Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1085: King Xu Yan

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Xucheng, also known as Sihong County, Jiangsu in later generations, did not have Hongze Lake in the Huaihe River Basin at this time, but was dotted with hundreds of large and small lakes. Xucheng is located on the banks of Huai River and Si River. It is close to mountains and waters. The circumference of the city is twelve miles. Twenty years ago, King Helu of Wu took advantage of the abundant water around Xucheng and followed Wu Zixu and Sun Wu's "water attack" plan, digging earth and mountains to store water and fill the city before attacking Xucheng.

On that day, the country of Xu, which had lasted for thousands of years, perished, and the pride that the people of Xu country had maintained from the era of Gao Tao and King Xu Yan was broken.

Twenty-four years after the fall of Xu Kingdom, another army entered Xucheng.

Zhao Wuxi was ruthless and merciless when chasing the Wu army, but he loved the people of Xu very much. After the vanguard occupied Xucheng without fighting, he placed the main force outside, and repeatedly ordered the generals of the army to restrain their subordinates and not enter the city. There was chaos, and then he solemnly showered and changed his clothes outside the city, and then brought the three thousand feather forest army into the city.

Unlike the Wu Kingdom's conquest of this place, this time, it was the jubilant Xu people who greeted Zhao Jun.

The continuous autumn rain has ended. Today is a sunny day. The sun is shining brightly. Under the warm sunshine, I don’t know how many Xu people from inside and outside the city and from ten miles and eight townships have come. There are men and women, old people, and children. young. The welcoming procession started from both sides of Xucheng's south gate, and has been lined up for several miles. It was crowded on the side of the road, eager to see what Tiandao Wuzhu mentioned when he was preaching in Xudi. Take the "Xuanwang" of the Wu people.

When Zhao Jun arrived at the south gate of Xucheng, local nobles and dignitaries had long been waiting here to greet Master Zhao. Because Xu State has a long history and culture, although it was occupied by Wu State for a whole generation, there are still many nobles who are dissatisfied, especially when they hear that Xu Cheng, the old family of Xu State, is highly used by Zhao, and Xu Cheng was used very much in the Zhao family. The little daughter-in-law who fled to the north before the fall of the country turned into a dignified wife of Zhao Hou, and was even more ecstatic, and the idea of ​​​​returning the country was born. Although they were suppressed by Fuchai last year, many fires still survived. It was they who expelled Wu Jun from Xucheng and invited Zhao Jun to move in.

Today, when seeing a heroic prince sitting on a chariot from a distance, the mighty Hu Ben is making his way, everyone in Xu is full of joy. That's right, Wu Zhu's prophecy is accurate. These Zhao army soldiers fought **** battles to expel Wu State from Huaibei. How could Xu Ren, who had been tortured by Huchai for many years, not meet them?

So some gray-haired elders came to offer wine, and the team stopped for it.

The headed old man had his hair tied in a bun with a hosta on it, and was wearing dark clothes with a right hem. He may have lost all his teeth, his speech was leaky, his articulation was slurred, and he was still speaking in Xu dialect. Zhao Wuxi listened carefully for a long time before he understood that he was crying about the humiliation and pain they had suffered over the years of Xu's demise.

"Twenty-four years ago, Jun Xu offended the state of Wu for taking in two sons of the state of Wu, which led to a crusade. The people of Xu were closely guarded, so Wu Jun took advantage of the terrain of Xucheng, which was backed by mountains and rivers, and built an earth mountain a few miles east of Xucheng. Water is stored, and the canal is slender to reach Xucheng, and then the canal is opened to fill the city. The water entering the city is an abyss, covering the streets and alleys. At that time, the old man was in the city, and there was not even a place to go in the city. The people hung pots for cooking, and many people They all fell ill. After a month, the northeast corner of Xucheng was soaked and collapsed through Sishui, and thousands of people in the city were drowned. Wu people took the opportunity to enter the city. Surrender, we are all ordered to kneel in knee-high water to welcome the Wu people into the city..."

Although Xu Guo was often contemptuously called "Huaiyi" in the Central Plains, in fact, they have long since become Chinese, and they have not become the clothes of nobles and commoners, or utensils and gifts. They are deeply influenced by Shang and Zhou cultures, and their civilization level is higher than that of self-proclaimed descendants of Ji surname. The Wu Kingdom is much higher. In the past, although the Xu people could not beat the Wu Kingdom, they had always despised the Wu people psychologically. Now they are conquered by a country that is more savage than themselves, which is difficult for the Xu people to accept. And what followed was heavy taxation and unreserved plunder.

When it comes to sadness, the old man and some older people next to him even cried sadly. Zhao Wuxi quickly comforted them. I really want to thank these people. They passed on the history and memory of Xu Guo to the next generation. Xu Guocai did not It was completely digested by Wu State.

"If it weren't for Yanling Jizi's dissuasion, I'm afraid that we would have to break our hair and change clothes like our predecessors, and become Wu Man. Fortunately, Haotian has eyes, so that the old man has lived to this day, and today we can see the surname Ying back. Xucheng, you can see Chinese clothes..."

Older people are often confused and long-winded. The old man was talking and talking, suddenly the topic drifted, and he began to recall the glorious history of Xu State...

"I think when Gao Tao established the country, Xu country was also a great state of Huai Yi, and when he arrived at Kuwang, he also responded to the call of Prince Wu Geng and sent troops to the west to help the great river... When King Yan was more prosperous, Jianghuai and Haidai were more prosperous. Thirty-six kingdoms come to the dynasty, and they will compete with the king of Zhou in court..."

That was the proudest era of the Xu Kingdom, perhaps because he thought that the fall of King Xu Yan was also at the mercy of Zhao Zaofu, the people next to him hurriedly pulled the old man and told him to avoid talking about it.

Zhao Wuyi didn't take it seriously, he vowed to say to the nobles of Xu country: "Zhao country and Xu country are all Ying surnames, from Shaohao and Boyi, Zhao uses Xuanbird as a symbol, Xu uses Hucang as the name, and they are like a family. During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, Xu State was the leader of the surname Ying. King Yan managed the country well, and was known for his benevolence and righteousness. Therefore, Xu State had five hundred miles of land and almost dominated the East. A few people established Zhao State, and then revived the surname Ying. I am deeply inspired by the deeds of King Yan.”

After finishing, Zhao Wuxi also wrote a tribute to King Xu Yan on the spot: "King Yan Yan, who belonged to the ancients. If you change the country with benevolence, why should you be stingy with the land. You are proud of defeat, and you are not ashamed to bow down!"

He also promised that from now on, the temples of Ruomu, Gaotao, and King Xuyan, which were torn down and abandoned by the people of Wu State, would be rebuilt in Xucheng, and they would worship blood and food. These promises naturally aroused the sympathy of the nobles of Xu State, and they came down one after another. Thank you to Zhao Wuxi.

Finally, after the old men finished offering wine and were helped down tremblingly, the team could only continue to enter the city.


Compared with the outside of the city, there are more people in the city. The road is full of people on both sides, and it is tightly packed. Although there are thousands of forwards who arrive first on both sides of the road to block the line, they can't stop the enthusiastic people. Squeezed back and forth, they kept rushing towards Zhao Wuxi's car.

A guard alertly aimed the ballista at the people, but Zhao Wuxi stopped them. Instead, he stood up from the shielded car and bowed his hands to the people around him: "The widow's wife is the daughter of Xu Guo, and Xu Guo is equivalent to me. The Yue family."

When the people next to him heard this, their faces were filled with joyful laughter, but Zhao Wuxi's words were quickly drowned in the ocean of cheers.

"Even though Ying's surname is old, his life has been restored!" Under the leadership of the nobles of Xu State who had long joined Zhao State, the commoners shouted loudly, "Long live the surname Ying! Long live the Hou Zhao!"

They cheered, and the atmosphere of the welcoming ceremony reached its climax. The children were held in the arms of adults, or sat on the shoulders of adults, curiously looking at Zhao Jun's armor, mounts, and weapons. Because the Yulin guards are all young people, all of them are outstanding in martial arts all the year round, and the women and girls in Xu Di can't take their eyes off. toss away.

Poetry: Qingqingzipei, take a long time to my thoughts. Giving sachets and accessories in public is a naked way of teasing.

In this regard, the head guard Wu Lin kept his eyes fixed and protected Zhao Wuxi, while the rest were not so firm. The experienced Yulin guard rudely took the food and sachets, and glanced around. Find your prey. Those who were still young were molested by Xu Di's woman, their faces flushed red, and the entire Xucheng was immersed in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere.

Zhao Wuxi said to his Rong You Rong Zuo: "Wu State recruits for labor all the year round, and there are many men who seem to be exhausted from fighting with the Wu army, so there are more women in Xu than men, and after ten months, I am afraid that there will be more in the city. There are fewer newborn children."

But Zhao Wuxi was not as unfriendly as in the past, restraining the soldiers, but he was happy to see it succeed. To make Zhao Xu closer, there is no better way than a bunch of children of Zhao's father and Xu's mother.

On the other hand, it was also because Zhao Wuxi was in a good mood. On the day he laid down Xucheng, a letter from the north was sent from Ji Ying. In addition to some greetings, there was a baby's palm print on it. ...

"I was born on the 27th day of the seventh month, weighing four pounds and seven taels, congratulations to my husband for having another little son..."

This is Zhao Wu Xie's third son~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wu Xie intends to name him "Yan", the Yan of King Xu Yan. Just for the sake of this kid, he let the Yulin guards and the pioneers who entered the city fully accept Xu Nu's hookup and relax.


Because there were too many onlookers along the way, it took a full two hours before Zhao Wuxi walked from the south gate of Xucheng to the north gate, and entered the former palace of Xu Kingdom. After dispersing, on the first day of entering Xucheng, Zhao Wuxi had already gained the favor and respect of most Xu people...

After entering the old palace of Xu State, Zhao Wuxi looked left and right, and found that there was no dilapidation and decay as imagined here.

Next to him, a noble from the Xu country explained flatteringly: "Xu Palace is also one of the palaces of Fuchai, so it has been repaired before, but the prince is going to rest here today?"

Zhao Wuxi nodded, noncommittal, but said to the person waiting next to him: "Where is Jizi Yanling? Bring the widow to see him!"

(To be continued.) Mobile users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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