Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1025: The North of the Central Plains looks like a mountain (below)

"The widow sent three thousand Wu Jia to defeat the enemy army in Pengcheng, and the Song people from Shangqiu returned to Mount Mangdang."

Sitting in the slightly outdated old palace of Xu State, the King of Wu was invincible. He boasted that he sent one division of soldiers to be able to fight against half the country of Song people.

"Your Majesty is the enemy of the world, and people in China today know the Majesty of your Majesty." This is the Wu State Dazai Bo Xi, who escorted military funds to Huaibei, flattering his husband.

"Of course, the great king is powerful, and none of the princes can be the enemy of the great king." This is Chen Heng's flattery.

Only a white-haired old man who was next to King Wu in the seat above Bo Xi and Chen Heng disagreed, he said lightly: "Song Kingdom is divided, people are panicking, Wu Jun suddenly appeared as a teacher of hundreds of battles, making him weak. It is not difficult for the brigade to flee in fear, but if he encounters Zhao's military pawn, I am afraid it will not be so easy."

If Wu Zixu came to persuade him, Fuchai would probably scoff at it again, but when he said it from the old man's mouth, he could only force himself to suppress his anger, and said with a smile, "What my uncle said makes sense..."

The old man with Hefa Tongyan in front of him is the young master Ji Zha, who is over eighty years old. He is the longest-lived person in Wu State and the only remaining gentleman in the military era. Originally, he had been living in seclusion in the Yanling Mausoleum of the Wu State, self-cultivation, and did not ask about foreign affairs. This time, he came to Xudi, just to sweep the tomb of his old friend Xu Jun during the Qingming Festival. As a result, he was temporarily unable to return to Jiangnan due to a small ailment, so he temporarily lived in the Xu State. Just happened to meet the husband Chai Xingbing into the Song Dynasty, showing off his power and power. Although Ji Zha has not asked about the government and state affairs for a long time, but seeing that the younger generation is so ignorant, he must beat him.

Ji Zha's prestige within Wu State is beyond the reach of his husband who is King of Wu. Ji Zha is the youngest son of Wu Wang Shoumeng. Before Shoumeng died, he hoped that he would succeed him, but Ji Zha repeatedly refused. In desperation, his three The elder brother had no choice but to end his brotherhood, and even deliberately died in battle so that Ji Zha had a chance to inherit. Wu Wang Zhufan, Wu Wang Yuji, Wu Wang Yuying, every time the throne changed, Ji Zha would be invited to the throne. This seems to have become a tradition in the state of Wu. As the younger generation, King Liao of Wu and King Helu of Wu, and even when King Wu's husband came to the throne, must go to Yanling to invite Ji Zha to come out with great fanfare.

Ji Zha has always refused these false invitations with a flick of his sleeve, and he doesn't care much about the war between Wu and the princes, because Wu has always won all the way, even if several generations of monarchs died unexpectedly, but Wu The country's power has been rising all the way. There are many less of him, and more of him. I'm afraid that Wu Guojun and ministers will find this old man an eyesore.

It wasn't until he was getting old that Ji Zha opened his eyes and realized that things had changed. Although the state of Wu seems to be powerful, its territory, national prestige, and number of soldiers have all reached its peak in the hands of Fuchai. : When fighting for hegemony in the Central Plains, Ji Zha, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke up.

"Although the old man is in Yanling, he has also heard that after Yueguo Goujian returned to Kuaiji, he did not eat too much, and his clothes were not heavy. He cared about the people, mourned the dead, and condolences to the village elders. Only use its people to take revenge on Wu State. Since the old age, he has never made a mistake. If Goujian does not die, it will definitely be a problem for Wu State. Now to the king, the existence of Yue State is like a heart attack. The great king did not destroy the worries of the Yue State first, but instead went the opposite direction, wanting to interfere in the Song State, attack Lu Si, and have a bad relationship with the great state of the Central Plains, isn't it absurd?"

As soon as this remark came out, the husband was silent, Chen Heng looked at Bo Xi who had accepted a lot of bribes and promises from him, but saw that Bo Xi looked at his nose and nose, and did not dare to provoke the old man. The fact that Fuchai went north to the Central Plains was related to whether Qi State could survive Zhao Wuxi's violent revenge.

"Haha, Ji Zi..." Before Chen Heng could speak, Ji Zha glanced at him coldly without anger.

"Chen Wenzi is also a polite and virtuous gentleman, how can he give birth to such a rashly interjected descendant? Go back to me!"

"Yi, kid... I'm sorry..."

Chen Heng was in a cold sweat, Chen Wenzi was his great-grandfather, Ji Zha had made friends with him when he was on his mission to Qi, and this old man brought out such a high-ranking ancestor to suppress him at once. A gentleman who is angry and has ghosts in his heart is afraid." He couldn't help but back away in fear, not daring to speak any more.

However, Chen Heng gave Fu Chai time to think. Facing Ji Zha's questioning, Fu Chai was also a little impatient, and said: "What my uncle said is almost the same as what Wu Zi said..."

It turned out that as early as half a month ago, Wu Zixu, who was in the middle of Jianghuai and oversaw a major project for Fuchai, was also very anxious when he heard that Wu Jun conquered Huainan and Huaibei and then sent his troops north. The disease of the confidant of the country. The king did not first eliminate the evil disease, but he listened to the exaggerated words of the Qi people and greed for the land in the Central Plains. In the land of Lu and Song, the Wu State won but could not defend it. There is no place to plant seedlings and seedlings in this land, so as to gain practical benefits for Wu State. I hope that the great king will abandon the Central Plains and perish in Yue, otherwise, it will be too late to regret it!”

Wu Zixu's words have long been in the left ear and the right ear out. Now Ji Zha's exhortation is almost exactly the same. Do you see the same thing? Or did the two senior officials of Wu State begin to communicate secretly, trying to restrain their own hegemony?

Ji Zha takes authority and reputation lightly, so how could he collude with courtiers? For a while, the old man was a little annoyed, and even started to feel dizzy. It wasn't until he beckoned someone to offer the decoction to take it that he was relieved...

He is really old and weak. Zhao Wuzi, Han Xianzi, and Wei Zhuangzi who had been friends with the pine and cypresses outside the grave all grew tall. His friends Shuxiang, Zichan and Yan Ying also died one after another. The group of sages is bright, and now he is the only one left to live alone.

Not only the people of Sri Lanka have changed, but the familiar old things are gone. Ji Zha also listened to Yanyan's reply from the state of Lu, describing the new atmosphere of Lu and Wei. When he was on an envoy to Qufu, he saw the politeness and good manners. The rule of courtesy and music has disappeared. They all perished under Zhao Wuxi's iron hoof. And in the distant Jin state, Zhao Wei and Han, as Ji Zha predicted, once divided up the power of Jin, and stood on a three-legged stand. It's just that the Zhao clan was too powerful, Wei Zhuangzi's descendants were exterminated, and Han Xianzi's descendants were also forced to the borders. In the state of Jin and even in the Central Plains, the Zhao family dominated.

Under Zhao's leadership, the world has really changed.

Fifty years ago, princes still respected etiquette and trust, but now they never talk about etiquette and faith; in those days, countries were only respected by clans and clans, but now the lords are extinct, the doctors are declining, towns and cities are gathered into counties, scholars and commoners. quietly rising. Between countries, court appointments, banquets and poems based on etiquette have become less and less, and replaced by intrigue, cooperation between verticals and horizontals, countries without fixed friendships, and scholars without fixed masters, all of which have changed in a few decades... …

Could it be that the "Ji Shi" prophesied by Yan Ying and Uncle Xiang is really coming?

But there is also the same thing, that is, Ji Zha's hope that the Central Plains and the Wu Kingdom can calm down the war and respect the relationship! And the heart that looks forward to the future of this country!

Since he couldn't be moved by affection, he had to understand it and reason, Ji Zha stood up with all his strength, bowed to his grandchildren's husband, and said, "I once heard Sun Wuzi say that the battle of great powers should be celebrated ten times. Tens of thousands of people follow teachers for thousands of miles, and the expenses of the people and the emergence of the country are thousands of dollars a day."

"Song State is the state of the Zhao family, Lu Si is the Zhao family's prison, and when the Wu master goes north, the Zhao family will inevitably come to obstruct it. I heard people say that Zhao Qing and Qin, Wei, and Zheng are fighting in Hequ, and they can dispatch a hundred thousand troops. Wu state Although it is said that there are three thousand (one hundred and three thousand) soldiers, but can the king really pull up his army and go north?"

"Even if 100,000 soldiers and armors can be dispatched, can the food be supplied? From Wudi to Songlu, a thousand miles away, how many civilians will have to be dispatched to bring down the millet? If the king insists on going north now, even if there may be a small victory in the early stage, but Sooner or later, the country will be defeated because of its lack of strength. If the king does not think about the death of the soldiers and the people, but fights with Zhao Qing for a day's victory, I think the Wu state will be in danger!

Ji Zha is worthy of being a person who has received a lot of praise from the foreign countries. His words are refined, and every sentence hits the pain point of Fu Chai, so that he can no longer regard these words as "alarmist".

That's right, although Wu State is now expanding, with a territory of 2,000 miles, no less than Jin and Chu, but the population has always been a problem. The Huaihe River in the south of the Yangtze River is vast and sparsely populated, so compared with the 4 million in Chu and the 5 million in Jin, the population of Wu is estimated to be only 2 million. What's more, many places have a low level of organization. Even if all the people are soldiers, it is the limit to be able to piece together a hundred thousand troops. As for the ones that can be sent to foreign countries, only sixty or seventy thousand.

If only relying on these strengths to compete with the Zhao clan in the Central Plains, even if the Wu army is brave and good at fighting, it is still slightly insufficient.

And transportation and food and grass are indeed a big problem...

After hesitation, he looked at Chen Heng.

Chen Heng was agitated, and hurriedly said: "The state of Qi has suffered from the brutal oppression of the Zhao clan for a long time, and I would like to help the state of Wu and send troops to join forces with the king in Lusi. Besides, the state of Zheng disturbed his confidants, so that the Zhao clan could not take care of the left and right sides, so As soon as it comes, the Zhao family will lose the East, and when Qin, Zhongshan, Yan and others respond to the king's call and rally against Zhao, the great thing will be accomplished!"

Ji Zha sneered: "You must have persuaded Chu, Qin, Zheng, and Wei in the same way. Now that the princes have been defeated, they are all thanks to you! Your Majesty, you should immediately expel this ominous person who speaks out!"

"The fortunes of the son of Chu are not good, Wei Naixiao's younger generation, Qin Ze's dead bones, how can he be compared with such heroes and heroes as King Wu?" Chen Heng was still stubborn.

Fuchai's eyebrows moved slightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing this, Bo Xi, whose eyes had never left him, immediately knew that going north to the Central Plains was Fuchai's true long-cherished wish, so he interjected: "What Jizi said was very true, and he would argue with the Zhao clan. Being strong in the Central Plains cannot be won overnight. But what Zi Chang said is not without reason. When the king leads his division to the north, he will surely let Zhao Wuxi know what is a division that wins every battle! The biggest problem now is food, grass and troops. It is better for the king to wait for the first half of the year and only send thousands of people to help Pengcheng's Duke Song stabilize the front line, while the ministers wait in the rear while preparing food and grass, while stabilizing Chen, Cai and Qunshu, until the waterway between the Jianghuai and the Huaihe River is cleared, and the northern expedition will not be too late..."

"Da Shan!" As expected of Bo Xi, neither of them could be blamed, and he even said it to the heart of Hu Chai's heart.

It has been five years since the surrender of the Yue Kingdom. In the past five years, the Wu Kingdom has not carried out large-scale military operations, but Fuchai is not single-mindedly obsessed with palaces and beauties. While gearing up for the Central Plains, he is also conducting a large-scale military operation north of the Dajiang River. Plan, it was an unprecedented canal:


PS: "There are 3,000 in 100,000,000 people in the world" - the middle school text "Goujian Destroying Wu", there is only one chapter tonight (to be continued.)

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