Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 912: Boiling Ding (below)

When Kong Jiao woke up, she found that her husband was no longer with her.

She couldn't help but secretly blamed herself. As a concubine, she had been educated by her parents and women's morals since she was a child. She had to get up early to serve her husband's daily life. How could she be sleepy and get up later than him?

In fact, even when he was away from home, Zhao Wuxi slept very lightly and never fell in love with the bed. He got up before dawn, sat in the study outside, curled up under the candlelight, oblivious to the old bamboo slips or newly released paper. Books - reading, this is also a common hobby of Kong Jiao and her husband. He would also take the morning glow and go out for a walk accompanied by the Yulin guards until he was attracted by the sweet rice porridge cooked by Kong Jiao.

According to him, the reason why he got up so early is because it can make him not slack in the gentle village, and the morning light also helps people think about problems.

What was he thinking about? From Zhao Wuxi's deep eyes, Kong Jiao couldn't see why, but her woman's intuition told herself that she would never want to know.

After eating the morning meal, Zhao Wuxi suddenly announced that he would bring her into the Wei Palace to attend the reception feast prepared by Weihou for him.

"I'm afraid it's not suitable for a concubine to go..." Kong Jiao was startled, the towel in her hand twisted together. She has been a low-key concubine for eight years since she was married to the Zhao family. Although she attended many banquets, she always served as a foil for Le Lingzi or Ji Ying, eating a little food in silence and listening to her obediently. When others speak, it is easy not to speak, because her mother once told her that if you talk too much, you will lose, but listening is more important, listening to your husband, listening to others, and listening to your own children in the future.

"What's wrong? I want to have a banquet with Weihou and Wei Guoqing in the same hall. You also have to eat with Weihou Madam and the ladies in the back of the palace. This is something you should get used to." Care, anyway, the time he stayed in Puyang was only for one day, and it was enough to deal with the nobles of Wei who were about to wither.

Kong Jiao could not refuse.

"Is this really good?" On the carriage to the Empress, wearing suitable clothes, Kong Jiao held her daughter and asked herself in an uncertain tone.

But her eyes were quickly drawn to the magnificently decorated Weiguo palace.

It has been more than 150 years since Duke Wei Yi died in the Di people and Duke Wen moved to Diqiu, and it has been passed down through nine generations. Although the country is now exploiting the moon and the moon, its territory is only two-thirds of what it used to be. It is a small country, but after all, it has been a country for so long, and the buildings in the palace are still very majestic and gorgeous. In addition, this generation of Weihou has been carrying out construction projects in recent years, so wherever Kong Jiao saw it, he saw high towers, sparse pavilions, and consecutive buildings.

In the palace, the earth was dug and the ponds were planted. The spring breeze swept through the ponds and forests, and it was very warm. It also brought the fragrance of flowers in the garden and the sounds of animals in the animal room. In the distance upstairs in the upper stage, and in the nearby corridors on the roadside, from time to time, you can see the temple people and maids wearing loose clothes and wearing silk shoes. They are also luxurious and beautiful. salute.

Kong Jiao was a little shocked, not by the prosperity of this place, but by the desolation of people's livelihood outside Weiwei, it turned out that the wealth was concentrated here!

This is completely contrary to Yecheng's purpose of "hiding wealth in the people", and she can't accept it.

With so much energy and wealth, shouldn't they build more water conservancy ditches, build more Mengxue villages, and train more doctors who save people for their careers?

She couldn't figure it out. Before she knew it, Kong Jiao's thinking was born out of Confucius' education, which had been assimilated by Zhao Wuxi and Yecheng. Many normal things in the world had become morbid alienation in her opinion...

The carriage and horse went straight along the avenue in the palace, passed through the courtyard, and came to the outside of the main hall, where Wei Hou had already brought his ministers to greet him.

When Kong Jiao was in the State of Lu, she always listened to people saying that she was a noble person and wealthy. The status and glory of the minister of a big country is by no means comparable to that of a small family like Sanhuan.

Wei Hou Kuai, the dignified king of a country, saw Zhao Wuxi but had a smile on his face, his attitude was humble, and everyone in Wei was respectful. After all, Wei Guo was beaten the hardest by Zhao Jun in the past few years. Every time Zhao Yang crossed the border, he would loot and loot. The elusive cavalry was even more like a no-man's land. .

Zhao Wuxi was like a group of stars holding the moon, surrounded by Weihou and other ministers to the main hall, he was the protagonist of today. Kong Jiao glanced at her husband helplessly, and then she had to devote all her energy to dealing with the chattering ladies around her.

She is also the protagonist of today.

It is stipulated in the etiquette system that on formal occasions, the wives of Hou and Bo should wear Yudi. His wife wears Ju Yi, the doctor's wife wears sandalwood clothes, and the scholar's wife wears rafter clothes, so today Kong Jiao wears bright yellow Ju Yi, which is simple and decent.

After entering the side hall, Lu Jiang, the Madam of Wei Hou with thick black hair, smiled and invited her to take a seat in the VIP seat.

She was surrounded by a group of unfamiliar, powdered faces of women. They were like a group of excited hens. Their red lips were opening and closing, making her dizzy. She could only smile reluctantly. to judge the identity of the people around you, so as to give an appropriate response.

Those who are qualified to sit next to Kong Jiao are naturally the ladies of the Qing clan. Although the Wei Kingdom has declined, there are many Shi clans, Sun clan, Kong clan, Beigong clan, Taishu clan, Gongshu clan. Shi... Although Kong Jiao was not used to being the center of banquets, but when she was at home in her early years, under the ear and eyes of her father, she was very familiar with the lineages of the nobles of various countries, so she could handle it properly.

The Sun Clan, Beigong Clan, Taishu Clan, and Gongshu Clan were all weakened. Only Kong Clan and Shi Clan were the most powerful. Among them, Kong Clan’s wife was Bo Ji, who is also the elder sister of the current Weihou. She has the closest relationship with Weihou’s wife. Jia, as for Wei Qing Shipu's wife, she was cold and quiet around her, and her relationship with Lu Jiang was neither salty nor weak.

But they all have one thing in common. The wives of Wei Qing around them all hope to use her to please Zhao Wuxi, the most powerful person in the Central Plains now, so as to make profits for their husbands.

After realizing this, Kong Jiao felt a little complicated. She was proud of her husband and sad for her father. Her father, Confucius, had also come to Wei, just to get Wei Hou's summons, but he was unable to reuse it. Except for old friends such as Yun Boyu, have these glossy Wei nobles ever looked at him?

On the other hand, Zhao Wuxi, every move of his hand and every move, can make the monarchs and ministers of Wei Guo tremble with fear, and even he himself is regarded as a distinguished guest.

Where is the father now? I heard that he was in Yexian County of Chu Country, and what he saw now was the same moon as himself?

"You are mistaken, I'm just a concubine." She said in her heart, if Ji Ying and Le Lingzi were there, they would be able to cope with this situation very well. Compared with her humble little pigeon , They are like phoenixes and peacocks, they are born nobles, noble and elegant.

Kong Jiao closed her eyes and recalled her father's face, which was a little blurry. If her identity was only the daughter of Confucius and not Zhao Wuxi's concubine, now she would only be able to stand outside the hall with those women holding tableware. maid chat...

Perhaps it would be easier that way, without having to be sore in the neck by the high cloud on the top of the head, and not allowing a reluctant smile to deal with the endless topics of the women. Dirty gossip among the nobles of Wei, strange stories thousands of miles away, these things made her drowsy, and she had to be optimistic about her daughter, so that she would not eat anything and break her stomach.

The whispers of more than 100 noble ladies, dozens of delicious feasts like flowing water on the table, and the performances of dwarfs, advocacy, and palace maids are all sought after. These should have been the dreams of Cinderella, but in Kong Jiao's opinion, it is better to read a book in her own small home in Yecheng.

This also made her recognize the fact that, except for her husband, the rest of the nobles in the world are almost like this... vulgar, boring, and full of fat.

The night was getting darker, and the wine was in full swing. The topics at the banquet became more and more presumptuous and explicit. Some people even took Kong Jiao's hand and quietly stuffed her with beautiful jade and pearls, assuring her that her husband would treat Zhao's family well. A friendly and loyal minister, I hope she can have a good word by the pillow. Those things are held in Kong Jiao's sleeves, and they are as hot as red-hot charcoal.

She sat on pins and needles, but fortunately there was Fu Mu, who was sent by Zhao Wuxi to look after them, and a few vigilant Yulin guards in the distance.

At the same time, among the entourage of Mrs. Kong's wife Bo Ji, Kong Jiao also saw a familiar figure passing by.


Finally, when the evening banquet was over, when Zhao Wuxi also came out slightly drunk to take her back to the building by the canal, Kong Jiao wrapped his arms tightly on the carriage, for some unknown reason.

Zhao Wuxi didn't notice the subtle change in her heart, but just patted her cool hand and said it was hard work.

His mind was still on the news that he "unintentionally" revealed to Weihou Kuaiyu tonight~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Presumably Kuaiyu will have trouble sleeping tonight, and Weiguo, the big cauldron that is about to boil , it will be very lively next time!

The gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall, Zhao Wuxi decided to set off immediately tomorrow, to the country of Lu, and in Xilu Yuncheng, to safely observe the upcoming great changes, and wait until all the dust settles, and then come back to take this cauldron and boil it. yummy soup...

"Husband." Kong Jiao whispered as she pressed close to him.

"What's the matter?"

"Before, in Mrs. Kong's entourage, the concubine saw an acquaintance."

Zhao Wuxi tilted his head and saw the glint in her eyes, "Who is it?"

"It's Senior Brother Zilu, he's also in Weiguo..."

PS: I heard that the author of the mythical version of the Three Kingdoms, "Graves and Weeds", has gathered hundreds of people in the "Yan Kingdom". This battle... we can't be cowardly. At 1 o'clock at noon, the new area of ​​"The Undefeated Legend" "Mingyue", the power of Zhao State, the July army will not leave! Everyone who can come, come to support July, play games and send starting coins, support genuine, this is unambiguous. (.)

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