Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1012: Although no way

"The King of Chu died, and after the Chu army retreated, Zhao's Wang Sunsheng, Meijianchi and others started a counter-attack with reinforcements. They reported yesterday that they have actually controlled Lu Hun and other places. This place is a hundred miles away and is the homeland of Jin. , is also the place that Zi Yin has been seeking, I plan to transfer Lu Hun and other places to the Han family, what do you think?"

The Luhun area is the future expansion direction that Duan Gui planned for Han Hu. After many years of greed, he finally got it, but Han Hu was not happy because he was even more worried about what price Zhao Wuxi wanted Han to pay in exchange. He was very uneasy in his heart. The Han family did not seek the rich and fertile Hedong, but only hoped that his old land would not be robbed.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Wuxi was sold out.

"The morale of the army is high, and it is time for the remaining brave to chase the poor bandits. Would Ziyin be willing to go hunting in Qin with me?"

Zhao Wuxi's first sentence was still talking about the division of territories after the war, but the second sentence suddenly changed to asking Han Hu to attack Qin.

Han Hu and his advisor Duan Gui were taken aback for a moment. After looking at each other, Duan Gui stood up and asked tentatively, "Shangqing wants to attack Qin?"

"Yes, the main force of the Qin army was annihilated and captured in Hedong, and the Qin state is empty. It is a good opportunity to jump to the horse's Yongzhou and restore the homeland of the Jin state."

He asked someone to hang up a map, pointed to it and said, "The Han family has already contributed too much, Zi Yin only needs to defend Lu Hun for me to prevent the Chu people from going north again. I will send the main force from Puban to Hexi, and then send An army entered Shangluo from Hangu, and they attacked in two ways, but the Qin people had few soldiers and would definitely be unable to resist."

He clasped his palms and smiled and said, "After conquering these two places, Hexi will belong to the Zhao clan, and Shangluo will belong to the Han clan. How does Zi Yin feel?"

The so-called Shangluo, that is, the upper reaches of Luoshui, is located in the Shangluo area in the southeastern part of Shaanxi Province. It was also an area controlled by Jin before, and was captured by Qin in the Battle of Liuqing.

Shangluo, Luhun, Hewai, if these three places are connected together, they will be hundreds of miles in radius. If Zhao Wushou takes this as a gift for Han's unremitting efforts in the war, Han Hu will gladly accept it. , but these two things were not given in vain, and Zhao Wuxi would then "exchange" some territory from him...

Seeing Zhao Wuxi taking another sip of wine, his lips lightly parted, and Han Hu's ears were pricked up...

"The Han family gives up all the territories of Hedong, Hanoi, and Shangdang. This is my condition!"


Han Hu didn't follow him in one breath, all the drinks were sprayed on the table, and the whole person almost slapped the table and pointed his finger to the tip of Zhao Wuxie's nose.

It was his advisor Duan Gui who was clever and quickly passed the chief position, came over and stomped Han Hu hard, pulled him behind him, and then smiled and said to the people in the Zhao clan who were arguing with swords and arrows: "My lord is invincible and drunk. I'm drunk..."

Without waiting for Han Hu to speak, he threw his hands at Zhao Wuxi, and then turned back to the waiter in the account and said, "Aren't you leading the way? Han Qing is going to change!"

The soldier standing outside the tent looked at Zhao Wuxi, but saw that Zhao Qing just shook his head lightly and said, "It's fine for Ziyin to go to the air, think about this condition, and think about the initial relationship between Zhao and Han. rapport."

Duan Gui nodded hurriedly, dragged Han Hu out, and walked to the tent door, but heard a faint word from behind:

"Ziying, don't forget Hu Shegu's lesson..."


"Have you heard what Zhao Wuxi said? In addition to the ancestral land of Hancheng, which can be retained as Tang Muyi, the Han family gave up Pingyang, Ji, Zhou, Yewang, Shangdang and other places. Zhao Han used the river as the boundary..."

In a small toilet with a faint odor, Han Hu, who pretended to be drunk, was already furious, and he couldn't bear it any longer as soon as he walked in, and said in a hurried tone: "This is the origin of Zhao Wuxi. If so, this is a land exchange, it is simply a robbery!"

Although the old territories of the Han family are about the same size as the Shangluo and Luhun that Zhao Wuxi promised him, they are all cultivated fields that have been developed for hundreds of years and thousands of years. They are densely populated and have developed industry and commerce! It's not comparable to the remote places in the mountains of western Henan where birds don't poop.

Although Zhao Wuxi also promised that the Han clan could move the people to the new territory, this exchange is a blood loss for the Han clan!

"Moreover, he also threatened Zhao Dun with his aunt, the second minister of the time of Duke Xiang of Jin, who rebelled against Zhengqing Zhao Dun, causing the Hu clan to lose their territory, the clan to decline, and the head of the family to run away."

Han Hu was angry, angry and sad. He was angry that Zhao Wuxi was stubbornly grabbing the ground with an open flame, and he was angry that the Han family had worked so hard to defend against Qin Wei in the past six months. Sadly, Zhao Wuxi became mad when he was successful, and finally showed his insatiable heart...

"My lord, don't be impatient." Duan Gui glanced carefully outside the toilet. It was not far from the banquet. You could still hear the tangle of gongs on the banquet. Even follow up.

He lowered his voice and said to Han Hu: "The Zhao family's request, we must not categorically refuse, the Zhao family is already invincible within the Jin state, so Zhao Wuxi will be so reckless. Not to mention the Han family's Hancheng, Pingyang, Shangdang, Zhou and Yewang were taken over by Zhao Wuxi during the war to facilitate the transfer of baggage and to defend against the enemy. It has been a few months since then, and most of the Han clan and female relatives are under his control. The Zhao family is now, and he is now claiming land in the name of exchange. If the lord does not agree, with the strength of the Zhao army, maybe he will tear his face and command a 100,000-strong army to suppress Guocheng. Live, even the Han family's sect is in danger..."

Zhao Jun is invincible. From this war, Han Hu has firmly remembered this point, but he is still not convinced.

"Will he really do this?" Han Hu said rather sadly: "I insist on not agreeing, and it would be good for the world to see his true face."

"I can see what I can do." Duan Gui said to Han Hu with his fingers broken: "The monarch has been killed, the Wei clan has been destroyed, and the strength of the Qin country and the Zheng country has been greatly damaged. Now I can only let the Zhao clan be slaughtered, but there is no power to fight back. The farther Chu country has just died of its monarch, the throne is undecided, and it will not go north for the time being, and there is also the state of Qi, although it has been fighting against the Zhao family, what can Qi state do in the east in the past six months? As for the state of Wu, Wu State is too far away, it can't dissolve the fire near it, and it can't help the Han family at all."

"In the end, I, the Han family, ended up alone and helpless? In this way, it would be better for my family to rely on the Zhi family back then..." Han Hu gritted his teeth.

That Han family may have perished a long time ago. Duan Gui didn't say this sentence. He also didn't point out another thing. Although Zhao Wuxi's request seemed excessive, the more it was, the more proof he was. He has no intention of destroying the Han clan, but just wants to drive the Han clan to the border areas of the Jin state, and share the interests of the Zhao clan with no mercy, so that the well water will not break the river.

To put it bluntly, it is to keep the Han family away from the center of Jin State and play while playing. This kind of kick away is more reassuring for Duan Gui, but it is a warm and sweet talk on the surface, and his secretly designed subversive behavior makes him even more afraid.

"Since I can't refuse, and I can't take it back, it's better to push the boat to Zhao's land to increase his greed. The minister expects that Zhao Wuxi will become accustomed to it and continue to ask for land from other countries. Send troops to attack. In this way, the Han family can avoid disaster and wait quietly outside the river for the situation to change..."

Duan Gui tried hard to persuade him that he no longer had any hope for Han Hu to wrestle with Zhao Wuxi in Jin. In his opinion, he would compete with him for size, and he was destroyed by Zhao's bravery and jumped out of Jin. Zhao's filled urn, perhaps for Han's, there will be a different world!


"Han Qing and Duan Gui have been gone for almost a moment." Xiang Yu couldn't help reminding Zhao Wuxi.

"Don't worry, there are more than ten cities and 300,000 people belong to me. If it were me, I would hesitate for a long time."

"Will Han Qing agree?" Even Xiang Lu felt that Zhao Wuxi's request was too much. Today's Shang Qing is not like the usual Shang Qing.

"The state of Jin is sandwiched in the middle of the river. Taihang, which traverses the country, is like the backbone, while Hedong is the center, Hanoi is like the stomach, and Taiyuan is like the siblings. If the state of Jin is divided, the terrain will be greatly exposed. If you are powerful for a while, you will eventually be defeated by foreign enemies. On the contrary, if the Jin state is complete, the world will be invincible. It has taken several years of energy to eliminate the Wei clan and dominate Hedong. I have no time to entangle with the Han clan for decades, and slowly clarify Those jagged territories."

"But isn't this too domineering..."

Wu Shi laughed loudly: "The Jin State held the Zhunan Meeting in the past, and the uncle Xiang, who is known as a modest gentleman, said such a remark to the humility of Qi, Lu and other countries."

"Uncle Xiang pointed to the mighty Jin State's chariot formation, and the envoys from Qi and Lu said that the widow monarch has four thousand chariots loaded with armored soldiers. Is it? Even if the cow is thin and pressed on the piglet, are you afraid that the piglet will not be crushed to death? Now Zhao is a strong ox, and Han is a thin and weak little she. , three-legged..."

His voice was low: "It's just that I don't want the nearly two hundred years of friendship between the Zhao and Han families to end in this way. Han Jue's kindness for protecting the Zhao family's orphans must not be easily forgotten. Therefore, to give or not to give, I only Ask him a question, whether to surrender or perish is just a matter of Han Hu's thoughts. If he puts down his ambitions and obeys me, whether it's fame or glory, the Han family can continue from generation to generation."

While talking, Han Hu and Duan Gui came in one after the other.

Zhao Wuxi stopped talking and looked at Han Hu steadily, he didn't get up to greet him, just watched his actions silently.

Han Hu's expression was hesitant, but he still walked up to Zhao Wuxi, as if he was treating a stranger, and said bluntly, "Han, only Zhao Qing will follow."

I lost another friend, maybe the last one, Zhao Wuxi sighed inwardly, the higher the status, the more lonely there will be. He stood up and bowed down to Han Hu, then waved away the remaining apology, and said solemnly: "Wu Xie swears here that no matter how the situation changes in the future, as long as the Zhao family is still there for one day, there will be a place for the Han family in this world. ."


This banquet in Fenglingdu not only confirmed the occupation of the whole territory of Hedong and Shangdang by the Zhao family, but also agreed on the marriage of Zhao Wuxi's daughter and Han Hu's son. Zhao Wuxi also requested, Han Hu The first-born daughter, who was born shortly after, also hopes to marry his son, Zhao Heng. In the future, the two will marry from generation to generation, and Zhao Han will once again marry and cooperate to jointly conquer foreign enemies, namely Qin and Zheng.

Among them, the battle to enter Qin is scheduled for mid-May, and the inventory of prisoners of war on Fenglingdu will also come to an end.

Zhao Wuxi has no shortage of people to **** prisoners~www.wuxiaspot.com~ With the civil war coming to an end, the battle between Zhao and Han did not start. Homecoming. Because Xia Shou is in sight, Hebei was already hit by disasters last year, and it was only through Changping Warehouse's grain storage to survive. Zhao Wuxi didn't want to have no harvest again this year.

In this way, before the end of the autumn harvest, the Zhao family will lose half of their combat power. This is also the law of war in the period of backward productivity: battles are fought quarterly and yearly. Assemble and restart the fight, otherwise the logistics will not be able to hold, and if you don't want to drag down the national treasury, you have to take it easy...

Fortunately, the Zhao clan also has a large number of professional military pawns, cavalrymen, and the newly surrendered Wei clan soldiers. These people do not need to go back to farming, but can continue to fight. The sum of the zeros and zeros adds up. For the western front alone, Zhao Wuxi still has money on hand. There are 40,000 to 50,000 combat power.

His own rear had to rest, but he didn't want the enemy to breathe. Now was a good time to deal a fatal blow to the Qin Kingdom and Zheng Kingdom. The most difficult time of the war had passed, and Zhao Wuxi was now busy collecting the fruits of victory.

On May 10, the main force of the Zhao clan crossed westward to Puban and entered Qin!

(To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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