Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1062: The Battle of Tang (Part 1)

"If you encounter the main force of the Wu country, the Lu army is just like that. Δ"" Stepping on the body of a Lu soldier, Wu doctor Shen Shuyi was a little proud.

Since he went north, he has been picking up Xue, Teng and other soft persimmons, and he has not dared to go too deep into the state of Lu. It is considered to be officially hand in hand with Lu Jun.

The soldiers of Wu State under Shen Shuyi's command are not only strong in martial arts, but also rich in experience. After all, they have the method of military training left by Sun Wu. Wu Jun's training is very sufficient. Many people are not the first time to go abroad to fight. , they didn't panic too much, but with Shen Shuyi's flag as a sign, they formed a battle queue and marched forward side by side, calling for the attack. Perhaps it was because the Wu army was more numerous, or perhaps because of the hasty response to the battle, the Lu soldiers standing in front of them suddenly became flustered. Fall, behead all.

The Wu people like to fight hand-to-hand. In this kind of close-to-hand combat, very few people can survive, and the Lu soldiers are crushed at the touch of a button. The Wu people also started to kill, and they chased wildly all the way, even ignoring the drumbeat of Wangsun Gu Cao (Wu people retreated when they beat drums, and advanced when they called gold).

At the position of the central army, Gong Shan Buju and Shusun Yi were also looking at each other. They thought that the Wu people were going to encounter a tough battle, but who would have expected the Lu soldiers on the opposite side to be so unscathed, they were not as good as ten years ago...

Gongshan Buju seemed to understand something, and laughed dumbly, so when Wangsun Gucao asked them for their opinions, Gongshan Buju said with certainty: "The Lu people have always been dark and weak.

But on the other hand, he pulled Shusun Noi and told him not to run around and stay close to the Central Army.

After a moment of hesitation, Wang Sungu Cao asked the scouts to spread out on both sides of the road to prevent accidents, and immediately issued an order to pursue them.

So 10,000 Wu soldiers drove 2,000 Lu soldiers to run. Although most of the Wu people were lame, they were used to it in the deep mountains and old forests in the south of the Yangtze River. The soles of their feet were covered with thick calluses. The road is even more like walking on the ground, but it is getting closer and closer.

It's not far from Tangyi, and you can even see the low city wall and the canal section outside the city wall, where a large amount of grain is being piled up on the dock. Seeing this scene, the Wu people were even more red-eyed. Many of them have been in a state of half hunger and hunger, and only war and plunder can get food and property.

From this point of view, even if the soldiers of Lu were sent to the city, it would be fine. As long as the Wu army took the food from the canal, it would not be a loss to send troops this time. After the canal was cut off, the most convenient transportation between Lu and Cao Song would be. just cut off.

The Wu soldiers were very excited, but Shen Shuyi felt that something was wrong. Why were the ships and grains on the canal not guarded? As he got closer to Tangyi, the doubts in his heart accumulated more and more, he suddenly pulled the guard, told him to tighten the reins, and stopped the chariot. Almost at the same time, the rhinoceros guards also followed. After a pause, he looked at his doctor in confusion.

The next moment, Wu Ren heard the sound of drums roaring from the top of Tangyi City...

Accompanied by the strong and powerful drumbeat from the weak to the strong, the retreating troops of the Lu Kingdom stopped abruptly and turned their bodies in a neat and uniform manner. Perhaps they had been training for such a situation for a long time, and it was only in the blink of an eye. , they reorganized from a piece of scattered sand into a dense formation, and next to the robe next to them, they formed an isolated battle formation as solid as a rock.

At the same time, the gates of Tangyi also opened wide, and soldiers poured out from the city and behind the city walls. There were thousands of people. They stood on the left or right side of the Lu soldiers, and occasionally there were commanders. The chariots used, their huge bodies filled the last little gap between the soldiers. So the thousands of Lu troops in front of Tangyi, like an iron plate, condensed into a whole, and the sharp spears stood up and then lay flat.

This is completely different from the previous one that collapsed at the touch of a button...

"There is a fraud!"

Shen Shuyi, who was the striker, felt bad, and immediately raised his hand to stop all the soldiers. Some people did not obey the order and continued to charge forward. They were quickly shot into a sieve by the bowmen in the Lu army.

"Stop! Change!" Shen Shuyi realized that he was in the middle of the game, and hurriedly ordered again.

The panting Wu Jun infantry hadn't recovered from the frantic run just now. But the herald did not hesitate, and when he heard the doctor's order, he rang Ming Jin, "Dong Dong..." The golden sound gradually grew from nothing to something, and in just a moment, it rang continuously in Tangyi. outside.

The sharp golden sound made the confused soldiers of Wu Jun suddenly wake up. After he cut off the head of Wu Wang Helu and the beauty, Sun Wuer, who was in the army, was ordered to face him. Wu Jun's military law was very strict. Military orders are to be directly executed. So Wu Guo’s soldiers started to act like a conditioned reflex. The originally scattered pursuit queue seemed to be punched, shrinking in all directions to the center, and gathered at the Shen Shuyi flag.

But they were too separated before, and now it's easier said than done to get together again? The assembly of thousands of infantrymen is not something that can be accomplished in a short time. Even though Wu Jun was also the master of a hundred battles, under the personal command of Shen Shuyi, during this period of time, the army only gathered into a pile of flesh, and there was no formation or queue at all.

At the same time, in the woods on the east and west sides of Tangyi, a horn sounded, and countless startling birds flew out of the woods.

Shen Shuyi's expression changed suddenly.

In front, there are foot soldiers who have been filling in from the back of the city to the front of Tangyi City. The number of soldiers is increasing, and they are already on the same level as the vanguard of the Wu army who are chasing, and they are slowly moving towards this side.

On the left and right sides, the soldiers of Wu State gradually felt the earth trembling, and felt the fierce murderous aura. The hurried horses' hooves were like thunder.

"This is a trap of the Lu people."

Shen Shuyi stared at the rushing enemy cavalry with blood-red eyes, and a sense of helplessness appeared in his heart. Although they were already very alert, the people of Wu who were fighting against the cavalry for the first time still misestimated the mobility of this army. I don't know when, Zhao Wuxi had already transferred the cavalry concentrated in Song to another battlefield.

Now the time left for them to deal with is too short, Wu Jun simply can't list the dense battle formations, and the extremely galloping war horses are not allowed to be carefully considered by everyone. , as if a falcon from Jiutian preyed on its prey, the slanted thorns plunged into the back line of Wu Jun's forward who had not yet completed the assembly...

There was a dull sound when the men and horses collided, and the Wu soldiers on the periphery bore the brunt. Under the frantic impact of the war horses, they were stunned by the long running. The knife slit his throat. This was an unequal contest. The Wu people who were "invincible" in foot combat encountered arms and tactics they had never seen before.

"Array~www.wuxiaspot.com~ dense array, kill! Kill it!"

Looking at the familiar faces with expressions of despair, Shen Shuyi, who was extremely ashamed, roared, and charged with Wu Jian against the frantically galloping enemy. He knew that his aggressive pursuit gave the enemy a chance to let his soldiers Falling into death, he wants to fight back, and he wants his soldiers to live.

On the opposite side of him, the cavalry general Liu Xiayue, who was at the forefront, had trampled and killed many Wu people, and he kept rushing forward by inertia, unknowingly going deep into the enemy's line.

"Wan Sheng!"

He took a deep breath and protected the horse's head with his shield. The spear tucked under his armpit was like an eagle's beak. While charging, he also pulled out the short soldiers that were stabbing at him. But the crazy Wu Bing is too sturdy. They don't care about their own safety at all, and they want to die with the enemy. Although Liu Xiayue tried his best to block, the horse under his seat was still pierced by several weapons. There was a desolate scream, and then the four legs became weak, and the huge inertia made it slammed forward, and Liu Xiayue was also thrown to the ground...

The sky was spinning for a while, and before he could get up, the three swords swung towards his head...

(To be continued.)

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