Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1058: very ambitious

The genius remembers "love ♂ go ÷ small? talk → net" in one second, and provide you with wonderful novels to read.

(Cough, I found that the ancients’ notes were not easy to compile, and the pretending failed, so let’s just write the normal chapters)

"In the year of the first year, on the fifth day of the fifth month of the summer, when the summer begins, the army leaves the city of Ye..."

"On the tenth day of the fifth month, to Jijin, drinking the horse river..."

It is extremely long for the army to cross the river, which also gives people a rare leisure time. Liu Xiayue sat in his tent, holding a thin rabbit hair brush, and carefully recorded these days' itinerary, what he saw and heard along the way, on the ginger-colored paper. In the situation of mountains and rivers, I was planning to dry it and fold it, but it was unexpected that someone outside would open the tent without notice.


Liu Xiayue hurriedly crumpled his notes into a ball and stuffed them under the marching blanket. When he turned around, it was a tall and slender general, but his friend and superior, the cavalry school captain Zhao Jia.

"Didn't you say it's good to cast a pen and join the army, haha, what are you writing?"

When Zhao Jia came in, he happened to see Liu Xiayue hiding things.

Liu Xiayue shook his head quickly: "Nothing."

Zhao Jia knew that this friend he met in the academy was under a lot of pressure recently. First, his father died in battle, and then he suddenly got the title of "official doctor". dog".

But Zhao Jia was embarrassed to say that, although Liu Xiayue practiced diligently and had good personal martial arts, he was also plausible when pointing out the mountains and rivers on the map. But he does not have the personal charm of his father Liu Xiazhi and the ability to lead troops in battle, not to mention the division commander corresponding to his title of "official doctor", Liu Xiayue is now Zhao Jia's lieutenant, and it is a bit difficult to lead a brigade, after all This was the second war he fought in.

So in his spare time, writing and drawing on the small notebook he carries with him has become a habit of Liu Xia Yue to relieve stress.

Zhao Jia didn't say anything, patted him on the shoulder and said: "What are you doing in the tent alone, come out quickly, go outside to see the scenery, have some wine by the river..." He quickly stopped talking and smiled. Said: "No, there is no wine in the army, just eat some meat and drink some mash."

Although the prohibition of alcohol in the people of Zhao State was relaxed, drinking alcohol in the army was a serious crime.

Liu Xia Yue couldn't refuse, so he followed Zhao Jia out of the camp.


Along the way, the two of them spoke without a word. Unlike Liu Xiayue, who inherited the appearance of an ordinary fisherwoman in Onozawa from her mother, Zhao Jia looked valiant. He came from a noble background, the cousin of Zhao Hou, and like Liu Xiayue, he was born in an academy. Such a noble son who can be promoted all the way by just mixing up his qualifications in the army, but he is willing to start from the grassroots level and be a small **** commander. . During the expedition to Qin last year, he took a hundred cavalry for hundreds of miles and sent a protest in the north of Qishan near Yongdu, which boosted the morale of the Zhao army and scared the Qin people to beg for surrender.

Now, he has made his reputation known to the world, and he is also appreciated by Zhao Hou, calling him "the horse of a thousand miles of my family".

Thinking of this, Liu Xiayue sighed. He is also interested in the military. Today's road seems to be smoother than Zhao Jia. This high title, his father's prestige, the jealousy, envy, and scrutiny of the court and the opposition made him difficult, and sometimes he even wanted to resign all titles and work hard from the grassroots level.

However, as Liu Xiazhi's only son, Zhao Hou will definitely not allow this kind of practice that makes outsiders feel that "the children of heroes are chilled", Liu Xiayue can only strive to prove himself in this war!

After a while, they reached the river. The sun was shining brightly at the beginning of May, but the river was turbulent and rolling eastward. A long pontoon bridge had been built by the engineers in the baggage battalion in cooperation with the great river boat division of Zhao State. Each battalion is waiting in turn in their respective camps to pass, and when it is their turn, it will be tomorrow morning.

"Don't look at the overwhelming number of people on both sides of the strait, in fact, there are only more than 30,000 people." Zhao Jia said after looking at it for a while.

"There are more than 30,000 people. That's how big the battle between the two sides during the Battle of Hedong was more than 100,000 people." Liu Xiayue has always been deeply regretful that he missed the battle of Fenglingdu.

This war is not the same as last year. Last year, it was fought in Jizhou, and the road was relatively short, so the Zhao family almost spent all the money and gathered all the soldiers that could be called. But this time it was a labor expedition, the battlefield was far away on Song Lusi, and they had only traveled one-fifth of the distance.

Thousands of miles to feed grain, soldiers are hungry, in contrast, Zhao Guo can't dispatch "one hundred thousand teachers" in one go like last time.

The current state of Zhao has one capital and nine counties. Except for the military soldiers of the three armies (respectively stationed in Taihang, Dongxi and Lu), theoretically, each county can recruit an army during wartime. The total strength of Zhao state is about 170,000. This time on the southern expedition, because the food was barely sufficient, Zhao Hou only brought an army of soldiers, an army of Yecheng soldiers, and an army of cavalry as the middle army, and set out from Yecheng. In addition, the Hanoi army was the left army, and the Shangdang army was the right army. The left and right armies took boats directly from Yingkou and traveled eastward along the Ji River, and made an appointment with the central army to meet near Daliang. The total strength is only 60,000, and it may be close to 100,000 when Sishang and Song Lu's strength are added.

As for Hedong, Taiyuan and other places, because of the great efforts in the war against Qin, the soldiers and the people were tired, and the distance was long, so Zhao Wuxi did not recruit, and let them rest and recuperate, waiting to be dispatched as a reserve force.

The soldiers of the Dongyang and Hejian counties either wanted to defend Zhongshan and Yan, or they wanted to cooperate with Da Sima Youwuzheng and the Lu and Wei troops to threaten Qi's flanks and make an offensive posture, so that the people of Qi had no time to join the Wu army.

So there is today's situation where the Chinese army is waiting to cross the river.

After walking around the river, they felt that the heat was unbearable. After returning to the place where the cavalry was stationed, Zhao Jia asked several brigade commanders from the same division to drink some water to cool off the heat, while also discussing how to cross the river after a while. order.

Chatting and chatting, the topic becomes crooked.

"Last year, when the cavalrymen of Shigejun and Shangjun met in Yan'an, there were tens of thousands of horses galloping along the banks of the Yanhe River. How magnificent? It's a pity that after years of fierce battles, from Hedong to Qin, and from Qin to Zheng, the horses died of illness. , or was too thin to ride, but now Zhao State has only three divisions of horses left, and many cavalry have no horses to ride, so they have to form a 'dismounted cavalry', as for the rest, at the beginning, one person and two Horses and even three horses went south, but they had to walk back to Dai County and Shang County, really..."

The brigade commander of Yang's spit splashed and said, and a brigade commander of Zhang's on the other end also said: "What's the use of bringing more horses, now people can barely eat enough military rations, and a few thousand more Horse, you and I are going to be hungry!"

They were arguing there, and Liu Xiayue listened silently beside him, silently remembering that the horses were too weak, and the horse's feed was not enough to support them. If it is easy to solve on the pasture outside the fortress, you can transfer the cavalry of Shangjun in Daijun, there will be a situation where the horses will not adapt to the soil and water and die of illness, and they will also compete with the soldiers in the inner county for food. Green grass alone can't satisfy the horse's huge appetite. Before the war, he had to get bean and wheat noodles, otherwise he would lose fat.

When he came back to his senses again, he found that the topic was wrong again, Zhao Jia was arguing with others about which horse is the best in the world.

"Of course it is Daima!" Yang Lvshuai from Dai County firmly believed that his partner was the best.

"Yongzhou horses are not bad." Zhang Lvshuai pouted, he has been stationed in Hexi and Shangjun for a long time.

They couldn't argue, so they looked at Zhao Jia, the teacher, and wanted him to compete.

Zhao Jia smiled: "I think the southern horses are also quite good. Although they are not as tall as Daima, their endurance is better, and they can walk on flat ground in hilly areas. If they go to fight in the south, Daima and Yongzhou horses are not as good. Stupid."

"No, no, young horse! What's more, if you meet Rong Di on the grassland, the taller horse will have an advantage. If you ride a horse, you will be cut off by a machete."

This turned into a dispute between three people, and finally Liu Xia Yue coughed and said, "Actually, the best horse in the world may not be in Zhongxia, or even in Kyushu."


The three stared at him at the same time. Yang and Zhang were in disbelief, while Zhao Jia was thoughtful and looked at Liu Xiayue with encouraging eyes, asking him to continue.

Liu Xia Yue said: "That kind of horse is called Tianma."

Yang Zhang and the two were a little puzzled: "Tianma?"

"Yes, the horse of the Tianshan Mountains is called Tianma." Liu Xiayue's eyes showed a hint of longing, and said to them: "When I was in the school, I once read a book called "The Biography of Mu Tianzi", which said that the world is in the world. Not only Kyushu, there are also Kyushu outside Kyushu, but the area west of Yongzhou has little contact with the Central Plains. But nine hundred years ago, King Mu of Zhou once let Zhao Zaofu drive the Eight Horses. Originally, the Eight Horses were the best in the Central Plains. Horses, but after arriving in the motherland of the King of the West in Tianshan Mountains, Cepheus saw a better horse. The second horse was tall and strong, with claws like hooves. Blood!"

"Blood?" This is even more incredible.

"So Cepheus called it a horse of sweat and blood, also known as a horse. When King Mu of Zhou came back, he asked the Queen of the West for it, but he was rejected. People in the mother country of the King of the West said that this kind of horse was not actually produced in the Tianshan Mountains, but in the west of the Tianshan Mountains. Across the extreme west of the mountains..."

Yang Zhang and Zhang looked at Zhao Jia with inquiring eyes. They were warriors in the army, but Zhao Jia had stayed in the Academy and was a close relative of Zhao's family, so they should know.

Zhao Jia nodded: "Yes, I also read that book, and that's exactly what it said."

In fact, with his cleverness, he also knew that the "Biography of Emperor Mu Tianzi" was actually compiled by the emperor after the establishment of the school. Although the legends passed down by the Zhao family were added, most of the content in it was actually written by Zhao. Hou personally wrote it on the board. Whether it is true or not, no one knows. Because of Zhao Jia's crazy worship of Zhao Wuxi, he can only blame the emperor's opening of Tianzhi. He knew it for a thousand years before and five hundred years later. It's really a blessing for the Zhao family...

In any case, after receiving Zhao Jia's affirmation, Zhang and Yang believed it a little bit, and they praised: "Tsk, if there is such a horse, it would be wonderful to use it as a mount."

"If you can get rid of foals with Daima, Yongzhou horses, and Lichen horses, I'm afraid it will be a new good horse." Zhao's riding is not only training for combat, they have also been experimenting with livestock crossbreeding, except for mules Gradually popularized, the effect is not great.

Having said this, Liu Xiayue has already said it, and he said excitedly: "Mu Tianzi's biography also said that in fact, in the extreme west, there are not only Tianma, but also a kind of grass called alfalfa, which blooms purple flowers and buds on the ground. It will soon grow up. Tianma eats this kind of grass, so it is so strong. If you can introduce alfalfa into the Central Plains like Guan Zhong introduced Rongshu from Shanrong, the problem of fodder for war horses can also be solved!"

However, Zhao Jia poured a handful of cold water on him: "Ziqian, although I believe what is written in the book is true, in the west of Zhao State, there are still Qin State, Yiqu, Wuzhi, Xiqiang, Yuzhi, etc. I almost lost my life just by running from Jingshui to Qishan. As for further west, what happened along the way is just an understatement in the book. Nine hundred years later, those states may have been annihilated, and the roads are full. Wild grass, otherwise why has no one been able to repeat the feat of my grandfather for so many years, go to Kunlun, go to Tianshan to have a look? You can't even go to Tianshan, which is far away in the far west. There is no way to get there, how can I bring back Tianma and alfalfa..."

Liu Xiayue was stunned for a moment, and then said unconvincingly: "Even if there are layers of barriers, there will naturally be someone who will go to hollow it out. It's like when Wu and Jin didn't know each other, but Wu Chen tried every way to get around. How about Ziwei? Do you know that in the future, Zhao State will not be able to communicate with the mother country of the King of the West again? Not to mention that the water flows low and people go high, learn more knowledge, let the people of the world open up more horizons, and see the sky higher, isn't this the case? The idea of ​​the Academy?"

Zhao Jia sighed in disapproval. Although he is determined to forge ahead, he is also a pragmatic person, always focusing on the goal in front of him. He waved his hand and stopped the topic: "That is also many years later, now It's better to beat Wu Guo first and then mention other things, it's getting late, the second and third sons will also go down to prepare, and the commander will cross the river."

Before leaving, he also said kindly to Liu Xiayue: "Ziqian, I know that you have high ambitions, but as generals, we should be more pragmatic, not too lofty, and looking too high and too far will often lead to the path under our feet. You can't walk well, you fell somersaults, have you forgotten about Zheng Zhengshi?"

Liu Xia returned angrily. After returning to the camp, he took out his small notebook glued together from under the marching blanket, and looked at the "Nanjing Ji" he had described, and was planning to describe today's events as well. Going up, after picking up the pen, he sighed again.

During the battle of Zheng Zheng last year, because of his wrong marching schedule, Tian Ben scolded him, saying that his father Liu Xiazhi was an eagle, while Liu Xiayue was just a chicken...

Eagles fly in the sky, and chickens live in the mountains. If you put a chicken in the eagle's nest and let it see the distant view on the peak, it will not have the strength to live in the peak. It will either fall and die, or be in fear and pain in the wind... In the field Ben, in Zhao Jia's eyes, he is more like Liuxia, that's it. Without the talent of an eagle, he got the position of an eagle by virtue of his father's death. He doesn't think about what he can do, but blindly wastes precious time, dreaming of places he can't reach in his life. And he should listen to their words, shrink in the high eagle's nest, enjoy this position, and don't try to spread his wings.

But thinking of his father's promise to him "to travel all over the world together~www.wuxiaspot.com~see what others have not seen and what others cannot reach", Liu Xiayue trembled and stood alone in the tent. Holding his marching notes, he whispered, "How do you know that I am a chicken, can't I be an eagle!"

He raised his head stubbornly: "I believe that someday someone will be able to hollow out the extreme west. If others don't go, then I will go!"


Zhao Wuxi didn't know that his move at the corner of the chessboard a few years ago had already attracted Liu Xiayue's pride. He was still sitting in the middle army, urging the army to cross the river quickly.

After spending two days crossing the big river, because the northern part of Zheng State had been ceded to Zhao State, several counties were set up and managed by Hanoi County, food and forage were guaranteed along the way, and the marching speed became futile. On May 16, the Chinese army arrived at the border of Song State, a small town called "Huangchi", where the Chinese army joined the Hanoi and Shangdang armies who came by boat from Jishui.

At the same time, Wu Xie also got news from the south: Wu Wangfuchai has killed Zixu! Dig a ditch between the Jianghuai and Huaihe River, vow to expedition to the north, and want to confront Zhao Wuxi in Sishang! (To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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