Baidu responds to all requests! Spring and Autumn I read the full text for Wang! Ask, respond to all requests!

ps: I wrote a public chapter in the morning to explain some problems and settings. If you are interested, you can take a look. The second chapter is in the evening.


Recently, Han Hu can see Wei Ju's head as soon as he closes his eyes.

Although the Wei clan, in order to divert the losses caused by the natural disaster, led Qin and Zheng to join the bandits and plundered the people of the Han clan, causing the Han clan to suffer heavy losses, and even besieging the city of Guo. Han Hu also hated Wei Ju thoroughly, but now seeing an old friend who had been with him for more than 20 years die unexpectedly and beheaded in a different place, he feels a burst of sadness in his heart.

And fear.

The dominance of the Zhao family in the Jin Kingdom is irreversible. The Wei family is dead. Who will be next?

And he wondered about the meaning of the head.

Is it a threat? Intimidation? Is it a mockery? Or is it an ordinary first announcement?

Certainly not that simple.

Although he and Zhao Wuxi stood on the same front in the war, Han Hu hesitated again and again when he was invited to the banquet.

In the end, it was his advisor, Duan Gui, who persuaded him, "The lord must go!"

He analyzed: "After the Zhao army defeated Qin, Zheng, and Wei, the morale was strong, but Zhao Wuxi did not rush to enter Qin, but stopped at Fenglingdu and watched the land beyond the river. Yes, Zhao Wuxi will definitely be suspicious of the Han family. Maybe the tens of thousands of troops will cross the Henan and swept across the river with the Zhao army of Taolinsai. At that time, it will be a **** disaster! The master thinks, Can Han's stop it?"

"I can't stop it...but the Zhao and Han families are married, and he and I are like brothers. Zitai shouldn't be like this..." Han Hu hesitated.

"Once he is threatened, Zhao Wuxi will be able to slaughter his two brothers, let alone his righteous brother? As for the marriage... Zhao Wei and Zhao Zhi have no in-laws, so what is the result? After Zhao Wuzi died, he The wife of the Wei family was afraid of Zhao Wuxi, so she fled back to the Wei family and died timidly. The wife of the Zhi family was also placed under house arrest and washed her face in tears all day long, and finally died. The lord really feels that the relationship between the two families is the weak body of a female classmate. Can you carry it?"

Han Hu heard these words, and even though he was a little scared, he still prepared gifts and rushed to Fenglingdu to meet Zhao Wuxi.

He didn't take the dangerous Hangu Pass and Taolinsai. Those "Zhi Zhi" also blamed the death of Roi Zhi on Han Hu, thinking that if he hadn't evacuated on his own, Robber Zhi would not have died in Taolin...

Han Hu shouted injustice in his heart. At that time, the king of Chu was in great momentum and was about to sweep the river. Who would have thought that he would suddenly die of illness! But his explanation was useless. In the past few days, the Zhi Zhi disciples at Hangu Pass had blocked Han soldiers from going west more than once. If there were no military restrictions, they would probably have killed and looted Guocheng to vent their anger.

Therefore, Han Hu crossed the river with a reed boat and went from Hedong to Fenglingdu.

On the way, the eyes are full of desolation. The essence of the Jin State, Hedong, suffered heavy losses in the continuous war, the people were displaced, the fields were either abandoned or trampled down by soldiers, and some remnants of Qin, Wei, and Zheng fled into the mountains and forests to commit robbery. . However, it is worth noting that residents in some places have begun to return to their homes, and in places controlled by Zhao Jun, order is gradually restored.

When Han Hu arrived at Fenglingdu, it was almost night and the battlefield had been cleaned up. The allied forces of Qin, Wei, and Zheng who were invincible when they attacked the Han family were now dejected as prisoners, digging holes on the ground and filling them in resignation. There was a faint rancid stench in the air, mixed with the smell of fireworks and bacon. Thinking that this was the residue of the burning of a large number of corpses, Han Hu's stomach was churning. Just sipping wine silently.

Zhao Wuxi's enthusiasm has not diminished back then, and there was no mention of Wei Ju during the banquet, but Han Hu couldn't help thinking that ten years ago, Wenxian Taoyuan got married and everyone was happy. , he felt a trace of discomfort, and even the shadow in the wine cup was stained with a trace of blood red...

Han Hu couldn't drink anymore, so he stopped the glass on the table. After Zhao Wuxi clapped his hands, the waiter who poured the wine slowly stepped back, and a group of "music workers" and "dancers" came up.

The musicians were called musicians, but they were all big and three thick. They didn't have a piano, but they had short golden cymbals. They were called dancers, but they all wore armor and swords.


Han Hu and the accompanying Duan Gui and others were stunned when they saw this, but they heard Zhao Wuxi say:

"The purpose of this trip is to exterminate the traitors and expel the enemy bandits, so there is no elegant dance and elegant music, only short flute and sing. These are Zhao's military music, but it is exactly what they said. Wang Dajie will order Kaile and the army to present. , then the triumphant singers are also. The music is played by the musicians who beat the waist drum on the battlefield, and the dancers are also the warriors who cut off the enemy's head on the battlefield.

Han Hu's expression was a little unsightly, and he reluctantly replied: "In the past, when the Yellow Emperor defeated Chiyou, he made Qi Bo make a song in the army, and used it to build martial arts and improve morality and inspire soldiers, which is exactly the scene of today."

Zhao Wuxi nodded, indicating that the dance music could begin.

The advocacy tune played by Xiao Nao melodiously sounded in the tent, as if it was a charge signal on the battlefield.

"Drink!" The military pawns also quickly formed a square formation, all holding swords and shields and shouting, while hitting the shield with their swords, they sang loudly: "Fuck Wu Ge, who is under rhino armor, and the chariot is in the wrong hub, and the soldiers are short. Take it. The flags cover the sun, the enemy is like a cloud, the arrows fall and the warriors vie for the first..."

A song modified by Zhao Wuxi, accompanied by advocacy, Sword Dance, can be described as imposing, tragic and inexplicable.

In the past 100 years, many Chu people have gone north to the Jin state, and among them there are many musicians, so the music of the Jin state has gradually become a Chu style and Chu sound. Xi. It's not as good as Zizhiyi, Anjieji Xi..." The tone particle "xi" in Chu Ge was borrowed a lot, so people didn't think it was strange for this new poem, but were infected by the sadness expressed in it. .

At the banquet, Zhao Wuxi raised his eyebrows and looked serious. The generals of the Zhao clan were so excited that they only got up to join them. His back trembled slightly and he was restless, probably already scared.

In the end, the advocacy and sword dance came to an end in the finale of "the body is dead, the **** is the spirit, and the soul is determined to be the ghost." The curtain was already chilled.

"Good song, good music, good warrior!" Han Hu was stunned for a while, and then got up to toast Zhao Wuxi after being reminded by Duan to congratulate him on his illustrious martial arts.

Zhao Wuxi said to him after drinking: "I invite Ziyin to come here. One is that you and I haven't seen each other since the war started, and I miss them. The other is about the future of Jin..."

Seeing that Zhao Wuxi finally made it clear, Han Hu breathed a sigh of relief, but he heard Zhao Wuxi say: "Wei clan has been destroyed, does Ziyin have any ideas about the ownership of the Wei clan in the east of the river?"

"Don't dare, Zitai is the Minister of Jin State, everything is up to you!" Han Hu felt as if he was being watched by a tiger and leopard that had just finished eating. ? He glanced at Duan Gui, the counselor, and wanted to ask him for help.

Zhao Wuxi suddenly sighed: "This time, if the feudal lords attacked Jin, if it wasn't for the help of the Han clan, and before the Zhao clan's army was assembled, Hedong would probably have been unable to hold it, so I dare not forget the merits of the Han clan. It’s just that as the minister of Jin State, I can’t forget about state affairs because of my personal feelings. As the saying goes, one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. Wei Ziteng’s incident made me understand some truths. Zhao Han is good, but if one day Ziyin's retainers instigate you to seize Hedong, or collude with foreign countries to hold him hostage, you will be involuntarily at that time."

This sentence of hidden needles in cotton frightened Duan Gui and swallowed Yuanchang's words back, advocating sword dance or sword dance is a naked threat, man is a knife and I am a fish, Han Hu has a hunch, if he disobeys Zhao Wuxi's request today , he and the others are likely to be unable to get out of this big tent.

Han Hu was also very uneasy and asked, "Then what should I do according to Zitai's vision?"

"It's very simple." Zhao Wuxi smiled and said, "I will exchange land with the Zhao family again."

Baidu responds to all requests! The latest chapter of Spring and Autumn I Am King, welcome to collect! Ask, respond to all requests!

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