Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1000: go all the way

"Could it be that Haotian really favors the Zhao family?" Sitting in the military car, looking at the gradually disappearing mountains outside the car, Chen Heng couldn't help sighing when he thought of what had happened in the past few months.

First of all, they underestimated the strength of the Zhao family. Who would have thought that after the catastrophe, the Zhao family would still be able to deploy so much combat power? Chen Heng tried his best to organize Lian Heng to no avail. More than ten years after Zhao Wuxi took over, the state of Lu was no longer comparable to the previous year, and the addition of the state of Wei made it difficult for the Qi army to open the eastern front. The defeat of the western front is also reasonable. Zhao's strategic level has advanced by leaps and bounds. What kind of robbers attack Yiluo by surprise, and the cavalry attacked from thousands of miles, so that Qin, Wei, and Zhenglian suffered defeat and were trapped in Hedong, and they were in danger of being destroyed.

Chen Heng hurriedly put out the fire, and finally moved from Chu to rescue the soldiers. Seeing that the city of Lu Hun was destroyed, he could drive straight into the river and respond to the retreat of the remnants of Qin, Wei and Zheng. Unexpectedly, after the city was broken, the King of Chu died...

Because outsiders were not allowed to approach the tent of the King of Chu, Chen Heng did not know the specific situation at that time, but only faintly learned from the Chu people he had bought that it was "heart trouble". Because of his high status, the Duke of Qin was able to wear a shroud, a shroud, for the King of Chu. When he came out, his eyes were red, and he told Chen Heng that the King of Chu died peacefully.

Later, when the king of Chu was put into the coffin, Chen Heng was finally able to see his remains. The attire of the king's funeral was a high-level question, because the formal funeral and burial had to be done after returning to the country, so all this was temporary.

The people of Chu dressed the King of Chu as if he was about to go to war: he wore his best rhino leather armor, the thick leather was painted with fiery red lacquer, and it was decorated with ornate phoenix patterns. On his chest is the Zhanlu sword decorated with zimu scabbard and gold silk. This is the sword of the king. The King of Chu holds it firmly with both hands, and the bottom of the coffin is covered with beautiful jade...

His remains after his death are all so noble, the only thing to consider is that in this hot day, the coffin will be transported from Luhun back to Yedi, and then take the waterway to Yingdu. Rumor has it that the king of Chu had jade in his mouth to ease the process...

"The sky is gone, annihilate my virtuous king." Chen Heng also wiped his tears with his wide robe sleeves in front of everyone's eyes.

He is indeed saddened from the bottom of his heart. There are not many monarchs in the world who are as tolerant and sincere as the King of Chu, who still remembers the kindness of more than ten years ago, but he is sad that the death of the King of Chu directly led to the Chu State attacking Zhao to save Qin. The strategy is shaken.

Although the King of Chu left a will before his death, Prince Xiongzhang, on the grounds that he was young, let his brother Zilu succeed him and lead the army to continue to go deep into Yiluo, rescue Qin and Wei, and fulfill his promise and long-cherished wish. However, after the death of the King of Chu, after weeping bitterly and grabbing the ground with his head, Zilu pushed aside the throne that he had promised before.

"The monarch abandoned his son and asked for the eldest monarch for the country, but the Chu country has always killed the monarch and seized the throne, or there was no good result. I have no talent, so how dare I covet the throne? Establishing the prince Zhang is a reasonable move. , even if we want to choose the elders, the two princes Zixi and Ziqi should take the throne. We might as well retreat from the army, **** the king's coffin back to the state of Chu, and welcome the new emperor as soon as possible, so that the people of the country will not panic and the country will be in chaos..."

Gongzi Qi ignored the objections of Chen Heng, Wei Shu, Young Master Qin and others. After discussing with Ye Gongzi Gao, he decided to withdraw his troops, close the road, and destroy all the rear gates.

Ye Gong and Gong Zi Qi personally put the King of Chu in a thick coffin, carried the coffin on their shoulders, and the two of them kept carrying the coffin to the carriage outside the city. The people of Chu outside Lu Hun City all heard the news, and there was crying under the fire, and Chen Heng felt death and destruction from it.

Behind it was the sky-high flames and thick smoke, which burned the city and retreated from Luhun, everyone was terrified, and their footsteps lost the high fighting spirit they had when they came, but it was a mess.

Chen Heng couldn't help but remember a sentence in the poem: "Walking is extravagant, the center is like choking..."

This incident hit them too hard. The people of Chu marched into the Central Plains again after a lapse of decades, but what they got was not the glory of helping the building to fall, but the heavy loss of losing the king.

Without the guidance of the wise and powerful king, where would they go? The people of the Chu country were full of confusion.


As they got farther and farther away from Lu Hun, the situation of the Chu army's withdrawal from Yiluo was set. Gongzi Qi and Ye Gong thought about how to stabilize the domestic situation and defend the Wu people from mourning. The war in the north had nothing to do with them. relation. Now it is the turn of the envoys and lobbyists of Qin, Wei, Zheng and Qi to worry about their future.

"As long as the army can cross Fenglingdu, relying on Taolinsai as a barrier, there is a chance to return to Weinan and turn the corner..." As for how to use 50,000 to 60,000 defeated soldiers to defend against the attack of Zhao's 100,000 cavalry, Young Master Qin also Nothing can be done.

Wei Wu didn't say a word, the old man had exhausted his energy in lobbying the King of Chu, Ling Yin, and Sima. When he thought about it, after the loss of Hexi and Hedong, Wei Ju had a very slim chance of surviving. He still thought about how to take root in Chu, where foreigners were repelled, and save some blood for the Wei family.

As for Si Hong, one of the Seven Mus of Zheng State, his face was full of sadness. According to the nature of the people of Zheng State, "only the strong is the reliance", if it wasn't for the robber Zhi who massacred 5,000 prisoners of the State of Zheng by the Luoshui River, causing the State of Zheng's "children" He cried for his father, his father for his son, his brother for his younger brother, his younger brother for his brother, his grandfather for his grandson, his wife for his husband. Camp, wagging his tail to Zhao Wuxi and begging to surrender.

"Shuzi can't conspire with him..." Looking at the messengers from all sides, Chen Heng quietly quit the tent and no longer discussed his plans with them.

Fifteen years, since Zhao Wuxi first entered Ludi, Chen Heng has been fighting with him openly and secretly. It has been fifteen years since then. He has also grown from a young and weak gentleman to a strong family leader, and his footprints are all over the world. He realized that he couldn't defeat Zhao Wuxi by himself, so he struggled so hard, just to make strong aid, contain Zhao's growth, and avoid the destruction of Qi and Chen.

But war depends not only on strength, diplomacy, and strategy, but also on luck. This time, luck was not on their side.

Standing on Zhao's side.

With the death of the King of Chu, regardless of whether the Qin and Wei forces could escape, the overall situation of the war on the Western Front was set.

Although it now seems that all this has become an emptiness, Chen Heng is not giving up.

"It can't be over like this..."

When the Chu army was lost and returned to the Rushui River~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Chen Heng suddenly said goodbye to the son.

"I want to go back to Qi and make my last effort to defend against the Zhao family." He looked at Young Master Qi and Young Master Ye Gao earnestly, but they didn't promise anything other than their verbal apologies. It seems that these two people never want to have a relationship with Lian Heng anymore, and Ling Yin Zixi and Sima Ziqi, who are in power in Chu State, are also known for their conservative and steady policies.

Without the enterprising King Xiong Zhen of Chu, the state of Chu will enter a period of self-defense. It is better to count on them than on their enemies.

So Chen Heng resolutely left the Chu army and drove slowly eastward along the Rushui.

However, when he reached the place where the army of Chu State behind him could not see, he grabbed the bridle of the charioteer and drove the horse to speed up!

He claimed to be going back to Qi, but this time he was heading southeast...

He is going to Chen, Cai, and Huaibei!

Qin and Wei are no longer saved, and Zheng Guo is also unable to protect himself. Chen Heng's current pursuit is only to save Qi and Chen's family.

The only powerful countries in the world that can fight against the Zhao clan are only Chu and Wu. Since Chu is unreliable, he can only go to Wu.

Chen Heng thought about it, he wanted to give a big gift to the ambitious Wu Wangfuchai, about the death of the king of Chu, about the emptiness of the eastern border of the state of Chu, he wanted to help the king of Wu to take over the two Huaihuai, capture Chen and Cai, and let him His ambition and self-confidence swelled to the extreme, and then tempted him to go north to Song and Lu, attracting Zhao's firepower, and Laki country!

This battle is not over yet, while galloping, Chen Heng's heart has fallen into madness. Even if he fails in the end, he will pull the whole world into the water and go through fire and water with the Chen family!

ps: Thank you for your concern. After a good night’s sleep, I feel better. There is another chapter around 12 o’clock.

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