Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1055: Xi Shi (top)

"Charming the Marquis of Zhao with color, winning his favor, crying about Wu's evil deeds beside his pillow, making his relatives more disgusted with Wu"

Thinking of the mission she had been given when she left Kuaiji, Xi Zi felt as if she was in a different world. This trip to Zhao was very different from what she had imagined.

Zhao Hou Wuxi was an extremely restrained person. He was not confused by Xi Zi's appearance like Goujian, Fan Li, and others, and he did not impatiently let her serve the bed and try new things. Instead, he waved his hand indifferently, Xizi was assigned to the Changqiu Palace "for the use of a broom".

Xizi came to this palace surrounded by garden garden and deer garden in such a confused way, and met her new owner, Mrs. Xu Ying.

For a commoner woman like Xizi, the feudal lord's wife is above the others. Xizi entered the palace to learn etiquette when he was in the Yue Kingdom, and he also met the Yue Wang's wife. That lady was a slave in Wu State for three years and suffered a lot, and was even called by her husband to serve her in bed. After receiving this humiliation, Mrs. Yue Wang became as sensitive and nervous as Gou Jian. Seeing Xi Zi and others, her eyes were full of coldness and jealousy.

But Mrs. Xu Ying was different. She was dressed in red winter clothes, graceful and gorgeous. She was a serious lady from the Central Plains. Although she was amazed at Xizi's face, she did not show any jealousy. she talks. Ask her where she came from, when her ancestors held any position in Xu country, when did she live in Yue country, how old is this year, and do you have relatives at home?

In this small talk, Xi Zi finally relaxed. After chatting for a while, Nyu Yu informed Madam Xu Ying of Zhao Wuxi's arrangement, and Madam Xu Ying laughed and scolded: "This kind of young beauty prepares a broom, that's all. It's really a waste of time for a monarch to do it."

She looked at Xizi with some pity: "In the future, you can serve in the garden now, just as Your Majesty found for me Xueli and Tumi from the southern Chuyue land, these flowers and trees are rare in the north, and the people of Yu don't know their habits. , since you are from the country of Yue, you should know a thing or two."

Because things unfolded differently from Xizi's imagination, her mind was in a mess, and now she could only subconsciously agree.

So she became a senior palace maid in the Changqiu Palace. From winter to spring, the snow melted, all things recovered, the antlers fell and grew again, the willow buds sprouted, the buds bloomed little by little on the branches, and Xizi It also takes good care of the southern flowers and trees by the stream.

Gradually, she also got used to the life in Zhao Palace. Compared with the hot and humid Yuedi, it was drier and colder. Compared with the "palace" composed of tall bamboo buildings in Kuaiji, the palace was tall and the access control was strict. She had no idea what was going on outside Changqiu Palace.

Fortunately, the target of Xizi's trip, Zhao Hou Wuxi, was very fond of Mrs. Xu Ying. It would take four or five days at most, and at least two or three days. He would definitely come to Changqiu Palace for the night and return the next morning.

"This may be my chance." The more people promised, since the mission has not been completed, Xizi must keep trying. Time is pressing, and the Yue Kingdom, who is kind to their family, is subjected to the tyranny of Wu Kingdom day and night. The King and the people of Yue Kingdom are all looking forward to revenge, so she can't sit in this Changqiu Palace and spend the whole day in vain.

Far away from the country of Yue, the Yue women who came with her were also scattered and placed in other palaces, alone. Here, she can only rely on herself

Xizi began to chat with the maids in the same room intentionally or unintentionally, and inquired about the rules of Zhao Hou's communication. and barrier-free.

After her kind words won the trust of others and learned that Zhao Wuxi was walking on the path, another day, Xizi left her duty without authorization, dressed up her appearance, and waited in the flowers and trees by the aisle early in the morning. Just waiting for Zhao Hou's car to pass by, she pretended to pass by and went out to let him see her. Even if Zhao Hou was not interested in herself, Xizi must try, and Zhao Hou must see her and think of her.

Then he summoned her, blessed her, and doted on her, even though Xizi gritted her teeth with reluctance in her heart, this was the fate she bore.

She is a weak woman. On the way to Zhao State, she thought about retreating, escaping, leaving, and even pinned her hopes on Fan Li. But Fan Li abandoned her in the end. Now, she has no way out, she can only take the fulfillment of her mission as her only sustenance in the world.

As for the little personal relationship with Fan Li, since for him, ambition and commitment are more important than her, the seemingly non-existent relationship has gradually faded away.

Waiting left and right, finally, she saw Zhao Hou's car driving slowly under the guidance of Guan Ningjian (Ning Zhiyuan!), a person from the palace temple.

A flash of excitement flashed in Xizi's eyes, he took a step forward, and opened his mouth to speak.

However, in the next moment, she held the hand stretched out from behind.

At one end, a fierce-faced Fu Mu glared at her, and behind her were the palace maids who shared the same room with her, reprimanded her in a low voice:

"Bilty maid, don't want to live anymore? How dare you come to seduce you!"

The next day, after Zhao Hou left Changqiu Palace, he was locked up in the firewood room for one night, and Xi Zi, who had been subjected to the cold words and sarcasm of the palace servants, was brought to Mrs. Xu Ying.

Although he was dressed in ordinary clothes and had torn folds, it didn't prevent Xi Zi from being invincible.

Mrs. Xu Ying's face was sinking like water, and she asked her face to face: "Xi Zi, you have done a good job in taking care of the flower garden in an orderly manner. I was planning to promote you to the maid Yu, but you left your post without permission and ran to Yu. What is the purpose of watching the king's car on the road?"

"Damn maid!" Xizi fell to the ground.

She knew that her life and death were in the hands of Mrs. Xu Ying, but now it was useless to say anything. She had been in the palace for several months, and it was impossible to talk about getting lost. Someone had been staring at her long ago, and Madam Xu Ying must have been aware of her every move.

Xizi heard the secrets of the princes' harem from the maid of the White Palace of Chu Palace who taught them the techniques of the house and the etiquette of the palace. Those wives of King Chu Ping really used all their means in order to compete for favor, or let other wives have abortions, or killed them at all costs. As for the maidservants in the palace, if anyone has any unreasonable thoughts and dares to seduce the princes, they will be directly hanged and killed as an example!

Is it the same fate that awaits you? No matter what, since she was abandoned by Fan Li and her mission went all wrong, she has been exhausted, and she will not go to Yueguo, if she can die happily.

However, Mrs. Xu Ying looked at her, but she did not become as jealous as Xizi imagined, nor did she make it difficult for others to punish her, but called her to sit beside her.

"You came to Zhao country from a long distance in the south of the Yangtze River. Naturally, you didn't want to be a flower-watering palace maid, to win the favor of the princes, and to win allies for the mother country. It should be your purpose, right?"

"Madam, it is for this reason that the cheap servant was sent to Zhao."

Xizi immediately burst into tears, which was equivalent to tacitly acquiescing to this statement, which is not excessive, she must rely on her own acting skills to survive this disaster.

As long as you don't expose what Dr. Chong told her last before she left.

"If Wu is more prosperous, I hope that Xizi can hold Zhao Hou's heart in the palace, let him indulge in the pillow seat, and waste the government."

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Xu Ying first looked at her fixedly, as if to see through her most obscure and twisted thoughts, and finally turned into relief and pity.

"The matter of the country of Yue~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I have also heard from Your Majesty, what is the sin of dedicating one's life for the country? You and I are also hard-working people after the country's subjugation, but we met in this city of Ye, There may be divine will in the dark."

She gave Xizi a seat, then took her hand and said to the court ladies next to her, "Although I married the prince and prince in the ceremony of the prince's daughter, we were not accompanied by a concubine. After that, she is equivalent to my wife!"

Xizi became Ji Ying's "嵵" in such a confused way. Although she was not officially given the title, no one in the palace disrespected her since then.

She was very puzzled by this, which could only be attributed to Mrs. Xu Ying's kindness and pity for her. For a time, she felt a lot of emotions, she was grateful, and she felt ashamed of her kindness.

However, things that caught her off guard came one after another. That night, Xi Zi had just come from the stream to take care of the flowers, and Ji Ying asked Fu Mu to tell her that she should take a bath and change clothes, and prepare to serve the prince.

(To be continued.)

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