Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1077: wildfire

ps: One accidentally wrote too much, and it was slow

"Ah woo woo woo..." The dull horn sounded again, which was the signal of Zhao Jun's cavalry attack...

On the north bank of the Sui River, the breathing of the three thousand Wu Jia involuntarily sped up a bit. Although they were already mentally prepared to die in battle, when they really faced the enemy, they still couldn't stop their heart palpitations.

Looking up, they could see thousands of paces away, countless black cusps undulating under the near-noon sun, forming a torrent that suddenly pressed towards this side. The horse's hooves trampled the ground and made a rumbling sound, like a flash flood and a snow-capped mountain cracking.

Zhuan Carp stood in front of the two rows of archers, looking at the Zhao State cavalry rushing like a raging wave, his pupils tightened slightly, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated! Since half of the cavalry went to raid the country of Pi, there are not many chasing them today, but the charge of only two thousand cavalry has such momentum. He didn't even have the courage to hold the spear tightly and stand here.

"Form a formation, raise the spear!"

Seeing that the cavalry would be swept in, Zhuan Crucian also clenched a handful of Wu Ge, shouting and giving the military order.

As the elite of the Wu army, the rhinoceros guards are full-time fighters, and their training and experience are far from those of the conscripts who are busy on paddy field fishing boats on weekdays. Seeing the cavalry rushing in, they were not afraid, but shouted in unison, gathered together, and condensed into a solid formation like a bronze jungle. Countless geese stretched out from the front row of the big formation, bursting out in the sun. Hanmang!

"Bow and arrow... hair!"

After the spear, there is the strong bow! Countless Zhang Qiang bows opened, and there was a sound of "stretching", and the feather arrows swept away like locusts, and went straight to the cavalry who were trying to sweep the formation!

The speed of Zhao Jun's war horses has already rushed away, and they are still charging in formation. This group of hundreds of horses has formed a sharp arrow, ready to stab these recalcitrant Wu Jun, and use their horse hooves to block them. The barbarians under the banner of the monarchy were trampled into flesh. Unexpectedly, they underestimated the courage and combat effectiveness of these Wu people, and many cavalrymen ran into the arrows that were as dense as locusts.

The sharp feathered arrows penetrated the thick leather armor of the Zhao State cavalry, but few of them turned over and fell off their horses! Although the armor of Wu Chu water rhinoceros is the best in the world, Zhao Jun's leather armor is also made of cowhide. Because the level officer monopolized the fur trade in the north, the selection of materials was the best, and under the circumstance that Zhao Wuxi was vigorously throwing money at the cavalry, some cavalry generals had thick silk underwear inside the leather armor, forming a multi-layered Composite protection. At the end of a strong crossbow, you can't pierce the armor. Even if Wu Jun's feather arrows can penetrate the armor, the bow force has been exhausted, and it is difficult to cause fatal damage to the body inside the armor.

"Ge spear, stab!"

After shooting down the two cavalry with the bow, Zhuanxuan gave the order again, and a spear suddenly moved forward, ready to meet the violent collision at the next moment.

However, seeing that the Wu people were not flustered by the impact, the group of Zhao Qi, who had originally intended to test, immediately reduced the speed of their horses and began to circle to both sides, turning their horses around.

"Tang Teng Teng..." There was another sound of bowstrings. Wu Jun's archers seized this opportunity and shot a second wave of feather arrows when Zhao Qi turned around! This time, there were obviously many more cavalrymen who fell from their horses.

Zhao Qi had already given up the attack, and the wind seemed to disperse and retreat, and he did not forcefully entangle the Wu people in hand-to-hand combat. Many of them returned with arrows and wounds, leaving more than a dozen dead bodies on the spot. Lying centaurs corpse.

"Withstand it!" Zhuan Crucian heaved a sigh of relief. The first attack of the enemy cavalry was unsuccessful, and he retreated despite the difficulty.

But that doesn't mean they can withstand the next time.


Seeing that the 300 cavalrymen sent to test it came back with more than ten cavalry missing, and many people were injured, Cavalry Commander Zhao Jia's expression was hesitant. The emperor's army was still two miles away, and he wanted to defeat these Wu people before they arrived, so that the army could cross the river to pursue the main force of King Wu, so Zhao Jia ordered an attack, but unexpectedly encountered a very difficult enemy. .

According to Zhao Jia's experience, a hundred cavalry drives a thousand people, and a thousand cavalry breaks ten thousand people. In this flat ancient grassland, the cavalry should have the advantage. He believes that even if the will of the people of Wu is as tough as iron, only two thousand The cavalry takes turns harassing and charging, and sooner or later they will collapse!

However, under the training of Sun Wu for many years, the Wu people's infantry formation is more strict than that of the Qin and Qi princes, and this group of 3,000 soldiers is well-equipped, wearing thick rhino leather armor, each with a sword, and also Holding a good Wu Guojin Ge, the bows and arrows are also strong bows.

This shows that these people are the elites of Wu Guoli and should not be underestimated.

To be cautious, Zhao Jia decided to give up fighting alone, and wait until the Chinese infantry arrived, and then cooperate with them to defeat the young.

But each branch has its own pride. The cavalry is the trump card of the Zhao army. Zhao Jia was praised by Zhao Wuxi as a "horse of thousands of miles". Successfully retreated under the nose.

So Zhao Jia asked the three hundred cavalry to retreat, and ordered: "Divided into several groups, a thousand people are cruising around them to disturb them, and another thousand people are on standby on the left and right flanks. If the enemy rushes in, they will be intercepted by the waist!"

Zhao Guo's cavalry is to break through the enemy by rushing into the formation. It can't be broken through, and it will disperse like the wind, harassing from a distance, chaotic enemy formation, and then rushing in formation! Instead of the old-fashioned blind attack, now that the enemy is in formation, they should not take risks, but to induce them to make mistakes, ride around and sparse the post, and send a single arrow every now and then to make the enemy work.

Zhao Qi did this, and it really made Wu people uncomfortable.

Although Wu Jun was wearing thick rhino leather armor and a shield on top of his head to resist them, those light bows could not cause much damage to them, but Zhuan Zhu knew that the calmer the enemy, the more difficult their situation would be.

With the determination to die, these three thousand Wu Jia are not afraid of the enemy rushing to fight them. Anyway, they are all dead, and it is best to drag one's back before death. However, the cunning Zhao Qi did not give them this chance, and just shot arrows from a distance. Once the Wu people tried to attack, they retreated into the distance like the wind.

It's not that the crucian carp didn't want to cover up, but that Zhao, who was commanding the cavalry, had been ready to move the cavalry on the two wings, waiting for their formation to disperse! The Wu people can now rely on their own square formation. If there is chaos, Zhao Qi will only need one charge to break the Wu people's army formation without the shield of the long Ge and the big shield! Wu Jia, who was chasing after the enemy scattered on the battlefield, couldn't help but rush the cavalry.

"Even if we don't give the enemy a chance, as long as the main force of Zhao Hou arrives, we will be slaughtered in the end." Zhuan crucian carp shook his head slightly, his thick eyebrows were already twisted into a ball, they were not afraid of death, but they were not afraid of being the king. Buy enough time without killing enough enemy troops.

At this moment, the thundering drums suddenly swept in, Zhuan Zhu looked up in amazement, and a black bird banner was descending from the ancient plain. Around it, tens of thousands of Zhao soldiers were marching in formation. Zhao Wuxi was going to use his absolute superiority to crush the three thousand Wujia on the shore into powder...

"At that time, we won't be able to hold on for a moment..." Zhuan crucian carp sighed, and the wind blew from behind, making the tassels on the top of his coat shake.

wait, wind?

The crucian carp was suddenly overjoyed. Although the wind was not strong, it was far from the level of flying sand and rocks to make the enemy squinting, but it was blowing all the time, and the withered yellow grass on the ancient plain under his feet swayed gently...

He touched the flint bag around his waist, opened his mouth and laughed, with a hint of madness in his smile.

Wu Jia, who was beside him, looked back at Zhuan Carp in surprise, not knowing what the coach was happy about.

After laughing enough, Zhuanxuan took out the flint from his waist and asked loudly, "Two or three sons, are you willing to go through the fire for the king?"


"As expected of the rhinoceros guard of Fuchai..."

Zhao Jia commanded 2,000 cavalrymen to constantly swept and shoot arrows to disturb them, but the people of Wu were very patient, as if they were learning tortoises in the river. was ordered to return to his rightful place. The opponent didn't give him a chance, and Zhao Jia couldn't help but admire him. This was indeed a tough opponent that Zhao Jun had never encountered before.

It really can't be done. He can only wait for the army to arrive, surround them and shoot them with arrows. When the enemy has suffered heavy casualties, he will cover up and kill them all. Zhao Jia has no regrets.

"What are the people of Wu country doing?"

Unexpectedly, just when the army behind them was about to arrive, the Wu people suddenly gave up their defense, and they changed their formation.

"The enemy army has collapsed?" Zhao Jia didn't have time to rejoice, but saw that the scattered Wu people were holding smoking torches!

"Not good!" He stretched out his hand to feel the direction of the wind, Zhao Jia's face changed greatly, and he ordered urgently: "Wu people are going to set fire, and the cruising horses will press on quickly to stop them!"


In Sun Wu's art of war, weather, terrain, mountains and rivers, vegetation, and everything can be used as aids in warfare, and among them, water and fire are the most useful.

In Wu State, he once taught Zhuan Zhu's son Zhuan Zhuan "Fire Attack". At that time Zhuan Zhuan was drowsy when he heard it, but when he actually set foot on the battlefield, he realized that he had benefited a lot.

At this moment, what Zhuanxuan is holding in his hand is a torch lit with flint, which is wrapped around his clothes with his head!

Sun Tzu said: Fire attack has five goals: one is to burn the enemy's troops, the second is to burn the enemy's food and grass accumulation, the third is to burn the enemy's baggage, the fourth is to burn the enemy's warehouse, and the fifth is to burn the enemy's transportation. facility. Now, what Zhuanyan intends to do is "Burning Man".

When you get angry, you must choose a favorable time. The so-called favorable time refers to the dry weather and the right wind direction.

Now it is mid-autumn in August, the grass and trees are gradually drying up and turning yellow, the whole ancient plain is a bronze color, and the wind is blowing from the north. fire,

Small flames scurried across the water-scarce hay, like swift red mice. The small flame gradually grew larger and then spread around. The flames sometimes circled, sometimes twisted, chasing each other, and after being blown by the wind, they spread to the north, and soon became a raging fire.

The main purpose of Sun Tzu's art of fire attack is to attack the word, but the special crucian carp let everyone set on fire for a few days, but it is for the sake of a word of defense.

The Zhao Jun cavalry, who had been cruising on the opposite side, seemed to have sensed the Wu people's plan. They rushed over and tried to stop them. Some Wu Jia, who ran to the distance and set fire to them, were stabbed in the opposite direction by their cavalry spears, or slashed with a ring-head knife. brain. But a little closer to the river bank, the fire started with the wind, and it was already gaining momentum. Hundreds of Zhao Qi tried to rush over to drive the Wu people down the river, but in front of the scorching fire wall, the horse's eyes showed fear, stopped the horse's hoofs, and did not dare to take a step beyond the thunder pool.

Although war horses have been domesticated, they are beasts after all. If they are beasts, they will definitely be afraid of fire, and the place where the fire starts is unbearably hot...

"Huo Lie Gufu!" Looking at the retreating war horse and the angry cavalry on the saddle, Zhuo crucian carp laughed, with a hint of pride and madness, standing in the smoke and dust.

Therefore, when Zhao Wuxi's army arrived, there were more than three thousand Wu Jia standing in front of them.


"The fire was set..."

In Zhao Wuxi's eyes, the ancient grassland has now become a purgatory, and the flames that continue to spread are like a group of roaring beasts. They spit out long tongues of fire, reaching a height of half a zhang, frantically looking for everything they can devour, withered grass, bushes, woods. There were even Wu people who were accidentally caught in the fire. The flames quickly surrounded them, and their clothes and armor were on fire. In an instant, they seemed to be wearing flying fire clothes.

As the fire spread, the smoke became thicker, and was blown northward by the wind. Because the horses did not dare to rush into the fire, the cavalrymen could only cough and retreat.

"Your Majesty, this minister is incompetent, unable to stop Fucha from crossing the river..." Zhao Jia also came over to report to him.

Zhao Wuxi shook his head: "It's not your fault, it's also because of the right time and place, plus the people of Wu who want to perish together, they dare to use fire to stop our army."

Seeing the raging flames rising, waving huge and fiery red wings, the strong wind of purgatory blew the flag of the Central Army where Zhao Wushi was located, but fortunately the wind speed was not too strong, and the fire did not rapidly spread to the entire ancient plain. .

But the grassland in Guyuan is very wide after all. When Wu Xie asked people to dig an isolation belt in front of the army, he also estimated the size of the flame and sighed: "I'm afraid this fire will burn for an hour and a half, so the army should be careful to avoid it. , Hugh will be caught in the fire."

Not only horses, people also have a natural fear of flames, and they don’t dare to get too close, but if they just watch the enemy army break down and the dead soldiers go away, I’m afraid it will hurt morale...

Zhao Wuxi's tiger eyes swept over to the generals in the Chinese army who were waiting for orders, and said lightly: "Actually, this fire looks violent, but it is actually just a wall of fire. The fearful, it is only a moment of burning pain."

He suddenly sighed: "The grandson has a saying, he treats his **** like a baby, so he can go to the deep creek with him; he treats his **** like a beloved son, so he can die with him. Huchai kills loyal ministers indiscriminately, and is greedy and greedy for profit, but there are still Many strong men died for him, and did not hesitate to set fire to fire.* The widow asked himself that he had always treated the generals kindly, and treated the soldiers and soldiers like their own children. In the army, they also shared food and clothing with the soldiers. I wonder if there are people in the army who are willing to go through fire and water for the widow?”

"I would like to go!"

"I would like to go too!"

As soon as the words fell, the generals of almost every army scrambled to fight, to be the forward who broke into the fire.

As long as you have this spirit, Zhao Wuxi nodded with satisfaction, and after glancing at everyone, he called someone's name.

"Qi Wan."

Qi Wan, a loyal-looking native of Song Dynasty, immediately came out: "My minister is here!"

"The people of Wu have excellent armored formations and are invincible in foot and battle. Today, it is up to you to defeat them, enter the field of fire, and fight against strong enemies. Is there any problem?"

"Don't you dare to die for the king!" Qi Wan didn't say much. After taking the order, he immediately went to his phalanx. Waiting for him were a group of soldiers sitting on the ground waiting.

Qi Wan glanced at the thousand people in front of him. Although they were small in number, they were all wrapped in dark armor, neatly wearing helmets, and heavy iron armor on their bodies. Instead of spears, they were a round shield and a Take a ring knife that is more than three feet long.

This is a special branch of Zhao Wu's army. After ten years of development, Zhao's iron armor manufacturing technology has become more mature and its efficiency is much higher. During the war, iron workers from Yecheng, Handan and other places Fang continued to produce, so that the Zhao army equipped with iron armor increased from 300 to 1,000.

Zhao Wuxi gathered them together and handed them over to Commander Qi Wan, and the name of this army was the Iron Armored Army!

The Iron Armored Army is wearing iron armor, and all of them are strong. After standing up, they are like mountain peaks. They can maximize the "moving like a mountain" of Zhao Wuzu's heavy infantry, and attack the enemy formation like a giant beast trampling on them. It is no less powerful than cavalry.

"Raising a soldier for a thousand days and a soldier for a while~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qi Wan speaks very slowly so that all the soldiers can hear him.

"Today there is an opportunity, a chance to be a striker, to open the way for the king. The fire seems to be big, but in fact it is just a narrow wall, you will not die if you walk through the fire, but you need enough courage, the king said, the iron armored army, It is the courage of Zhao Jun!"

"I would like to die for the emperor!" Zhao Wuzu, who was wearing iron armor, raised his chest and was proud of it.

Qi Wan nodded in satisfaction and said, "The soldiers of Wu State are right in front. After the fire, their generation claimed to be invincible in battle. Today we will let the world know that the invincible in battle is no longer the one who is invincible in battle. Wu Jia, but Zhao Jun, is Iron Armor!"

He raised his fist high, with his head on, and shouted out the slogan of the Iron Armored Army, a slogan that Zhao Wuxi had personally chosen for them.


A thousand soldiers and soldiers shouted in unison, the momentum overshadowing the flames in the wind.

"Iron armor! Still there!"

(To be continued.)

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