Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 994: King of Chu

Beside Santu Mountain, the phoenix flag is flying, the Chu song is heroic, 50,000 Chu troops are camped here, and a thousand chariots are lined up in a mighty array. -``````-`

The King of Chu, Xiongzhen, was in his thirties. His face was a little too red in his youth. He had two arrowheads on his lips and a short beard under his chin. He wore a gorgeous Chu-style cap and a red rhino fur coat. The dragon and phoenix patterns on the cloak are flying together, and the long sword "Zhan Lu" is placed on the waist. He stroked the precious scabbard of the saber, stood on the heavy chariot, glanced at the towering Santu Mountain, and suddenly said to Young Master Ye next to him:

"During the Northern Expedition, King Zhuang asked King Zhou about the size and importance of the cauldron. He once visited this place. Before you know it, more than a hundred years have passed. It's been a long time since the last time the Chu army went north and passed by Santu, and the troops landed in Jin, right?"

Young Master Ye, who was the same age as the King of Chu, said humbly, "It was fifty-two years ago, when King Ling was still Ling Yin, he once led an army to pass by and went to Guodi to meet with Zhao Wenzi..."

"Ye Gong still remembers it clearly." The King of Chu suddenly burst into anger and laughed loudly: "And today, the widow also follows the road that my uncle walked, and came to the land of Yiluo to hunt with the great-grandson of Zhao Wenzi... "

The left and right sons of Chu State, Qi, Mo Ao, left and right Sima, and others all echoed: "It is the king who reinvigorated the prestige of the state of Chu. Now that the state of Chu is strong, it is possible to go north to the Central Plains again."

"Is that so?" The King of Chu glanced at them playfully, and then said humbly: "At the beginning of the widow's ascension to the throne, the state of Chu almost perished. Today, the state of Chu is just licking its wounds and dare not forget its peril, and most of it is the order of the emperor. Only when Yin and Sima are in charge of state affairs can everything be on the right track, but few people do."

He said frankly: "The widow does not have the great ambition of King Zhuang's ambition to restore the territory and national strength of the King Ping Dynasty. I am very satisfied. This northern expedition is just to repay my kindness, that's all..."

All the sons obeyed their promises, but Ye Gongzi Gao looked back slantingly. In addition to Ye Gong's Wan, Ye Zhishi, and Chu King's own Zuo Guang, there were also Si Hong, one of the seven Mus of Zheng, and Wei's troops. The elder Wei Shu, Chen Heng of the Chen family of Qi State. □○◇Tomato Novel Network-`---`-``--``In the past few months, these people have been lobbying in Chu State one after another, trying to persuade the King of Chu to join the Four Kingdoms Lianheng and fight against the Zhao family together.

However, there is no direct conflict between the state of Chu and the Zhao clan, and the state of Wu is still eyeing the Chen and Cai areas, so the King of Chu, Lingyin and Sima are naturally unwilling to fight against the powerful Zhao clan. The skinny camels were bigger than horses. Although Chu's overall national strength was stronger than Zhao Wuxi's Jin territory, it would not be a problem if they were forced to assemble a hundred thousand troops to go abroad to fight. Little interest.

Until the end of February, seeing that the Zhao family began to detour around Hewai, and the Qin-Wei coalition in Hedong made no progress, Chen Heng, the initiator of Lianheng, felt that something was wrong, so he brought a son of Qin to Chu to persuade again. Chu State sent troops. As soon as they arrived at Yuandu on their front feet, they learned from their hind feet that Robber Zhi had defeated Zheng Jun and massacred 5,000 Zheng soldiers, and there were also Zhao cavalry raiding on the west side of Hexi.

"Hedong is in danger!"

Chen Heng was suddenly shocked, thinking that with Zhao Wuxi's past behavior, the Qin and Wei forces would be difficult to evacuate from Hedong, and if the western front was defeated, how could Qi State on the eastern front be unable to support it alone? So he encouraged the Duke of Qin to cry bitterly in front of the palace of the King of Chu, saying, "The State of Chu is about to perish, and the State of Qin will save it; if the State of Qin is in danger, can Chu sit and watch?" Only then did the King of Chu change his attitude. Tomato Novel Network☆-``-`

Although Duke Ye was not in Yuandu, he knew that the Duke of Qin, who was crying outside the palace of the King of Chu, reminded the King of Chu of some past events...


It was more than ten years ago, after the Battle of Bai Ju, Yingdu fell. The King of Chu didn't even care about his Qin mother, so he hurriedly took his sister Ji Mi and his entourage out to escape. Along the way, he was displaced in Yunmengze, Yuncheng, Suiguo and other places. He almost lost his life several times in danger, or was betrayed and killed by those who hated him. At the most dangerous time, Wu Jun was only separated from him by a wall.

The monarch was so miserable, and the state of Chu was also precarious, and was almost destroyed by the state of Wu.

At this time of crisis, Shen Baoxu, a doctor from the State of Chu, went to the State of Qin to ask for help, and said to Duke Ai of Qin: "The ambition of the State of Wu is like an insatiable long snake, to swallow up the lords one by one, the State of Chu will be destroyed, and there will be no peace in the borders of the State of Qin. Uncle Qin and Chu are relatives by marriage, and the King of Chu is the son and nephew of Jun, so why don't you send troops to rescue Chu? If Qin can help Chu, Chu will never forget Qin's kindness from generation to generation!"

Considering that Qin's national strength is not very strong, and there is a strong neighbor Jin on his side, Duke Ai of Qin was unmoved at first, and said that he would discuss with the concubines. Shen Baoxu refused to retire or eat. He cried outside the Qin court for 7 days and 7 nights. Duke Ai of Qin took pity on him, and Zipu Jin said that even if the state of Chu was destroyed and the state of Qin sent troops, at least Allotted to some of the land and people of Chu State. So Duke Ai of Qin finally agreed, wrote the poem "No Clothes", and sent five hundred troops to aid Chu.

And the people who led this Qin army were precisely the eldest son of the Qin State, Pu, and the eldest son of the Zuo Shu, Hu. Tomato Novel◇△Web---````-``

Qin Shi 500 rides out of Wuguan, crosses Shenxian County, traverses inside and outside Fangcheng, defeats the husband in Yiyi, and also destroys the state of Tang, which is a tiger. King Helu of Wu saw that the general situation in front was gone, and there was another harassment from Yue State in the rear, so the whole army withdrew to Wu State.

Without Shen Baoxu crying in Qin court, Qin State would not be able to send troops. Without Qin State's help, it would be very difficult for Chu State to expel the Wu people as soon as possible.

After the King of Chu returned to the kingdom, he wanted to reward Shen Baoxu with 5,000 households, and wanted him to be a high-ranking official such as Ling Yin and Sima, but Shen Baoxu did not think his actions were anything special. Moreover, his old friend Wu Zixu wanted to take revenge for the death of Chu, but Shen Baoxu "did not reveal Zixu's plan", thinking that he was just paying off the crime with merit, so he refused the reward, fled from Yingdu, and went to seclusion with his wife and children to the south of the Yangtze River. .

The king of Chu was unable to ask for it, so he could only use a flag to commend Lilu of the Shen family and called it "the door of loyal ministers".

Before Shen Baoxu left, he only left a letter to the King of Chu. Part of the content above was the promise he made to the monarchs and ministers of the Qin State when he was in the Qin court.

"A man's promise is to be believed in his words and fulfilled in his deeds. How can a widow have a country of five thousand vehicles to break his promise?"

Therefore, Xiong Zhen, the king of Chu, who has always been famous for his gift of gratitude, disregarded Yin Zixi and Sima Ziqi's dissuasion, and went out of the palace to help Qin's son up, and wrote a poem "Papaya" to him, "Put me papaya, and repay it with Qiongju. . Bandits also, always think it's good!" It means how could he forget Qin's kindness? Then he made the decision to send troops to help Qin.

After he led the 30,000-strong army of Zuo Guang to Wan and Ye to join with Ye Gong, he confided his difficulties to Zi Gao. Tomato Novel Network ``-``-`

"The widow is the grandson of the Qin people, and the Qin state is kind to the state of Chu, and the kindness should not be forgotten. Otherwise, everyone in the world will feel that the state of Chu is untrustworthy. How can we stand on the world again? How can we start to revive the state of Chu?"

The actions of the King of Chu even made Confucius who was still living in Yedi full of praise, thinking that it was an act of benevolence. In his eyes, the King of Chu became the best monarch in the world.

"The country of a thousand rides is respectful and trustworthy, and the king of Chu keeps his promises and raises his troops, which can be said to be trustworthy." He even forgot to investigate the matter of the Chu State's arrogance of the king's name.

However, the purpose of the King of Chu was not as simple as Confucius thought. He negotiated with Duke Ye and said, "The Zhao family has the intention to annex the Central Plains. The land will also be harassed by them, and instead of establishing a strong neighbor, it is better to support Qin and Zheng, so as to avoid the loss of the main force of the two countries."

Moreover, the King of Chu was not stupid. He did not want to fight Zhao Jun in an unfamiliar area. He only planned to invade the river and defeat the Robber Zhi army, so that the Qin and Wei forces could retreat smoothly from here and preserve some strength. At that time, when the State of Chu came forward to negotiate with the Zhao clan again, and asked Qin and Zheng to pay some price to reach a peace with the Zhao clan, everyone would be happy. In this way, the state of Chu could keep Qin Zheng alive without much effort.

As for the life and death of the Wei family, whether Hedong can keep it or not, the King of Chu has no idea at all.

However, when the 50,000 army of Chu State bypassed Sandu Mountain, what awaited them was Lu Hun City, which had a dangerous road.

The base of this city is high, like it appears in the clouds and mist, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and more than 2,000 people are stationed in the city. Robber Zhi was bought by the descendants of the local Rong people. Although the number of Chu troops was large, it was still difficult to gnaw this hard bone and quickly enter the land beyond the river.

The forwards who arrived first have already tested the city, and they also informed the King of Chu: "Lu Hun's general of Zhao Jun is Wang Sunsheng..."


"Wang Sunsheng? Is it the grandson of Chu?" The king of Chu searched the memory in his mind. Although his father, King Chu Ping, was a mess in government affairs, he was a prolific monarch in terms of childbirth. There are many, and there are even more kings and grandsons, but he does not remember that there is a man named "Sheng" in the country.

Ye Gong has been stationed in the northern border of Chu State for a long time, so knowing this person, he explained to the King of Chu: "It is the son of the abolished prince Jian..."

"It's him..." King Chu frowned suddenly.

The mother of the king of Chu, the daughter of the Duke of Qin, Bo Ying, was originally married by King Chu Ping for the crown prince, but after arriving in the state of Chu, King Chu Ping coveted Bo Ying's beauty, so he took it as his own at the instigation of Fei Wuji. Xiong Zhen. As a result, Prince Jian also had a gap with King Chu Ping, and eventually defected to Chu State. This incident also caused Wu She's family to be killed, and Wu Zixu fled alone. Later, Prince Jian died in Zheng State, and Wu Zixu entered Wu with his son Wang Sunsheng. Finally, with the help of Wu State's power, he succeeded in revenge, bringing an unforgettable shameful experience to King Xiong Zhen of Chu.

Because it is related to the secret of the royal family, this is a past event that was forbidden to be mentioned in the state of Chu, but after more than ten years, the king of Chu, Xiongzhen, who is known for his tolerance, didn't care much, and his brows gradually eased, but Wang Sunsheng continued to improve himself. , took the initiative to leave Wu State, joined the Zhao family and made a name for himself in the Zhao army, which made him interested.

"Back then, the Chu State ordered Yin Zimu to have a conversation with the doctor Shengzi."

Looking at the accompanying clan relatives surnamed Mi, the King of Chu said slowly: "Shengzi said that there are many talented doctors in Jin State, but most of them are from Chu State. Because Chu State does not use talents, it is like High-quality catalpa and leather are produced in Chu, but they are processed into good things in Jin. In the past, there were many examples of this, such as the battle of the corners, Jin defeated the Chu army, causing Chu to lose Huaxia, but it was actually a betrayal of Chu. The doctor analyzed what the public had done; in the battle of Pengcheng, Jin and Chu met in the valley of the horns, and the Chu army was defeated again and lost Dongyi. There is no need to mention the deeds. Jin Ba, Wu Xing, Chu lost the feudal lords, and almost perished. These two people fled to Jin State to become doctors, revealing the weakness of Chu State and supporting Wu State. These should have been used by Chu State. However, the damage to the Chu State has continued to this day..."

Everyone was silent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These are the history of the failure of the Chu State, but when the King of Chu said it today, he did not mean to be ashamed or angry. Ye Gongzi Gao was suddenly moved. Compared with the youthful youth when he first ascended the throne, the King of Chu has grown into a wise ruler. He is tolerant, he keeps his promises, he loves the people, he knows his limitations, and he believes that the future state of Chu will become more and more successful. The stronger, restore the glory of the past!

Finally, the Chu King Xiongzhen pointed to Lu Huncheng, who was facing a great enemy in the distance and said: "The same is true of Wang Sunsheng now. To have a place in the Zhao family, which has produced many talents, shows that he is very talented. Zhu Rong's bloodline should not be far from his homeland. Abandoned, brother Wang Zilu?"

"The minister is here." Prince Qi, the elder brother of the King of Chu, hurriedly made a promise.

"You draft an edict of the widow and shoot it into the city, saying that the widow doesn't care about the past. If the orphan nephew is willing to return to the state of Chu from this city, he will still be the grandson of the state of Chu, and he will be treated equally with the rest of the royal family. Use the land and the people, and use the officials, rank and jewels..."

King Xiong Zhen of Chu had already begun to imagine the scene where he met Wang Sunsheng's uncle and nephew. He stroked his beard and smiled, "She will come, he should know, widow, keep your word!"

ps: Chapter 2 is at night

(To be continued.)

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