Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1024: The North of the Central Plains looks like a mountain (Part 1)

Zixi was worried that Fuchai would attack Chu and sighed, but Lan Yinyu said that the lack of husbands was a problem, and Zixi immediately became interested: "The country of Fuchai is much bigger than when Helu, and the benefits of military armor are not inferior, so Lan Yin is so What's the basis for that?"

"Xianjun handed over the spies sent by Chu to Wu and Yue to my jurisdiction, so I know something about Fuchai, and let me talk about the difference between Helu and Fuchai. しωχ520【Update soon&nbp;&nbp; Please search //ia/u///]”

Lan Yinyu said: "He Lu is not greedy for delicious food, one steamed crucian carp is enough for each meal; he also does not like listening to extravagant sounds, the sound of soldiers hitting their shields with swords is the most beautiful music in his ears; He Lu also became increasingly estranged from his wives and beauties, and even cut off the beauties' heads to save Sun Wu; he was never greedy for comfort, worked **** state affairs from morning to night, and was sympathetic to the suffering of the people. He was very happy to hear a helpful word. , getting a wise man is like getting a gift from Haotian, he must correct his mistakes, and he must be righteous when he is blamed. That is why he can get the support of the people of Juwu and realize his long-cherished wish to defeat the state of Chu..."

Zixi agreed that Helu, the king of Wu, was indeed such a formidable opponent.

"Now that Fuchai succeeded to the throne, he was stubborn and re-villained. He condoned his own mistakes, stayed away from worthy ministers, and refused the advice of others, which led to Sun Wu's departure and the resignation of military members. In addition to conscripting soldiers to go out to war, Fuchai also abused the power of the people to satisfy his needs. Personal sex, since a few years ago, he has been repairing the stage of Gusu, and he has also searched for Wu and Yue beauties. Fuchai did this, Hugh said that he broke Chu into Ying like his father, I am afraid that it will not take a few years, he will It will bring down the state of Wu, how can such a person be a long-term threat to the state of Chu? Make Yin only need to wait for the husband to make enemies on all sides, and if the internal affairs are not repaired, the state of Wu will naturally die!"

Zixi nodded and regained some confidence. Unfortunately, Lan Yinyi's analysis was very far-sighted, but it did not help the Chu country at the moment...

Soon, bad news came from the east. It turned out that in mid-May, Fu Chai first learned the news of the death of King Chu Zhao from nowhere, so he sacrificed the old rule of Wu State: take the funeral and hang it. The Wu Guozhou division took the initiative to attack, went upstream along the river, encountered the Chu Guozhou division, and fought a water battle in Juchao...

Wu Chu's water battles on the Yangtze River can be said to be a common occurrence. Generally speaking, when the upstream fleet fights with the downstream fleet, it should be the upper reaches who have the advantage. However, the embarrassing thing is that the Chu country's boat division is always defeated. On the one hand, according to the reason summed up by the people of the state of Chu themselves, it is because the Chu boat is advancing along the current and retreating against the current; if it sees advantages, it will attack, and if it is disadvantageous, it will be difficult to retreat. The boat of Wu advanced against the current and retreated with the current; if he saw the advantage, he would attack, and if he saw the disadvantage, if he wanted to retreat, he could retreat quickly. Not to mention whether this rhetoric is somewhat reasonable, in short, Wu Guozhou has repeatedly defeated Chu people with this water potential, and this time is no exception.

In the water battle of Juchao, Chu State's boat division was defeated, and more than a hundred ships were sunk and captured. After Wu division occupied the waterway, they transported soldiers and armor from Jiangnan and swept Shu Jiu, Shu Liao, Shu Yong, etc." Qun Shu "The land, that is, Hefei, Anhui in later generations, did not stop until the Dabie Mountains were hit.

Immediately, the area slightly north was also attacked by the Wu and Cai countries, Wu Junzhou was invincible, and the land warfare was also very strong. 20,000 Wu Jia and 5,000 Cai soldiers set off from Zhongli and Hezhou, marched westward along the Huaihe River, and recaptured the Yihu, which had just been recaptured by Chu for a few years, with lightning speed. City Father.

Because King Zhao of Chu had dispatched a lot of troops to Yiluo, going back and forth for thousands of miles, and before he had time to return to defense, under the fierce offensive of the Wu army, the eastern front of Chu State was suddenly stabbed in several big holes. Sima Ziqi is also an experienced and prudent person. At the moment when his morale is low, he does not dare to easily fight against Master Wu. Wouldn't it be bad if he repeated the fiasco of the Battle of Baiju? So he chose to retreat and surrendered Ying and Liu, which is the northern part of Anhui.

To make matters worse, at the beginning of June, seeing that the Chu army was in retreat, the Wu army occupied the city father of Huaiying again.

For this betrayal, if King Zhao of Chu was here, he would definitely impose punishment immediately, but the Chu State ordered Yin Zixi and Sima Ziqi to do nothing.

The Chu army and the Wu army have no psychological advantage in the battle, and whenever the monarch dies, the state of Chu will fall into a period of confusion: the power of the court will be reshuffled, and the nobles from all over the world will have to wait and see for a while, and submit to their Ba and Pu people. , The Vietnamese will also take the opportunity to resist and must be suppressed. This is not a good time to fight for every inch of land. Therefore, in the face of Wu State's aggressiveness, Chen State and Cai State are playing tricks, Chu State chose to retreat, temporarily abandoning the Huaishui area, and shrinking the front line in order to seek domestic stability.

Fortunately, Wu State did not plan to fight a national war with Chu State. After surrendering to Chen State, Wu Jun did not continue to go further west, but marched north on the momentum of a great victory.

Because in mid-June, Fuchai received a request for help from Pengcheng, Song Gongjiu begged Wu State to intervene in the civil unrest!


When he received a request from Song for help, Fuchai just ended his military operation in Yingdong and returned to Xudi.

This time, the westward march took advantage of the death of King Zhao of Chu and the fear of war within the state of Chu. Fu Chai succeeded in Huai Shang, and for a time the "Qunshu" east of Dabie Mountain and the "Dongguo" east of Yingshui were not owned by Chu. The spoils of war that King Helu of Wu did not hold back then have now been conquered by Fuchai again!

The expansion of these hundreds of miles of land, the flattery and flattery he received after the victory, made Fuchai flutter, and his self-confidence and pride swelled to the extreme...

So his hegemonic ambition, which had been silent for a long time because of revenge for his father, began to be eager to try again.

The call for help from Pengcheng is like a pillow when you are dozing off!

The state of Song is a hidden pain in Fuchai's heart. More than ten years ago, the state of Wu supported the Xiang clan during the rebellion of the five sons of the state of Song. Fuchai personally led troops to attack Xiaodi and approached Shangqiu. , had a good time with prestige, and got the generous treatment of "Ninety-nine Prison".

But the fly in the ointment was that Zhao Wuxi, who was still a "Western vulgar doctor" in the Lu country at that time, also set his sights on the civil strife in the Song country. He met Fuchai, and the two worked together for a while, but their personalities were so different that they couldn't urinate in a pot at all. What's more, Fuchai also took a fancy to Nanzi's beauty and wanted to take it as his own, but Nanzi already fell in love with Zhao Wuxi, and she didn't want to go to Wu State to be a victim. After the great witch, let Fuchai fail...

For this matter, the vengeful husband has always been brooding, although now he has a beautiful Zheng Dan, but Gusutai is so big, how can he think there are too many beauties? According to Wu Chen, who had been to Song State and saw Nan Zi on a missionary tour from a distance, Nan Zi was well-kept like a 28-year-old girl even though she was nearly thirty years old. Those superstitious believers of the Heavenly Dao in Song State even rumored that she was "not old".

Wu State also had the introduction of the Tao of Heaven, and it was still very popular in some places. Fu Chai had no interest in those teachings, but Wu State also emphasized ghosts, gods, and witches. Sometimes Fu Chai also thinks that if he can bring Nanzi and put him in the palace, on the one hand, he can satisfy his failed desire many years ago, and on the other hand, he can make Nanzi the great witch of Wu State and pray for the ghosts and gods of Haotian for him. , so that he can defeat the powerful enemy and increase the dominance of the country, how good it would be.

With this kind of thought~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Chen Heng is also constantly praising the fertile and fertile land of the Song Dynasty. The location is very important. If the Song state can be subdued, then the state can go north to the Central Plains. The state of Qi is willing to guide and help the pioneers of the state of Wu. Fucha realizes his long-cherished wish.

Compete with the princes to dominate China! This is the biggest wish in Fuchai's heart!

Looking north to the Central Plains, Fuchai was in high spirits, so he agreed to Pengcheng's request for help. He only had two requests.

"One, after Song Ping's rebellion was decided, the whole country should be a vassal of Wu, and the orphan should be welcomed into Shangqiu with the ceremony of a hundred prisons; the second, the great Wu Nanzi should be offered to the widow!"

On Pengcheng's side, although Sima Geng was somewhat repulsive of bringing Wu State to aid, as Shangqiu's troops approached, Song Gong hurriedly agreed.

After receiving the reply, Fu Chai touched the beard on his lips and smiled with satisfaction, so he dispatched three thousand Wu Jia, who could travel fifty miles a day, to go to Song State first!

(489 BC) On June 30, on the day of Gui Wei, the Eastern and Western Song Dynasty fought on the outskirts of Pengcheng. Reversed, the Western Army was defeated and lost more than a thousand soldiers. Hearing that the head of the family passed away, Sima Chen Dingguo of Le's family retreated to Mount Mangdang... (To be continued.)

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