Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1013: Enter Qin

As early as a month ago, Hexi was penetrated by the two cavalry of the Zhao family, and there were only a few Qin troops left, who did not dare to go out. After the decisive battle of Fenglingdu, taking advantage of the emptiness of Hexi troops, Youcheng acted as the vanguard of the Zhao clan and began to siege the city. When Zhao Wuxi's army entered Hexi, the whole way was like a broken bamboo. Zhao's army moved very quickly. On May 10th, they crossed the river, and on May 20th, they took all of Hexi and crossed the Xiluo River.

Strictly speaking, Hexi has always been the territory of Jin, so it was not until Zhao Wuxi reached the west bank of Luoshui along the pontoon that he officially entered Qin.

The total force of Qin Guoneng's recruitment was no more than 100,000, of which 40,000 were compensated in Hedong, most of them were captured, and more than 10,000 were compensated in Hexi and Hangu Pass. Only a few thousand fled back to Weinan. The Qin State is already empty. Although there are still some defenders on the Yongcheng side, a group of people can be gathered by forcibly recruiting civilian youth, but their speed is not as fast as the Zhao army. This area is east of Jingshui and west of Luoshui. , almost without fortification.

The next day, Zhao Wuxi arrived at the ruins of Chongguo smoothly. He climbed the remaining rammed earth walls and looked around, and he saw flat plains and farmland everywhere. During the period, there were some greenery of forests. It was so clearly displayed in front of Zhao Wuxi.

He couldn't help reciting a passage of Zhang Liang's evaluation of Guanzhong in the historical records of his previous life: "Zuo Weihan in Guanzhong, Longshu on the right, thousands of miles of fertile fields... This so-called golden city is a thousand miles away, the country of heaven, the ridge of the world, and the dragon head of the Central Plains..."

However, in the current Qin state, there is neither a Bashu Hanzhong nor a strong letter, but the Zhao family has entered the country. In the late Spring and Autumn Period, the Guanzhong Basin was far from the "Golden City Thousand Miles, the Land of Abundance" in the Qin and Han Dynasties. Although "Yugong" praised "the territory of Yongzhou, Jue Tian is only on the top", and the Zhou Dynasty also vigorously developed it, but Li After the mountain disaster, this area has long been reduced to the hunting grounds of the Rong and Di, and the farmland has been abandoned, so there is not a lot of cultivated land.

For example, the area between Jingshui and Luoshui belonged to Zuo Fengyi, one of the Three Fus in the Han Dynasty, which is Tongchuan City in later generations. At this time, there are many dense forests and marshland. After the Zhengguo Canal and Bai Canal are excavated successively, this place will become the fertile field with the highest grain yield in China and the center of Chinese civilization.

It was also in Chongdi that Zhao Wuxi paid tribute to King Wen of Zhou, and announced to the three armies: "When King Wen of Zhou attacked Chong, he said, 'Chonghou Hu insulted his father and brother, disrespected the elders, he was not in prison, and the distribution of wealth was uneven. , treat the people harshly, and the rest of the expedition is only for the people of the land.' Today, the Qin State colluded with the Jin State traitor Wei Clan, sent troops to attack Jin, plundered my Hedong, shocked my people, destroyed my fields, and committed a serious crime against Jin. Today The rebellion has been eliminated, and the Qin soldiers in the east of the river also sparsely surrendered and served their sentences. Don't destroy the house, don't fill the well, don't cut down the trees, don't move the six animals, those who are inferior to the order will die without mercy..."

After solemnly declaring the military discipline and the purpose of this battle, Zhao Wuxi ignored the repeated requests for peace sent by the great concubine of Qin, but continued to let Youcheng and Yu Xi each command three thousand cavalry to invade westward, dividing them into two. The road goes straight to Jingyang and Masui, and strives to take all the east of Jingshui before June. He himself takes the Yulin army and the baggage troops and walks towards Yueyang...


Liyi is located in the Yang of the Wei River, so it is called Liyang. Later, Duke Xian of Qin established the capital here. In addition, Zhengguo Canal and Bai Canal passed through it, making this place very rich.

However, the current Yueyang is far from the prosperity of later generations. It is just an inconspicuous small town. Outside the town, there are oak trees and a low wall made of loess. The circumference of the city is only one mile. In most cases, there are only some low and shabby houses, which is the appearance of most of Qin's cities and towns. The place was already under the control of the Zhao clan's forward, and no slaughter was carried out according to Zhao Wuxi's order. When the shirtless car arrived, a large group of people were already kneeling outside the city to greet them.

Most of these people are local elders, nobles, and clan leaders. The social structure of Qin is similar to that of Jin. The difference is that the political situation is stable and the flow between classes tends to be solidified. In the court, the clan and the doctor were too weak to threaten the monarchy and the concubines of the public clan, so they had little right to speak, but in the countryside, they still had a certain amount of power.

Liyang is also composed of several small and medium-sized clans. Although they are small nobles, on the occasion of today's surrender, they did not dare to go out in brocade clothes.

Seeing Zhao Wuxi supporting the canopy's carriage and driving to the front, a middle-aged noble led by Gao Guanbo looked at them lightly from the car. Everyone knew that the Lord was coming, so they all bowed their heads, pointed their noses to the ground, and said loudly. : "Xiaoyi welcomes the Minister of Jin State!"

What's interesting is that there are a bunch of Qin tunes with a heavy accent, but there is a melodious Jin Hedong dialect...

Zhao Wuxi looked behind the old and middle-aged people in the front row, and identified that the speaker was a handsome young man.

He waved his hand and let the boy come over.

Bending his body, the young man cautiously walked to Zhao Wushou's car, raised his head and looked up, then immediately averted his eyes, and said again, "Liu De, see Shangqing." After speaking, he tightened his forehead tightly. Stick it on the ground, waiting for Zhao Wuxi's hair to fall.

The voice was not loud, but it was very penetrating. Zhao Wuxi knew now that he had heard it right, and the young man was indeed speaking the standard Jin dialect. And this son performed well, behind Zhao Wuxi was the menacing army, but he did not have stage fright, but did the proper etiquette meticulously, knelt on the ground motionless, like a sculpture.

"Sister Liu, could it be after Fan Wuzi?"

"Exactly." Liu De said: "My family is the descendant left by Fan Wuzi when he entered the Qin Dynasty. Several generations have lived in Liyang. Today, the boy is here with his ancestors and father to welcome Shangqing."

"I see."

Zhao Wuxi was a little amused. There was also a reason for it. When it comes to the process of Fan Wuzi going to Qin, it is inseparable from his ancestor Zhao Dun.

When Duke Xiang of Jin died that year, the ministers of the state of Jin debated endlessly over which son to appoint as the king. Originally, Zhao Dun supported the son Yong, who was a doctor in the state of Qin, so he sent a group of scholars into Qin to welcome him. Unexpectedly, after expelling the political enemy Hu Shegu, Zhao Dun felt that he was still a young master and was easy to control, so he replaced Jin Linggong and ambushed the Qin army who escorted the son Yong to the throne. In the Battle of Linghu, the Qin army was defeated, and the scholars who would have been successful in the field were no longer human.

After Shihui entered Qin, he became the enemy of Jin for a while. For example, he offered a plan for Qin in the Battle of Hequ and successfully defeated the Jin army. Zhao Dun was also troubled by it, so he promised to give him a high-ranking title, and then he used a plan to welcome him back to the Scholars Association.

The Scholars Association stayed in Qin for many years, and also left some descendants. In order to distinguish them from the Fan and Shi clans in Jin, their descendants were changed to Liu clan. It has been more than a hundred years...

If history is extended further, after another two hundred years, the Liu family of Qin state began to migrate east again. Liu Qing, the tenth generation descendant of the scholar society, served in the state of Wei. The family has a prodigal son named Liu Bang...

Not to mention the aftermath, Zhao Wuxi asked Liu De to stand up and speak, but he saw that this boy had a clear outline, a slender figure, and a good temperament, which made a good first impression.

So he asked kindly: "Liu De, you are from Qin, why do you speak Jin Yan?"

Liu De was actually quite nervous. His face was calm, but his palms were sweaty. Behind him were the eyes of his grandfather, father, uncles and brothers. The survival of the family might depend on what he said next.

"Boy is not from Qin." He categorically denied his national identity.

"My grandfather and father said that although we lived in Qin, our roots were in Jin, so the deceased who came over from Jin taught the boy to speak the new Jiang dialect to show that we never forget our homeland..."

Zhao Wuxi was full of praise, but he didn't think so in his heart. Do you miss your homeland? Don't be joking, let alone those sons of the Scholars Association who have never returned to Jin in their entire lives, strictly speaking, the Liu family is still the remnant of the Fan family!

However, the patriarchal era is coming to an end, and the fifth generation of the gentleman is beheaded. Xio said that the blood relationship between the Liu family and the Fan family has become as weak as water. Even in the homeland of Jin, there were a large number of descendants of the Fan and Shi clans working for the Zhao clan, and Zhao Wuxi would not be so narrow-minded that he would beat a certain surname to death.

In the final analysis, the Liu family is a little clever. Since Hexi was recaptured by the Jin state three years ago, they believed that the Qin state would be defeated. Bar. At first, they contacted the Wei family, but after the Wei family was finished, Zhao Jun entered Qin, and the Liu family rushed to lead the way, subduing Zhao with Liyang.

Let this son say these things today to show his loyalty. Not only is this son brave, but his grandfather and father are also old fritters.

Even if he saw through it, Zhao Wuxi wouldn't say it. He encouraged Liu De and rewarded him with a sword before formally meeting the local clan headed by Liu's.

"The war won't last long." At the simple banquet, he said to these little nobles of Qin who respected and feared him.

"This is the third time that Qin Jun and the concubine have asked for peace, and I am ready to agree. Before the two countries can re-establish peace~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The stability between Liyang and Jingluo will depend a lot on the second and third sons. force……"

When he entered Qin this time, Zhao Wuxi did not intend to return empty-handed. He wanted to bite off a piece of Qin's flesh, so that Qin Di could open the door wide and would no longer pose a threat to him.

It is easy to siege a city, but difficult to incorporate effective rule.

Looking at Liu De and his grandfather, father and brother with a humble smile, Zhao Wuxi was thoughtful.

He knew that in order to establish rule in a place far from the homeland of Jin, it would be impossible to rely solely on the reckless soldiers in the army and foreign officials who did not understand the local dialect.

Like Liu Shi, who has no sense of belonging to the Qin country, and whoever is strong will depend on whoever is strong, is Zhao Wuxi's most ideal support object!

Wu Xie decided that when his two cavalry forwards actually control the entire area east of Jingshui, the military operations will stop, and when the peace talks begin, he will force Qin to conclude a humiliating agreement that is even more humiliating than the "Shame of Hexi". Ten times the alliance under the city!

ps: You have to take it out of the sauce, the second chapter is in the evening (to be continued.) Mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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