Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1059: retrograde

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Huangchi was originally a small place, but because the economic water flows through it, it is the only way to travel from east to west, so it has become a water and land rush.

In the mid-summer and mid-May of the first year of the first year of Zhaohou Wuxi, nearly 40,000 troops from the Zhao State who crossed the river from the north, and more than 20,000 troops from Hanoi and Shangdang who came by boat from Ying via Jishui gathered here. .

In order to facilitate dispatching, Song Guo has ceded Huangchi to Zhao Guo, which is temporarily under the jurisdiction of Daliang County.

As soon as Zhao Wuxi and the Yulin army entered Huangchi, Daliang Lingyan rushed over and reported to him the latest situation of Wu State in the south.

"Wu Wangfuchai has killed Zixu!"

When he heard the news, Zhao Wuxi just wanted to laugh. If he said that he was still afraid of Wu, most of them were from Wu Zixu. Back then, when Wu Zixu was envoy to Qi, just a few words would cause Zhao Wuxi to suffer. Not a small hassle. Later, Wu Zixu believed that the Yue State was a greater threat, and tried to discourage Fuchai from the northern expedition. If Fuchai could really listen to him, Zhao State still had some help against Wu State. After all, in the history of labor and teacher expeditions, they went deep into the Jianghuai region in the south, because they were not satisfied with the soil and water, and they became arrogant and arrogant. There are not a few heroes who have been defeated and ruined their reputation.

But if Fuchai came to the north to fight with Zhao Wuxi in order to fight for the courage of the moment, he would not be able to ask for it.

Now that Fu Chai killed Wu Zixu as in the history, Zhao Wuxi's only fear of Wu state is gone.

But in front of Yan Yan, Zhao Wuxi still restrained his emotions, and sighed with regret: "Sad Wu Zi, Fu Chai is really doing the opposite, destroying the pillars and beams..."

Although Yan Yan is from Wu, he has no loyalty to the Wu royal family. He has been in the Central Plains for more than ten years and has regarded himself as a member of the Zhao clan. But when he was in Wu State, through Jizi Yanling, he also had a relationship with Wu Zixu, and he admired the white-haired, legendary king of Wu Chunchen, although he could not feel closeness.

Now I suddenly hear that he was killed because of his remonstrance to anger the King of Wu, and I feel uneasy.

"Your Majesty is right, but Fu Chai is indeed doing the wrong thing!" Next, Yan Yan repeated the actions of Fu Chai with a face full of grief and indignation.

It turned out that before Wu Zixu killed himself, he told his wife, "After I die, take off my eyeballs and hang them on the north and south gates of the capital. I want to see with my own eyes the demise of the state of Wu. Whether it was the Zhao army who came to destroy the city first, or the Vietnamese bandits who invaded first!" These words were added to by Dazai Bo Xi, but they were found out by Wu Wangfuchai. The corpse was placed in a bag made of oyster leather, and it was allowed to float in the Yangtze River...

"Fu Chai also said that the fish and turtles eat your flesh, and your bones are turned into ashes, how can you see Wu's dominance? Dr. Li was also used by him involuntarily, so no one in the country dared to dissuade Fuchai from the northern expedition..."

Having said this, Yan Yan couldn't bear it any longer, so he bowed down and said: "Wu Zi is doing his duty faithfully, but who would have expected his husband to be cruel and inhumane. He has cold teeth, and is even more worthless. Although Fuchai claims to be a descendant of the surname Ji, in fact, he has completely become a barbarian with tattoos. His heart is like a long snake and a big dolphin. Discuss it!"

There was one more righteousness in his own crusade against Wu. Zhao Wuxi naturally agreed to the promise. He immediately ordered the three armies in Huangchi to mourn for Wu Zixu and mourn this doctor who was "loyal as the sun and the moon". [Love ↑ go △ small ↓ say △ network WwW.AiQu]

Zhao Wuxi also wrote a sacrificial text himself: "Loyalty does not need to be used, and virtuous does not need to be used. Wu Zixu is in trouble, bigan is like a glutinous rice..." He compared Wu Zixu to Bigan, a loyal minister of King Zhou of Shang, and compared his Historic status has been elevated to unparalleled heights.

At the same time, he also announced: "The governor of Wu Zi is loyal to the monarch, but he does not know that rebelling against the monarch will cause disaster. Although the husband is surnamed Ji, he does not use Xia etiquette. He is cruel and inhumane. It is! China is in a state of stagnation, and the barbarians have entered the pirates. This battle is not only a confrontation between Zhao and Wu, but also a battle for the civilized state of the Central Plains to resist the invasion of the southern barbarians of Juwu!"

Immediately, the 60,000-strong army was divided into two routes, 50,000 people continued to travel by land to Shangqiu, and the other 10,000 continued eastward along the Jishui, through the "Heshui" that had just been excavated in Zigong, and went to Tengguo, Sishang. Xue country area.

At the end of May, Zhao Wuxi's handsome army arrived in Shangqiu and met his son Shang, who had just turned a year old, and Nan Zi, the actual ruler of Shangqiu.


On the first day of arriving in Shangqiu, at night, Zhao Wuxi entered the Song Palace in his normal clothes.

As the saying goes, a wife is not as good as a concubine, it is better to steal, and a small marriage is worse than a new marriage. For Nanzi, Zhao Wuxi doesn't need to cover up too much, or even pity him. After being led to a palace by Nanzi's cronies, the body that had been hungry for a long time embraced, and the witch robe was quickly torn off involuntarily, revealing the skin like jade and fat, and then the silk belt also dissociated, and the cloud shirt fell off. , the bead shoes fly out, the crown falls...

On the bed, between the pillows, the hero and the heroine, who are always high and mighty, are fighting naked, fighting, and merging...

Nanzi's teeth were deeply digging into Zhao Wuxi's shoulders, so that she could stop the urge to scream, but she liked this feeling, as if her father took her out for hunting when she was young, in the carriage. When she heard the distant roar of a tiger, although she had never seen a tiger, it had already made her terrified to the point that she just wanted to run away. However, the most exciting thing is fear and fear. Her competitive spirit is stimulated, she is eager to try, she wants to get close to the past, touch the tiger's whiskers, ride on him, and try to control this fierce tiger.

For Zhao Wuxi, Nanzi was a rare opponent. He wanted to respond to her teasing and challenges, like a hunter, resolutely searching for and hunting snow-white tigresses in the dense forest. He is like a general again, strategizing and attacking the battle formation, stabbing spear after spear, or rushing to the end, but then turning back and attacking again...

When exhausted, the outcome has been decided, Nan Zi can only change her strategy, and make a posture of prostrate and kneeling. It is easier to tie a tiger with tender silk than to capture a tiger. If the woman of the strong man is unable to surpass him, it will not be regrettable that he will hold down her delicate body and ravage it wantonly.

After several back and forth, hearty, and after another lingering fight, Zhao Wuxi let go of Nanzi and turned his back to the sky.

It was only then that he re-observed the palace where he was, and it seemed familiar.

"Huangtangdian, the place where the concubine and the king met for the first time." This long-abandoned palace is no longer in ruins, but has been redecorated. It is extraordinarily comfortable and luxurious, just as Nanzi and Zhao Wuxi's love nest. .

Nanzi sat on the couch wearing a gauze, and said with a recollection: "At that time, I was still sarcastic, saying that you were just a slaughtered son, like a bereaved dog, with only a few hundred people, even if I gave you ten years, What can we do among the nations with thousands of chariots, and can we still be independent princes?"

She looked back at Zhao Wuxi and smiled sweetly: "Now more than ten years have passed, and Jun is indeed listed as a prince. Such feats are far better than Qi Huan and Jinwen's early years."

"I really feel that this step by step is logical." Zhao Wuxi didn't say anything, just looked at her like this, waiting for the next article.

Sure enough, Nanzi sighed again: "It's a pity that the concubine is still trapped in the shackles..."

"Oh, the Holy Witch of the Song Kingdom, the most powerful woman in the world, what can trap you?"

"A curse." Nan Zi pointed to the top of his head and said mysteriously.

"The country of Song seems to be cursed by someone. Since the Huaxiang Rebellion more than 30 years ago, it has entered a cycle, and it will be chaotic every ten or twenty years. One of the five sons more than ten years ago Chaos, if it wasn't for your help, Nanzi would have been turned into a dead bone. Now the Song Kingdom is in chaos again. Gongsun Jiu, regardless of my kindness for making him king, wanted to harm me. After being found out, he fled to Pengcheng. Waiting for the thieves to attract the people of Wu, they want my mother and son's life..." Having said this, Nanzi gritted his teeth.

"Then how do you untie this shackle?"

Nanzi approached Zhao Wuxi's arms again, and said softly, "I don't think Song can be without a ruler for a day, but he can't support Gongzi Gongsun any more, repeating the chaos, I want Zishang to be Song Gong!"

"He is my son. I naturally hope that he will be in a high position and will serve as a help for me to unite Huaisi in the future." Zhao Wuxi comforted Nanzi: "But do the people of Song really believe your words?"

"A lie can become true if you repeat it a thousand times." Nanzi insisted that Zishang was born as a virgin, from the egg of a dream swallowing a mysterious bird, and created all kinds of omens and auspiciousness. Now she believes in Tiandaoism. Song people have been convinced, but there are some people who don't think so and choose to rely on the orthodox Song Gong of Pengcheng. This is one of the reasons why the situation in Song country has been so anxious in the past year.

"In the battle between the sons of Qi, Xiaobai and Jiu, who is the orthodox heir, in the end, it's up to who shoots to death first. In the battle between the sons of Jin Xian, it's up to who can return to the country with stronger foreign aid... If it doesn't conform to etiquette and rules, after all, it depends on who wins on the battlefield."

Zhao Wuxi smiled, began to put on his clothes, and said to Nanzi: "As long as you can let the Song people try their best to help, I can pacify Pengcheng, expel the Wu people, and depose Gongsun Jiu!"


"Can these rabble go to war?"

Although he had heard about it before he came, Zhao Jia would still feel incredible when he saw it. Nearly 10,000 people were camping in the outskirts of Shangqiu, and there were thousands of people in the city. outside. They even spread a blanket near the Haoshe, and there were huge crowds, just to see Dawu and Xuanzi.

At this moment, Zhao Jia sneered at the countless people wearing brown coarse clothes and dirty, he thought that these Song people could not form combat power at all.

"Ziwei, don't underestimate these people." Liu Xiayue, his lieutenant, said, "Back then, when Your Majesty was in the west of the Lu State, it was by collecting a large number of savage gangsters who were also unclothed and brown to compile them. Only when you join the army can you defeat Sanhuan."

Unlike Zhao Jia, who was of noble birth, as Liu Xiazhi's son, Liu Xiayue's mother was an ordinary Onozawa fisherman. He had deep sympathy for them, and it was such a group of people under his father back then.

"It's not the same." Zhao Jia had serious doubts about these people.

"The other generation is too crazy, only the great witch and Xuanzi are respected. In response to the call of the great witch, they abandoned their homeland and fled from Pengcheng to Shangqiu."

"It's good to be crazy. Now Zhao State supports Shangqiu instead of Pengcheng. It was this group of people who relied on simple weapons to block Wu Jun's forward at Mount Mangdang and save Song State."

"It's their uncompromising bravery and fearlessness that makes me terrified. If Zhao State doesn't stop it, it will cause serious trouble in the future!" Although Zhao Jia admired Zhao Hou very much, he felt that only in this matter. Zhao Hou supported Nanzi and founded Tiandaoism, which was a bit rash and reckless.

Liu Xiayue felt that there was no need to worry too much. Under the propaganda of the Hao Society, these Song people were very friendly to Zhao Jun, and even worshiped Zhao Hou. When the army entered the city, some people squatted at the city gate and shouted at him, "King Xuan! "There was reverence and joy in his eyes.

But on the battlefield, Liu Xiayue didn't want to see this group of people standing on his flank.

"Maybe at least they can be used as civilian husbands to transport food and grass during the war."

Compared with the previous wars, the biggest difference in this expedition is that Zhao Wushi asked the craftsmen workshops in the Liang and Song areas to make nearly 10,000 Luban's newly invented "wooden cows and horses" day and night.

Although the name is very mysterious, it is actually a unicycle. When driving, the "roller wheel" keeps ringing, so it is commonly known as a wheelbarrow. This kind of car is very different from the heavy two-wheeled carriage, but it has an unimaginable effect. Running on a narrow road, its transportation volume is several times larger than that of human load and animal power. Not only can it be pushed forward quickly on the road, but also it is convenient to walk on rough roads and mountains and hills. When used in the army, it is really a sharp weapon for transporting food! After seeing it several times, Liu Xiayue couldn't help but admire Lu Ban's ingenious workmanship.

Most of the soldiers who accompanied Zhao Wuxi on the expedition this time were soldiers, and the work of transporting luggage was going to fall to the Song people outside the city.

"We still have to rely on them to push our rations to the front line, so Ziwei shouldn't worry too much."

Zhao Jia also knew that it was too early to think about it, but the appearance of those Song people worshipping Haoshe was always in his heart, so he could only sigh and let Liu Xiayue restrain his subordinates and talk with these Song people cautiously. , he himself went to the camp. As the commander of the first division, he was qualified to participate in the strategic meeting.

But when he arrived at Zhao Hou's main tent outside the city and informed him to enter, he found that the atmosphere here seemed to be a little different...


Zhao Hou's face was heavy, and the generals on both sides were also serious. The focus of their attention was in the center of the camp, a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy, dressed in sackcloth, with a filial cloth on his head, and his clothes were covered with dust. He seemed to have come from a long distance, and what was even more bizarre was that he was standing in the tent sobbing, tears streaming down his clothes, but no one reprimanded him for being disrespectful...

"Lord, who is this?" Zhao Jia moved in and asked his boss Yu Xi quietly.

"Wu Feng, the son of Wu Zixu." Yu Xi replied briefly, but Zhao Jia already understood everything, and turned to look at the young man with a sympathetic look. He heard that there was a young man who traveled thousands of miles from Wu State two months ago. When he arrived in Zhao State, he went to Sun Wu, who was a guest of Zhao State in Yecheng. The black-clothed guards who were in charge of monitoring the officials guessed that he was the son of Wu Zixu, but Sun Wu did not mention it, and Zhao Hou also ignored it. Until today, he finally stood up. Did you come out to identify yourself?

Thinking of Wu Zixu's revenge for his father, defeating Chu Poying, and now that he himself has died of wrongdoing, what will his son do? There was a hint of fun on Zhao Jia's face, but he quickly restrained himself.

However, he saw the young man sobbing for a while, wiped the tears from his face, and bowed his head to Zhao Wuxie, who was sitting high on the throne, and said: "Man, thank you, Lord Zhao, for mourning for the emperor's funeral, and inform the boy and his friends of the bad news. Wuzi, the cruelty of the husband, the benevolence and virtue of Zhao Jun, the world can learn from the world... Wuzi is too old to travel far, so he asked the boy to come over and relay some of his words to Zhaohou."

Zhao Wuxi went down and picked him up: "I don't dare to accept the gift of a loyal minister or an orphan. If the Wuzi has something to say, you should stand and say it, and the orphan will stand and listen."

Wu Feng was very moved, his face flushed with excitement and indignation, he was a little shy for a while, and lowered his head: "Wu Zi said, Pengcheng was the country of the great Peng clan in ancient times, and it was also a tyrant in the Yin and Shang times, and later The kingdom of Dapeng fell, and King Xuyan flourished here again. Here, we go north to Qi and Lu, west to Liang and Song, and south to Xu and Huai.

"Wuzi also said that if you want to take Pengcheng, you must first take Peiyi..."

Sun Wu asked Wu Feng to advise Zhao Wuxi to use the main force to press Mangdang Mountain and make a strong attack, but dispatched partial teachers Teng and Xue to go down along the Si River~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to capture the place of Peiyi.

"In this case, there will be no barrier in the north of Pengcheng. If Fuchai does not want to retreat, he can only fight with Zhaohou in Pengcheng. Although there are also Gangluan circles and Biansi exchanges, but after Mangdang, the terrain of Pengcheng is flat and wide, which is beneficial to Riding chariots and horses is not good for foot soldiers to stand firm, if Zhao Hou is here to fight with Fu Chai, Zhao State will win, and Fu Chai will definitely lose!"

"Wu Zi's strategy is a real help for the widow!"

Zhao Wuxi's face was serious, but a knowing smile appeared in his heart, Sun Wu, Sun Wu, when Zhao clashed with Qi and Wu, he was silent, and he was not willing to say a word of advice. Now his old friend Wu Zixu died of injustice. Are you finally angry?

Asking Wu Feng to spread the word, firstly, fulfilled his wish of revenge for his father, and secondly, it was also a sign of the official break between Sun Wu and Wu Kingdom, or in other words, Wu Wangfuchai!

Sure enough, after Wu Feng finished speaking, he bowed again and again: "The boy is not talented, he has a swordsmanship, and I hope Zhao Houmo will dislike it, so that I can join the Zhao army and kill my husband on the battlefield to avenge my father. !"

PS: To write an opening report, there is only one big chapter (to be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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