Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1061: No change in the local accent

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"King Wu promised that if the Zhao family can be expelled from the state of Lu this time, I will be able to rebuild the family temple of the Shusun family and be the head of the family!"

On the chariot, Shusun Yi was very excited, but sitting in the same car on Gongshan Buju, he just kept sipping the wine in the marching leather bag, wondering what he was thinking, and disapproved of Shusun Yi's babble.

Shusun Noir was originally a lowly son of the Shusun clan of the state of Lu, and was not favored by the sect, so he took refuge in Yanghu, and after Yanghu fell, he took refuge in Gongshan Buju in Feiyi. Twelve years ago, in the "Fall to the Four Capitals" operation presided over by Confucius, the two took the opportunity to invade Qufu, and wanted to follow Yanghu and seize the regime of Lu State. However, it was not only the two of them who had this plan. When the people occupied Qufu, they were expelled by Zhao Wuxi, who was behind the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole.

After that, Gongshan Buju and Shusun Ju, who had nowhere to go, came to Wu State, the sanctuary for failed politicians in the Central Plains, but they were not reused like Wu Zixu, Wu Wang Helu casually gave them a few hundred Mu of paddy fields, they were placed in Huainan and left unattended. It was not until Fuchai succeeded to the throne that Poyue became interested in going north to the Central Plains to compete with Zhao Wuxi for hegemony, and then the people of Wu country remembered that there were two people from the country of Lu who had defected to Li ten years ago! Only then did they recruit the two to Wucheng, eat and live, and ask about the situation of Lu State.

Shusun Noir waited ten years, from a young man to a middle-aged man, and wished that his husband sent him to attack Lu, so that he would have the opportunity to return to the state of Lu to rebuild the Shusun family. Sanhuan, stealing the state of Lu's government, and the king attacking Lu as the uncle surnamed Ji, will surely get his wish!"

Gongshan Buju, who shared the same illness with him, was not the same. When the king of Wuchai asked him, he said bluntly: "The foreign minister has been away for ten years, and the Lu country that I am familiar with is no longer there. I heard that the Lu country is now rich and strong, and far Better than in the past. What’s more, now that Zhao Hou regards Lu as a subordinate, Lu is the lip of Cao, Wei, and Zhao, and his lips are dead and his teeth are cold. Zhao State will definitely save Lu, and the king rushes to attack, I’m afraid that he won’t be able to get anything cheap…”

However, the King of Wu had already decided, and instead of listening to Gongshan Buju's persuasion, he forced the two of them to go north with the army and act as guides.

In mid-June, when the main forces of Zhao and Wu were facing off against Song, 10,000 Wu soldiers set out from Peiyi in the dark to attack Lu. Sitting in the chariot, watching the neat steps of Wu Guo's armored soldiers, Shusun Yi gained a little more confidence for no reason. He kept thinking about what reward his husband would give him after the victory, and at the same time asked Gongshan Buju, "What's the matter? After the completion, what do you want, Fei Yi?"

Gongshan Buju took another sip of wine, and replied lukewarmly, "After this battle, I am satisfied that I can save this life."

Shusun Noir was stunned for a moment and asked, "Could it be that Fulu still thinks that Wu State has no chance of winning?"

"The State of Lu is no longer the State of Lu it used to be." Gongshan Buju seems to be a vulgar warrior, but in fact he is as careful as he is, and now he points to the fields beside the road and says, "Ten years ago, this area was home to the State of Lu and Song Dynasty. The border area of ​​the country is still a wasteland and swamp, but now it has been opened up into large swaths of paddy fields.”

Shusun Yi saw that it was indeed the case. Ten years ago, he and Gongshan Buju fled south through this area. At that time, there was no place to stay overnight in the wilderness. There is a pavilion, and the roadside is clearly marked. The rice paddies that have gradually turned yellow are all over the fields, and the villages are connected in the distance. I think there are many people in normal times. Just to avoid the disaster, the people all fled.

Gong Shan said: "In the beginning, there were not a few Lu people who fled to Wu State with you and me. After all, it was not clear whether Zhao Wuxi would kill them all, but later, our Lu people returned to their hometowns one after another, because the Zhao family The government is enlightened. Although the meat-eaters Qing and the doctor have been slaughtered, the scholars and the common people are better than before... It can be seen that the people of Lu country do not expect to return to Sanhuan at all. They will bring a pot of pulp to meet them, but they will see us as invading bandits, hiding in the mountains and forests and shooting arrows at us..."

Speaking of which, Gongshan Buju felt a lot of emotion. The changes in the state of Lu are really great, even bigger than in the past 100 years. Seeing the change in his hometown, his temples were also stained with hoarfrost. The only thing that remained unchanged was Ludi's old-fashioned accent that made him feel friendly...

Shusun Noir was unconvinced: "But the Wu army is strong. Over the years, Fulu and I have been in Wu country. We have seen Wu people defeat Chu and Yue countries many times, and this time they have defeated Zhao's boatmen at sea. Zhen. From my point of view, it is only a matter of time before the Wu army swept Lusong Sishang, and even if there is resistance, it will be difficult to resist the general trend, not to mention, the Qi army will cooperate from the north."

"The people of Qi are the most unreliable." Gong Shan Buxuan shook his head again and again. Qi and Lu had quarreled for so long that they had a deep prejudice against each other.

He did not deny that Fuchai was very beautiful this time. Let Wang Sungu Cao lead his troops to attack Tangyi, try to cut off the Heshui Canal, and then take advantage of the situation to move westward and hit Taoqiu, the center of Zhao State and its vassals to transport military supplies. Taking without a fight, with Song as a base, Lu and Sishang can also be captured by Qi and Wu.

But Gongshan Buju believes that the great victory of the Langya naval battle and the invincibility of the Wu army in the battle against the Song, Xue, Teng, Zou and other military teams have made Fucha dizzy.

"The real enemies of Wu Jun are still Zhao Jun and Lu Jun. I also met Ran Qiu and Hu Hui back then. They were both talented generals. Ten years ago, you and I were their defeated generals. Now ten years have passed. Under the training of these two, the Lu army will only be stronger. What's more, there is also the Zhao army, Zhao Wuxi swept the Central Plains, his military pawns and the army soldiers must be a division of a hundred battles, this battle is not good beat."

Having said that, they had no right to speak in this battle and could only lead the way silently. However, Uncle and Sun Yi soon discovered that the road that Gongshan Buju had led to Wu Jun turned around in a small circle and originally went straight to Ning Wu. It is possible to reach Tangyi, but Gongshan is not easy to be found by the enemy, so he takes a detour from Langyi, which exposes the whereabouts of Wu Jun to the scouts of Lu State...


"Fluo, what are you doing! Have you forgotten how we were forced to go away by Zhao Wuxi?" Because it was a grasshopper on a rope, Shusun Noir didn't dare to expose it on the spot, but asked in a low voice afterwards. Gongshan is not arrogant.

Gongshan Buju said: "I was deceived by Zhao Wuxi back then, and I lost Fei Yi, but it was me, and I didn't want to share the country of Lu with others. Although because of Zhao Wuxi's relationship, I fled in a hurry. But as a gentleman, one should not harm the country with petty grudges and handsome foreigners.”

"What's more, I have heard a saying that those who attack the rule with chaos will perish, and those who attack the right with evil will perish. Now the Wu state's treasury is not full, the warehouse is empty, but the king of Wu's husband has not cared about it. However, before the battle, the army was short of food, and the soldiers were also heartbroken because the husband sent Wu Zixu to kill Wu Zixu, and the punishment was separated. He said that he would not agree with him, and that he would not be able to punish him.

"On the other hand, in the state of Zhao and Lu, now Zhao Wuxi has issued a decree and implemented rewards and punishments, and they are treated separately for merit and demerit. So when the scholars and people of Zhao Lu heard about the war, they stamped their feet and bare their shirts, faced the sharp blade, and stepped on the charcoal fire to fight for the death. They can be found everywhere, coupled with a large population and more reserves than Wu State, even if Wu Jun can be brave for a while, it will end in defeat in the end. The current Wu State is like a mad dog that bites people and is about to fall. Dashu, I am from Lu, not from Wu, since I have tried to persuade my husband to send him but he will not listen~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I might as well help him fall faster!"

Shusun Noir was stunned when he heard it, and he still has such thoughts.

He was stunned for a while before stammering: "Flu... Could it be that you have already communicated with Zhao?"

Gong Shan laughed loudly: "Yang Hu wrote me a letter, boasting that Zhao State would definitely dominate the Central Plains, but this tiger became a sick cat after surrendering to the Zhao Clan. Where is my heroic heroism? Although I am a defeated general and a bereaved dog, I am still a bit arrogant and have no interest in imitating him."

"Then why did you..."

Gong Shan Buyan sighed: "It's not that King Wu is arrogant. Now you and I can't help but be forced by the Wu people to go north with the army. When the Wu division is defeated, it is necessary to find a way to not be burdened by it. Died in the chaos..."

"It's not enough..." Shusun Noir smiled awkwardly. Who knew that just after the end of the sentence, he heard a loud noise in the distance...

Because it was a parade, the line was long, and the sound came from the front. Gong Shan Buju and Shusun Yi glanced at each other, and hurriedly supported the chariot to look forward, but saw that the soldiers of Wu State beside them were also a little ignorant.

After a while, an official with feathers on his coat ran over barefoot. His face could not tell whether he was excited or fearful. He panted and said to the crowd: "The forward guards the post ten miles ahead and encounters enemy scouts. , the battle is in full swing, the king and the sun have orders, the enemy army is approaching, the two or three sons are lining up quickly, ready to engage!"

ps: Historically, Gongshan insisted on "people's journeys, don't waste the hometown because of what they hate", and he led the Wu army to attack Lu but deliberately detoured. There is a chapter before 12 o'clock.

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