Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1067: victorious, attack


Fuchai suddenly woke up from his dream, stood up, and hurriedly overturned the case he was dozing off against. He shouted loudly, and even pulled out the Chunjun sword from his waist, startling the ministers beside him. Hunting ""wen" net "

"Your Majesty?" Dazai asked with concern.

"Nothing to do with the widow..."

Fuchai was in a cold sweat and looked around, only to see a map under the hall. A group of Wu officials were discussing military affairs. Outside the window, the sun was shining and the wind was blowing. Great time in summer.

It turned out that he was discussing the battle situation with the generals just now. Perhaps he was too nervous about the war. He had not rested for several nights, and unknowingly fell asleep on the table. After lowering his voice, he knew that Fu Chai suddenly burst out.

After waving his hands to let the generals back down, Fuchai confided his thoughts to Bo Xi, whom he trusted very much.

"The widow was dozing off during the case, but had a dream,"

Bo Xi hurriedly said with a smile: "What did the king dream about?"

Fu Chai seemed to be melancholy: "The widow dreamed of entering the Zhangming Palace in Gusu Tai, but there was no one inside. I wanted to find something to eat, but I expected to see two cauldrons steaming white, but there was no cooking fire underneath; I saw two black dogs barking wildly in the south of the palace and facing the north, just at this moment, the widow heard the sound of the back room. The widow's palace wall; after the palace wall was excavated, water and soup flowed from the widow's palace hall to the front garden of the palace, and a plane tree grew out of the mountain horizontally... What is this strange dream? Meaning? Dazai is erudite, please occupy it for the widow.”

Bo Xi rolled his eyes and opened his mouth: "This dream is auspicious, my lord!"

Fu Chai frowned: "Auspicious? The widow dreamed of cold sweat, how could it be auspicious?"

"The representations inside and outside the dream are different. Back then, Duke Wen of Jin dreamed that he was pressed on the ground by King Cheng of Chu and sucked his brain, but the result was a good omen. The same is true for the king. This time, he will definitely win the battle with Zhao State. If you do not cook, it means that you have more than one holy spirit; if the two black dogs howl to the south and howl to the north, it means that the four barbarians have surrendered; the two colonies of the walls of my palace mean that the farmer is ploughing the fields; The treasures presented to the king have arrived; the drums in the back room are vibrating, and the maids are playing drums on behalf of the palace maids;

Bo Xijin picked up what husband Chai liked to listen to and said, shaking his lips and drumming his tongue, so as to flatter. These rhetoric made Fu Chai's mind tricked up. But after Bo Xi stepped back, his husband almost thought about it, but he felt that it was not right, and he always felt a little uneasy in his heart.

This kind of unease has always existed in his heart since he ordered Wu Zixu to be killed.

The ghost, Fu Chai was convinced, was Wu Zixu's ghost that had been haunting him. Even if Fuchai sank his body into the river and buried Liluojian deeply, it wouldn't help, Wu Zixu's ghost just followed him, from Wu to Songdi, and would not give up.

Since then, Wu Wangfuchai has often had strange dreams, which is one of the reasons why he has been unable to sleep at night in recent days.

It would be fine if reality was able to sing forward, and Fuchai could forget the unhappiness in his dreams, but this time, the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains did not go as smoothly as Fuchai expected.

In April, when he learned that the naval division of Qi Wu had a great victory in Langya, and that the State of Ju had betrayed the Marquis of Zhao, Fuchai thought that the State of Zhao was nothing more than that. Under the constant advocacy of the State of Qi, he resolutely rallied an army of 60,000 troops to the north, and Wu Zixu, who tried to prevent this, also He was given a sword to commit suicide.

At the beginning of May, relying on the strong transportation capacity of the canal and the free labor of the conquered Xu, Qunshu, and Zhongli along the coast, the main force of the Wu army arrived in Xudi by boat, and the boat entered the Song state from the 6th road. Fuchai kept 3,000 troops in Xudi and Pi to protect the food supply, and sent Shen Shuyi to station in Peiyi. The intricate terrain around Dangshan prevented Zhao Jun from advancing eastward...

Although Fuchai despised the Beiren strategically, he still did not act rashly when the battle was approaching. When the two armies faced off, they were both cautious, and neither was willing to rush into the other's flaws.

But starting from the era of Shoumeng and Zhufan, Wu Jun's style was more aggressive. When Sun Wu built Wu Guo's formation in his early years, he also instilled in them that the best defense is offense.

So after half a month of stalemate, Fuchai decided to take the initiative to attack. In line with the strategy of "Qizhengzhenghui", he attracted Zhao Jun's attention with various tests on the front line of Song State, and instead let his nephew Wang Sungu Cao Shuai go north from Peiyi to attack Lu State.

From the perspective of Fu Chai and the intelligence that Zhao Lu deliberately revealed, Ju State's betrayal and Qi State's constant harassment did indeed share a lot of pressure on Wu State, and many of Zhao Lu's troops were fighting against it. Yes, the southern part of Lu State is relatively empty.

"Occupying Tangyi, attacking Cao State westward, and burning Zhao Wuxi's granary, Zhao's army is also feeding grains from thousands of miles, and it will definitely be difficult!"

However, just when Fuchai was complacent about his strategy, there was news from the north that the entire army of Wangsungu and Cao had been wiped out, and even Peiyi was suddenly lost...

After a burst of curses and anger, Fuchai calmed down, and he has never been so calm since the defeat of the Yue Kingdom.

"If Peiyi is lost, there will be no great defense to the north of Pengcheng. If Pengcheng is lost again, the widow and the Song army will be trapped in Mount Mangdang!"

He immediately ordered the Wu army distributed in the east of the mountain system to evacuate to the west, retreating to Xiaoyi as the base camp, and then using Xiaoyi as the defense line to the west of Pengcheng, Fuchai himself returned to Pengcheng, intending to wait for the opportunity to retake Peiyi .

However, the speed of Zhao's army was not slow. Tens of thousands of Zhao's army quickly crossed Mount Mangdang and entered the Sishui River Basin. They were forced to the outside of Xiaoyi, and they looked like they were going to fight with Fucha. This made Wu's army dare not split up.

Although nearly 10,000 soldiers were killed in the attack on the State of Lu, the main force of the 36,000-strong Wu army in Pengcheng, plus the 3,000 rhinoceros guards of Fuchai, still had the strength to fight. But the rest were the soldiers of the vassal states that were forcibly recruited from all over the country, and the people of Song were also unreliable. The Zhao army on the opposite side was more numerous than them, and they occupied a favorable location.

Today is the end of June, and after July and August, the weather will turn cold, and I can't wait. Fuchai was pacing in the hall, and the fiasco in the battle of Tang was like a blow to the head. After the setback, he was not as confident as when he first went north. Fuchai was inclined to defend in Pengcheng, but it was not a problem if it continued like this.

The advance could not win, the retreat could not go, and in the dilemma, the husband sent people to invite Wang Sunluo to ask his opinion.


Wang Sunluo was a hero of the Langya naval battle. Because he knew more about the military, he was transferred to the north by Fuchai as "Sima of the Left School", above Bo Xi's military position of "Sima of the Right School". The left is more valuable than the right.

But in hindsight, the great victory brought Wu State not much. Zhao State's boat master was defeated, and all the ships were captured by Qi people, but Xu Cheng abandoned the ship and landed with the rest of the people. , defended at Langyatai, and has not yet captured it. Although Juguo responded to the call to rebel against Zhao, the capital Jucheng was still in the hands of the Lu people. Not only that, but Chen Heng, who had high hopes for Fuchai, was blocked by the Lu army and could not reach Sishang at all. Wu Jun joined the division.

Wang Sunluo was originally good at Wu Zixu, and was against Fuchai's struggle for hegemony in the Central Plains, but when Fuchai asked, "Defense the city or fight decisively, what is the advantage?" Wang Sunluo said, "It is advantageous to attack."

Fuchai asked, "Why?"

"The matter has come to this point, the king has no way to turn back. If he just stays in Pengcheng, Xiu said that the people of the Song country have an ambiguous attitude and may betray at any time. Even if it is delayed until winter, the people of Wu are not used to the cold weather in the north, and they will definitely be cold and hungry. Most of them died. In my opinion, it is better to let the Song people beware of Peiyi's enemies. The king's commander Wu Jia attacked Zhao Wuxi's camp and sought night battles. Night cavalry and Zhao Jun's long-range skills were almost useless, and Wu people Brave and combative, not afraid of melee, so, maybe you can defeat the strong enemy and force the Zhao army to retreat!"

"Attack him unprepared, surprise?" Fu Chai hesitated: "But if Zhao Wuxi had prepared in advance and set up an ambush to wait for our army, like the battle of Tang, then the 40,000 Wu people would have no return!"

"Your Majesty should have thought of this when he was killing Zixu and marching his divisions to the north." Wang Sun Luo bowed to the ground and said, "Your Majesty's northern expedition will either dominate the Central Plains or lose his teachers and destroy the country! The minister thought that Your Majesty was determined to go north, but he has already So determined!"

Bo Xi on the side hurriedly pointed at Wang Sunluo and said that he was bold, but Fu Chai waved his hand. He has no longer killed Wu Zixu and was stubborn when he was being punished. Now, he only regrets that Wu Zixu is not by his side, otherwise, he will definitely sacrifice A surefire way, right?

"You all go down, let the widow think about it."

Pengcheng was originally the territory of Xu State. Later, when Xu State declined, it was captured by barbarians. With the expansion of Song State to the Sishui River, it became the palace of Song Gong. Although this city is not big, it is full of prosperous commerce, trade and business. The dense population and rich material life are not comparable to those far away in the south of the Yangtze River.

"Pengcheng is so rich, aren't Shangqiu, Tao, Qufu, Xinzheng, Luoyang and other places more prosperous?"

Fuchai likes the thrill of conquering everything he sees into the territory, fighting for hegemony in the Central Plains, and winning a decisive victory over Sishang with his old enemy Zhao Wuxi. Isn't that what he came here for? He wants to collect all the beauties hidden in the palaces of the princes on the stage of Gusu, and he wants to keep watching the city and wonders ahead!

"Those who are invincible are defended; those who are victorious are attacking. If the rules are insufficient, the attack is more than enough!"

As soon as he thought about it, the pride and ambition in Fuchai's chest emerged again. He immediately had people call Wang Sunluo and others overnight, saying that he planned to lead an army to attack Zhao Wuxi's camp in early July when the dark winds were high!

Is it tyrannical or dead~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in this battle!

However, just when Fuchai was discussing the details of the battle with the generals and others, another urgent letter arrived.

"What happened to Peiyi?" The Acropolis ten miles north of Pengcheng came to report urgently every day, reporting the frequent activities of Zhao's cavalry, and Fuchai had become accustomed to it.

However, after a glance, the clever Dazai Uncle felt bad. This silk book is not from the north, but from the south...

"My little friend with tears and tears, I will say goodbye again!"

Seeing the blood-stained handwriting at the beginning was an urgent report from his son, Fu Chai's heart sank, and then he looked down, and he was even more shocked that his hands and feet were cold, and his previous ambition to fight Zhao Wuxi to the death was instantly extinguished.

"The thief Goujian heard about his father's northern expedition, so he used all his domestic armour to attack the Wu State, defeating the prince's land and Wang Sun Miyong in Shixiongyi, and then settled the sea and the Tongjiang River to besiege the city of Wu. , I also hope that the king will arrive in the Central Plains as soon as possible and return to the teacher to save him!"

ps: There is one more chapter at 12 o'clock (to be continued.)

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