue ends here.

Preview for the next issue: Conquer the Three Kingdoms, capture three kings, and fight thousands of miles before becoming a famous general of the Tang Dynasty! 】

〖After reading it, I still remember that he is Nezha’s father.

To be honest, in the early Tang Dynasty, Li Jing was full of martial virtue, which was equivalent to taking the first place among a bunch of top students.

Is it Li Jing or Li Shimin who is ranked first? There are two opinions. The main reason is that after becoming emperor, Erfeng could only step down and rule the world, and could only watch others with tears in their eyes.

Li Er was probably not the one who suffered the most in the romances of the Sui and Tang Dynasties. In the romances, Li Er was like Athena, either being rescued or on the way to being rescued.

There is no way, the system is weakened like this, otherwise there is no way to tell the story. I will win with various tricks all my life, and forcefully cheat on the few times I lose.

It’s so interesting to see it this way. Li Er in history uses various postures to win; Li Er in the novel uses various postures to be rescued; Li Er in the baseball drama uses various postures to be shot blind and surrender.

Not only that, shooting blind people and surrendering are already in the old history. In the past two years, Goguryeo invaded Chang'an, made Li Er kneel down and surrendered, and ceded the land north of the Yangtze River.

ah? When I woke up, I became a survivor of the Bang Kingdom.

To be strict, Goguryeo is not a great country. Goguryeo has always been a separatist force within China.

But Li Jing is really outrageous. The Immortal Kingdom that started with him dare not call him a famous general...

At this time, Wang Xuance slowly raised a golden question mark.

Let me say this for Wang Xuance: Historian of the Tang Dynasty, I killed you! You didn’t even write down my birth and death dates for me! 〗

"No regrets in life?"

Li Jing silently read this evaluation from future generations.

Seriously speaking, of course there are regrets. For example, the eldest son Dejian was involved in rebellion and was exiled to Wu County.

But compared to other famous generals, this little twist is really nothing.

In the end, he also said:

"Fortunately, His Majesty is lenient."

At this moment, Li Jing remembered the time when he wanted to report on the Supreme Emperor, but was caught on the execution ground.

Did the Supreme Emperor feel compassion because of his dying words, or did he let go because of His Majesty's plea for mercy at that time?

Li Jing didn't know it, but he was His Majesty's minister from then on.

Now that I know what happened after his death, fortunately, he seems to be doing well in the battle.

Li Shimin waved his hands and looked unconcerned.

Isn't lenience the most basic requirement of an emperor through the ages?

Li Shimin didn't care about Li Jing's military ideas listed in later generations.

Aren't these all very simple truths?

What Li Shimin cared about was the casual words in the light curtain. He immediately looked at Fang Xuanling:

"This is the name of Europe. Light Curtain seems to have mentioned it before?"

Fang Xuanling finished recording the last sentence on the light screen, then flipped forward based on his approximate memory, and found it quickly.

Then he explained to Li Shimin with reference to the map:

"We should be in Asia. If we go out of the Western Region, we will be in Central Asia. If we continue to the west, it will be called the Middle East in future generations."

"Further west from this Middle East is Europe."

Li Shimin nodded, with a look of leisurely fascination on his face for a moment.

Then his eyes glanced at the words on the light screen, and he felt a little broken again.

"I, kneel down and surrender? Cut off the land north of the river?"

For a moment, curse words welled up in my throat, but in the end I saw that the words spoken by the younger generation about Goguryeo were the separatist forces in China.

For a moment, Li Shimin felt that the people of this country were very pitiful:

"It refers to a powerful enemy who recognizes his ancestors, brazenly changes history, and deceives his ears to this extent. I think it will be rare even in future generations."

For a moment, Li Shimin even had thoughts:

Otherwise, we can unite with Goguryeo and destroy Silla and Baekje first...

But he immediately gave up the idea.

Food must be eaten one bite at a time, and battles must be fought one battle at a time.

The top priority is to restore the connection with the Western Regions. As for the land of Korea, even if it is temporarily put aside for a year or two, there will be no major chaos.

And the problems in the Western Regions are even more complicated.

When there was no light curtain before, Li Shimin's basic plan was to destroy the Turks first, and then slowly start to conquer Hexi to restore the Han Dynasty's homeland.

But now that I was reminded by the light screen, I realized that there was a powerful Tubo beside me.

Then Tuyuhun seems to have a lot more value.

Li Shimin felt that he had to discuss with Li Jing how to maximize the benefits.

As I said in the last video, my writing always gets longer and longer without realizing it. Try to control the length and make it concise and brisk.

In addition, regarding the myths and legends derived from the Sui and Tang Dynasties, these are the only ones. What follows are just a few scattered sentences, so don’t worry.

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