The people are like water and the king is like a boat, but in Li Shimin's own opinion, it can also be said another way:

The giant Tang Dynasty is like a boat, and the people of Tang Dynasty are like tides.

And he was just a man standing on the top of this giant ship, trying his best to look around.

The historical annals of the previous dynasties were the maps in his hands. From the explorations and records left by his ancestors, Li Shimin knew the prosperity of Hexi, the benefits of the Western Regions, the vastness of Liaodong and the vastness of the East China Sea.

These simple records provided direction for the Tang Dynasty, but they also formed a bamboo tube, allowing him to view the outside world of the Tang Dynasty like a tube.

And Tubo was the fish that slipped through the net.

Later generations Nawen Mang said that Tubo "rose and died together with the Tang Dynasty", and they fought and fought for two hundred years.

Judging from the map, the terrain of Tubo is covered with mountains to the west and south, so it is natural to invade Hexi in the east and the Western Region in the north.

Analyzing the topography of these two places, Li Shimin will not surrender to others, and Tubo will never quench its ambitions, so... the only option is war!

This junior Wen Mang said that he, Li Shimin, sent key technology to Tubo by marrying the princess.

Li Shimin and Fang Du studied it and felt that the casual remarks of later generations may not be entirely correct.

After all, whether it is the Turks in the north or Goguryeo in Liaodong, it is definitely much easier for such small countries to learn the "production technology materials" of the Tang Dynasty than that of Tubo. Why can't such small neighboring countries rise and die together with the Tang Dynasty?

In-depth understanding of the specific information about Tubo and why it is so powerful is also part of the temple's calculations.

Therefore, since the beginning of last year, the Qianniu Guards, on Li Shimin's orders, has sent several teams of spies to Lingnan Road and Longyou to collect intelligence.

Monk Hu, a merchant merchant in Chang'an City, also became the target of intelligence collection. From the noble disciples of Baiqisi to the eagle and dog boys of the Ministry of Justice, they took turns taking action, and the compiled intelligence was continuously sent to Li Shimin.

And because the hawks of the Ministry of Justice were too active, people in Chang'an already called it the "Six Gates", and Li Shimin laughed it off.

Li Shimin slowly fell into deep thought on the side, while the Zhenguan ministers on the other side were heckled at Li Jing.

"This future generation loves the old general so much that it would be unjustifiable if he didn't write an inscription on it.

Li Jing couldn't resist, so he had to get up on the spot, ask Yan Liben to borrow the bookcase, inscribe a calligraphy on the spot, and send it over.

However, Li Jing's only worry was that the single letter might look a little shabby. Now that he was about to give it away, he naturally didn't have time to frame it.

"There is another thing here. We took it from the inner treasury yesterday. It is a tribute from Lingnan Road."

Du Ruhui said and took out a box.

Li Jing naturally had no objection, and immediately wrapped the copybook in silk cloth and sent the two items together.

The Chengdu government office has also completed the process.

At this time, Zhang Fei was holding a copy of the art of war and asking for advice from two military advisors:

"Li Weigong said that the army has three forces. How should we explain it?"

Kong Ming and Pang Tong looked at each other and laughed together.

Kong Ming stopped his smile first, shook his head and said:

"Yide, Yide, you must remember that soldiers are unpredictable."

"Just like Li Weigong's explanation of Zhengqi, if you can win rightly, you will win rightly, and if you can win strangely, you will win strangely."

"Zhengqi and the Three Powers all come from the heart, and all means are used to win."

Pang Tong kindly reminded:

"Yide played very well in Hanzhong, and he should take the lead."

"The words of such military strategists should be understood based on combat examples and must not be copied blindly."

When it comes to commanding troops and commanding before battle, now Kong Ming and Pang Tong are not as good as Zhang Fei when they are tied together.

But in order to understand the military strategist's words, the two of them could see it very clearly, so they were worried that Zhang Fei would get them involved.

Zhang Fei understood this very well, so he repeatedly assured the two military advisors.

After all, for the people of the Han Dynasty, whenever they talk about the art of war, they translate it forward, Wei Huo, and then translate it, Huaiyin Marquis and Gaozu, and then translate it, Zhao Kuo.

Seeing Zhang Fei holding the copied content and running to whisper to Zhao Yun, Kong Ming was filled with relief.

Since Li Jing is about to go into battle at the age of seventy, the three generals Yun Changyide and Zilong may not be unable to do so.

At this time, the light curtain slowly unfolded in mid-air again, and everyone in the Chengdu government office was refreshed, here they come!

[Hi, hi, hi, today’s gift from the boss is also quite thoughtful.

The owner of UP tried two cans of cane sugar and it was quite sweet. I happened to have the materials where I live, so I started making a sugar painting and candied haws. Let's make do with it.

I like the copybook very much, and the metal mirror wrapped in the same package feels like a bronze mirror, but why is it white? 】

Everyone's eyes moved down, and the first thing they saw was two small cans of cane sugar, which were given by Liu Ba.

The reason is also very simple. If you take someone else's recipe and make a finished product, it's natural to give back.

The second picture is a sugar painting that is too ugly to look at. It can be vaguely seen as a fist with a thumbs up.

The third picture shows several red fruits, which have been wrapped in sucrose. They seem to be... quite appetizing?

"This should be the fruit (pronounced Tongqiu)?" Zhao Yun recognized the thing immediately.

This thing can be seen and eaten in the mountains, but it is so acidic that it is so unpleasant that not many people pick it.

The sugar factory is now located in the south of Chengdu, and everyone has visited it, so the younger generations can understand this approach at a glance.

Keeping this in mind, everyone's eyes continued to move back, and they knew in their hearts that the rest was probably given by Emperor Tang.

The fourth picture is a calligraphy, the handwriting is straight but there is little fireworks.

"The victorious soldier wins first and then seeks battle; the defeated soldier fights first and then seeks victory."

The signature is simple: Yongzhou Sanyuan, Li Jing.

Zhang Fei, who loves to join in the fun, was a little disappointed:

"I thought I had to write a tota, King Li, no matter what..."

The last picture was a white mirror, which made Kong Ming hesitate to confirm for a while:

"It seems like a silver mirror, but..."

Kong Ming decided to wait and see what later generations would say.

[Up master, that’s enough. Sugar paintings are our intangible cultural heritage, but in your hands, I think the four words cultural heritage can be used. Intangible is just the right word.

Candied haws on sugar-coated haws is still okay, after all, it’s not that difficult to make, but I remember that this thing seems to be able to slow down high blood pressure. Cao Cao didn’t tell people named Cao to eat more of this?

Alas, our modern hawthorns are also selected and cultivated. Ancient hawthorns were not sour. Before the Song Dynasty developed the method of eating candied haws, almost no one cared about it. That is to say, it was only because of the candied haws that some people ate it that some people studied it. Hey, this thing It can also be used as medicine.

Although I don't know calligraphy, I still have to comment that the calligraphy is good.

Although I don’t understand crafts, I still have to comment that the silver mirror is good.

I really don’t understand. Silver mirrors don’t look like this. Judging from the color, it’s more likely to be a bronze mirror.

Isn't the bronze mirror yellow? Why are there still white ones? Moreover, the distressed ones should be green. How can this be the case?

I remembered what someone said above. Isn't this copper-nickel? The copper-nickel binary alloy originated in Yunnan is an important original achievement of our ancestors in the history of metallurgy.

In this way, it should be this thing. After all, the contact boss likes counterfeiting. This thing was a priceless treasure in the Tang Dynasty. Only officials above the first rank can use it. The auspicious beast grape pattern on this mirror was also the most commonly used in the early Tang Dynasty.

I went to check and found out that this thing was produced in Yunnan and Sichuan. In the 17th century, the copper-nickel-zinc ternary alloy exported to Europe became very popular and was called Chinese silver. Later, in the 19th century, the United Kingdom and Sweden successfully imitated and mass-produced it, which completely destroyed China. squeezed out of the market.

Nonsense, large-scale assembly line production is no better than a small workshop.

Then I still remember when I was in school, I learned that nickel is the most abundant metal in Gansu, and Gansu is rich in copper mines. Why did Yunnan explore this thing instead?

Less war and chaos... Moreover, Gansu is not only rich in copper, coal, molybdenum, lithium, gold, zinc, aluminum, etc., it is a real industrial mining city, but the war here has never stopped, so it cannot be developed.

The war in the entire Hexi Corridor has not stopped. The simplest example is that the green salt produced in the salt lake near Qinghai Lake is much better than the bitter salt produced by the brine method. However, during the Tang Dynasty, it was located on the front line of the war with Tubo and was not developed. Yuan Kan If not, the Song Dynasty had too much time to take care of it, and the Ming Dynasty couldn't take care of it. It was not officially developed until the Qing Dynasty.

We modern people are very aware of how good the fruits, cattle, sheep, and cotton in the Western Regions are, so the country must be strong. 】

"Binary alloy..."

Kong Ming muttered this term thoughtfully.

As a knowledgeable and knowledgeable person, Kong Ming clearly remembers that this was also the first time Light Curtain officially mentioned alloys.

I once joked that the circle in the late Tang Dynasty was as strong as titanium alloy. I didn't understand what I meant at the time, but now I seem to understand a little bit.

Mixing various types of gold and iron can produce metals with better effects?

But... Kong Ming also knew the difficulty: the quality of the coal.

Although there is no way to quantify the temperature as in later generations, the temperature in the furnace can be roughly judged based on the length of time it takes to melt equal weight iron blocks into molten iron.

Nowadays, blacksmith workshops in Chengdu and Public Security Bureau can push the temperature of the furnace very high by relying on exhaust air, small blast furnaces, coal and other materials.

But the problem now is that the same iron ore, the same furnace and exhaust, and the iron produced from different qualities of coal are also of completely different quality.

Smokeless charcoal can be used to forge weapons such as the Yanyue Sword that Yun Chang can't put down.

The swords made from the smoky charcoal can break even if they are struck by a stone. The difference is too great.

Now Kong Ming has come up with another idea. Since bad iron is made from bad carbon, why not just mix it with other metal ores, or mix it with some messy things? Wouldn't it be possible to save some of it?

As for turning the smokey charcoal into smokeless charcoal...the craftsmen and Kong Ming have nothing to do for the time being.

However, there are not many people in Chengdu government offices who think like Kong Ming.

Liu Ba was wondering whether this white copper could also be used to make currency? But can it get its money back?

Pang Tong was imagining that this Hexi area was indeed a treasure, and he must take it for his lord and for the great man!

Zhang Fei’s idea is more simple and straightforward:

"Zilong, those hawthorn fruits... no, where are those hawthorns? Quickly take me to find some."

"I still have some remaining cane sugar, so I can make you those candied haws of sugar!"

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