Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 996: Chu Wu

The attack on Lu Huncheng was not as simple as the King of Chu imagined. After two days, although the Chu army climbed to the top of the city several times, they were all driven down.

The world knows that the Zhao clan has cavalry and military soldiers, so they are invincible in field battles. In addition, they are well-armed, and every time they attack a city, they will pull out the city with thunder. But what is their defense ability? Not many people know, because the terrible thing about the Zhao family is that they can always solve their opponents in field battles, take offense as defense, and do not let the war enter the situation of their own passive defense.

Therefore, Zhao's cities and towns were besieged very few times.

But in Lu Hun's attack and defense, the Chu army, who had first contact with the Zhao army, was quickly impressed by the tenacity of the enemy and the variety of ways to defend the city.

At first, they bullied Zhao Jun with only 2,000 people, so they adopted the simplest moth attachment tactics, trying to use their manpower advantage to launch a steady stream of offensives towards the city wall, and climb the city wall that is not high.

But after a morning of testing and paying hundreds of casualties, this tactic was stopped by Ye Gong and Shen Zhuliang.

"Relying on a large number of people, driving the soldiers to forcibly attack the city like ants and moths, this is just an irrational move when the general is angry and anxious."

He pointed to the city of Lu Hun and said to Mo Ao of the state of Chu: "Lu Hun is located between the mountain passes and the road is narrow. Our army can only surround it in the south, and we can only dispatch two or three thousand people to attack the city each time, and we cannot form an advantage."

Wang Sunsheng, who was defending the city, was very smart. He had already reinforced the battlements of Lu Hun, and had Zhao's crossbowmen shoot down at the Chu people who were climbing the city. It hit the Chu people like raindrops, and the ladders they used to climb were also pushed away. In this way, the moth attacking the city failed.

Mo Ao was a little worried. Over the years, he has been dealing with fish belly like Cai, Hu, and Dun, and rarely encountered such a difficult opponent.

"Then how to attack?"

"Build an earth mountain first, and when the earth mountain is as high as the city wall, use the archers of the Chu State to suppress the crossbowmen in the city, and then it will not be too late to attack."

Ye Gong looked at the mountains around Lu Hun again, pointed to the east and west, and said, "Send two more troops into Sandu Mountain to find a path, go around behind Lu Hun, and attack together when the army is attacking the city. pinch."

As early as eight years ago during the Jin civil war, Shen Zhuliang and Zheng Guo divided up the barbarian sub-states, reorganized the local Rong people into barbarian soldiers, and incorporated them into his Wan and Ye Zhi divisions. These people have no order and don't know the formation method, and they are useless in a dignified battle, but when fighting in the mountains of the Yiluo area, they are very good guides and scouts, and they can also be used as surprise soldiers to harass the enemy's rear.

After arranging all this, Duke Ye took another look at the Zhao clan's flag standing on the head of Lu Hun's city. After being attacked for two days, the casualties in the city were not small, but he was not frightened by the mighty momentum of the Chu army outside the city. Many people still pile stones and trees at the top of the city, mend the cracked walls, and occasionally point to the city and laugh at it. It seems that they are very confident in defending the city.

This is a terrifying enemy. Although they have only encountered Zhao's subordinate teachers, Ye Gong believes that they are as formidable enemies as Wu. Clan conflict is really not a good strategy.

He couldn't help thinking of Wuzhu's divination about the war before the army moved north from Yedi.

Different from the Central Plains where humanism gradually takes precedence over ghosts and gods, Chu retains a strong tradition of witch culture. The customs there are to believe in witches and ghosts, and heavy ritual sacrifices must be performed to please the gods. Various myths and legends are widely circulated among the people. . This is also the source of Qu Yuan's nine songs, Shan Hai Jing Shan Jing and even the Nuo song and Nuo dance in the Huguang area of ​​later generations.

Therefore, from the official to the private, there are a large number of witches in Chu, and people are generally fond of witches. The so-called "witches", in addition to being in charge of sacrifices, are also their full-time divination. Every time the state is important, they must do divination, and this time they sent troops to help Qin is no exception.

However, the divination result displayed on the tortoise shell is "unlucky to send troops"

The royal family and the ministers were suddenly suspicious, and they all looked at the King of Chu, wondering what he thought about it.

But the king of Chu said: "When the widow first ascended the throne, he was too young and weak to manage government affairs, and all state affairs were entrusted to Ling Yin Zichang. However, Zichang despised worthy ministers, but he believed in ghosts and gods and was fond of witchcraft. When offering sacrifices to gods, he often kissed Holding a feather (u), dancing under the altar. The Wu ** team has already approached the border, and Zichang led his army to fight against Yu Baiju. Before the war, an altar was set up on the shore of the Han River. Zuo Sima asked him to arrange the tactics of warfare. However, Zichang said, "Yu is making fun of the gods to destroy the Wu army, so there is no time to arrange such trivial matters, Haotian will bless Chu."

He smiled helplessly and said, "As a result, the second and third sons all know that the Chu State was defeated in the battle of Baiju, the Wu army broke Yingdu, the few people fled, the people were displaced, and the Chu State's society and crops were endless."

The ministers looked at each other in dismay. What the King of Chu meant was, he didn't believe in this divination?

Only Ye Gongzi Gao, Gongzi Qi and others know the reason. Unlike King Chu Kang and other monarchs who believed in ghosts and gods, King Xiong Zhen of Chu did not like witches, not only because Zi often believed in witches, but also because of the existence of official and local witches in the state of Chu. huge differences.

Although the customs of Chu state respected ghosts, in fact, ghosts are not effective. It's just that the witches in various places wanted to make ghosts seem very smart, so they colluded with the princes and big clans in various counties and towns. They inquired about the success or failure of government decrees and lawsuits, making their predictions as accurate as sound. If someone does not use money to seek witchcraft in advance, things that should be going well will turn out to be bad.

In this way, Wu Zhu has become a local snake in the state of Chu. The people of Chu believe in Wu far more than the orders of the king of Chu. If many of the government's decrees cannot pass the Wu Zhu pass, it will be difficult to implement them locally.

To make matters worse, a few years ago, a Wuzhu faction called "Tian Taoism" was introduced into Chu land from the Song state, and it flooded the border of Chu and Song. Those Song Wu with yin and yang fish hanging around their necks preached the idea: whether it is Jun Yun Zhong, Madam Xiang, mountain ghosts, or even the more powerful Dong Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi, the order of "the way of heaven" is in human beings. manifestation of the world.

Therefore, the thousands of prostitution temples and hundreds of local gods in Chu State are actually unified in the way of heaven.

As soon as this theory came out, it was very popular with Chu Wu, and many converts. In the past, the Chu Wu who believed in different ghosts and gods and did not communicate with each other were twisted into a rope for a while.

Although this situation is only a partial phenomenon on the border of Chu-Song, but even Yan Ying gradually appeared in Yan Ying with the name of yin and yang fish flags preaching, and the King of Chu could not help but pay no attention to it. He hated witches and ghosts even more, so he had to order soldiers to kill the witches and burn the shrine. Fortunately, Yin Zixi was dissuaded, so he could not bear it.

In Ye Gongzi Gao's view, the King of Chu led Confucius into Chu, placed him in Yedi, touted him as a sage in the Central Plains, and sent some noble children to be Confucius' students, and also borrowed Confucius' "The way of heaven is better than the way of humanity." "Respect ghosts and gods and stay away" these doctrines mean.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the King of Chu did not believe in the results of the divination, but he still had to convince the royal family and ministers to support him in fighting this war.

"Before the battle of Wu-Chu Chang'an, Yinyang beggars made divination, and the result of the divination was 'unlucky', so he planned to retreat, but Sima Ziyu said: "I have to be high, why is it unlucky?" The army defeated the Wu army at Chang'an"

The King of Chu smiled and said, "The widow didn't want to change the divination, but just wanted to make another divination."

He stopped the great witch, but held the tortoise shell himself and said, "I ask Bo to retreat!"

The results of the second divination will come out soon, and it is not good luck to retreat

Everyone looked at each other, neither advancing nor retreating. Now they really don't know what to do. Do they want to garrison in Yedi and watch Qin Zheng's army be wiped out?

At this dilemma, the King of Chu finally made up his mind: "Since the first king's canal, there has been an old custom in the state of Chu. If the monarch does not go to war for a few years, he will be considered by the people of the country as forgetting the career of the first king, and he cannot be regarded as the first king after his death. The funeral. It has been three years since the last time we sent troops to attack Cai. If the Chu division left the country, if he retreated without going abroad, it would be deceiving his allies, and it would be a great shame for the widow! Such divination, it is not good to attack, and it is not good to retreat, but compared to Abandoning the covenant and escaping the oath, the widow would rather die in battle, at least in that way, they will not be ashamed of the late king!"

"With the heart of mortal, seek the way of victory", although it was only a battle for aid that had little to do with the state of Chu, the King of Chu attached great importance to it. For a time, the people of Chu were boosted by the heroism of the King of Chu, and even if they were blocked in Luhun's offensive, their mood was not low.

Just because the king of Chu was still in the army, the people of Chu knew that their king would always be with them.

Ye Gong Shen Zhuliang did not have the fanatical self-confidence of the soldiers. In his opinion, the fall of Lu Hunyi was only a matter of time. After the city was conquered, the Chu army would probably have to join forces with Roi Zhi and Han Hu, who were attacking Taolinsai. In the event of 20,000 to 30,000 people, Chu still has a good chance of winning.

But the real test will come one after another. The main force of Zhao's Hedong will face the Chu army across the river. If the remnants of Qin, Wei and Zheng are still there, the Chu army will be sure to bring them to the south bank and complete the goal of sending troops. . However, if the Zhao army annihilates them first, the Chu army will be embarrassed. Not to mention the failure of the rescue, they will also have a grudge against the powerful Zhao clan. By then, Qin and Zheng will not be enough to be used as Austrian aid. In addition, the Wu state and Chu state in the east are likely to be defeated. Facing a double-sided attack.

That's the worst case.

In the evening, the Chu army's offensive stopped. Above the battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke, the setting sun was like blood, and there were clouds like a flock of red birds, flying between the two sides of the sun.

Looking at this red cloud, Ye Gongshen and Zhuliang felt more and more uneasy. He made up his mind to go to the king's camp again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and plan to persuade the king of Chu again: in breaking Lu Hunyi, showing the strength of the state of Chu and helping Qin After the determination, don't be too hasty to go deep outside the river, just force the Han family to take precautions, let Qin State keep Taolinsai, and the Qin and Wei troops in Hedong should be able to break through smoothly.

At least there is no need to let the Chu army break the bones and be completely hostile to the Zhao family. Shen Zhuliang didn't want to repeat the terrible history of the state of Chu and Jin fighting for hegemony, exhausting their national strength and being taken advantage of by the state of Wu.

However, when Shen Zhuliang walked outside the tent, he found that the area was heavily guarded, even worse than the previous days.

He hurriedly entered, and as soon as he opened the tent, he met Wang Zilu (Gong Ziqi), who was in charge of guarding the King of Chu, and hurried out.

"What's wrong, Your Majesty?" Ye Gong clenched his wrist tightly and asked in a low voice and hastily.

Although Zilu tried to calm down, he couldn't hide the anxiety in his eyes. He looked left and right, and said to Ye Gong in a low voice, "Your majesty is heartbroken."

ps: The second chapter is at night (to be continued.)

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