Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 948: trembling

ps: there is another chapter tonight

The sky was covered with dark clouds, the forest was dead and gloomy, and on the battlefield along the Shaoshui line, the four-year-long civil war between the six emperors of the Jin Kingdom finally came to an end. The young and vigorous Zhiyao drove his car to his destiny. Before the battle, Wei Ju swore and promised to defend the flank and defeat the Zhao family together in a sudden attack in the early morning.

However, after the drumbeat of the attack, he shouted "Righteousness is in the Eastern Army" and chose to defect!

Countless Zhijun were killed in panic, and Zhao Weihan won the battle of Changping.

But before Wei Ju could enjoy the victory, the deceased came back to life, like Xing Tian who was wielding Qian Qi to fight the Emperor of Heaven, Zhi Yao's decapitated corpse stood up, his **** turned into eyes, Blood red, his belly button turned into a mouth, full of sharp teeth, he kept approaching Wei Ju and asked, "Shuzi, why did you betray me!"

Wei Ju fled for his life, the corpses on the battlefield grabbed his feet, the cold rain slapped his face, and Zhi Yao, who was behind him, swung a weapon to leave scarlet slender blood strips on his back. He was terrified, stumbled forward, and was in a dilemma. Only then did he face Zhiyao's revenge. Looking at his resentful appearance, he only felt fear and guilt, and he could hardly breathe.

"I didn't mean to betray... just, just..."

He sobbed, but bumped into a tall body in front of him.

The stalwart is tall, well-dressed, and kills without a sword, but with a heart.

It was his father, Wimando.

"All noble gentlemen have died, and all that survive are despicable and shameless people. They would rather live according to the instructions of thousands of men than to exterminate their families and their families in a magnanimous manner. This is what the Wei family has learned in Jin for so many years. We are not loyal to the monarch, not to rejuvenate the country, but only for the Wei family, no matter what we do, it is justified."

His father's instruction was right next to his ear, and when he looked closely, Zhiyao's ghost disappeared, Wei Ju was relieved, but unexpectedly, a dazzling white light came from the sky, and it was a white rainbow shining through the sun...

Immediately, Weimando, who was proud to say all this, was cut off his throat by an invisible assassin and kicked down the cesspool. Is this the greatest punishment for those who keep their mouths shut but get fat?

The headless Zhiyao appeared again, this time with the assassin and the ghost of his father who had climbed out of the cesspool to chase down Wei Ju. The squirming white maggots crawled all over his body, gushing out from the corners of his eyes, nostrils, and mouth, and the air was filled with air. The stench of blood and corruption filled Wei Ju's nostrils.

Wei Ju hurriedly dodged and called for help, but accidentally fell down. During the fall, he hurriedly grabbed the sword that had been beside the bed and slashed at the lingering souls!

"Cousin, cousin!"

He swung his sword into the air and rolled off the couch, only to see his cousin Lu Xingfei quickly dodge away, his face full of fear, and behind him were a few equally frightened soldiers, whose faces were glistening with the candles held high.

Wei Ju's heart tightened: "What happened? Could it be Qin Jun..."

"Qin Jun's forward has appeared in Hexi, but the main force has not yet arrived."

"That's good, that's good..." Wei Ju wiped the sweat from his forehead. All his dreams recently were extremely bizarre, and each one was more terrifying than the other. The day before yesterday, I dreamed of a fight in the Pan Palace when I was a child, and it became a rivalry between Zhao Wuxi and Zhiyao, but the rest of them could only play supporting roles next to Oh, watching.

The day before yesterday, he dreamed that the assassin who killed his father was coming again. After Wei Ju tore off his mask, he found that the man had the face of Zhao Wuxi...

As for last night, it was even more haunted by souls from all walks of life.

He glanced out the window, the first dim light of dawn was sweeping across the city head of Shaoliang City, and a new day had begun.

This is another tough day. The so-called dilemma can't be more appropriate.

"Give me a basin of cold water." Shao Liang Weijun couldn't let Shao Liang Wei Jun see his disheveled and sweaty appearance, otherwise he would definitely be in chaos. The cold water would help him wake up from his nightmare.

Looking at the haggard self in the bronze mirror, Wei Ju patted his face and said, "It's time to cheer up, my father is gone, and I am the head of the Wei family now."

However, he was still trembling, and the situation Wei was facing was like walking on thin ice, like an abyss.


Outside the door, a group of guards were waiting for him, and Wei Ju wanted to take them to inspect the city defense. Since Weimando's assassination, he has taken guards with him wherever he goes, especially when he goes to the toilet. Wei Ju always felt that the Wei Clan had too many enemies. The Zhi Clan's Yu Dang, the Qin people, and the Zhao Clan all seemed to want him to die. If he was not careful, the assassin would jump out from an inadvertent place and take his life. .

It was early November, and the weather was colder than the other day, and sooner or later it would snow, but Wei Ju was looking forward to the snow now, because snow could delay the enemy's attack. Although he claimed that he wanted to coexist with Wei's army of 20,000 people in Hexi, in fact, he had no plan to fight with the Qin people. The last war, the Wei army almost lost, and now everyone is uneasy and goes into battle. must lose.

Therefore, Wei Ju decisively gave up the redundant cities and placed 20,000 troops in Shaoliang and Wangcheng next to the Dahe River, leaving only Xincheng and Fushi as outposts. If the situation is not good, the army can withdraw from Longmen and Puban to Hedong.

His decision was undoubtedly correct. In just half a month after the change of Anyi, the Qin people seized the opportunity and started a massive attack - Wei Ju even shamelessly called the Qin people to stop . The Qin people advanced very quickly, and some Wei troops who had no time to evacuate were overtaken by their cavalry and routed. There are still many people from Hexi under the Qin people who are more familiar with the terrain than the Wei family. Fortunately, most of them have withdrawn from the city and began to switch to the hold mode.

Soldiers from the counties in the eastern part of the Qin state sang "Qi Yue Wu Yi" to join the army of the great concubine. The Qin people gathered at least three troops this time, and more than a dozen large ships came east along the Wei River, fully loaded with cavalry. Slave, infantry, chariot.

Water and land go hand in hand. This time, the great concubine of the Qin country is determined to be ashamed. Before the first snow falls, the Qin people will attack at least once. Goodbye.

In fact, Wei Ju has already given up most of the territory in Hexi. The people here are not in favor of the Wei family. He can't fight for every inch of land.

When he abandoned the people, the people also abandoned the Wei family, and they would rather be the Qin people's people, or go north to the Zhao family's Shangjun, and take refuge in the thriving business station there.

The root of the Wei family is still in Hedong. It is not that the clansmen of Anyi did not come to persuade Wei Ju. Since the Qin people are very urgent to attack, it is better to simply abandon Hexi and take the army back to Hedong to ensure that the family base is not lost.

But for some unknown reason, Wei Ju has been dragging on until now. He also wondered why he didn't listen to them and hurried back to Hedong, where there was no threat from Qin Bing?

But slowly, Wei Ju understood that it was not that he did not want to go back, but that he was afraid to go back.

I am afraid that as soon as he leaves, the situation in Hexi will fall apart, and the hard work of the past few years will be in vain.

He was also afraid that when he returned to Hedong, he would face even more terrifying enemies. Although Zhao Wuxi sent a mourning envoy to the Wei family and promised to send troops from Shangjun to protect the Wei family's flank, Wei Ju just couldn't trust him.

After all, Zhao Wuxi was the biggest beneficiary of Weimanduo's killing. Even if he announced the identity of the assassin a few days ago: Yu Rang, a retainer of the Zhi clan, his suspicion could not be cleared.

Wei Ju thought about ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If the Zhao family suddenly turned against him and he was in Hexi, maybe he had left a way out for the Wei family...

His worries were not superfluous. When the main force of the Qin army began to sweep through Wei's outpost cities, the latest news came from Hedong.

"Zhao Wuxi wants to send someone into the Wei family for disaster relief?"

Wei Ju was stunned for a moment. In his opinion, this was simply a weasel greeting the chicken for the New Year.

"Let my uncle and grandfather strictly guard the border between Zhao and Wei, and not allow Zhao's soldiers and soldiers to enter Wei."

"But..." The messenger from Hedong looked embarrassed and said to Wei Ju, "But Zhao's actions are under the banner of a monarch, and there is an edict from the Marquis of Jin. …”

Wei Ju had a headache: "And what?"

"And the people of Hedong have been short of food for a long time. I heard that Zhao's disaster relief, and those close to the border can't wait to welcome it..."

(To be continued.)

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