Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 943: prisoner (below)

ps: There is only one chapter tonight, and it will be supplemented in three tomorrow.

In the abandoned courtyard overgrown with wormwood, the former best friends of Paoze sat opposite each other, but the governor could hardly resist Yu Rang, and finally he brought up the topic first.

"Did you tell her I was dead?"

"It's just that you buried your bones by the side of Shaoshui, and let sister-in-law Hugh worry about it again."

"Enough is enough. In this way, I don't have to worry about the future. It's just that she has to cry, I'm really sorry for her." The person who claimed to be Yu Rang smiled and seemed to be really relieved.

Du Qiu couldn't help it, so he asked, "Bo Qian, how did you survive the siege at that time?"

"In the battle of Shaoshui, we failed to break through the siege and were surrounded by groups. The lord was shot and died. Before he died, he asked me to protect his head, and he said that if he couldn't keep it, he would use this head to exchange for a wealth and honor... I How could this be so? He killed all the people who fought for his head after the death of the lord, and placed them in a cave on the edge of the cliff. The Zhao family caught me, and Zhao Wuxi, in order to show his tolerance, let him I gave my head, and he released me. If I didn't obey, he imprisoned me..."

Yu Rang fell into a memory. At that time, his entire right elbow was broken. Although the bleeding stopped, the wound was slow to heal. Blood and thick juices continued to seep out, and it was painful. Even if Zhao Wuxi asked the magpie doctor to treat him, he sealed the wound with fire, applied medicine, and fastened it with a sackcloth bandage, but every night, Yu Rang could still feel the flame licking his arm. tingling, feeling the fingers that no longer exist wither in the fire.

Later, his right eye was so swollen that he couldn't open it, and the flesh and blood around his arm had deteriorated and had to be removed. The most comprehensive way was to amputate the entire arm...

On the day of the amputation operation, Yu Rang's screams of pain resounded throughout the barracks. After everything was over, he only saved his upper arm and could only live on his left hand from now on.

"A swordsman who has lost his right hand is no different from a cripple. I'm afraid you can't imagine that the left hand would be so useless. When holding the sword, it almost stabbed into my thigh, and I was completely useless. So I did not lie, from From that day on, the original Yu Rang died, he lived by the sword and died by the sword."

"As for the flesh and blood in front of you, it is called a torturer, not Yu Rang."

"But you're not dead, you're still here, thinking about the wife of your hair, and you sent me a message to find her to save her." When the two worked together in the Zhi clan, Yu Rang had saved Du Qiu's life more than once. , they are best friends, Yu Rang thinks of himself first, which makes Du Qiu very proud.

But he still couldn't understand why Yu Rang disappeared for so long, and he was so resolute about his wife who had been waiting for him for five years.

"Boqian, since you are in Shaoshui, you should go home and take your wife away, but what have you been doing all these years, why haven't you heard from him?"

"I have something to do." Yu Rang sighed.

The ancestors of Yu Rang's family were all vassals of the Fan clan. He could not choose his own destiny since he was born. From the day when his parents thought that Yu Rang was old enough to hold a sword, they began to train him to fight and fight for the master of the family. . Yu Rang knew the identity of his retainers, and he never shamed them, but he paid his loyalty, but he did not get respect in return. The two ministers Fan and Bank of China who had served successively treated him like a dog, a mustard, and Yu Rang also regarded him as a dog. As a passerby, he would not hand over his precious loyalty to such a person.

At that time, he had neither land nor wealth... Only a sword accompanied him. All in all, his life at that time was very sad. He was first selected as an assassin, and after the assassination failed, he was neglected and thrown to the border to fend for himself. He fought hard with Rong and Di, and when he was not fighting, he drank for pleasure and was drunk and dreamed of death.

Drunk on the battlefield, Lord Grim, a few people in ancient times fought back, and his life was written with blood and turbid wine.

It was not until he joined Zhiyao that this situation changed, and finally there was a master who recognized him and trusted him.

Yu Rang served loyally and felt the pride that brought him; he had a rich life, married a wife he liked, fought **** the battlefield, and gained joy from victory. But all of this was over in the Battle of Changping, Zhiyao died, betrayed by a conspiracy, Yu Rang became an ownerless dog again, and it was no longer loyalty and glory that drove him forward, but hatred.

The hatred of the monarch, death and humiliation is the food that nourishes him to survive dragging his stump and broken arm, and it is the fuel that keeps the fire of his life burning. He expected to kill the enemy, and saw the enemy's blood stained on his sword, Zhao Wuxi, Wei Manduo, Wei Ju, Han Hu, in Yu Rang's opinion, these people deserve to die.

"Scholars die for those who are confidants, women are for those who speak for themselves, and gentlemen who know me know me, I will take revenge for them, in order to repay the kindness of my confidant. Even if I die, my soul goes to Huangquan to see him, and I can have nothing to be ashamed of."


Du Qiu bowed his head a little ashamed: "I am also a minister of the Zhi clan, and I am far inferior to Bo Qian in matters of loyalty to the monarch."

Yu Rang smiled bitterly: "It's easier said than done, I've tried it once, but I still can't kill Zhao Wuxi, this person is very suspicious, and I don't know why, but when I hear my name, I'm especially wary. The ability is not as good as before, so it failed to succeed.”

"You assassinated him when you were caught, but Zhao shi hasn't killed you yet!?" Du Qiu was a little surprised.

When Yu Rang talked about Zhao Wuxi, he no longer had to grit his teeth towards his enemies. After all, Zhao Wuxi saved him from a tragic death of festering wounds. This debt and hatred were intertwined, and it became extraordinarily complicated.

He said calmly: "After I was healed, Zhao Wuxi came to see me. He said that I had assassinated him in Taoqiu, but it was a one-off event, so this time, I can't let me go too easily..."

"He took off his cloak, threw it in front of me, and gave me two options."

"One, piercing this cloak is considered to have already assassinated him. Afterwards, he committed suicide. It can also be regarded as an explanation for the lord."

"Secondly, he gave me a chance. He took me into Xinjiang and assassinated Weimando on the oath..."

Du Qiu was stunned: "But there was no assassination on the oath back then..."

"Because I refused, I am willing to stab Wei, but I will do it by my own strength, instead of being a **** in Zhao Wuxi's hands."

"Then Zhao Shi... let you go?"

"Yes, I didn't hit the clothes when I left, because I said that if I stab Wei to death, I will still come back and try to take his head from Zhao Wuxi."

Du Qiu swallowed nervously, and Yu Rang dared to say so, "How did Zhao Qing react at that time?"

"He said, Hou Bo's anger will bury a hundred thousand corpses and splatter with blood; if a man is angry, he will splatter five steps with blood, and the world will be covered with nothing. He respects me as a righteous person, and believes that I can do what I say, but when the time comes, He won't be merciful anymore..."

"Then you want to... kill Wei Qing now?" Du Qiu understood Yu Rang's true purpose.

"Of course, although the Zhao family and the Han family participated in the battle of besieging and killing the lord, only the repeated villain Wei family is the most hateful. Since it is difficult to stab Zhao, I decided to kill them..."

"So, you mutilated yourself to such an extent..."

The Yu Rang in Du Qiu's memory was very different from what he looked like now. He was tall and straight, his head was big and square, his eyes were sharp, shrewd and full of vitality, and his thick chin was covered with short beards. He was in his prime at that time, a natural warrior.

But now, it has completely lost the appearance of the past, like peeling off the skin. He painted himself with lacquer, turned himself into an ugly man covered in scabies, swallowed coals and hoarse his voice.

When they met at the street market, even his wife didn't recognize him. If Yu Rang hadn't taken the initiative to reveal his identity, 80% of the governors would not have been able to recognize him. He deceived his best friend and wife, and the Wei family, who had only one relationship with him, was even less recognizable.

Du Chou sighed and said, "With your talent, if you join the Wei family, you will definitely become a trusted confidant. At that time, you can do whatever you want, it's not easy? Why bother to self-mutilate your body to this point? To seek revenge like this, the price is too high! Even if you succeed I'm afraid it will be difficult to escape."

"If I commit myself to the despicable Wei Clan as a minister, it would be against my original intention. If I become someone else's courtier and then try to assassinate the head of the family, I will have two hearts. Now that I am like this, the chances of success in the assassination are very slim. But everything I did was done by my own ability. I approached Weimando's palace little by little, and little by little I let the guards of others disappear. Now I finally have a chance. At least I didn't become a Zhao's chess pieces are worthy of the master's spirit in the sky, and worthy of the heart."

"What's more, if you don't have the belief that you will die, how can you succeed?"

He raised his empty sleeves and said, "I don't have my right hand, my left hand, my sword, and my dagger. Even if all of this is gone, I can still bite with my mouth and hit my head with my head! Use your own heart and ability to get what I want!"

Having said that, Yu Rang said nothing and got up to leave.

Du Qiu knew that Yu Rang appeared this time, and he was afraid that he would say goodbye. He bowed to the ground and faced Yu Rang Ji three times: "My brother is incompetent, I can't accompany you into the Wei Palace to assassinate, I will definitely **** my sister-in-law to a safe place, and then I will kill myself in the west, and I will accompany you to Huangquan to meet the lord, raise the flag to recruit the old troops, and then fight a mountain and river to come out!"

"I'll wait for you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yu Rang has come to the door, and out of this door, he is no longer Yu Boqian, but the prisoner who painted the toilet in the Wei Palace.

"I entered the Jiao Palace when I went to the tiger's den, and I looked up to the sky and breathed into a white rainbow..." Before the door was closed, Yu Rang heard the singing of the festival singing behind him, and it was Du Qiu who was seeing him off.

After the door was closed, the sharp eyes disappeared, and the turbid and dazed prisoner returned to normal.

But in the alley where people came and went, he couldn't help but touched the dagger hidden in his sleeve with his swollen fingers. After five years of practice, his left hand had become extremely flexible.

"In the end, I still became an assassin."

His voice was soft, as if afraid someone would hear him.

"But I will return justice to the lord in my own way."

He whispered: "I will use revenge to warn those who have committed **** alliances but betrayed their faith... The rewards of good and evil are like shadows!"

(To be continued.)

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