Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 999: ruined city

Thirty miles south of Zhoushi Maoyi is the remnant of Xiong'er Mountain. In the early morning of this day, the sun rose slowly from the mountains, emitting a warm light to illuminate the earth, and summer soon drove away the darkness and cold. , so that people or things hiding in the mountains with the help of the night cover are hard to hide.

In a valley, Wang Sunsheng was stabbed by the sun and opened his eyes. He subconsciously wanted to raise his hand to block the light, and then the sharp pain from his right palm made him realize his situation.

He rubbed his back, which was aching from the ground, relieved his arms that were stiff and numb due to being immobile for a long time. Rest on the grass. They were wearing tattered leather armor, holding only half of the sword in their hands. Everyone was tired and traumatized. There was a **** and sour smell in the air. Some people were snoring and some people were sleeping. Painful cough from time to time.

This is a tormented army, and it's a miracle they got here alive.

Two days have passed since Lu Hun's fall. There were too many things that happened that night. Wang Sunsheng and Meijianchi had a disagreement about whether to retreat or stick to it. After a disagreement, he was deprived of command by his tiger talisman. Immediately, Wang Sunsheng was watched by two black clothes. As long as he acted rashly, he was afraid that he would be hit with two swords immediately behind his back.

But the situation soon could not allow them to fight infightingly. The Chu army attacked very fiercely. Ye Gongzigao dispatched savage soldiers to circle behind the mountains and attacked together with the front army. After paying hundreds of casualties, the Chu army climbed to the front of the city in the early morning, and the rear city gate was also in jeopardy.

At this critical juncture, Wang Sunsheng took the opportunity to persuade the black-clothed guards who were detaining him to regain command. He took some soldiers from the city to forcibly break through the siege from the north gate of Lu Hun. The number of savage soldiers who attacked there were only more than a thousand, and they could not stop Zhao Jun, who was eager to survive.

Wang Sunsheng took some people to escape the dangerous city successfully, but when the number was counted early the next morning, only a hundred people escaped by chance, and the rest fell into the city, even the eyebrows were no exception.

In other words, it was Meijianchi's stubborn resistance on the southern city wall that made the Chu people pay several lives for every inch they advanced, giving Wang Sunsheng and others time to break through. As for himself, he probably died in this battle. Bar

Although he escaped, the sharp eyes of the black-clothed man who ran here with Wang Sunsheng were full of anxiety and sadness at the moment: "The military law stipulates that if a guard loses his commander, it is more sinful than escaping, not to mention that he is still from the Shangqing. If I go, my adopted son, I will definitely be severely punished.”

"I lost Lu Hun, and it's the same guilt." Wang Sunsheng comforted him: "But we can still make meritorious deeds, as long as we inform the general Liuxia of the Chu army's movements in time, and then try our best to hijack the Chu army's food supply and scattered soldiers. It can have the effect of deterring the enemy."

In fact, Wang Sunsheng couldn't wait to applaud the death of Meijianchi. This son, because he was Zhao Wuxi's adopted son and held a tiger talisman, dared to deprive him of his command. If it wasn't for the fact that the Zhao soldiers under his command were all soldiers from Yecheng, but they were only temporarily obeying Wang Sunsheng's dispatch during the war, but were not loyal to him at all, Wang Sunsheng even thought of doing nothing and taking them away from the Zhao clan.

But now that he is away from these soldiers, he has nothing, not to mention that his father's revenge has not been avenged, staying in the Zhao family is still the best chance to destroy Zheng.

So Wang Sunsheng picked up the strategy he had proposed earlier, and planned to take these hundreds of soldiers to hide at the border of the Zhou royal family, and to harass the Chu army passing through the land of Yiluo. If things are good, burn some food and grass, and if things are bad, they will escape from the mountains and forests to save their lives. Anyway, he wouldn't be as stupid as Meijianchi, and put his life on Zhao Wuxi's career.

"It's better to stay useful and do more worthwhile things"

Wang Sunsheng could laugh at Chi Mei Chi's stupidity, but he soon discovered that his plan to harass the enemy didn't work, not because the Chu army was well-prepared, but because they didn't pass by at all!

Not only did they not have a large army, food trucks, and luggage, but they didn't even send a single scout. Wang Sunsheng knew that the commander of the Chu army this time was Duke Ye Shen Zhuliang. No common sense?

The next day, Wang Sunsheng felt more and more that something was wrong, and he decided to take a risk. So he took the remnants of Zhao Bing carefully and left the mountain pass, and walked towards Lu Hun along the mountain path.

Lu Hun is located at the junction of Xiong'er Mountain and Sandu Mountain. There are dozens of hills in a row. The peaks are not high, but they can't see the end at a glance.

Because of the sparse population since ancient times, the forest here is very deep, and the surrounding area is terrifyingly quiet. Except for the occasional sneeze of a few war horses, there are only the sound of footsteps and the rustling of leaves blown by the wind. This kind of quiet atmosphere can be regarded as fresh and natural elsewhere, but in Wang Sunsheng's view, it seems strange.

You must know that even if Lu Hunyi suffered a lot of damage, the Chu army had 50,000 troops! The action should be all over the mountains and plains, but in the mountains and forests in the distance, not even a bird was frightened.

Could it be that after the Chu army captured Lu Hun, they were stationed on the spot and stopped advancing? But they can't even go into the mountains to cut firewood without needing it.

With such doubts, Wang Sunsheng and others returned along the path they had taken when they escaped, getting closer and closer to Lu Hun, and when they were still ten miles away, they finally saw the thick black smoke rising from there.

"The Chu army burned Lu Hun?" Everyone opened their mouths, and Wang Sunsheng also felt that this kind of behavior was too unbelievable. After finally conquering this city, it should be used as a transit station and a grain storage place for the army to advance. What?

It wasn't until they approached half a mile with the courage that they realized that Hugh said 50,000 troops. There was not even a single person here, only the coke beams, the broken walls that collapsed after being baked by the high temperature, and the gradual change in the fire. corpse turned to ashes

No, no, there is still a living person moving in Lu Hun's ruins!

From the gap in the smoking city wall, a figure stumbled out of it, holding a corpse in his hand. After placing the corpse on the level ground, he went in and dragged out another one.

The last thing pulled out was a broken Zhao family's black bird flag.

When the crowd approached hesitantly, the man saw them too. He looked like he was going to fall down at any moment, but he still leaned on the flagpole, tried his best to stand up straight to greet the crowd, and grinned.

"Two or three sons, how late is it"

"Deputy Master?" The voice was hoarse, but it sounded familiar, and everyone was shocked. When they got closer, who else could it be if the eyebrows were not red?

"You're not dead." Looking at the red between his brows, Wang Sunsheng's expression was as disgusting as he had eaten a fly. He was still thinking a moment ago that Chu Jun had withdrawn from Lu Hun for some reason, which meant that he could regain this place. , not only innocent but also great merit.

But with the scars between his brows, he has no part to speak about this matter. In Wang Sunsheng's view, although Zhao Wuxi advertises that he is only good, he is actually still a crony, and he is very partial in his heart. The old ministries of the State of Lu and the Zhao clan were all over the court, serving as officials of the frontier, but it was difficult for those he did not trust to ascend to high positions.

The red between his eyebrows had completely disappeared from his previous appearance. He was covered in blisters scorched by blood and flames, and his face was covered in soot. He silently listened to the sobbing black-clothed narration of the breakthrough, and the eyes of everyone seemed like a lifetime away.

The soft sunlight shone on his face and seemed to touch Chi Chi's heart, causing him to have mixed feelings. When the Chu army attacked the city at night, he took the remnants and fought and retreated, but he was outnumbered. Finally, he was stuck in a crack in the broken wall and passed out. The corpses of Zhao soldiers were piled up outside, so he was not caught by the Chu army. , When he woke up again, it was already the next afternoon.

He could still see the rising sun this time, but those Zhao soldiers who died tragically never had such a chance. Familiar faces flashed in his mind, and the blood that night became more and more drenched. It became more and more clear that the fallen robes one after another seemed to be whips of leather whips fiercely in his heart, causing his whole body to twitch in pain.

Maybe Wang Sunsheng is right, he is using their lives to bury himself for his own loyalty.

But Chi Chi felt that this **** battle was worth it.

With the help of Zhao Zu, he tried his best to transport Zhao Zu's corpse from the city. He stood on a broken wall with the broken black bird flag between his eyebrows. already?

"After the Chu army defeated Lu Hun, the class division retreated!"

When Meijianchi announced the truth, the soldiers congratulated each other without much thought, but those with a little brain felt that this was unreasonable: The King of Chu went to rescue Qin, Wei, and Zheng, and now he has finally broken Lu Hun. , you can drive straight in, but why did you burn down the city and retreat?

Is it because Lu Hun resisted too fiercely, and Chu Jun felt that the next loss would be even greater and retreated?

Or is there chaos in the rear of Chu State, such as Wu State attacking Chen and Cai? Wise man Wang Sunsheng guessed a lot.

There was a hint of regret that he couldn't kill the enemy with his own hands, but he was more excited.

"Because King Chu is dead!"

He announced loudly: "The King of Chu died of illness in the army! Just when the Chu army broke the city! The Chu army was in great grief~www.wuxiaspot.com~ 50,000 people cried together, and the next day they chopped Lu Hun's city column to become the king of Chu. After making a temporary coffin, I burned the city and retreated."

After the silence, there was a sudden burst of cheers. The Zhao soldiers who had been fighting here for many days were so happy that they wept. Among the excited Zhao soldiers, only Wang Sunsheng stood there dumbfounded, motionless.

He couldn't believe that his uncle of the King of Chu died so confusedly? Wang Sunsheng suddenly remembered the deeds of King Wu of Chu and King Wen of Chu who died on the journey, and he couldn't help touching his chest and shivered.

It wasn't until he felt the scrutiny between his brows that Wang Sunsheng forced himself to squeeze out an ugly smile, but at this moment, the thought in his heart was: "The Chu army retreats, Qin and Wei will be defeated, but this is the most important thing. Could it be that Haotian really prefers Zhao at this moment?"

ps: Zuo Chuan Ai Gong six years (489 BC): "In general, Wang Youji. Geng Yin, Zhao Wang attacked Daming and died in Chengfu." (To be continued.)

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