Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1068: hard work pays off

Time goes back to two months ago, on the Dragon Boat Festival in May, in the depths of the Kuaiji Mountains where the ancient trees towering over the country of Yue.

Beside the newly built Temple of Dayu, a simple altar was built with stones. A middle-sized Yue man, with his upper body and hair loose, offered his own offerings, wine, cattle, horses, and dogs to Wu Zhu. After waiting, the pig took a few steps back and bowed his head.

"Zixu died of injustice, the Wu people were saddened, and the Yue people rejoiced. However, even though Goujian was an enemy of Zixu, he respected his loyalty and made Zixu even more worthless. Today, the **** of wind protection is above. If Zixu is unwilling, Gou Jian is willing to attack Wu for revenge, okay?"

After finishing speaking, the densely packed Yue people behind Goujian waited with bated breath. The wind was blowing through the forest, fiddling with the leaves and making a rustling sound. They seemed to think it was Wu Zixu's dead soul telling them something, and they all raised their heads...

"Look, the wine lord is moving!" Just as everyone split up, Wu Zhu on the altar shouted loudly.

Everyone immediately turned their heads to look, but they didn't see the wine lord moving, but there was not a drop of the turbid wine that was filled to the brim...

"It's a member of the military who has manifested! It's his ghost who has manifested!"

Wu Zhu shouted exaggeratedly, and the Yue people immediately believed that Wu Wangfucha brutally killed his loyal ministers, and also abandoned the corpse in the river, leaving Wu Zixu's ghost nowhere to hide. But the people of the country of Yue sacrificed to him, and he came to the altar, enjoyed the sacrifices, and drank the wine in the wine bar. What does this mean?

"This means that Fuchai's brutality is so cruel that even the ghosts of the soldiers can't stand it. Wu Zixu also supports the crusade against Wu by the few people! In this battle, we must win!" Gou Jian pulled out the sword around his waist and said loudly.

"Victory! Shame on the country of Yue!" A similar voice resounded inside and outside Kuaiji Mountain.

Among the vengeful crowd, there were only two sensible people, Fan Li and Wen Zhong looked at each other and shook their heads. Fan Li did not know how many times he had seen similar tricks when he traveled around the world, but since it could be used to arouse the confidence of Yue people, it would be a good thing.

But after coming down from Kuaiji Mountain, Wen Chung admonished Goujian, King of Yue, who was wearing armor: "I still feel that the time to attack Wu has not yet come."

"The time hasn't come?" Gou Jian smiled, but his mouth was not loose at all: "Since the widow returned to the country, he has been working hard and sleeping at night, all he wants is the prosperity of the country. So in the second year, the country of Yue has a good harvest, and the people do not Suffering from the famine again, the Kunfu brothers from the Yue Kingdom came to Kuaiji and asked, "In the past, the King of Wu had sent the monarch to shame in front of the various vassal states, but now the Yue Kingdom has restrained itself long enough, please allow me." Wait for revenge for the king.' At that time, Dr. Chong advised the widow."

Wen Zhong certainly remembered that he said to Gou Jian at the time: Yue Guo had just ended the war, and under Wu Guo’s repression, it was very easy to breathe and become a little richer. crusade. He metaphorically said that when a ferocious bird attacked a target, it must first hide its wings, just to make Wu Wangfuchai think that the Yue Kingdom has no desire for revenge and is not worth mentioning, so he is arrogant and enmity with the states of Chu and Jin. , it will not be too late for Yue to send troops when Wu is exhausted!

"Because of the doctor's words, the widowers rejected the common people and said, 'The failure of the past is the fault of the widowers, not the fault of the common people. The widowers have been implicated in the Yue kingdom so far, how do they know what shame is? Don't mention revenge again."

"Now, it has been more than three years since the widow returned to the country... The warehouse is well-stocked, and the military equipment has been reorganized in Kuaiji Mountain, but the tyranny and atrocities imposed on us by the Wu state have not been alleviated in the slightest. The laborers went to dig a canal and build a palace for Fucha. So the Kun’s father and brother came to ask again: “The Yue Kingdom, up and down, love the monarch as much as he loves his parents. The son will think of revenge for his parents, and the servants will also think of the monarch. To take revenge, how dare there be those who do not do their best? Please resume the war!"

Gou Jian raised his hands to Fan Liwen and asked, "Can a widow refuse such a request? Now the husband is arrogant, kills Zixu, is punished, and disregards the unripe rice in the country, shrimp and crabs are dead, and the handsome army goes north to compete with Zhao. The Central Plains. The widow learned that the husband Chai had reached Song Lu and confronted the Zhao army. This is a good opportunity from heaven! If the widow does not attack Wu, when will it be?”

"If you can wait a few more months, wait for Wu State to be defeated by Zhao State, then Fuchai will be gone, and Yue State will harass him again, then this will be the best chance."

"I put all my hope in Zhao State? Zhao Hou is not in a hurry, but the widow can't wait for a day." Gou Jian gritted his teeth, as if he smelled the stench of his husband's feces in his nose and mouth again.

"The doctor may not feel deeply, but for the widow, these three years are more difficult than thirty years! I hope that one day I can eat the flesh of the husband and destroy the kingdom of Wu, so that the hatred of the widow can be eliminated!"

Gou Jian said that for his sake, Wen Zhong did not dare to speak any more, Fan Li coughed lightly and said, "After Fuchai went north, Yue State harassed Wu State from the rear. A little earlier, but it's also a good opportunity."

If he waited until Zhao Hou had killed his husband and then attacked Wu, Fan Li was afraid that Yue Guo would not even have enough chips to ensure his recovery.

"What's more, once Yue State sends troops, Chu State will inevitably follow him. If Zhao State drags Wu's army back then, Wu State will be destroyed."

Wen Zhong still had doubts: "Will Zhao Hou fulfill the covenant and hold back the Wu army? Zhao army can really defeat the Wu country, and won't let him go south? Young uncle, you have seen Zhao Hou, what do you think of this person?"

Fan Li felt another pain in his heart when he thought of the scene of bringing Xishi's hands to him, but he immediately chased away his personal feelings and said to Wen Zhong: "As far as I have seen in Zhao State, Zhao State has spread the news of Wu State's brutality throughout the country. Barbaric, Zhao Hou also looks like he will break Wu and then quickly, one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, since Zhao Hou has the ambition to dominate, he can't tolerate his husband's difference."

In the end, Goujian, King of Yue, made the decision: "Placing hope in a strong country in the Central Plains is essential, but to destroy Wu and destroy Wu, Yue Guo has to do it himself."

He announced: "The widow's will has been decided, half a month later, we will raise troops to attack Wu!"


"Uncle Shao, do you really think that Yue Guo is ready to attack Wu?"

After leaving the Yue Kingdom Palace, Wen Zhong stopped Fan Li with a worried expression. He bluntly said that he was good at managing politics and knew almost nothing about military disputes, so Fan Li was needed to relieve his doubts.

As Fan Li walked, he pointed at the Yue people outside the palace who used target shooting as a game and said, "Although it has only been three years since the king returned to the country, plus the years when you acted in state affairs, the country of Yue has been recuperating for more than six years. Fuchai, the territory of the Yue Kingdom has been re-distributed to the south of Zhejiang. In addition to resting with the people and saving food, the king has never slackened in armament. Considering the lack of long-range shooting of the Yue army during the battle with Li, the king sought Chu people. Chen Yin taught the Yue scholars to practice archery outside the northern suburbs, and in March, everyone from the Yue Kingdom was able to use bows and crossbows skillfully, and now there are thousands of crossbowmen."

"There is also a Yue girl who lives in seclusion in the mountains. The king later went to Nanlin to look for her trace, begged her to come out of the mountain, and ordered the captain of the five schools of Yue State, Gao Cai, to be her teacher and follow her to contact swordsmanship. With 6,000 soldiers, plus 4,000 soldiers with swords and spears, the country of Yue has finally regained the strength of an army."

"As for the water, after the State of Wu took away all the warships of the State of Yue, the king ordered me to go to Yongjudong, an island in the East China Sea, to recruit foreign Vietnamese fishermen. Two thousand people have been recruited and dozens of boats have been driven. Now all the ships of the State of Wu are heading north. , or transporting soldiers, or attacking Langya, the rivers and lakes of Wu State will be allowed to enter and leave the ships of the State of Yue.”

Hearing Fan Li's slow talk, Wen Chung was a little relieved, but he was still worried: "Kefuchai claims that Wu has a population of more than one million and a hundred thousand soldiers.

"Wu State never fights every year, and the people's livelihood is in decline. There is absolutely no such number of soldiers and armor. As far as I know, except for Qunshu and Cai State who defended the Chu people, there are less than 10,000 people left behind in Wu State, and Yue State can be an enemy. Besides, King Wu of Zhou was able to defeat the millions of people in Dayi with tens of thousands of people in Xiaoyi Zhou. I believe that this battle is not the same as carrying Li six years ago!"

He smiled and said, "Your Majesty has already won the hearts of the people, what's more, there is such a thing that is enough to make the people go on and on, regardless of life and death."

Wen Zhong was also influenced by Fan Li's confidence, and saluted him: "I am relieved that Shao Bo can say so, the matter of military contention will be the king, Shao Bo and Chou Wuyu, and the commander-in-chief of the Sima of Ouyang. Together with the eight high-ranking doctors in Kuaiji, we will prepare food and support for the army, this battle will be a shame, and the country will be restored!"

"I must be ashamed before the snow, restore the country of Yue, let the king be heard of the princes, and stand in the Jianghuai!" Fan Li also held Wen Zhong's hand. The two of them have been in Yue for ten years, isn't it just for such a day? They all believe that hard-working people will live up to it!


Half a month later, young men from all over the country of Yue gathered in Kuaiji one after another. King Goujian of Yue inspected the crowd and issued an oath in Yue dialect: "The few who have heard of the ancient virtuous monarch do not worry about the lack of their people, but worry about their lack of ambition and behavior. Shame. In this country of poor husbands, there are 3,000 rhinoceros in a billion, but they do not suffer from the lack of shame in their will, but they suffer from the small number of people, the smallness of their palaces, the lack of beautiful family members, and the lack of beauty. Squeeze the slack of the people of the Yue... It's a perverse act, and now the few people will help the sky to destroy it!"

After speaking, everyone shouted that the Yue Kingdom would win, Gou Jian nodded in satisfaction, and then asked his Sima Fanli to announce the newly formulated military law.

Fan Li stood up and said loudly: "Your Majesty doesn't want you to be brave, but wants you to advance and retreat. If you advance without life, you will be shameless if you retreat. If you do, you will be punished forever! If you advance, you will be rewarded, and if you retreat, you will be punished. There are always rewards.”

After speaking, he opened the silk book and read out the reward: "From now on, the meritorious people of Yue will be awarded rank and land! The fourth class is called Rong Shi, the fifth class is called Guo Shi, the sixth class is called Fugeng, the seventh class is called Bingduo~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The eighth class is called military officer, the ninth class is called official doctor, the tenth class is called public doctor, the tenth class is called official doctor. The first class is called Gui Gui, and the twelfth class is called Yuan Rong!”

Fan Li went north to Zhao State, but it was not just as simple as sending a Xi Shi. Many good governance of Zhao State was kept in his heart by him. After returning to Yue State, he reported to Goujian and chose the good ones to follow.

After he finished copying Zhao Guo's "Twelfth Rank", Fan Li explained to the confused Yue people what status each title represented, how many acres of land could be allocated, how many houses they owned, and how much money they could get. slave.

Although the Vietnamese people are not interested in these unfamiliar titles, the benefits are real, and there is only one requirement to get the title.

That is the head, the head of the Wu people!

For a time, the people of the country of Yue encouraged each other. Fathers encouraged their sons, older brothers encouraged their younger brothers, and women encouraged their husbands. They said, "Who is the ruler, but can't he die?"

In late May, the country of Yue launched an army to attack Wu!

ps: "Historical Records of Justice" quoted "Wu Customs Biography": "The Yue army got the dream of Zixu and entered Wu from the east. The King of Yue set up an altar from the north bank of the Sanjiang River, killed the white horse and sacrificed his son Xu, and ran out of wine... (Unfinished) to be continued.)

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