Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1076: 1 year old

On the banks of the Suisui River, King Wu's scorpion towers into the clouds, with a sturdy body and a strong body, and the huge bird seal character "Juwu" at the top is chilling and majestic. .

Fuchai stood under the hood, his whole body was tightly wrapped in a set of black-painted rhinoceros leather armor, a whole thick rhinoceros armor covered his chest and shoulders, and the red cloak was blown up by the wind. Fluttering, but also to bring out the extraordinary heroism of King Wu. The calloused right hand clenched the command flag tightly, and the left hand rested lightly on the Chunjun sword around his waist, the shining blade shimmering coldly.

There was no expression on King Wu's face. The rock-hard lines were as strong and violent as his character. Perhaps it was a continuous battle for months, and his eye sockets were slightly sunken, looking a little deep and tired. At this moment, this pair of tiger eyes He was staring at Suishui not far away, reluctant to move for a long time.

In the water, there are Wu soldiers crossing the river.

Although the state of Wu claimed to have 100,000 soldiers, it was actually far less than that. When Fuchai went north, he took 50,000 people with him, 10,000 were wiped out in Sishang, and 2,000 were wiped out in Picheng. In addition, when they retreated from Pengcheng, they were pulled all the way down, or Qunshu and Xudi who broke away from the main force on their own. Soldiers, and now there are only more than 30,000 Wu people left.

Suishui is the border between Wu and Song. It is Huaibei after crossing the river. The small Fulisai guards this place. There are hundreds of people stationed in it. Because the Suishui is shallow and the people from Jiangnan are proficient in water, there is no pontoon bridge. No need to take a ferry, everyone took off their armor and plunged into the shoulder-deep water before swimming to the other side.

So at this moment, the entire Suisui was filled with naked and dark Wu people. The only ones who didn't remove their armor were Fuchai who was still on the north bank, and the three thousand rhinoceros guards surrounding him.

"Your Majesty, all the brigades have already found a place to launch into the water, Your Majesty, let's cross the river." Seeing that the army was almost over, Dazai Uncle came tremblingly to persuade Fucha to cross the river.

Fuchai glanced at Bo Xi in disgust. If he hadn't had to rely on him to handle state affairs and complete the retreat, Fuchai would have killed this minister long ago. At this moment when Bo Xi came to persuade him, he remained motionless and said, "Before the last Wu people cross the river. , the widow will stand here."

King Fuchai of Wu was originally recognized by the people of Wu for his military exploits. His decisiveness and firmness on the road to evacuation was an important reason why the Wu army did not collapse.

Bo Xi didn't dare to say any more, he didn't dare to cross the river, so he had to stand by the side timidly, anxious. He was worried in his heart. Although he left the Song people behind to hinder the Zhao army, with the footsteps of the Zhao army's cavalry, it should be coming soon...

Sure enough, not long after, the scouts in the distance hurried to report, saying that they saw a large cloud of smoke rushing towards this side.

A moment later, Zhao Jun arrived.

In addition to the sound of Wu people crossing the river, there was another sound in the air, which was the rumbling sound of horses' hooves. Soon, a troop of cavalrymen arrived at Suishui.

A line of shadows appeared on the ancient grassland a mile away. They were cavalry soldiers. Two thousand horses drove dozens of miles, but under the master's control, there was no sound of restlessness.


Seeing that the whole body was shrouded in black armor and black armor, and even the more than 100 war horses in the front row were also covered with the cavalry of the vest, whether it was on the shore or in the water, the Wu people felt a murderous aura coming from behind.

During these days in the north, the people of Wu who were good at foot-battle can be regarded as seeing the power of Zhao's cavalry. They come and go like the wind, and they can destroy everything in the world when they charge.

Bo Xi involuntarily swallowed a sip of saliva, stretched out his tongue to moisten the cracked lips due to dryness, and wanted to use this to disperse the depression shrouded in his head and ease the tension in his heart, but the strong momentum of the cavalry of Zhao State. Still suffocating. With only these two thousand cavalry, the defense of the Wu people had torn a big hole in their hearts, and the people who were still on the shore began to tremble.

"Your Majesty, please cross the river quickly!" Bo Xi persuaded Fuchai again, but Fuchai kept his eyes fixed on the chasing soldiers of Song on the ancient plain, gnashing their teeth. Although the Wu army only had more than 30,000 left, the Zhao army and the Shangqiu Song army were only 50,000 or 60,000. The Wu people were completely capable of fighting. They also won a great victory against the Chu army ten times their own back then. !

But the current situation is extremely unfavorable for Wu Jun.

Now the people of Wu country are in a state of half crossing. With Zhao Jun's practical tactics, they will definitely not wait for them to complete the attack like Song Xianggong did.

Halfway through the attack, this is Wu Jun's bad luck, and it is also an opportunity for the opponent. What Fuchai needs to consider is how to prevent Wu Jun from being attacked, and the entire army will be annihilated.

"Please, Your Majesty, to cross the river!" Not only was Bo Xi persuading him, but the general Zhuan Carp, who was in charge of the guards beside Fu Chai, also came over and asked King Wu to leave quickly.

Fu Chai's eyes were full of unwillingness, he pointed at the group of cavalry and said, "Zhao Wuxi's black bird is right behind!"

Wang vs. Hou, this is the moment that Fu Chai has longed for for more than ten years, but before the official confrontation, he was strategically defeated by Zhao Wuxi.

Seeing Fu Chai's temper again, Zhuan Crucian knelt down and tried to persuade him: "If our army goes to war, it will be unfavorable. If the king can return to the south, destroy the Yue and break Chu, and gather together in ten years, he will definitely be able to raise his troops to the north again and repay the hatred today!"

"Can the widow cross the Suisui again in this life?" Fu Chai smiled bitterly. He also knew that if he fought against Zhao Jun forcibly, he would only bring his own humiliation, so he reluctantly waved his hand and asked those who stayed on the north bank to immediately Cross the river.

But Zhao Jun obviously didn't want to let them go. A mile away, the Zhao cavalry had already rested enough. They formed a fierce geese attack formation and began to slowly approach the shore, trying to attack Wu Jun and prevent them from crossing the river.

"Your Majesty, go with confidence, I would like to stay behind!"

After Fuchai and Bo Xi boarded the bamboo raft, Zhuo crucian carp pushed the raft to the middle of the river, but he was on the bank, bowing down to Fuchai with the three thousand rhinoceros guards beside him. Calling: "Respectfully send the king!"

"Bo Yu!" Fuchai shouted angrily on the bamboo raft, these rhinoceros guards are the elites in his hands, follow him to conquer Chu, cut Yue, and go north. Who would have thought that today they would have to stop Zhao Jun from crossing halfway. Although Fuchai is addicted to a luxurious life, he has not shared the joys and sorrows with his soldiers for a long time, and the Wu people are slowly alienating him, but these soldiers are still loyal to him...

This price is too high.

"Second or three sons, come back alive and return to Wu!" Bleeding in his heart, Fuchai bowed heavily on the bamboo raft to the three thousand broken soldiers. This bow was filled with gratitude and even more guilt...


"It's almost the same as returning the soul to Wu. The other side is Wu Tu, but it's not far away." Facing the call of the monarch, Zhuo crucian carp laughed. The determination to die for you.

Turning around, touching the fish-intestinal dagger around his waist, Zhuo Cucumber glanced at the crowd and said, "The rhinoceros guards around the king are all carefully selected from the children of the general's family. Since the establishment of the former king, It has been 30 years now. During this period, we have accompanied the former king and the great king to attack Chu and break through Vietnam. After dozens of battles, large and small, our purpose is to protect the king and keep the backbone of Wu State from being damaged. For this reason, batch after batch of The rhinoceros guards died, died in Baiju, died in Yingdu, died in Qi Li, died in Kuaiji... But for every person who died, a heroic warrior would be selected from the children of each family to fill in, so he has been able to Maintaining the number of 3,000 is just like this wan grass withers every year and rebirth in autumn and spring every year.

Three thousand faces with embroidered blue tattoos quietly looked at Zhuanzhuan, but after he said this generously, he drew his sword and stood at the forefront of the phalanx, with the tip of his sword pointing a mile away and started towards this side. The trotting Zhao Jun cavalry said loudly:

"Today, it's our turn to die for the king!"

"Die here!" Three thousand weapons were drawn out and held high to the sky.

Zhuan Carp was very satisfied: "Second and third sons listen to my orders and set up an array!"

The bravery and fearlessness of the people of Wu country far surpassed those of the Central Plains. After Sun Wu arrived, he taught them another thing: "When you rule the crowd, you rule the few, and you get points; fighting the crowd is like fighting the few. "Name is also" This means that governing a large army is as effective as governing a small army, relying on a reasonable organization, structure, and establishment; commanding a large army to fight is as in place as commanding a small army, relying on a clear and efficient signal command system . On the battlefield, only the organized soldiers are the army. Only the infantry who form the battle formation can exert the greatest combat effectiveness and defeat the mighty noble warriors. Similarly, only the dense phalanx can resist the vertical and horizontal. The iron cavalry of the state of Zhao, who has few rivals in the north!

"Second and three sons! Side by side, the daggers are raised, the daggers are in front, the spears are second, the bows and crossbows are in the back, step on your feet firmly, and the four martial arts rush into the formation!"

"Two or three sons! Shout with me... sentence Wu!"

The crucian carp has been immersed in the military for 20 years~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Knowing how to mobilize the emotions of these dead soldiers, he shouted with all his strength, as if he could use this voice to arouse Wu Jia All the fighting spirit; it seems that this voice can inject endless energy into the exhausted Paozers who have been driving for two days and two nights!

"Sentence Wu! Say Wu!"

The rhinoceros guards roared furiously. This sound pierced the rushing water of the Sui River and spread to the other side, making Fu Chai, who had just set foot on the land of Wu State, burst into tears. The sound also swept two miles away. where the Zhao Guozhong military office.

Although I don't understand what those Wu language are saying, I can guess the general situation by looking at the posture of those desperate Wu people. Sitting in the military car, Zhao Wuxi's eyes showed a hint of admiration and regret, but the words in his mouth were extremely cold.

On his path, the obedient will prosper, the disobedient will perish, and whoever stands in the way will be ruthlessly annihilated, whether they are noble, heroic, fearless, or sinister, cunning, and tactful.

Zhao Wuxi's hand picked up the drum vertebra and said, "Send the order, attack, and trample the other generation into flesh!"

ps: There is one more chapter before 12 o'clock (to be continued.)

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