Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1023: Ling Yin Zhitan

()PS: There is one more chapter at 12:00

In late May, Zaiying, the capital of Chu State, erected a huge "Jianmu" outside the newly built royal ancestral temple.

Fusang, Ruomu, and Jianmu are the three sacred trees in the legend of Chu. Among them, Jianmu is considered to be a bridge between heaven, earth, man and god, and even soul and soul. Therefore, this building wood is also a magical instrument used by Wuzhu of Chu State. It is painted with black lacquer on the outside. The leaves are like awns, and the treetops are respectively carved and placed with dragons, phoenixes, birds, beasts, hanging dragons, and bells.

At this moment, the burning white smoke of countless wormwood and cypress leaves is lingering around Jianmu, like a fairyland, and the entire temple is also pierced by the shrill sound, the melodious bell, the thumping drum, and the humming pipe. Music, ding ding chime permeates...

Beyond the bells and drums, there is the sound of conjuring souls.

"The soul returns! There is no east, no west, no south, no north...

The east cannot go to the east, there is the sea in the east, the soup valley is lonely, the weak water is rushing, and the dragon and the dragon are flowing side by side.

It is forbidden to go to the south. There are deep forests in the south, blazing fires for thousands of miles, mountains and narrows, and snakes meandering.

The west must not look toward the west. There are thousands of miles of quicksand in the west, with long claws and teeth.

It is not allowed to swim in the north, there are cold mountains in the north, where people are extinct, the sky is white, and the water turns into ice.

The soul is back! Back to the soul! "

After Chu State Bu Yin Guan Shefu sang the thick and deep male vocal solo, a large group of people shouted in unison: "Return of the soul! Come back to the soul! Take care of Jingchu and settle down..."

The sound of sadness seems to be able to penetrate the nine heavens, and spread throughout the six poles and eight wastelands.

Yin Zixi was also in the chorus of the soul-calling crowd. He was very saddened by the loss of the king and his younger brother. Fortunately, King Zhao's coffin finally arrived in the capital and was properly arranged in the palace, and the new king had already inherited the great power.

With the deepening of the ceremony, the young new king Xiongzhang appeared on the stage. He was only five or six years old, but he was very well-behaved. He learned to watch the appearance of his father and sang "Conjuring the Soul" without any hesitation. West couldn't help but let out a sigh...

It has been a long time since King Zhao of Chu died suddenly on the northern expedition in April, but the pain that this incident has brought to the people of the Chu country will not be able to calm down for a while.

"King Zhao of Chu knows the Dao, it does not lose the country, it is suitable!" Even Confucius, who was in Yedi, gave such a high evaluation to the King of Chu, not to mention the common people and nobles of the state of Chu?

In the eyes of the people of Chu, King Zhao of Chu is tolerant and kind. He changed the smoky atmosphere of the court during the reign of King Ling and King Ping, expelled the villains, handed over the state affairs to the worthy ministers, restored the benevolent government, and also called on the nobles of the Chu state to follow the example of the "Wu Lu Lan Lu". "The ancestral style, don't be dazzled by luxury fans, this can also reduce the burden of civil labor tax.

In Ling Yin Zixi's eyes, the greatness of King Zhao is more than that. When he was young, he was an ignorant younger brother. Until Wu Jun broke the capital and separated from his mother, he could only take a few people to exile in Yunmeng Ze. After suffering all the hardships and being in danger of being betrayed at any time, he matured.

Generally speaking, people who have this experience will become suspicious and suspicious when they regain their status. However, after the restoration of the country, King Zhao of Chu reflected more on himself than blaming others. He forgave those who had betrayed him, rewarded ministers with merit, and completely cut off the chain of mutual hatred and vigilance between the monarchs and ministers of Chu! He also let Zixi, Ziqi and other brothers take charge of the government, and appointed Shen Zhuliang, the son of the hero, to guard Yedi, as Ye Gong, and regarded them as Huonggu. As a result, Chu's government, military, and government are on the right track day by day, and the country has been recovered piece by piece. In the hands of King Zhao of Chu, the state of Chu has a sign of rejuvenation!

However, everything came to an end in the north of Santu Mountain. The King of Chu died and the Chu army retreated. He failed to win back the status of a great country for Chu, but he became another victim of the family curse.

However, for the people of Chu, the dead are long gone, and the living should be like this. They must wipe away their tears and inherit the legacy of their predecessors, in order to live up to the life of this Mingjun who tried his best.

The first to bear the brunt is to completely withdraw from the Central Plains War. With the support of the Chu army in vain, the Qin, Wei, and Zheng allied forces are completely in a desperate situation, and the entire army has been wiped out in Hedong. In Zixi's view, since the rise of the Zhao family can no longer be stopped, at least don't let Zhao Wuxi be the enemy of Chu and lead his army south.

Fortunately, Zhao Wuxi was also a mature politician. He realized that the contradiction between Zhao and Chu was not at the level of confrontation. After the end of the Hedong War, he immediately sent someone to the state of Chu to pay his respects, and said that he was a civilized state. I will never hang on to the funeral.

This is equivalent to giving the State of Chu a step down, making Yin Zixi overjoyed and deciding to send an official envoy to the State of Jin to reconcile with the Zhao family. For this candidate, he fell in love with Wang Sunyu, who was good at words and familiar with the rituals and music of the Central Plains. Wang Sunyu was picking gifts these days and preparing to go north.

However, Yin Zixi did not relax his vigilance against Qiangqing in the north. Ye Gongzigao intended to **** the coffin of the King of Chu back, but Zixi refused him, so he could not leave Fangcheng for half a step. Because although the Central Plains War has come to an end, the Zhao clan still has frequent military operations in Lu Hun, Shangluo and other places adjacent to the Chu State, so it cannot be ruled out that Zhao Wuxi feinted a shot and suddenly invaded the Chu State.

Experienced and prudent, this is Ling Yin Zixi's ruling style. It may not have any dazzling features, but it is what Chu State needs most now.

The north is settled. As for the country, in addition to determining the posthumous title for the King of Chu and summoning his soul, the most important thing is to choose a new king...

Regarding the choice of the new monarch, although the son Qi said that King Chu Zhao once said that "the country depends on the long ruler" before his death, and let Yin Zixi, Sima Ziqi and son Qizhong succeed him, this is also a tradition of the Chu state. Except for King Zhao of Chu, all When a young prince succeeded to the throne, he was basically replaced by the murder of his uncle.

Thanks to King Chu Zhao's tolerance, his three older brothers were not selfish either. After the three discussed it, in order not to make a bad case, and to convince the people of the country, they still welcomed the son of King Chu Zhao as their monarch.

Among the few sons of King Chu Zhao, the three uncles without exception supported Wang Zizhang's succession to the throne!

Not only because the son is young and intelligent, and resembles his father, but also because Wang Zizhang's mother, Yue Si, after learning of the death of King Chu Zhao, did a feat: commit suicide to die for the king!

Yue Si was the daughter of King Goujian of Yue. Although she gave birth to a son for King Zhao of Chu, she was not favored. King Zhao loved Cai Ji, his new beauty. There is also a story. A few years ago, King Zhao of Chu rarely let go of his government affairs and went to Yunmengze with his two wives to play. When the play was on the rise, he was sentimental and affectionate, and he agreed with them to "live and die together, Huang Quan again for husband and wife". Cai Ji had a sweet mouth and agreed immediately, but Yue Si, who was dull, did not nod, which made King Zhao unhappy...

However, when King Zhao really died, Cai Ji didn't say anything yet, but Yue Si stood out and was willing to go to Huangquan together to expel the fox evil spirits for the king.

Zixi, Ziqi and others were shocked. Chu and Yue had a common enemy, Juwu, and they had sent Wenzhong to assist Goujian. The existence of Yue Si is an indispensable link between the two countries, so I strongly advised her not to do so. The barbaric tradition of killing the wives and concubines of the former kings of Chu State has been abandoned for many years.

However, Yue Si has made up her mind. She said: "In the past, the king asked his concubine to live and die together. Although the concubine did not say anything, the concubine promised it. There is a saying in Yue that believers live up to their hearts, and righteous people live up to their deeds. Since the concubine agreed, she must do it!"

After all, Yue Si died after taking the medicine. Suddenly, Wang Zizhang lost his father and mother at the same time...

As compensation, he got a throne!

The little Chu King Xiongzhang did not disappoint Zixi. Although he was sad for a long time after losing his mother, he behaved decently at the funeral ceremony and had the potential of a hero, which reassured the ministers a lot. But after all, he was only five or six years old, and it would take ten years for him to be in charge of the government, so everything in the Chu court was placed on Ling Yin Zixi.

After the funeral of the King of Chu, at least Zai Ying's public sentiment was relatively stable, but the central government's control over the emperors in various places would definitely be a little weaker, and the external situation was not optimistic.

One day in June, Yin Zixi was ordered to hold a court meeting on behalf of the little King of Chu. After the retreating court officials dispersed, he couldn't help sighing again...


This sigh happened to be heard by Lan Yinyi (wěi), a doctor who stayed behind to assist Zixi in handling government affairs.


Lan Yinyu was also a person who was benevolent to King Zhao of Chu. When the Wu army invaded the state of Chu, King Zhao of Chu fled and crossed the river in Chengjiu. When he saw Lan Yinyu carrying his wife and children on a boat, he was about to leave, so he begged him: " Lan Yinzai crossed the river alone!" Lan Yinyu did not turn around, but instead accelerated away from the shore, abandoning King Zhao.

However, after King Zhao returned to the kingdom, he did not cut Lan Yinyu apart, but instead forgave him.

King Zhao's original intention was probably to imitate Duke Weng of Jin and release his enemy Li Fu, in order to seek reconciliation with the many monarchs and doctors of Chu who were on the sidelines during the war. But for Lan Yinyi, this forgiveness is undoubtedly a re-creation. After more than ten years of his career, he became an important official of the court. After the death of King Chu Zhao, he fainted from crying, and then wiped away his tears and swore allegiance to Xiong. Zhang, to assist Zixi in governing the state of Chu.

Now Zixi sighed as soon as he retired from the dynasty, and Lan Yinyu couldn't stand it any longer, so he criticized him unceremoniously: "I have heard that a gentleman only sighs when he thinks about the rise and fall of the previous generation, or when he is buried in grief. Because of thinking about politics, thinking about food, thinking about rituals, and thinking about entertainment at banquets, there is nothing to sigh about. Ling Yin sighed lightly when Xianjun was at the funeral. I didn’t say anything at that time. Now I am in the courtroom and sigh again. Why?"

"Laughing at Lan Yin~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zixi said, "I've been worrying about the troubles of Wu State lately..."

"At the time of Helu, the attack on Chu was like a broken bamboo. If it wasn't for Qin's help, Wang's disciple Qi and I would not have been sure to drive the Wu people out. Now Helu is dead, but his son-in-law is better than him. Not only did he defeat the Yue Kingdom, but Taking Yue as a vassal is also aggressive in the competition between Chen and Cai. Last month, he took advantage of the former ruler to rescue the state of Chu, and the people of Wu gathered at the border again, and there is a great tendency to invade the state of Chu. Although Sima has gone to the east to preside over military affairs , but I'm worried that he is not a match for Fuchai, after all, fifteen years ago, when Fuchai was still the prince, he defeated the boat division of the state of Chu and captured eight doctors of the state of Chu... So I sigh."

Speaking of that battle, Zixi still had lingering fears. At that time, the people of Chu thought that the battle of Baiju would be repeated again, and quickly moved the capital to Yuancheng, which is far away from the Jianghuai, which is now Zaiying.

Now that King Zhao of Chu died not long ago, the lord of the young country is suspicious, and the king is waiting to see. The decrees of the state of Chu cannot be as smooth as before. If the state of Wu attacks at this time, it is indeed something to worry about.

Lan Yinyi smiled and said, "What else should I do? What Yin should be worried about is that the country's political and moral conduct is not well done, so don't worry about Wu! The current state of Chu is very different from fifteen years ago, and the state of Wu is also very different. It is no longer the sentence Wu of the time of Helu, I dare to assert that even if Fuchai can succeed for a while, it is not a problem!" (To be continued.)

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