Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 995: Uncle and nephew

As the night got dark, Wang Sunsheng stepped out of the simple city tower and looked at the Chu army camp outside the city.

"Today's Chu region is four thousand miles away, with 200,000 halberds, and only Zuo Guang, Wan, and Ye Zhishi can be commanded to Yiluo. With a single stone, they can bury the small town of Lu Hun. With the strength of Chu, you can be the defender. "

His uncle King of Chu did not exaggerate in the letter. In fact, Lu Hun City was not high enough to be able to see the mountains and small mountains. Only because the front of the mountain pass was surrounded by flat and empty fields, Wang Sunsheng was able to see the distant horizon. But no matter where you look, only fireworks are visible. Campfires are like falling stars, covering the four fields and forming an endless sea of ​​stars

At first, Wang Sunsheng's men tried to count how many campfires there were in order to judge the number of Chu troops, but after a while, they realized that even if they counted the rising sun, they couldn't count them all.

And what about the fire in Lu Hun City? Compared to that, it was just a faint glow on the end of the firefly.

Can the stars compete with the sun for glory? The King of Chu persuaded him like this. He said in the letter that the matter of the previous generation had passed, and Wang Sunsheng, as the grandson of the King of Chu, Zhu Rong's blood, should not be exiled and become an enemy of the mother country. It is better to submit Lu Huncheng to the King of Chu. , and return to his homeland with him. The King of Chu promised to treat him equally and treat him as his own son

"Son? Father?" Wang Sunsheng couldn't help but pack his letters tightly. For his father who had been dead for many years, Wang Sunsheng's memory was vague, because he was still in the baby at that time, but Wu Zixu's description of this past event was audible. More, Wang Sunsheng will sometimes piece together the past scene in his mind:

Because of his unwillingness and ambition, his father colluded with the state of Jin and plotted against the state of Zheng. He was captured by the Zheng army and executed in secret. His mother also died here, and Xiangxiaoyu died.

Wu Yuan hugged him tightly, fled the country of Zheng under the bright moon in the sky, and walked step by step in the wilderness, his feet were torn by stones, and his clothes were torn by thorns. Behind him is the arrow of Chu State chasing, and in front of him is the unknown darkness. Although Wang Sunsheng did not have much to do, he also felt the initial fear on the way to escape. Because there was no breast milk, he had no strength to cry, so he could only huddle tightly in Wu Zixu's arms, trembling all over.

Under Zhaoguan, the black hair of the youth turned into white snow overnight, and Wang Sunsheng also relied on the blood drop from his fingertips and the fish soup he finally got to survive. When they arrived in Wu State, both adults and children were haggard. It doesn't look like it.

It can be said that Wu Zixu is like his wet nurse, and after he lived in Wu State, he played the role of "father".

When he was dazzled by hatred, Wu Zixu would roar loudly and cry bitterly, and when he was studying conspiracies, he would be ruthless. He became ruthless, and even the people of Wu were afraid of him, but he always treated Wang Sunsheng with kindness and kindness, calling him "Young Master", sometimes more kindly "Sheng", his hands touching the top of his head like leather as soft. He regarded Wang Sunsheng as his own, personally taught him how to read, asked Sun Wu to teach him the art of war and swordsmanship, and at the same time instilled hatred in him

Hatred is the nourishment for their survival and the premise that motivates them to act. Later, Wu Zixu helped Wu State to destroy Chu, burn the capital of Ying, and whipped the body of King Ping of Chu, which was regarded as avenging the family. However, Wu Zixu did not take Wang Sunsheng, who was weak in his youth, with him. He ignored Wang Sunsheng's request and left him alone in Wu.

Even Wu Zixu, who was overwhelmed by revenge, would reject the idea of ​​making Wang Sunsheng an enemy of Chu. Unlike Wu Zixu, he is of the Xiong family with the surname Mi, and is the direct grandson of the King of Chu.

It was the first time that Wang Sunsheng was left alone. He angrily swung his long sword on the tree trunk behind the yard, slashing the leaves all over the yard. He didn't want to do anything to the King of Chu family, but just thought of the Chu family that made him fascinated. Just take a look.

Later, when Wu Zixu returned with honor, Wang Sunsheng did not congratulate him either. But Wang Sunsheng couldn't. His status determined that he had no place in Wu State, and could only use his "hatred" for Zheng State to anesthetize himself.

Therefore, after joining the Zhao clan, Wang Sunsheng was always the most active in every crusade against Zheng. Unfortunately, Robber Zhi did not take him with him when he slaughtered 5,000 prisoners of Zheng, but left him here for the army of Chu.

He was left once again, and the anger of abandonment pervaded him again.

Now, Xiong Zhen, the king of Chu, who is famous for his tolerance, is here. He is the uncle of Wang Sunsheng. On the one hand, he shows his force to besiege Lu Hun. On the other hand, he puts down his pride as a king and extends his hand to him.

As early as in Wu State, Wang Sunsheng had heard of the generosity of the King of Chu.

At the beginning, the king of Chu lived temporarily in Yundi on his way to escape. In the middle of the night, Dou, a doctor in Yundi, held a grudge against the Chu royal family for exterminating the Dou clan, so he sharpened his knife and wanted to kill the Chu king.

Such a person, even if he later made some merits, was not enough to offset his sins, but the King of Chu decided to treat Douhuai equally and reward Douhuai after he regained his kingdom. Yin Zixi objected and said, "Please let go of Huai." The King of Chu did not care about Dou Huai's attempt to kill the monarch.

Even more extreme is Lan Yinzhu, the person whom the King of Chu hated the most. At Chengjiu Ferry, Lan Yinshu ignored the King of Chu who was eager to get there, and drove away with Jia Xiaoyuan by himself. However, after the rebuilding of the state of Chu, the King of Chu also let go of the man who made him grit his teeth and did not kill him.

These actions may be imitating Duke Wen of Jin. Duke Wen of Jin let go Li Fuxu, who had chased and killed him, so that the doctors in Jin state could feel relieved, knowing that Duke Wen would not retaliate against them because of old grudges, and the King of Chu also wanted to change King Ping of Chu. , The tyranny of the Nangwa era established a brand-new state of Chu, but at least it can be seen that the king of Chu has enough mind to forgive those who have seriously hurt him, not to mention the heir to the prince Jianzi who was "robbed" of the throne by him. ?

"My son is the grandson of the king of Chu, and I wish you the blood of the king. The widows will regard you as their own, and they will be named as the land and common people, and they will be treated as officials and pearls." Not just talking.

In fact, this is a good opportunity to go to Chu State.

The hometown of lingering dreams, the Yunmengze with the waves, the Zhanghuatai towering into the clouds, the Jingshan with blue threads on the road, and the Yiling where the Chu kings of all dynasties were buried.


There was no sound of footsteps, and the person behind him unknowingly approached within five steps of him. It was not until Wang Sun took his head that he was shocked to realize his existence, and he didn't know how long he stood there.

He put his bare hands on the sword between his brows in a strong suit and looked at Wang Sunsheng coldly.

"Invitation from the King of Chu, is Wang Sun going?"

His brows were red and he stared at Wang Sunsheng, trying to figure out his intentions through the change in his face, and then decide whether to stab him in the chest with a sword.

Since the Tongjiao Palace changed and killed the Prince of Jin, in order to keep Meijianchi away from the center of the vortex, Zhao Wuxi sent him to the front line to learn some battlefield experience so that he could use it in the future. Chi volunteered to come to Lu Hun as a lieutenant.

In the pre-war temple calculations of the Zhao family, Sun Wu predicted that with the temperament of the king of Chu, it is very likely that he would send troops to aid the Qin state. Maybe it was the fate in the dark. Chi Chi also felt that Chu State would not be safe. When he came to Lu Hun, he might have a chance to avenge his father.

Wang Sunsheng was lukewarm towards this young man who had hatred for the state of Chu, and he also knew that Chi Chi in the eyebrows was his subordinate, but he was actually the guard who was monitoring him. Although Wang Sunsheng has the command power of this division, once he acts against his ministers, his power will be deprived at any time by the red eyebrows hiding Zhao Wuxi's tiger talisman, and even his life will not be saved.

Although this brow red has no talent for leading troops, his swordsmanship is not false, even Wang Sunsheng is not sure to beat him, not to mention that there are two black clothes behind him, which can also make Wang Sunsheng die on the city wall.

"How could Sheng be that kind of person?" Whether he wanted to or not, Wang Sunsheng tore up the letter and sprinkled it down the city in front of Meijianchi's face. Only then did Meijianchi and the two black-clothed killing intent subside. .

"But the King of Chu is my uncle. Although Sheng works for the Zhao family, he must not be rude. Can you send me a letter?"

For this request, Meijianchi and others had no reason to refuse, but they still looked for the pen and ink and stared at Wang Sunsheng's every move.

With the bamboo pen in hand, Wang Sunsheng took another look at the campfire that stretched several miles outside the city, showing a helpless smile, and began to write with ink

"Uncle is above, nephew Sheng is frightened and prays again, Wang Jia comes in person, but the boy can't travel a hundred miles to greet him in person, it's a big sin"

"However, people say that his father's revenge cannot be shared with him, and the boy's hatred is Zheng Ye. Today, my uncle is attacking Jin to save Qin and Zheng. If the boy forgets his father's hatred and lives in the same room with Zheng, it will be unfilial!"

Literally humble and respectful, but in fact, Wang Sunsheng just wanted to laugh when the King of Chu swore to see him as his son.

He has a father, two, the former Prince Jian left him a hatred that must be repaid; while the other Wu Zixu continued to strengthen it and let the hatred fill Wang Sunsheng's heart. If the hatred is not repaid, he will lose his position The reason in the world, even if you have a place to live, your heart will not be able to settle down.

Wang Sunsheng glanced at the red between his brows. This son was also instilled with hatred by his mother since he was a child. Although the culprit Nangwa is dead, as long as the king of Chu, Xiongzhen, who was watching the incident at the time, is still alive, their hatred will be gone. Finish.

He went on to write: "There is a saying in the state of Jin that eating the ruler's salary and being loyal to the ruler is a matter of loyalty. The boy is a minister of the Zhao clan. If he abandons the army and surrenders to the city, he is unfaithful. Loyalty and filial piety are unacceptable”

"When the army attacked the city, the boy had to use his spear to fight against Chu. If the city broke down and died, his uncle would be the head of the boy. If Lu Hun was intact, the boy would be spared, and after avenging his father, Since I should lead my neck into Chu, my uncle can kill the boy at the ancestral temple.”

In the early morning of the next day, in the Chu army camp outside Lu Hun city, after the son Qi recited Wang Sunsheng's beliefs, he looked up to observe the expression of the king of Chu.

There is no anger of rejection, only a touch of sadness and regret.

"The widow has a good nephew." The King of Chu said with emotion to the left and right: "If you have loyalty and filial piety, you will be a great asset in the future, but it's a pity."

He stood up abruptly, let the attendants put on armor for him, and let the left and right Sima go down, ready to attack the city.

Looking at Lu Hun Xiaoyi, where the dark clouds overwhelmed the city, the King of Chu said with a smile, "I appreciate Victory more and more, but it's a pity that he doesn't know the vastness of the sea, and he is trying to block the Chu State's chariots with the strength of his arms."

"Since this kid is disobedient, the widow will teach him a little lesson, and after taking Lu Hun City, let him plead guilty to Gu, then Gu will still help him up, wipe off the dust on his body, and take him to Chu Let him recognize his ancestors and return to the clan at the temple of the former king!"

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