Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 947: The 2nd Anti-Zhao Alliance

ps: Calvin, one chapter today, three updates tomorrow

Zheng Bosheng was ten years old, in late October, it was the middle of winter, and there was a bleak scene everywhere, but fortunately the river hadn't frozen, and Xinzheng's transportation was not delayed.

But unlike in previous years, there are also fewer scholars and women outside the east gate of Xinzheng. After all, the Zheng Kingdom has been difficult in recent years, and it is really not a good time to fall in love. First, the old ruler, and the son of Zichan, Guoshen, died one after another, and the inheritance of Qimu fell on the shoulders of Handa. Then the Jin people invaded, the Zhao clan occupied Nanyan, and the Han clan occupied Chenggao, all of which threatened the security of Zheng State. hair.

Zhao's family is fine. He has been at peace with Zheng Guo in the past two years, but Han's movement is very interested in the land of Yiluo and Zheng's native land, like a hungry wolf with his claws on the rabbit's nest. Usually, a pair of green eyes stared at them, and they might rush at them at any time, so the people of Zheng Guo did not want to drive the wolf away all the time.

As a result, after two years, Han's Hulao Pass was still firmly anchored to the south bank of the Great River like a nail, but Zheng Guo's offensive was weak. It's not that they can't beat the Han family, but because of the current national strength of the Zheng Kingdom and the need to guard against the three parties of Zhao, Wei, and Song, there are not many troops that can be used to attack Chenggao.

The Han family's intention to seize Zheng's territory is clear, and the Zhao family is more than willing to support them. The Zheng state has nothing to do with this. They have already decided whether to restart the tradition of "only the strong is the only one" and obediently offer the Yiluo land, in exchange for the Zhao family to persuade the Han family to give up the Hulao?

However, Handa knew that things were not that simple. There was a huge difference in the treatment received between tenacious resistance and immediate surrender. So he wanted to make other strong aids, and use allies to help himself to gain capital for the negotiations.

It is a pity that among the several powerful countries in the world, Wu State is too far away, and there is no core interest conflict with the Zhao family, while Chu State is too self-defense and is not worth relying on.

As a result, the people of Zheng Guo could only take the second place. Looking for allies from the sub-strong, it was nothing more than Qi and Qin. They were in a similar situation as Zheng Guo, and they were bullied miserably by the Zhao family and Han Wei's younger brother.

It was also the sleepiness that came to the pillow, just this year, because Jin was hit by a major drought, and then was swept by the locust plague, and many places were not harvested. So Zhao's enemies realized that this was a rare opportunity. The state of Qi, which was surrounded by Zhao's forces, began to actively run. Chen Qi sent his son Chen Heng to lobby around, contact the princes, and try to weave an anti-Zhao alliance again.

He first took a boat to Wu State, then traveled westward to Chu and Qin, all the way down, his mouth was almost worn out, and Zheng State was the last stop of Chen Heng's trip.

Although Handa was in power in the Zheng Kingdom, according to tradition, when encountering major events such as Rong and Si, the seven Mudu had to send representatives to the scene.

Looking at the seven officials, Handa couldn't help feeling filled with emotion. Compared with the time when Zi Gong came to Zheng State to lobby seven years ago, the members of Qimu have undergone great changes: Si, the second minister of the country died of illness, Feng's Ziban also died in the battle of Hulao, Zheng Guo Qimu is in the stage of inexorability, if he has three strengths and two weaknesses, I wonder if the younger generation can let Qimu continue...

He also regretted it at the same time. If he knew that the Zhao clan was so aggressive after winning his ambition, he should not have been fooled by Duanmu, and when the Qi Kingdom and the Zhi clan attacked the Zhao clan, they would fight the land of Yiluo. Now that the situation is reversed, the Zhao family and the Han family may plot against Zheng at any time. The barren Iluo land can only be used as a strategic buffer.

Therefore, he kept a little bit of caution with all the lobbyists in advance. Even though Chen Heng's hype, Handa was silent, but he was thinking about the benefits and losses in his heart. They can only be as shrewd as businessmen in this ceremony. The collapse of music is broken, and the era of intrigue will survive.

But I heard Chen Heng say impassively: "What happened earlier this year, Dangguo and all the officials are very clear, Zhao Wuxi provoked the rebellion of Wei Guoqing, and killed them all on the charge of murdering the king. The clansmen forcibly migrated to the real border of Zhao's territory. After only two months, he brazenly attacked the state of Zhu, not only captured Zhu Zi, but also the monarchs of Xiao Zhu and Chu were also arrested in Qufu and detained. It's called a united country, and the Zhao clan manages it on his behalf, but in fact, just like the Wei country, it has been transformed into a county of the Zhao clan!"

This child had sharp teeth, and Qi Mu nodded his head when he spoke, and even Handa, who was on guard, couldn't help but admire him. The expansion of the Zhao clan has indeed aroused the vigilance of the princes. Unlike Dai Rong, who is far away, Wei and Zhu are both close neighbors. It is not certain that this fate will fall on him one day.

In particular, every time Zhao Wuxi controlled a country, he promoted the middle-level literati in the society to be officials, but severely suppressed the Shiqing family, which was at the top. It can be said that the Zhao family has become the biggest enemy of Shiqing and Shilu.

What's even more shocking is still behind, Chen Heng paused, and said alarmistly:

"Now the state of Jin has three points, and the Han family is closely following the Zhao family. I learned from other sources that the price Zhao Wuxi used to buy the Han family is precisely for the Han family to annex the Zheng country!"

Even Handa couldn't believe this statement: "Han clan... wants to annex Zheng Kingdom!?"

"That's right, Han's occupation of Hulao is definitely not just about taking a few cities and towns. They want to encroach on Zheng State, eventually destroy Zheng State, and turn Xinzheng into a city under Han's rule, while Zhao's Totally aware of it, but supportive as always."

Chen Heng looked at Qimu and said: "Zhao and Han have all annexed neighboring countries, including the Central Plains, and they can no longer be appeased. The current situation is that Qi, Qin, and Zheng are all attacked by Jin, and they face it alone. Against the strong Jin, the Three Kingdoms were invincible, Qi lost Hejian, Qin lost Hexi, and Zheng lost Hu Lao. Next time, I am afraid it will not be so simple. Therefore, this is not a problem of a few cities and towns. , but it is related to the survival of the community!"

"Chen Shi has already figured it out. In the face of such evil neighbors, if the Three Kingdoms want to bribe the people of Jin by ceding cities and towns, it is like holding firewood to put out fires, cutting five cities today, cutting ten cities tomorrow, and then getting Sleeping peacefully overnight, even if the offensive of the Jin people eased for a while, after a while, the other two countries were defeated by each other, when the country began to look at the four borders, and the soldiers of Zhao and Han arrived again, by that time Zheng Guo had lost the strong The territory of the Three Kingdoms is limited, and the people of Jin have unlimited desires, and the encroachment becomes more and more urgent. Disaster, famine everywhere, let us give it a shot!"


When Chen Heng came out of Zheng Guo's palace, as his entourage, his cousin Chen Bao, who had watched the whole process, said with admiration, "I heard that when Duan Muci, a pedestrian of the Zhao family, was on his first mission, he made Zhu Guo crawl. On the second mission, Juguo surrendered, and on the third mission, Zhengguo stopped attacking the Zhao clan, and turned to compete with the Chu country for the Man clan, which gave Zhao Wuxi a breather and won the title of Liuqingzhi. The victory of the battle is called the leader of the Pentists."

"My cousin has lobbied Wu, Chu, Qin, and Zheng successively this year. Apart from Wu and Chu being wary of each other and their ambiguous attitudes, Qin's chief concubine and Zheng's state were both convinced by the cousin's words, and they were willing to cooperate with Qi. Form an alliance, help each other, advance and retreat together. If my cousin is a debater, his achievements are no less than that of Duanmu..."

"What do you know?" Chen Heng, who was more mature than a few years ago, sighed: "Lobbying and forming alliances are the helpless actions of the weak. Zhao Wuxi doesn't need to do this at all. , willing to be his puppet."

The current situation is that Qi, Zheng, and Qin are facing the expansion of Jin.

Qin and Qi are two countries of two thousand vehicles, and Zheng is a country of one thousand vehicles. The combined strength of the three countries is terrifying, and even more than 100,000 troops can be assembled to go on an expedition. But it can only be on par with the forces on the east and west sides of the Zhao family, and it is slightly inferior in combat effectiveness, so this alliance needs other people to join.

Chen's original plan was to use Wu Wang Fuchai's arrogance and his revealed intention to go north to induce Wu State to enter Sishang and contain Zhao's troops in the east. .

On the other hand, the Chen family also wanted to use the Qin-Chu alliance to drag the powerful state of Chu into the water and make them a member of the second anti-Zhao alliance.

It's a pity that both Wu and Chu obviously regard each other as the most dangerous enemy. The cunning Wu Dazai said that he should think about it again, but the King of Chu did not give a positive answer.

If the Zhao clan is in a hurry under the attack of the Three Kingdoms, Wu State will definitely go north to Lu Zhu. If the feudal alliance does not make progress, Wu State will take advantage of Chu State to help Qin State and take the opportunity to sneak attack on Chen and Cai, which is a good idea...

But in this way, the so-called Three Kingdoms Alliance is embarrassing. They also need a strong ally who can tear open Zhao's hole, take the initiative to attack, and regain lost ground.

For example ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Wei's...

However, Wei Mandu is very resourceful and will never go into this troubled water. Even Chen Qi is not sure, and Chen Heng is even less hopeful for the Wei family.

It was also on this day that he heard the news of Weimanduo's assassination in Anyi in Xinzheng.

"The opportunity is here!" Chen Heng had already slept, but after hearing this, he immediately lifted the quilt and walked around on the cold ground with bare feet.

He called Chen Bao: "Send someone to spread the news immediately, saying that Wei Qing was assassinated by Zhao Wuxi!"

This is not over yet, considering that Qin and Wei have been facing each other in Hexi since the fall, and now they may all start fighting.

The light car galloped, and the cold wind at night made his face hurt, but Chen Heng was ecstatic.

"If we can get the Wei family to join the alliance, then this time the princes will join forces to fight against Zhao, and it will be enough!"

(To be continued.)

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