Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 911: Boiling Ding (Part 1)

Wei Hou Kuai Xun was brought to power by Zhao Wuxi. Although he was a little dissatisfied with the Zhao clan in recent years because of the high "contribution" that Wei had to pay, but as the leader of the Wei kingdom, Zhao Shangqing personally visited Jin, and he also Don't be lazy. Wei Hou and the ministers originally planned to walk back to greet each other and hold a big banquet in the palace. Unexpectedly, Zhao Wuxi declined because he was tired from the long journey, so the banquet for Zhao Wuxi was changed to the next day.

It was night, but Zhao Wuxi was hanging out in the "Canal District" controlled by the Zhao family.

The Wei Canal passed through the outer wall of Puyang that was destroyed by the Zhao army, passed through Waiguo, and continued to flow southeast. This mile-long and half-mile-wide "canal area" in the city seems to have become a concession of the Jin Kingdom. It is under the jurisdiction of the Chinese military garrison, and is separated from other blocks in Puyang by wooden fences. Most of the residents in it are merchants from Jin, Lu, and Cao. During the six months since the opening of the Wei Canal, they swept in like crows attracted by corpses. Occupy the best berth and transport the special products of Wei to Chaoge and Yuncheng.

If the law was violated in this area, the Wei state government could not control it, and it had to be judged by the special judge of the Zhao family.

And the core of this "concession" is naturally the brick-clad dock. After nightfall, Zhao Wuxi lived with Zhao Yi and listened to him talking about the current situation of Wei.

"Since the Wei Canal was repaired half a year ago, Wei's war compensation for Jin has also ended. In the future, only the guards will need to serve the Zhao family except for the annual tribute. However, the guards here put down the canal digging. Hoe, just after taking a rest for more than a month, after harvesting the grain, Weihou recruited them again, saying that they would rebuild a new platform..."

"Xintai has a lake, and the river is full of water." Xintai is the most famous palace in Wei. It was built by Wei Xuangong for the beauty of Naqi, Xuan Jiang. During the war ten years ago, Xintai was abandoned and destroyed. After he succeeded to the throne, because the whole people had to pay war reparations and excavate the Wei Canal, there was no chance to repair the platform. Now that the obligation is over, he can finally use the people's power for himself. 【ㄨ】

As a result, the guards complained, and in order to escape the hard labor, many people even began to cross the border and fled to Jin, Lu, Cao and other countries, and Zhao’s Hanoi alone took in hundreds of households.

As for the civilian households who fled to the Zhao family, Wei Hou Kuai Xun did not dare to recover them, so he could only serve the remaining people more and more cruelly, repairing the new platform, repairing the emperor's castle, and repairing the palace. Coincidentally, when Kong Yu, the ruler of Wei State, fell ill and could not act as a director, Wei Hou took control of the political affairs. The desire he had endured for several years finally broke out in this half year.

The peasants were not enough to work hard, and even merchants and craftsmen were affected, so the Wei people could only sing "Walking Down" angrily and work gloomily.

"Some cities and towns that once resisted Wei Hou's army were even more miserable. When the force was several times that of Wei Ling Gong, the Ding men were armored, and the Ding women lost their lives. The dead meet each other..."

Zhao Wuxi listened to Zhao Yi's description of Weihou Kuaiyu's actions, and sneered, "I do it backwards." As for his heart, there is only the word "death". If I remember correctly, in history, Kuaiyu also relied on it Zhao Yang's strength returned to the state of Wei as the king, but he bit Zhao's family in turn and broke with Zhao Yang, but he offended the big country, and he was also extremely harsh and oppressive internally, and finally forced the angry craftsman to take up arms to rebel. banished him.

It seems that although history has changed, Kuai Xun, a little expert at killing, has not lost his true colors.

Zhao Yi is also very despised by Kuai Fu. This person's hidden dissatisfaction with Zhao's family is increasing day by day, and he has conflicted with him several times. It is said that this time Kuai Fu may also ask Zhao Wuxi to transfer Zhao Yi...

He continued: "Kui Kuai not only madly enslaves the people, but also treats the domestic officials extremely harshly."

Wei Hou Kuai Xun was narrow-minded. He ran away from the Zhao family because he angered Duke Ling of Wei. He stayed outside for a few years. Finally, he relied on the Zhao army to enter Diqiu. At the beginning of his succession, he said: "The widow has lived outside for a long time, and the second and third sons are also the same. Did you hear it?" He complained that Doctor Wei Guoqing did not welcome him before, so he planned to use Zhao's power to kill dissidents.

This move provoked a large number of Wei Guo doctors to die or flee, and Wei Guo's public power was hit hard.

At that time, Qu Boyu, a sage, was also on the list of retaliation. Qu Boyu's principle was that if the monarch had the righteousness, he would go out to serve the political country; So he also went to the Zhao family, where he lived in the elegant Linzhang Academy.

In Qu Boyu's point of view, a gentleman like Wei Linggong is not hopelessly confused, but Kuai Yu is not even as good as Wei Linggong!

This is what Kuai Xue gave Wei Guo from doctors to civilians. The only advantage is that Wei Ling Gong brought war to Wei Guo, but Kuai Xian brought peace. He would rather be a dog of peace than a troubled world. The Wei people can only endure.

But Kuai Xue seemed to be challenging their bottom line, and the **** were one after another.

"For example, on the winter solstice last year, Kuai Xun climbed the newly renovated building and saw Rongzhou near Diqiu. When he saw some people from Zuo Xun coming in and out, he asked what was going on, and someone told him it was Rong. Kuai Tzu was furious and said: The widow is the surname of Zong and Zhou Ji, and he is an enemy of the Rong people. How can there be Rong Yi near Emperor Qiu? So he sent people to forcibly destroy Rong Prefecture, and once helped Kuai Thou return to the country The Rong people had nowhere to go in the cold weather, so they could only flee to the nearby mountains, forests and rivers, and Kuai Kui sent people to drive them away..."

Zhao Wuxi couldn't help laughing and laughing. I didn't expect that Kuaixu still had a bit of nationalism in the Xia Dynasty. Unfortunately, those Rongmen were mercenaries that Kuaixu paid for, and they were few in his hands that he could use to fight against Wei Guo. The strength of Doctor Qing's confrontation was expelled if it was not pleasing to the eye. It was like breaking an arm.

"Kui Kuai's left arm has been broken, and his right arm, Kong Shi, has also been suppressed by him, so he doesn't dare to intervene in the government any more."

Back then, when Kuai Yu was able to return to the country as a king, his brother-in-law Kong Yu contributed a lot. At that time, Kong Yu was the ruler of Wei Guo. In the first few years, he also took care of Wei Guo in an orderly manner. Prosperity before the war.

Who wants Kuaiyu to govern the country without a way, but doesn't want to be a puppet of "governing by the Ning clan, sacrifice by the widow", the reliance on Kong Yu from the beginning gradually turned into a deep hatred, feeling that he was dedicated to the power of defending the country, so he He began to cultivate the veteran noble Shi clan of Wei Guo, pushed Kong Yu, confronted him several times, and made Kong Yu bedridden with anger. Kuai Yu finally seized the power of his brother-in-law, but he broke his promise and did not give the ruling position to Wei Guoci. Qing Shipu, on the contrary, gave it to his favorite minister.

The little expert at death finally offended Kong and Shi, two of the largest imperial clans in Wei. Kong Yu was a kind and good man, no matter how angry he was, he still stood by the monarch, and only hoped that his son could succeed the emperor. However, Shipu has already become like water and fire with Weihou. It is said that he secretly supported Wei Linggong's other son, Gongzi Ying, and hoped that he would replace Kuaiku as the king...

"Shipu once came to me about this matter." Zhao Yi said to Zhao Wuxi, "If Shangqing intends to change the state of Wei to the monarch, all it takes is Shipu to unite with the Chinese people and craftsmen in the city who can't bear the hardships, and they can let Wei The country has changed the world!"

Zhao Wuxi pondered for a moment and then said, "How is Young Master Ying?"

Zhao Yi raised his thumb and said, "A talented person~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has talent and intelligence, which is better than countless Kuai Xun. In his later years, Duke Ling of Wei had an outing and let his son Ying drive the car. Duke Ling of Wei resented the prince's escape, so he told him that he wanted to Make him the crown prince, Shang Qing guess what the son Ying said?"

"How did he answer?"

"Young Master Ying replied: Ying is not qualified enough to humiliate the country. Duke Ling was angry, saying that this is the emperor's order and cannot be disobeyed! Master Ying resigned again, saying that his elder brother Kuai Yu's son, Gongsun Noi, was still alive, and the boy did not dare to take on this important task... "

Zhao Wuxi said in admiration, "Xianzai is exactly the same as when the son of Cao was reduced, and the son of Wu, Ji Zha, gave him the throne."

Zhao Yi nodded and said, "Of course, because of this, Young Master Ying has won the favor of the Wei people, and even more support from the Shi clan. If he succeeds, he may make the Wei Kingdom prosper." He was very fond of him. If he had to be asked to cooperate with one of them, Zhao Yi would prefer Young Master Ying to sit on the king's couch.

Zhao Wuxi pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "If that's the case, let's not let him be Lord Wei. Tomorrow, Marquis Wei will take care of me in the palace, so I will pretend to be drunk to reveal the news that Shi's family wants to support Young Master Ying. To Kuai Xun! In this boiling cauldron, add another fire!"

PS: The three changes are tomorrow(.)

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