Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 954: Tian Benxue's Night in Jiangdu (Part 1)

In December in the deep winter, the sky was gloomy and neither the sun nor a visible cloud could be seen.

There were snowflakes fluttering in the sky, and the team of two thousand people on the ground stretched into a long team. Although they were the elite Zhao soldiers of this era, in this weather, they could only barely maintain their ranks. The snow on the ground was buried deep in the calf, and the feet in the leggings stepped on the snow and made a "click, click" sound.

Some soldiers felt that the cold was constantly seeping into their bodies, so they took a sip of shochu around their waists and asked, "So how far is it?"

Therefore Jiang is not far from Father Huang, only more than fifty miles away, a day's walk, but the soldiers do not know that their commanders have a lot of heart, and their real destination is not Gu Jiang...

When Tian Ben promised the generals and officials heavy benefits, unified opinions, and then summoned the soldiers and announced that they were going to attack Gu Jiang, the soldiers were a little bit incredulous.

"Master, it's snowing heavily outside..." Someone said, pointing to the weather outside.

"Xuetian's enemy army is unprepared, so Jiangcheng is dilapidated, and most of the population has been moved to Ye, leaving only the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled. When we arrive suddenly, it will be like a divine soldier descending from the sky, and the city can be destroyed without a fight. ."

Tian Ben glanced at the generals, officers and soldiers present, and said, "There is no need to fight hard for this trip, and the Minister has orders. If you win, the entire army will be rewarded!"

So Huang's father's Zhao army all dispatched, carrying dry food, braved the snow in the twelfth lunar month, along the straight road, heading towards Jiangdi...

The bone-chilling chill in the air made everyone's blood close to freezing point unknowingly. The severe weather has stopped all the merchants and farming in Hedong. The people of the Wei family all hid in their houses. If they were lucky, they still had a little surplus food. If they were unlucky, they had nothing. They could only shiver and endure hunger. Walk with what little strength they have left, and sooner or later they will die in the wilderness.

Therefore, even the continuous team of refugees can no longer be seen on weekdays. On the vast wilderness, between heaven and earth, except for the snowflakes that are not sure when they will be poured, only this team is still moving with difficulty. on.

This is also good, that is, you don't have to worry about the exposure of the army, and occasionally encounter people who go out along the way, Tian Ben will let people jump over and kill them immediately!

After a day's trek, after killing a few unlucky ghosts along the way, they finally arrived outside Gujiang City.

Gujiang has almost become an empty city. Except for the 500 garrisoned troops, the population in the city is very small. Most of the people have migrated to Yecheng. The 2,000 Zhaos died this time, and many people grew up in Gujiang. , they are familiar with the road and the reality in the city, and even, there are inner responders in the city...

It was snowing heavily, and the defenses of the defenders in the city were very empty. Facing an empty city with low and dilapidated walls, Tian Ben took it without much effort, with only dozens of casualties.

But Tian Ben's purpose was not just to destroy an empty city. He ordered the city gates on all sides to be strictly guarded, and no one was allowed to leave, and the city's banner was not allowed to be changed, and everything remained as it was.

The task was successfully completed, and the whole army was very happy. Tian Ben also raided the government warehouse and gave extra meals to the soldiers, not only hot rice, but even meat!

Tian Ben killed all the cattle, sheep and dogs left in Gu Jiang. Almost every one of the 2,000 soldiers ate meat. This dinner was quite enough. In addition to these extra vegetables, the large wooden barrel was also filled with meat. After drinking the steaming **** soup, the soldiers drank it after they were full, and they felt hot all over.

The Zhao soldiers were satisfied with this meal, and that night they slept well in the abandoned house of Gujiang.

Although it was easy to win this battle, the reward might not be many, but tomorrow there is finally no need to march in the heavy snow, they all thought happily.

However, before dawn the next day, their sweet dream was awakened by a rush of bugles.

Tian Ben glanced at the crowd and said, "Is the second and third sons fed and clothed and sleep well enough?"

After getting a response, he patted his stomach and said, "I'm full and full, but the two knives around my waist are unbearable. It's time for us to go to the next place."

The soldiers were all surprised, and after hearing that they were going to Xinjiang, they all changed their faces.

Xinjiang, more than fifty miles to the west, are we going to march again today?

Yesterday, the general who was persuaded by Tian Ben to lay down Gu Jiang without any risk, his spirit also relaxed, and the task assigned by Shang Qing has been completed.

Moreover, although Tian Ben made a lot of preparations after breaking the old Jiang, no one could say whether anyone would have gone to Xin Jiang to report the news before and after the city was broken. Moreover, the new Jiang was different from the old Jiang. The Wei army had at least 2,000 guards. Once this Zhao army was found alone despite the heavy snow, it would be difficult to come back.

"Without risk, how can wealth come from? To fight a war is to win by surprise!" Tian Ben had already decided that he had already sent a letter to Zhao Wuxi when he set off from Father Huang, and after pleading guilty, stated the possibility of taking Xinjiang.

The elite soldiers of the Wei clan were all stationed in the west of Hexi, and the east of the river was no more than 10,000. They were scattered in Anyi, Quwo, Xinjiang and other places. When things are crooked, seize the gap and attack the new Jiang directly, and there is no problem in capturing the new Jiang.

It was another big bowl of **** soup to eat, and the jug around the waist was filled with spirits. Unlike Ludi's turbid wine, Jindi's thick wine could feel the heat in the stomach after a sip, and the whole person was not very good. It's cold, it's a must-have for long-distance marching in the snow.

After leaving a few people to guard Gu Jiang, Tian Ben set off again with the army.

The snow has not stopped. Snow covered their knees, and thick ice shells like white greaves covered their calves, causing them to stumble and stagger, much slower than yesterday. The equipment on his back was getting heavier and heavier. If the generals were not watching, the soldiers would have removed their armor and threw their swords and halberds.

Everyone stumbled forward, even though the Zhao soldiers felt that they had been fooled, but at this time, they could not turn back, and with Tian Ben's fierce energy, anyone who disobeyed would be executed and thrown into the wilderness, so everyone They all screamed bitterly, but dared not violate the order...

At this time, we must not fall behind~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Falling behind is equal to death, so I can only insist on gritting my teeth.

Tian Ben made people look at the soldiers, not to let them drink up the wine in one breath, and during a short break, he told the recruits about the deeds of the battle of Zhao Qi's Xueyuan ten years ago to encourage them.

"The 40,000-strong army of the Marquis of Qi was divided by Shang Qing with us, and they were defeated and fled, and even the military flag fell into my hands..."

In addition to the excitement of the crowd, someone asked worriedly: "Will we repeat the mistakes of the Qi people and be found and defeated by the Wei army."

"No!" Tian Ben glanced at the crowd: "We will do another great feat! This feat is no less than that of a light cavalry in the snow!"

Although the risk is huge, Tian Ben only has credit in his heart, and he needs a big credit to be ashamed.

The sky was getting darker and darker, the north wind was blowing harder, and the goose-feather snow was falling more and more densely.

At nightfall, Zhao Jun has arrived in the suburbs of Xinjiang. At this moment, Xinjiang Wei Jun is still slumbering ignorantly... (To be continued.)

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