Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1084: die in peace

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Sima Ziqi, named Gongzijie, was the concubine of King Ping of Chu. Although he has experienced too many things in his life: the abolition of Prince Jian, the dictatorship of Nangwa, the entry of Wu Shi into Ying, King Zhao Zhongxing, and the change of Lu Hun.

His character is introverted, but he is very decisive in his actions. For example, more than ten years ago, King Zhao of Chu fled into Yunmengze and disappeared without a trace. Raise the guard of honor of the king of Chu, and let the king's brother, Zixi, be the false king and sit below to gather people's hearts. When the state of Chu finally waited for the Qin army to support Hou, it was also Ziqi and the Qin general Zipu who stormed the enemy and destroyed the state of Tang who helped Wu as a sinner.

The thing that best reflects his character is this. At that time, the main force of the Wu army was stationed in Lengdi. Ziqi proposed to attack the Wu army. Zixi hesitated and said: "The bones of Kun's father and brother are still exposed there, and they will be burned if they cannot be restrained. That's not good." Ziqi said, "The country is going to perish! It doesn't matter what the dead think! If the dead are conscious, and if the state of Chu can be revived, their ghosts will be able to enjoy sacrificial blood and food. Are you afraid of burning the body?" So the Chu army set fire to the city and then attacked again, the Wu army was defeated, and then they hurriedly evacuated the state of Chu.

Because of this, Chu people often say that as long as Zixi plans and Ziqi decides, there is nothing that cannot be accomplished. After the death of King Zhao Zhao of Chu, Ziqi and Zixi were in charge of the army and the government, and they helped the state of Chu survive the first year of doubts about the state. There is no one who dares to make mistakes.

This time, taking advantage of Zhao Wu to wrestle in Lu Song Si Shang, and cooperate with Yue State to attack Wu State, is also proposed by Ziqi.

But even such a resolute son, he was still greatly shocked to hear Wang Sunsheng's request so radically, and said:

"You want to attack Zhao!?"

Ziqi scrutinized Wang Sunsheng up and down, knowing that he likes to hold grudges very much, so he asked: "Sheng, are you still resentful of the cold treatment you received when you were in the Zhao family?"

"Since receiving the flag of the king, Sheng dare not be selfish."

"Then why did you propose to attack Zhao, the state of Zhao and the state of Chu, one in the north and the other in the south, and the horses and cattle are not related. At the beginning of the year, Wang Sunyu went to congratulate Zhao Hou for establishing the state, and made an appointment with him to attack the state of Wu, although the two sides did not make an alliance. , but they all share a common enemy..."

Wang Sunsheng smiled disapprovingly, and said, "Uncle thinks that the state of Wu is now the enemy of the state of Chu?"

"Wu State..." Thinking that the enemy of his life had finally been shriveled in the north, and half of Chu's confidants were gone, Sima Ziqi couldn't help showing a hint of relief, saying: "Wu State lost Huaibei Huainan and Chen Cai, and was killed by Yue State again. In the attack, Fuchai no longer has the strength to force Chu to move the capital as it did more than ten years ago. If you have to say, although Wu is still a feud of Chu, it is no longer a great enemy."

"Of course, based on the situation of Wu State, I am afraid that it will be destroyed by Yue State within ten years. Then my uncle thinks that after ten years, who will be the enemy of Chu State? Is it Yue State? ... Zhao Kingdom?"


In the tallest room in Shenyi, Sima Ziqi was pacing back and forth, thinking about what Wang Sunsheng said.

"The State of Zhao?" Sima Ziqi nodded: "The state of the State of Zhao is similar to that of the State of Jin at the time of Duke Wen of Jin, but that's all there is to it. At most, there will be one northern power competing with the State of Chu for hegemony. You must know the struggle between great powers. , War and peace are uncertain, but what can be resolved on the altar of the alliance will not fight against each other, and the troops will travel thousands of miles but return without success. A large number of caravans from Cheng and Runan went north to Zhao State, transporting gold and tin leather, and bringing back porcelain and paper. Although Zhao's army entered Cai, but did not violate the territory of Chu State, if there was a border dispute, an envoy would be sent there. It is enough to negotiate, why bother to go to war with him rashly? Damaged the relationship between the two countries?

Seeing that Sima Ziqi was still looking at Zhao State with the fixed mindset of the era of hegemony, Wang Sunsheng suddenly laughed.

"Sheng stayed in the north for seven or eight years, and he knew very well how the Zhao clan became a prince from a noble clan, and he also understood the ambitions of Zhao Hou Wuxi. He is different from Qi Huan and Jin Wen... He once treated Kong Qiu said that the ambition in this life is to align the family, govern the country, and pacify the world.

"Defeat Wu State is just the beginning, if the victory is not bad, then he will follow Cai, Zhongli, and Shandao as the Huaihe boundary, consolidate the newly acquired Huaibei, or entrust it to his relatives and children, or directly become The prefectures and counties serve as a barrier with the three kingdoms of Wu, Chu and Yue in the south. Then the Zhao army will turn around and destroy the state of Qi, and there will be no hidden dangers behind it. Taking advantage of the melee between the states of Chu, Wu, and Yue, several vassals will be brought under the jurisdiction of the prefectures and counties. Afterwards, Jizhou, Xuzhou, Qingzhou, Yanzhou, Yuzhou, Zhao State will occupy half of Kyushu!"

"By that time, the Zhao army has already established a firm foothold in Huaisi. When the time is ripe and the navy is well trained, a general will be dispatched to enter Huai along the Si River and lead an army of 100,000 troops to the south. Will the state of Chu be able to resist it? I'm afraid the entire The eastern border will be lost, maybe the history of Wu Shi's entry into Ying will repeat itself, and it will be too late to regret it, uncle!"

Sima Ziqi's face was blue when he heard it. Wang Sunsheng's words seemed to have some truth, but he felt that it was a little alarmist. After all, no matter which overlord, he just wanted to subdue the enemy. There has never been such a lunatic who swallowed the world.

Perhaps, King Ling of Chu is one of them? But as it turns out, that's just empty talk.

For a time, Sima Ziqi lost the decisiveness of his youth and fell into hesitation.

After a while, he said: "But now attacking Xia Cai, not to mention the outcome, let the State of Chu fight against the State of Zhao early, and there is no benefit to the State of Chu..."

This attitude is almost an acknowledgement of what Wang Sunsheng said, that Zhao State is different from the previous overlords of Qi and Jin, and must be guarded against.

"Yes!" Wang Sunsheng said decisively: "This will drag Zhao Jun in the two Huaihe Rivers, and make Zhao Wuxi unable to destroy Qi with peace of mind. As long as the state of Qi exists for one day, the world can barely maintain the balance of power, and Zhao Wuxi will not be able to unite. In the north, do what Duke Huan of Qi, Duke Wen of Jin, and Duke Miao of Jin led the princes to attack Chu!"

After listening to Wang Sunsheng's analysis of the situation in the world, Sima Ziqi was silent for a long time, and sighed: "I understand why Brother Wang has tried everything to recall you. You are not only a talent in the army, but also a talent in a great country."

Being praised by Sima Ziqi, Wang Sunsheng felt a little complacent, but Ziqi said solemnly, "It's just that your ideas are too extreme."

Wang Sunsheng was taken aback: "Extreme?"

"That's right, victory, although a country is big, a warlike country will surely perish. The military affairs of the country must not be overlooked. The attack on Wu this time is a rare opportunity, but the attack on Zhao is different. , The common people are definitely unable to match the Zhao State. Once the army is in Xia Cai, the Qi State will not be in danger of subjugation, but the Chu State will suffer. This is just like Chen Heng lobbying the lords everywhere to fight against Zhao. !"

"The most important thing for the state of Chu right now is not to provoke the state of Zhao, but to develop itself. As long as the government is harmonious and the state is strong, even if the state of Zhao really destroys the state of Qi, it will not be able to do anything to the south. His cavalry, in the place where the Jianghan water network is intertwined, It’s of no use, and Zhao’s boat division has already been wiped out, even if it takes another ten years to build one, it is not an opponent of the Chu people!”

Wang Sunsheng didn't think so, he said earnestly: "Uncle, Sheng has served in the Zhao army for many years, from the **** commander to the division commander. Therefore, I know that the terrible thing about the Zhao army is not the benefit of their armor. The strength of the battle lies in the courage to innovate and become stronger. If Chu State does not take advantage of the small gap between the two countries to rise up to resist at this time, it will extinguish Zhao's dye and guide the party's mind, or occupy a strategically important place and delay Zhao Hou's southward movement. I'm afraid that ten years from now, we will face a more powerful Zhao State and a more terrifying Zhao army..."

However, he kept trying to persuade him, and Sima Ziqi's intention had already been decided. He waved his hand and said to Wang Sunsheng, "Don't say any more. Now that the state of Zhao has not forced the territory of the state of Chu from the lower Caijin, then the state of Chu need not be in a hurry. When attacking them, you must remember not to act rashly. Even if you want to maintain the balance of power among the feudal lords in the Central Plains, it will be no later than a year and a half later that Zhao State will attack them."

Perhaps it was a slap in the face and a jujube to eat. Sima Ziqi comforted Wang Sunsheng and said, "Don't be discouraged, this time you attacked Wu and regained lost territory. You have made great achievements, and the old man will report you to Yingdu. For your achievements, the king and Ling Yin chose a fief for you, perhaps somewhere in Huainan..."

It doesn't matter where he is, Wang Sunsheng lowered his head, he seemed to have expected to be rejected. He has the urge to attack Xia Cai without authorization, but the more than 10,000 people in his hands were transferred to him by Sima Ziqi from various monarchs and county officials. If there is no order from Sima~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In addition to personal training Except for the thousand "Chu Wu pawns", these people would not listen to Wang Sunsheng's dispatch at all, so Wang Sunsheng, who was rejected, could only return to Liuyi in humiliation.

"If the state of Chu cannot be vigilant against the ambitions of the Marquis of Zhao, and is immersed in the acquisition of Jianghuai-sized land, and the so-called national security and security within the country, I am afraid that in ten years, it will die in Anle, where is my fief, and what is there? Is there a difference?"

Wang Sunsheng still did not give up. While letting people monitor the movements of Cai Zhaojun, he quietly sent people to Yingdu, bypassing Sima Ziqi, and directly stated the matter to Ling Yin Zixi, who preferred him the most, and said that winter is the best time. the timing of...


Not to mention that Wang Sunsheng stared at Xia Cai unwillingly, anxiously waiting for Ling Yin Sima's reply, and said that four hundred miles east of Xia Cai, the main force of Zhao's army had already conquered Shandao, cut off Hangou, and then headed northward slowly, Yu Jiu. On the first day of the month, I entered Xucheng!

Unlike when he entered Zhongli, in Xucheng, Zhao Wuxi was treated like a hero, and the nobles and commoners here regarded him as a liberator, a new hope for the surname Ying!

PS: There is another chapter in the evening (to be continued.) For mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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