Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1022: When Wuqi was on the stage of Gusu

"In those days, the predecessors didn't kill you, but you didn't know how to be grateful. You really deserve to be today. The order of widowhood is passed down. All the doctors who try to be in Xu Fuguo will be executed, and their relatives will be reduced to Zaoli, and they will be slaves to the people of Wu!"

Sitting in the old palace of Xu State, watching how many of the doctors who were trying to incite Xu Ren to restore the country were brought to justice in Xu Di, Fu Chai's eyes narrowed and he was extremely satisfied. - Le-Wen-Small-Speak-www-lwxs520-com

For these rebellions of Xu Di, his repression is like destroying the dry and the rotten. The only dissatisfaction is that the old palace of Xu State is too outdated and far inferior to the "Taiwan of Gusu" he built in Wu State.

This year is really a lucky year for Fuchai, at least he thinks so. First of all, at the beginning of the year, Fuchai's long-awaited new palace was completed.

At the beginning, in order to satisfy Fuchai's desire for the palace, Yueguo made great efforts. It is said that Yuejun Goujian ordered 3,000 carpenters to join Kuaiji Mountain to cut wood. All the woods are tough and straight, and there is even a pair of giant nanmu which is 20 girth and 40 zhang in height!

The husband was delighted to see it, and did not listen to Wu Zixu's dissuasion, so he collected all the timber according to the order, and let Dazai Boxi, who is good at building palaces, supervise the work to build a magnificent palace and high platform on Guxu Mountain. Wu Zixu said sadly, "In the past, Xia Jie raised Lingtai and Shang Zhou raised Lutai, which greatly damaged the power of the people and led to the change of the people and the country, so the **** committed suicide. Killed by the King of Yue."

But Fuchai was very annoyed at Wu Zixu and Sun Wu's assassination of Goujian. Not only did he revoke his position as prime minister, but Wu Zixu couldn't listen to a word he said.

After two years of construction, the Gusu Tower on Guxu Mountain has finally been completed. It is 300 feet high and 84 feet wide. There are nine curved roads up the stairs. Climbing the towering high platform can enjoy the lakes and mountains within a radius of 200 kilometers. , The four seasons flowers and the fruits of the eight festivals are also planted around the high platform, spanning five miles, so that Fuchai can linger on it and enjoy it.

In the past, when King Helu of Wu was alive, he built a beacon tower on Cishan to prevent foreign enemies, but now it has been replaced by copper hooks and jade sills. Although the people of Wu were tired because of the construction of this tower, their voices were blocked by Bo Xi. , which could not be heard by Fu Chai.

The palace was completed, but Fuchai was dissatisfied, because although it was magnificent, it was empty, and it always felt like something was missing. Doze met the pillow. Not long after the completion of the Terrace of Gusu, the Yue Kingdom sent Fan Li again. This time, he brought a few beauties to Fuchai...


"Yue is a small state, and the country is under pressure. Even if there are beautiful people, they dare not stay. The widow lord asked his ministers to send it to the king. If the king doesn't despise his humble sleeping appearance, I hope to accept it."

The most important thing in the Gaotai palace is the beauties that adorn it. Fuchai admires Yueguo’s knowledge, but his taste is extremely picky. Fan Li asked those beauties to come up to see King Wu one by one, but Fuchai didn’t like them very much, until the last one… …

Different from the wildness and wildness of Wu Yue women, Fu Chai prefers the ladies of the Central Plains. For example, the woman in front of him, with a slender figure and elegant long sleeves, looks like a heavenly being dancing and stepping on the clouds to fall, bowing down in front of him.

"Shi Yun: Out of the east gate, there are women who are in full swing. Although they are in full swing, I can't think of it. The clothes are in full swing. Can you chat and entertain, the king can have someone you like?" Fan Li's husband ignored the words. There was only the beauty in front of him, he stretched out his hand, squeezed her chin, and made her look up.

As soon as she raised her head, Fuchai lost her mind for a while...

The head and the eyebrows are so beautiful.

"What's your name?"

The woman blinked her crystal-like eyes: "The cheap concubine Zheng Dan..."

The voice was pleasant, and King Wu was even more overjoyed. Rarely, he praised Fan Li in front of him: "The more you pay tribute to this woman, it is the evidence of Gou Jianzhi's allegiance to Wu Zhi!"

Fan Li agreed to the promise, but at the same time he couldn't help but imagine, if he accidentally sent another woman he found, what kind of attitude would Fuchai be?

Is it astonishing? Still like when Fan Li first saw her face that could make fish sink into the water with shame, she completely suffocated her breath...

He didn't know, he only knew that this kind of woman really shouldn't exist in the world. Although Zheng Dan is beautiful, compared to her, she is still a bit inferior!

For her, Fu Chai was destined to have no luck, but Fan Li felt a pain in his heart.

Because her fate does not belong to him...

Of course, Fu Chai didn't know anything about this, and it was inevitable that Wu Zixu would go to the palace to make a noise, and he said to Fu Chai in a heartache, "No, don't accept it, Your Majesty. I can hear the five colors that are blinding, and the five sounds. Deafening..."

Then there is something like "the treasure of the kingdom of wise men, the blame of the kingdom of beauty: when Xia died, it was my sister's happiness, when Yin died, it was Daji, and when Zhou died, it was my daughter. Wu may die by this girl!" Or beheaded like Sun Wu killed his mother? What a joke! So as if to deliberately be angry with Wu Zixu, he accepted Zheng Dan with great fanfare.

Although Zheng Dan said that he was the daughter of Zheng Guo, he had an outstanding appearance, and was proficient in dancing skills. At that time, he would linger all day long at the Terrace of Gusu.

However, if the people of Yue people think that using beautiful women can make the ambition of husband poor, then it is a big mistake. His ambition is so high that it is beyond the reach of ordinary people, even if Zheng Dan and other beauties are just for entertainment. thing.

However, as Duo Goujian's painstaking efforts to find beauty for him, Fuchai still reciprocated, adding a little more land to Yuejun Goujian - let the Yue country go from "south to Juwu, north to Yuer, east to Yin, west As for Gumie, the small site of "Guangyun Baili" has been added by more than 100 miles.

From Fuchai’s point of view, it was not easy for the Wu State to rule in the vast and remote Yuedi. The Yue people were unable to set up households in Qimin. As soon as the Wu people’s tax officials arrived, they went to hide in the deep mountains and old forests. Also migratory. These Yue people still live the primitive life abandoned by the Wu people a hundred years ago, and they can't squeeze any oil and water at all. Compared with the sturdy Central Plains, and even the Huai River Basin, which was developed earlier, it is far worse.

In April, when Xu Di was a little ****, Fu Chai, who had not moved his muscles and bones for a long time, pushed away the beauty Zheng Dan on the bed without hesitation, and set off with a sword!

Xu Di was only a minor problem, but it subsided in a few days. The real intention of Fuchai's dispatch this time is still in the west: according to the report of Cai Guo, his puppet from Huaishang Prefecture, there are many chariots and horses in Chu State! Or a sign that the State of Chu is about to attack Huai Shang!


It can be said that Wu Guo lost the last Chen Cai dispute.

Originally, the boundary between Wu and Chu was between Chen and Cai, but the King of Chu took the Wu State to overtake and punished the Cai State first, and the Chen State also fell back to the Chu State allies. Although Wu Guo retaliated after the incident, he could not hold Cai's land, let alone regain Chen Guo, so he could only forcibly move Cai Guo's entire country to a state closer to him as a flanking barrier.

This time, the troops of the Chu State were mobilized, and the eastern front was strengthened. Fuchai originally thought that the Chu State wanted to take advantage of the situation to attack the prefecture again and advance the front lines of the two countries to Huaibei and Huainan.

Unexpectedly, when he arrived at Zhongli, he learned that the Chu State sent troops to the north...

Fuchai was overjoyed immediately. The army of Chu State went north, indicating that the strengthening of the defense on the eastern front was just an illusion, and its interior was definitely empty.

For this war, Fu Chai is full of confidence. Although he has been lingering in the beautiful palace for a long time in Gusu, his armor is still sharp. What's more, when he was the prince, he defeated the people of Chu and captured eight doctors of the state of Chu. King Xiong Zhen of Chu had to move the capital to avoid it.

However, just when his handsome Wu Jia30,000 was stationed in Zhongli and planned to attack Huai Rui and retake Chen Guo, an uninvited guest came in a hurry from the north...

When Wu Bing came in with the extremely embarrassed Central Plains man, Fu Chai didn't recognize him, until the man took the initiative to lift up his messy hair, revealing his pale face, then Fu Chai laughed: "This is not Chen Heng. Is it?"

Chen Heng came to Wu as an envoy last year, and talked about the interests of Wu and Qi, and the Zhao family was their enemy, but Fuchai was not interested in allies that were too far away~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At that time, his energy was put on In the domestic palace, and above the state of Chu that is close at hand.

After laughing, Fuchai's tone instantly became gloomy.

"I heard that Qi and Chu were allied with each other, and you are also serving by the side of Chu Jun, is there such a thing!?"

Holding the Chunjun Treasure Sword snatched from the Yue Kingdom in his hand, Fu Chai grabbed Chen Heng's shirt with a terrifying aura.

However, Chen Heng's face was not blushing and his heart was not beating. He pleaded guilty and said, "How dare a foreign minister betray the king, I came to Wu country all night, just to tell the king a good news..."

Fuchai looked at him with a sneer, wanting to see what tricks Chen Heng was going to play.

"Chu Zi is dead..." As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Heng felt that Fu Chai's hand on the front of his shirt loosened, and after habitually adjusting it, he repeated loudly: "Congratulations to the king, Chu Zi Xiongzhen, died!"

PS: These chapters are basically a retrospective of what happened in Song, Wu, Chu and other countries in the past few months, and the time does not exceed the main line of June and July.

(To be continued.)

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