Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 953: Wealth in danger

ps: there will be another chapter in a while

"This is chaos!"

When Wei Ju's order, "The Zhao clans are facing each other day and night, it is better to abandon Jin and go to Qin than to sit still and wait for death" to Hedong, but Wei Xu, who sits in Anyi, refuses.

"My grand-nephew was either held hostage by the villain, or was too sad because of the assassination of his father, and suffered from hysteria. Otherwise, he would never be in chaos next time."

Hugh said that it was a decision that was very different from his cautious personality. Even if Wei Ju ran up to him and said this in person, Wei Xu would not follow him easily, but would scold him well.

Wei Xu was an old man who had made his mark in the political arena during the era of Duke Pinggong of Jin. At the age of nearly 80, he knew all too well that Wei's current situation was extremely dangerous: Hedong was famined, Qin people were approaching Hexi outside, and Zhao's family was embezzling it. Heart. The master and the young family suspect that any decision Wei Ju makes will determine the fate of the Wei family, continuation or demise.

Therefore, a month ago, in the face of Zhao's entry into the territory in the name of disaster relief, Wei Ju, in addition to protesting, stayed in Hexi and hesitated. Wei Xu can understand this. It would be difficult for him to make the right choice quickly, but abandoning Jin to Qin? This is exactly the ugliest move.

Although Qi, Qin, Zheng and other anti-Zhao vassals can indeed give the Wei family a chance to avoid Zhao's annexation, but...

"In this way, the Wei clan must be at the forefront of the fight against Zhao, and Hedong will be reduced to a battlefield." During the battle of the six emperors in the Jin kingdom, what Wei Mando tried to avoid will happen in this case, and the Wei clan will be the one In the current state, what do you rely on to compete with Zhao? Military pawns built by imitating Zhao's army? By an empty granary? By the people's hearts that have been lost? Or is it leaning in front of Zhao's equipment like a city made of paper?

It's just childish nonsense!

"The location of the east of the river, although it is known as the mountains and rivers inside and outside, is all maintained in a few key points. The north is Huotai Mountain and Lingshikou, which can block the enemy of Taiyuan; the south is Zhongtiao Mountain, the land of Yuguo, where the sun rises and the sun goes down. Sheltering Anyi. Now the Zhao family has entered Luhuo under the guise of disaster relief, and has already opened the Lingshikou and headed south. As for the southern terrain, it was also assigned to the Han family in the Houma Alliance. Going straight to Jiangdi, and then breaking through Huangfu City and entering Quwo, will be a flat river. Even if the Wei family leads Qin people in, how can they compete with the powerful Zhao army?"

In this bad situation, even if Wei Xianzi was brought back to life, it would be very difficult to win. It is best that no matter who wins, the Wei family is the loser.

Wei's younger generation didn't think so much. They had endured Zhao's tone for a long time. After Wei Ju's order arrived, they eagerly wanted to respond. In response to Wei Ju's order to "abandon Jin and go to Qin".

He wants to go to Puban in person to see if this is the original intention of the grand-nephew.

As a clan elder, in addition to obeying the head of the family, a very important responsibility is to regulate them with their own experience, and to turn the tide when the head of the family decides to deviate from the family path.

When Wei Xu set off, snowflakes were falling from the sky. As the saying goes, auspicious snow is a good year, but this cold winter is extremely difficult for Wei. But there are both worries and joys. No army can make a big move this month, not even the elites of the Zhao family. This is the last chance for the Wei family. Now it's too late to stop Wei Ju...


In November, after controlling the flow of Wei's Fen River to several counties, Zhao Wuxi and his officials moved to Tongji for the winter.

But in the early morning of "Xiao Xue", Zhao Wuxi suddenly summoned all the officials and officials and announced a news.

"Wei clan surrendered to Qin and betrayed Jin with Hexi."

There was heavy snowfall in the whole Jin country, and everyone was still immersed in the warm blankets. When they heard the news, they all woke up instantly as if they had been doused with ice water.

"Wei's gone crazy..." Zixia and the others shook their heads and sighed, thinking in their hearts that it wasn't because Zhao was pushing too hard.

"The lord is attacking Wei, there is no need for an excuse!" Shi Qi and the others were overjoyed and eagerly invited Ying to send troops.

"Wei's repeated villains. In the past, he has betrayed the alliance, Luan Ying, and Zhibo several times. Now he has forgotten the alliance of Houma before his blood has dried up. Since Wei Ju doesn't remember the meaning of Taoyuan, I don't need to do it again. Bear with him."

Although I still don't know the disjointedness and chaos caused by Wei Ju's "disorderly life" within the Wei family, this time, Zhao Wuxi followed the good manners and chose the Wutong faction's proposition, or, in other words, what he has done in the past year, It was just waiting for the day when Wei Shi couldn't bear to be confused.

He said silently in his heart: "Wei Ju, you don't have to blame me. If you want to blame me, just blame you and me for being born in the state of Jin, where all the nobles compete, and in the end there is only one gu colosseum left."

However, there is also controversy over whether to go to the Wei family in the name of the Marquis of Jin now, or wait a month and wait until spring arrives.

The map unfolded, and he glanced at the densely populated Hedong. Zhao Wuxi said: "If you wait for the spring, the Wei family will definitely lead the Qin people into the Hedong, and the situation in the Hedong will become complicated. It is true that the Zhao army will attack from both sides, and the Qin people will The Wei family has absolutely no chance of winning, but if Hedong is corrupted, the attitude of the Han family will be hard to predict..."

For the Wei family, Zhao Wuxi pressed him step by step, and for the Han family, he tried his best to appease him, so that they should appease the Zhao family and not turn to the Wei family. But if the Zhao clan dominates the Jin state alone and their intention to annex Han and Wei is obvious, Han Hu will also hesitate before the situation is unclear, and he will probably choose to sit back and watch the success or failure.

Therefore, Zhao Wuxi decided: "Before the main force of the Wei clan in Hexi returns, and before the army of the Qin people intervene, the winner of Hedong must be decided."

Shi Qi said: "Fortunately, Lingshikou has been captured under the foresight of the lord, and only need to take the road of Pingyang, you can go straight to Jiangdi."

"Xinjiang is an important town of the Wei clan, it is difficult to fight without siege equipment, and when the army passes through the Han clan's territory, you must first greet Han Qing. At this time, you must not stimulate the Han clan. Therefore, Jiang's attack here, taking advantage of the suspicion of Wei's master's young family, to break down the old Jiang, the door of Xin Jiang and Qu Wo will be opened, so it is more secure."

"Thus Jiang is small, but attacking the city in this snowy day is also a tough battle."

"It's hard to beat, so a strong general is needed."

Zhao Wuxi moved his gaze to Huangfu City, which was originally the border city between Zhao's and Wei's. There was a conflict between the two sides. After Zhao Jun broke the Huangfu Pass, he left a division of troops there as a bridgehead for the aggressive Wei land.

"I remember, Tian Ben is also Father Huang?"


"Master Tian, ​​this is..."

A pair of sturdy leather armor with thick linen for warmth inside, a wine gourd tied around the waist, dry food in the backpack and a sheepskin coat that can be draped over the body or used as bedding, wrapped leggings, a pair of Even the gang members had enough kudzu shoes with three or four layers of hay... This is what Tian Ben prepared for the soldiers.

"It's the acting teacher. If I lose this trip, I won't even be able to be the **** commander." Tian Ben was very happy with this title, but he still seriously explained the seriousness to the old subordinates.

In the Battle of Young Liang the year before, Tian Ben was seriously injured after rushing into the wounded soldiers. Although Zhao Wuxi asked the doctors to save his life, the death penalty could be avoided. Exhausted, reduced to long.

Tian Ben has long been accustomed to demotions. What makes him uncomfortable is that the west of Taihang has been peaceful in the past two years, and Zhao Jun has not fought. Zhao's conflict with Wei's this time makes him very excited~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He was still old-fashioned, and his demotion did not discourage him. He still went his own way in the army, but there was no order from the Overseer beside him, so that he could rush to the front again, killing people and beheading them.

When he entered Huang's father, he disregarded the order and killed him. His boss couldn't do anything about it. He sued Zhao Wuxi, and Tian Ben was sentenced by Shen again. He was depressed, but Zhao Wuxi suddenly reinstated him. job.

"Take it for me, and restore the title of your doctor. If you can't, bring it up and see you."

The military order was concise and to the point. To put it bluntly, Huang's father would go to his command to ride two thousand paces, allowing Tian Ben to play freely. Zhao Wuxi knew that this tiger that came out of the cage was never interested in the prescribed order.

Looking at this situation now, everyone knows that this is going to be a move. "Tian Shishuai, where are we going?"

"Go..." Tian Ben also had a map in his hand, and after staring at Jiang Di for a while, his face became hideous.

Wealth, seek in danger!

"Let's go to Xinjiang!"

(To be continued.)

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