Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 942: prisoner (1)

Since the day he came to Anyi, Xingren has no name. The reason why he is called Xingren is because when he talks about the past, he always scratches his head embarrassedly, saying that he is "a person who knows the punishment."

That's why everyone called him "The Punisher".

Everyone who has seen a torturer will be deeply impressed by him. First, because a large number of red sores are densely distributed on his face and neck, there is no age at all from this terrifying appearance. , can only infer from the unkempt gray beard under his chin, he is at least in his forties; the second is that he has broken his right hand, and the entire palm is missing from under the elbow, leaving only one empty sleeve fluttering in the wind.

Everyone speculated that when Zhishi was in power, he was really tortured, and it is unknown what crime he committed.

After the demise of the Zhi clan, the prisoner was released, and just when Zhao Wei and Han divided up the people of Xinjiang, he couldn't wait to run from Xinjiang to Anyi.

When asked why he came to Anyi, the prisoner's answer was simple. He smiled and said, "There is an endless supply of salt in Anyi."

"Is it because of starvation and starvation that it grows into such a ghost?" This remark made everyone laugh.

In the first few years of Wei's accepting the people of Xinjiang, he chose people to make good use of them, and made the best use of their talents, but like the criminals, they were ugly, had no way, and had no extraordinary skills. It is to pick up ash on the street, that is, to clean up feces and urine. Because the Wei family likes to imitate the Zhao family in everything, the Zhao family has made Yecheng's sanitation impressive, and the Wei family also wants to make Anyi, which has always been known as dirty, cleaner.

But in fact, like other densely populated towns at the same time, Anyi is a big garbage dump. Especially in summer, the streets are full of stench.

The prisoner wore a bunt suit, rolled up his sleeves, and started to dig out the garbage in the ditch. Sometimes the nobles’ carriages galloped past, splashing water from the puddles, soaking the prisoner’s whole body and getting wet. Angry, he just looked blank. He didn't say anything until the carriage was far away. He bent down and shoveled away the hot horse manure with his only left hand.

He worked like this for two whole years to collect ashes, and finally got a promotion because of his outstanding performance. He entered the house from the streets and alleys, and became a toilet painter in a small official office of the Wei family...


Compared with the 100-step toilet in Yecheng, and the 50-step toilet, most of the toilets in Anyi are only used by officials. A large pit is dug in the toilet, and it is bottomless. Or small holes, people squat on the top of the hole to solve.

This kind of hole is definitely not a small hole, because at noon one day in 581 BC, Jin Jinggong Jiji felt bloated after tasting the new wheat, so he went to the toilet to poop, accidentally fell into the cesspool and died...

As the toilet in the official office, it is naturally not allowed to be as dirty as the toilet outside. The so-called person who paints the toilet is the person who cleans the toilet on weekdays.

Although there is no need to be exposed to the wind and rain in the streets, it is still a lowly occupation, and most people will not be willing to do it. However, the prisoner is willing to do it. In the summer when the toilet is the most foul smelling, he only covers up. A face towel, scooping up the feces as if nothing at the writhing white maggots, and flushing the toilet.

Once when he came out, he happened to bump into Wei's Jizai Linghu Bo, who was in the inspector's office. It was convenient for him to come down to the toilet surrounded by a group of officials. When the officials saw the prisoner come out, they all pinched their noses and waved their hands to drive him away, because he really smelled like he was from the prison. Crawling out of a cesspit.

"Smell of feces and urine, don't get close to a bandit gentleman."

However, Linghu Bo was a little interested in this conscientious prisoner, so he asked him a few random questions and praised him for cleaning the toilet. After half a month, perhaps because of Linghu Bo, the prisoner got another promotion. This time, he was able to enter the Wei family's mansion, and his occupation was still toilet painting.

"This person is honest and honest, I'm afraid he won't notice the smell after being in the toilet for a long time." Linghu Bo joked to Wei Ju, but Wei Ju didn't care. Hexi, and then headed there.

He didn't realize at the time that when the prisoner was looking at him, the coldness behind his respectful and fearful eyes...


The Wei family's mansion is very large, accounting for one-fifth of Anyi. The Wei people like to call it the "Wei family's palace". Compared with the city, the hygiene inside is almost one sky and one bottom. The pavilions and terraces are continuous. The high platforms that existed in the era are ups and downs, and the courtyards are all over the place.

Relatively speaking, there are also more toilets, and the prisoner’s workload is more than twice as large. However, he only gets to clean the toilets that are commonly used by the government officials, clerks, and female servants in the outer courtyard, but he can’t even enter the inner courtyard. go.

Until this summer, because the toilets in the inner courtyard were blocked, everyone had no choice but to move "experienced" prisoners to deal with it.

Wei built a new Zhao-style toilet outside the hall where guests were entertained, and designed a flushing toilet. A flushing water pipe was carved out of the wall directly behind the toilet, and there were stone handrails beside the squatting seat. , the design is quite user-friendly. There are also small dried jujubes in this toilet, which can make people plug their noses, and there are two maids waiting outside with sachets to guide the guests who have finished using the toilet to enter the "bathroom" next to the toilet, which is convenient for the nobles to wash their hands after bathing. Then put on new clothes and continue to go to the banquet, feasting.

The prisoner quickly cleared the pipes of the toilet, and was praised and rewarded by the elders for this. From then on, he was exclusively responsible for the toilet in the inner courtyard.

The inner courtyard is where the head of the Wei family, his close family members, and various important guests live. Weimando is extremely suspicious, so there is one post at five steps and one post at ten steps, and the inspection is very strict.

The Wei family has also observed the identity and origin of the prisoner for a period of time, but apart from his early experience that cannot be verified, he has not found any problems.

Although the prisoner looks ugly, he is humble and sluggish. He dare not fight back when beaten, dare not fight back when he is scolded, he can do whatever he wants, otherwise he won't do some work like collecting dust and painting toilets. To put it bluntly, he is easy to be bullied. Honest people, when they are always tempted at home, they are satisfied to say that although this work is dirty, it is not necessary to eat and sleep.

"He seems to be a man with little ambition." The elders despised him, and after discovering the prisoner's special hobby, he felt more at ease.

The prisoner has no family, and his hobbies are probably wine and women's sex.

However, because of his cowardice, the prisoner did not dare to look at the female relatives in the Wei Palace. When Wei's wife passed by, his head was firmly on the ground and never raised. The maids, he didn't dare to flirt, or because his appearance was too ugly and his appearance became filthy, maybe once he approached the women with a grin, they would frown and avoid them.

All in all, the prisoner asked Jia Lao to go out once a month, the reason was to meet friends, but the Jia Lao had someone follow him. The prisoner’s whereabouts was the girl in Anyi, and she was also the girl in the most chaotic alley. That kind of female lug is the lowest grade, only the sweaty laborers will go, and they can come once for twenty bucks.

Most of the women there are old and pearly, with slanted eyes and crooked mouths, or are themselves sick, but a lowly ugly man like a prisoner is also suitable for that kind of consumption. Every time he went, he would call someone and come back drunk.

After doing this again and again, the old man was relieved.

A person whose desire is so obvious, so useless, and so unmotivated, just paint a toilet, and there can be no problem.

On October 10, the 22nd year of the Marquis of Jin, as usual, the prisoner applied to the elder Wei Gong's family to go out, and the elder absent-mindedly agreed.

According to the usual route, after the prisoner left the Wei Palace, he passed by the market. Although nearly ten days had passed since the chaos, Wei Shi's nerves were still tense. Wei Zun, who is guarding the entrance of the market, will stop every suspicious person for questioning, but the leader knows the face of the prisoner, not to mention that he has the waist card of Wei's Palace, so he frowned and waved to him. In the past, no one looked at it at all.

The prisoner looked at the bloodstains on the ground that had not been wiped clean, stepped over them, raised his eyes,

He saw cities, streets, alleys, and the city walls in the distance. Behind this false prosperity, there were fields withered in winter, farmland devoured by locusts, forests with only dead branches, and the fiery Wei Shi. the people.

However, the nuns in Anyi have reopened. There is a wine shop outside. If you like the wine maid, you can drag them to the back to be happy. Most of these wine maids are rough barrels or have freckled faces. As far as laborers are concerned, it is enough to be a woman~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, he did not rush in today, but suddenly turned into an alley, walked to a place that looked like an abandoned house, and knocked in a clear tone. Four doors.

After waiting for the fourth sound to end for a while, the door finally opened.

Qingxia Duqiu held a sword in his hand, looked at the prisoner coldly, a trace of disgust flashed on his face, motioned him to come in, then stretched his head out to take a look, then closed the door, and then greeted the prisoner rudely He said: "Where is Yurang? He didn't say in the letter that as long as I settle a wife for him, he will come to see me in person..."

"Yes, he came in person."

With a hoarse voice, like sand mixed in his throat, the prisoner raised his head and smiled without saying a word, but his eyes turned from simple and honest, and regained some of the former look.

Du Qiu suddenly reacted, he was stunned, and looked up and down the prisoner, the light chivalrous man burst into tears.

"Bo Qian, you...how did you become like this!"

(To be continued.)

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