Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1056: Xi Shi (below)

PS: The 6000-word chapter, everyone can read it in one go, it's gone today

The palace was deep, and when the door was closed from the outside, Xizi, who had already dressed up, felt her heart beating so fast that it was about to jump out of her chest.

Zhao Hou Wuxi was standing in the hall of the side hall, teasing a roan bird from the south in the cage. Xizi rationalized his thoughts, took a step forward with courage, and called softly: "Your Majesty..."

Zhao Wuxi turned his head and saw a girl of celestial beauty and national color kneeling in front of him, elegantly dressed, with thin shoulders, which was pitiful.

She said weakly: "The concubine is a vulgar woman from Yuyue. When she entered Zhao, she did not know the etiquette and offended the emperor. She came to Changqiu Palace as a slave for several months. , if your Majesty doesn't think that the concubine looks unsightly..."

When Xizi said the first sentence, his voice was still trembling, but after this sentence was spoken, for some reason, it became more and more fluent. "The concubine is willing to accompany you to add a pillow seat, Bo Jun is happy..."

However, Zhao Wuxi still stared into her eyes with the expression of Xiao's interest when he first saw Xi Zi.

In fact, Xi Zi was so nervous that his hands were shaking, but he tried his best to maintain that charming smile, tried his best to hide the fear and fear in his eyes, and greeted his eyes with full of anticipation.

Zhao Hou's expression slowly melted in her intoxicating smile, revealing a slight smile, and nodded: "The beauty of Xizi, the depth of the fish, the high flying of the bird, and the widow is not a clay figurine, how can you dislike it?"

Being praised in this way, Xi Zi didn't know whether it was a joy or a worry, but he heard Zhao Wuxi say: "When Ji Zha, the son of Wu State, was on an envoy to the State of Lu, and listening to the rites and music of the princes, he could see the customs of the countries in his poems. There is no distinction between dance and music. Home, since you have free time today, you can dance for Gu, and let Gu look forward to the scenery of the southern country before leaving for the expedition..."


The Yuedi civilization was not prosperous enough, but a lot of things were introduced from the state of Chu. For example, the governance of the state of Yue was also called Lingyin, and the palace people of Kuaiji also introduced more people from Chu, which naturally included many dances. people. Xizi's skin is white and the waist is thin, and the charmingness of Chu Wu's sleeves and folded waist is beyond the reach of other women, and Chu Wu's songs are mixed into Yuedi, which is sung by her soft voice, which is not interesting.

"Today, He Xixi, you are in the middle of the boat.

What day is it today, I have to be in the same boat with the prince.

Be ashamed and be happy, but not be ashamed.

I was so upset that I didn't stop, and learned that Junhou. "

She seems to be a boat girl, swinging a boat, half shy and half exposed, tender like water, murmuring in Vietnamese, soft and obedient, quite able to arouse the instinctive love of men, just want to board the boat and make out with her under a quilt .

The side room of Changqiu Palace seems to have become a water town in the south of the Yangtze River, a bamboo house hidden in the wilderness forest.

"There are trees in the mountains, and there are branches in the trees, and the heart is happy, but you don't know..."

However, when she sang here, Xi Zi hesitated inexplicably. Her dancing posture was a little chaotic. Her long sleeves hit the top of the wall.

Such a lovely person throws his arms into his arms, how can he not follow?

Sure enough, Zhao Wuxi caught her, like a nephrite jade in his arms for a while, he embraced her waist and lifted Xizi up, his expression was very kind, but the words he said broke Xizi's heart.

He asked, "Did Zheng Dan dance like this for his husband when he was in the Wu Palace?"


It was like a nine-day thunder, and his head fell. Hearing this, Xizi froze. After a while, he slowly woke up and turned around. Suddenly, his body trembled uncontrollably, his face was pale, and his clothes were sweating.

"Concubine, I don't know what Your Majesty is talking about..."

Zhao Wuxi said lightly: "Zhuji Liluo Mountain, Huan Shanv in the village, Yue Jun Goujian plotting to restore the country, using Zhao Hou and Wu Tzu to be lustful, but using Fan Li's plot to visit Meiluo, get Xizi and Zheng Dan, Decorated with Luo Yu, taught Yi Rongbu, learned in Tucheng, and lived in Duxiang. After three years of school uniforms, they were dedicated to Zhao Hou Wuxi and Wu Zifucha, so that Zhao Wu could be difficult and Yue Guo could make friends. Strong aid, take advantage of the situation to restore the country... Although I am in the north, I am not deaf, and there are some things I want to check, but I can find it."

After speaking, Zhao Wuxi looked at Xizi with a serene expression, Xizi looked up in despair, and saw Zhao Hou's expressionless face, in her heart, this person was a little more terrifying, even more so than the gloomy Yue Wang Goujian. people are afraid. If he was interested in himself, why did he leave himself in the Changqiu Palace unattended? If he didn't care about himself, why did he check his past so clearly, and even the details of the beauty plan that only a few people knew about it were generally not bad...

What is he trying to do?

How could Xi Zi know that his reputation in history was extremely high. It was not so much that Zhao Wuxi was interested in this person, but rather her name.

As for what he just said, most of them were mentioned casually by Zhao Wuxi based on the records of Xizi in his previous life, but when Xizi heard it, he was inexplicably shocked.

She let go of the hand that grabbed Zhao Wuxie's clothes, stepped back step by step, fell to the ground, and said desperately: "Since the lord knows the details of the concubine, and also knows the plan of the country of Yue, whether it is killing or slaying, if you listen to the respect, it is a concubine... Bullying the monarch, the concubine is willing to take the blame, but the Yue Kingdom is helpless, and I hope that the monarch can fulfill the promise and help Yue to restore the country!"

After she finished speaking, she closed her eyes as if she had accepted her fate. After she came to the Zhao Palace, Xi Zi deeply felt that what she had learned in the three years of Kuaiji, and the gentleman who had been immersed in countless lies and conspiracies as a child For Hou and the ladies, it was too tender.

However, Zhao Wuxi laughed, walked up to Xi Zi and said, "In your eyes, are widows so cruel and sinister? I am not King Helu of Wu, I don't have to use beautiful heads to pave the way for hegemony, such beautiful women are hidden in the deep palace. , it's better to live."

Xizi looked at Zhao Wuxi in surprise, he stretched out his hand and pulled her up: "As a Yue man, you resolutely joined Kuaiji in order to repay the kindness of the Yuejun Yu Shi family, which is for filial piety; To be in a foreign country is to be brave; to be alone, it is difficult to walk, but still not forgetting the promise, to try again and again, it is to believe; to be able to rely on one's own appearance and dance to make others move, is to be wise. Be benevolent, trustworthy, courageous, and wise, even though she is a woman, she is victorious There have been countless men. If the Yue people can be like you, I am not surprised that Goujian can return to the country."

Xizi couldn't react, and was so surprised that he stuttered: "Junhou...Junhou...Don't blame the concubine for deceiving the emperor?"

Zhao Wuxi disagreed: "A ruler of a human being is a person who cherishes virtue in others; a person who is a minister of a human being is one who looks up to the superior. Even if he is a ruler, how can he expect wishful loyalty? Treat the king with loyalty; the husband treats the concubine with kindness, and the concubine treats the husband with virtuousness. How can a widow never be virtuous to you, so how can you accuse you of scheming?"

"It is also helpless for the few people to know that you are just a matter of the world. It is best to go straight. If you show off your scheming, if others see through it, it will be counterproductive."

Xizi was stunned on the spot, and two lines of clear tears flowed out. This feeling was as if in front of Zhao Wuxi, all the disguise she had concealed suddenly collapsed, and she was stripped bare and exposed to the icy air. Under Zhao Wuxi's undisguised gaze, he was ashamed and stubborn. Unexpectedly, at this time, there was an extra piece of clothes on his shoulders... This kind of feeling is mixed.

At this moment, there was a sound of a watch from outside, and before you knew it, the day of the watch had arrived, and the night was dark...

Xizi wiped his tears, knowing that what should come is still coming, he stood up tremblingly: "It's getting late, the concubine serves the prince and goes to bed..."

"Forget it." Zhao Wuxi waved his hand with a look of despair.

"I've seen Wu, and I've said all my words. You can't let go of your promise to the country of Yue, so why bother laughing and flattering."

He continued to turn around and teased the caged roan bird, as if it was more interesting than Xizi: "The beauties sent by the Yue Kingdom have been accepted, as for when to taste it, that's my business. Let’s think about the next one. When the widow settles the Wu Kingdom and completes the agreement with the Yue Kingdom, when your mission is completed, you may be able to stay in the Zhao Palace with peace of mind, and be more comfortable and calm in front of the widow... You first Go down."

Xizi doesn't know how he feels now, as if he has been granted amnesty, but he feels lost...

She obediently said goodbye, but when she was about to reach the entrance of the hall, she heard Zhao Hou calling her again.


"My concubine is... what are your orders from Junhou?" Xizi scolded himself secretly, why is there a faint sense of anticipation in his heart when he is clearly being played by Zhaohou? After her purpose was completely seen through, she no longer had any idea of ​​seducing Zhao Wuxi, she just wanted to quickly turn around and escape from this dangerous man, but when she heard the call, her footsteps seemed to be stuck, and her heart pounded. Bang.

She could not resist this person's life, she could only obey.

"You change your name."


Zhao Hou is always unpredictable, Xi Zi was surprised: "Rename?"

"Yes, you are from the Shi family, so you should be called Xi Shi."

Xizi tilted his head, not knowing what to say: "But, this is not in line with the system of naming women..."

"In the Zhao Palace, I am the rule. Whoever is praised and who is reprimanded is all in one sentence. What does it mean to change your name." Zhao Wuxi smiled: "The Xizi of Yue is in the past, and from now on, you are The more beautiful Xi Shi of Zhao Gong!"


After Xishi left, only Zhao Wuxi was left in the room.

"There are trees in the mountains, and there are branches in the trees, and the heart is happy, but you don't know..."

She thought that he couldn't hear her last sentence of despair tonight? It seems that she still hasn't completely forgotten about Fan Li, this girl, she has to continue training...

He is now a prince and a man. For him, women in the harem are at his fingertips, but Zhao Wuxi also has some kind of secret cleanliness and pride. After all, he is no longer the first brother in his previous life. He is very picky about women.

Xi Shi, this seemingly weak southern girl, can indeed make a man's heart move, and even Zhao Wuxi can't ignore it. Since the Yueren handed her over, Zhao Wuxi accepted it, but to be honest, without all the auras imposed by the historical legend itself, the current Xi Shi is just a more beautiful woman to him, that's all.

When we first met, Zhao Wuxi not only admired it, but also had insight into everything in his heart. This Vietnamese girl has a mission in her heart, and even if she is reluctant, she still sends him the most charming smile, dances to him twice, and tries to lure him into the bait.

But the effect was not as big as she imagined. Zhao Wuxi had seen more popular dances like this.

Ten years ago, Zhao Wuxi saw Nanzi's sacrificial dance in the sacrifice. She turned into a goddess, reconciled with the gods, and resonated with the heavens and the earth. When she sang, the crowd was in harmony; when she whispered, the crowd calmed down; when she danced wildly, the crowd excited; when she retreated, the crowd bowed. From her, Zhao Wuxi saw the nobility of the princes and daughters, the holiness of the unity of man and god, and the hidden coquettishness inside, which was unforgettable. She waved her long sleeves freely, galloping wildly like a god, arousing his desire to conquer as a man and as a male.

Different from Ji Ying's strong family affection, and different from Le Lingzi's mutual support, Zhao Wuxi's desire for Nanzi is like a drug addiction, which is heavier than shark's desire for blood. Their battlefield is on the bed, in the courtroom, and in the world, they compete with each other and tease each other, like male and female leopards in the jungle, rushing after each other, if a man can't chase her running speed, he will never have **** with her For that woman, the spouse must be stronger than her, in order for her to be willing to accept her.

In comparison, Xi Zi's temptation was a little immature, far less than the fiery desire Zhao Wuxi had provoked when he faced Nan Zi.

Of course, Zhao Wuxi admitted that dancing gracefully and mumbling in Vietnamese was indeed intoxicating. It's just that the most important thing in his heart is the Qi family to govern the country and bring peace to the world. If there are no more fetters, this little heartbeat will not be something that he will keep in mind for too long.

To get her in a natural and natural way, Zhao Wuxi would not reject her. If it doesn't work, it won't be the overlord.

"It's so boring." Zhao Wuxi opened the cage and released the brightly feathered Luo Jin. It has been fed by Zhao Wuxi for several months. It has food and water, and is not afraid of the outside and the south in a warm room. Very different weather.

"When you first came, you still struggled, fluttered your wings, and even dared to peck me. Your eyes were full of sadness. After all, you couldn't help being sent to please me. Without freedom, you are separated from your partner who belongs to your heart. , is your greatest pain."

Zhao Wuxi raised his hand and made Luo Yan face the door.

"But now, do you still want to fly?"

Facing the dark outside world, Luo Yan, who was accustomed to being spoiled, did not dare to fly away. He stopped at Zhao Wuxi's fingertips and continued to comb his gorgeous feathers.

Xishi in history is a tragedy. She was originally a carefree girl in a mountain village, but because of her outstanding appearance, she was used as a tool and was involved in Wuyue's struggle for hegemony. From the moment she took up her mission, it was difficult to fly away freely. . To serve Fuchai, but to destroy Fuchai, and after the dust of the war is over, what is waiting for the beauty is not the heroic courtesy of Yueren, but the indifferent fear, treating her as a daughter of disaster for the country.

Her fate, in the end, is not as beautiful as Fan Li's "swimming in the five lakes", but what Mozi said, "the sinking of the West is beautiful."

Born in the deep mountains, died in the great river, wrapped in the skin of owls, eaten by fish and turtles, red powder turned into skeletons...

Tragedy is the destruction of beautiful things for you to see. No matter how heartwarming the drums of Wu and Yue's battle are, for Xi Shi, this is a complete tragedy.

Now, she has a different choice. Entering the Zhao Palace and staying under Zhao Wuxie's eyelids, here, there is no beauty left...

Zhao Wuxi dared not say that the palace is her best home, but at least it will not be worse than in history. Now is a world of great strife, wars are everywhere, and nowhere is a safe place. She is a lonely woman with a beautiful face. She hastily let her go, but it hurt her. She is still so young, so youthful and energetic, she should not be displaced and suffer from depression, fear and helplessness.

As for fulfilling Xishi and Fan Li's double-sleeping and flying together... Not to mention that Fan Lang regarded his career and Jun's kindness as more important, and more importantly, although Zhao Wuxi was ill, he did not have the habit of dyeing the top of his head green.

Maybe it’s because the heights are too cold, maybe it’s because ordinary women can no longer satisfy the great desires of the princes. After becoming the king of a country, something strange seems to be unlocked in the depths of my heart...

The human heart is the darkest and most unpredictable thing, but using different means to conquer, change, bind and even release the human heart is the most interesting game in the world...

"It's also a way to keep yourself from being driven mad by the affairs of the state."

Zhao Wuxi laughed at himself, and after stroking the bird, he continued to put it back in the cage.

What he is thinking about now is whether to build a Tongque Terrace on the banks of the Zhangshui River after Zheng Wu Poqi returns and recuperates for a few years?


That night, the girl who was forcibly renamed "Xishi" had mixed feelings and could not sleep. She was like a bird that had just been caged, and she still had various discomforts when being fed.

In the main palace of Changqiu Palace, Ji Ying, the hostess of Changqiu Palace, also had difficulty falling asleep.

Ji Ying has his own plans. Wu Xie is in his prime. Now, no matter the princes or the officials outside, they can't wait to put their daughters and sisters in the Changle Palace. It is conceivable that in the future, Zhao Hou's harem will become larger and larger. is unavoidable...

She is getting older, and a woman in her early thirties will inevitably lose her complexion. Although she knows that Zhao Wuxi's feelings for her are not pure lust, but strong family affection, there are some things that Ji Ying will consider.

When a noble girl gets married, why should she take her sister as her wife--that when she is pregnant, someone will serve her husband and handle internal affairs on her behalf.

Ji Ying doesn't have a wife, this is a natural disadvantage, but the Xizi that Zhao Wuxi sent to her palace is a good candidate. First of all, she is helpless, so Ji Ying observes secretly, although this woman has her own mind , but her nature is not bad, if she lends a helping hand, she must be grateful to Dade. Secondly, she is still a descendant of the Xu Kingdom, and regardless of whether it is true or not, with this identity, this woman has a natural relationship with her, the "Daughter of the Xu Kingdom". Ji Ying is still confident that she can't take away her status.

Finally, and most importantly, Ji Ying has already seen it. Zhao Wuxi verbally said no, but he is actually very interested in this Xizi...

She was too familiar with Adi. He asked him intentionally or not in the Changqiu Palace, and when he walked hand in hand with Ji Ying, he looked out indifferently, all of which proved that he had not forgotten Xizi. Although Ji Ying did not know, Zhao Wuxi was not only concerned about Xizi's appearance is more of her "Xishi" identity.

On this day, Zhao Wuxi went out to visit Ji Ying soon, and he also had his own providence. He hadn't met in the past few months, but today he happened to meet Xizi. When Ji Ying saw this, he simply pushed the boat forward and pushed Zhao Wuxi forward.

Rather than waiting for the cat to be greedy and stealing the fish, it is better to bring the fish to his mouth and give him a step down.

Of course, she also secretly regretted it afterwards, and once scolded herself for being so generous, and at the same time was annoyed that Zhao Wuxi agreed after hesitating...

At this moment, she tossed and turned and couldn't sleep, so she began to "speak silently, and mourned."

"Qi has the shore, Xi has the pan. The banquet of the chief corner, the speech and the smile, Yan Yan. I swear, I don't think about the opposite. As expected, the scholars are all fond of the new and hate the old..."

With tears in her eyes, Ji Ying lay sour on the couch. It's a pity that the girl's delay is unspeakable.

Unexpectedly, there was a surprise low-pitched cry from the maid outside, and then the door was opened, and someone at the door awkwardly took off their shoes and walked towards the couch with only their feet, for fear of awakening Ji Ying.

How could Ji Ying not hear whose footsteps this was, he was very happy, but he deliberately closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, so he didn't turn his face to ignore the person.

The couch was very wide, but the man still carefully slept on the side, without coming close to him or pulling the quilt, just sleeping with his clothes on, as if he was afraid of waking Ji Ying and the child in her belly.

Just like this for a while, seeing him so gentle, as usual, Ji Ying's heart softened, and he said coldly, "Husband is over so soon?" To toss half night.

Zhao Wuxi didn't answer, but smiled for a while and said, "I told her to go back."

Ji Ying is surprised now, Zhao Wuxi is not the kind of person who can sit still, she turned around and asked, "Why... um..."

Before she could ask, her cherry lips were sealed by Zhao Wuxi.

After a long time, after their lips parted reluctantly, Zhao Wuxi caressed her belly, stared into her eyes and said with a smile: "The princes are very powerful, and there are countless beauties at home and abroad, so I can pick them up, maybe they There are thousands of styles, but none of them can enter my heart. Without a shirt, there can be countless beauties, but Auntie is the only one..."


The night was extremely long and short, until the cloud board knocked three times before the two fell asleep.

In the early morning, the palace maids and the servants prepared the washing and bathing items on time, and Ning Jian also whispered outside the screen:

"Your Majesty, the time has come!"

Zhao Wuxi said nothing, got up and put on a crown. There was an entire army waiting for him outside Ye City.

Ji Ying also watched silently as everyone served Zhao Wuxie and put on a brightly armored uniform~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just as the poem said: The male pheasant is flying and venting its feathers. I'm pregnant, and I'm self-deprecating. The male pheasant is flying, and its sound is up and down. Show a gentleman, really work my heart.

She seemed to see a heroic eagle about to fly, and she wanted to stop it, but she couldn't. In the next few months, she must have been thinking and worrying like a hopeful stone. The sun and the moon are like shuttles, and youth is about to pass away, but the people who miss him are nowhere to be seen, and the woman who is resentful can't help sighing: "The cloud of the Tao is far away, and the cloud of cloud can come?" When will the husband come back?

But even though there were thousands of words in Ji Ying's heart, in the end it was only one sentence, a promise: "My concubine will wait for my son to return!"

Zhao Wuxi looked at himself in the glass mirror, refreshed, and after the Qi family ruled the country, it was natural that the world would be swept away.

He also turned around and smiled at Ji Ying: "Next time I come back, I will take your mother and son to travel to Xuzhou! Let the world know that although Ying's surname is old, his life will be restored!" (To be continued.)

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