Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 963: The righteousness of the country

PS: There is only one chapter today

Replace Jin! ?

Although the Zhao retainers have occasionally quietly thought of this idea, it was the first time someone said it in public.

Shi Qi, this is to persuade Zhao Wuxi to enter!

Kan Zhi rolled his eyes, scolded that the barbarians from Chu land had taken the lead, and quickly bowed down and said: "Actually, the Jin State Sheji died in Quwo Daiyi, and after that, no matter what Whether it was Duke Xian of Jin, Duke Wen of Jin, or Duke Mourning, they were all just after the small sect of Quwo. The lord followed the path of the heavens and replaced the state of Jin, but he just followed the rut of his predecessors. What's more, the lord and Junzicao are both Zhengqing. How can father and son be equal? ​​The promotion of the lord to the monarch is also in line with humanity!"

Le Fuli opened his mouth slightly. He was the last to join the Zhao clan. This would be quite embarrassing. Shirts are contrary to the original intent and will be isolated.

Just when he was in a dilemma, someone next to him stood up.

Zixia took a step and said: "The reason why the lord can shock the four directions and give orders to the state of Jin is to a large extent because he holds the Marquis of Jin to make the ministers, and as the ruler of a country, he occupies the righteous name. Han and Wei are still strong in the Jin state. , Qi, Qin, and Zheng states are not in a good position outside. If they recklessly replace the Jin state, I am afraid that they will immediately lose their righteousness, cause domestic turmoil, and be criticized by people of insight all over the world, and even betray their allies..."

Shi Qi pouted: "Zhao's army is strong and strong, if any doctor or prince dares to refuse, stand up and we will crush it into powder for the lord."

Kan Zhi also retorted: "Lu Wei and three Zhu have all belonged to Zhao. If the Zhao clan replaces the Jin country, the three countries will rejoice, and it will be more convenient for the Zhao clan to control the three countries." Kan Zhi's idea was even bolder. It would be good if the capital of Lu was merged into the Zhao family and became the county of the Zhao family.

Zixia said, "Otherwise, if the name is not right, the words will not go well, and if the words are not right, things will fail. Even if they succeed for a while, they can rush to replace the Jin state.

When everyone was arguing, Zhao Wuxi didn't answer, his eyes scrutinized back and forth between Shi Qi, Kan Zhi, and Zixia.

Shi Qi, in this Chu country, Zhao Wuxi sees more ambition. He is eager to stand out, to build up his career, to become a nobleman, and to return home. He can't eat five cauldrons in life, and he will cook five cauldrons in death. For this ambition, he is ruthless and unscrupulous, so he is the first to persuade Zhao Wuxi to enter, because doing so is the most profitable, the easiest to reuse, and soars into the sky. .

Kan Zhi, he used to be an ambitious young man, who was originally the future Qi Qing in history, an opponent that made Chen Heng also embarrassed for a while. As he gradually matured, he was no longer satisfied with being a vassal official in the state of Lu, but longed for a bigger stage. So he followed up and persuaded Zhao Wushi to replace Jin, and even wanted to merge the princes controlled by Zhao's family. In this way, the Central Plains were almost connected, and Kan Zhi could also use his talents to the fullest.

In short, the persuasion of these two people has great selfishness...

There are not a few people under Zhao Wuxi's hands who hope to follow Zhao's generation of Jin's chickens and dogs. He now understands why many powerful ministers have no choice but to rebel: You can satisfy the status quo, but your subordinates want to go further. , their desires and desires will become the driving force for your action.

As for Zixia... Zhao Wuxi didn't see his selfishness, and some were just earnest advice.

He sincerely bowed to Zhao Wuxi and said, "I think the lord should replace Jin with benevolence and righteousness, not with deceitful power."

What Zixia opposed was not Dai Jin itself, but the timing. He was not "Xun Yu" in Zhao Wuxi's camp. Private minister An dare to seek public affairs? This is the general principle of the Spring and Autumn Period. The retainers of the Zhao family will never be loyal to the Marquis of Jin, because it is against the rules. Whoever gives food and money will work for whomever, and the scholars are very reasonable.

So Zhao Wuqi calmed himself down and said to Shi Qi and Kan Zhi with a stern face: "You are trying to put me on the fire, so don't mention this again!"

What Zixia said made sense. Dai Jin was the goal that Zhao Wuqi was striving for, but he was very particular about how to do it and when to do it.

What's more, what he was more worried about was that if the Zhao clan suddenly replaced the Jin state, wouldn't the Wei clan join Qin as a justifiable reason, and the Han clan, who was struggling to resist the attack of Qin, Wei and Zheng, would be embarrassed to death.

Politics requires not only strong troops, but also excellent acting skills for politicians. Although everyone knows what they are in their hearts, some things are played for the common people of the country, and by the way, they also give friends a step down.

For a powerful minister who wants to go further, in front of the people at the bottom, he must appear benevolent, faithful, pious, and upright, but at the same time he must be mentally prepared. transformation. Because in order to maintain his rule, he must always be perfidious, unkind, contrary to human ethics, and contrary to the way of heaven!

Therefore, as a strong minister, if you want to survive in the late Spring and Autumn Period, become a big family, and eventually turn your family into a country, you must have a flexible mind and change at any time according to the changes of the times.

In this regard, the Chen family has done a good job. He did not openly deviate from the benevolence and righteousness respected by the world. He bought the hearts of the people. He had enough patience, and the process of replacing Qi came naturally. So they succeeded in replacing Qi, and although their methods were despicable, they were not cast aside.

It is not difficult to be crowned with a monkey, the difficult thing is to win the country and conquer the world with the king's way, which is Zhao Wuxi's exacting goal of himself...

Therefore, he needs to maintain the superficial kingly way, and then supplement it with domineering!


The chronology of the Marquis of Jin came to an end at the end of the spring and February of the twenty-third year. Regarding the death of the monarch and the prince, Zhao Wuxi's "Book of Complaints to the People" explained this.

"Haohaohaotian, not virtuous, the deposed prince of Jin chiseled in collusion with foreign enemies, and tried to seize the bronze palace with a sword, but the emperor's persuasion was fruitless, and he died in anger and misfortune..."

What happened was shocking. The prince was unfilial and was about to be deposed. So he jumped over the wall and contacted the spies of the Qin and Qi people. He wanted to hold the monarch hostage.

Moreover, among the neighbors of Tongjie, there is also a thing that is said to be the "suicide note of the monarch" circulated as evidence.

The whole article is a self-report of Jin Houwu, the general idea of ​​which is: "The widow saw that Buxiao Zizhao had mastered the six arts when he was young, and this period hoped that he would become a good heir, so he was established as a prince. One day, the scolding of the widow did not work, and later discussed with Shang Qing Zhao Wuxi to depose him, Shang Qing thought he was young and ignorant, but he could still be sculpted to see the aftermath."

"Whoever thinks that the unworthy son will chisel an inch, but he will hate Shangqing and the widow. He trains his valet, secretly hides weapons and plots against the law, and even peeps at the lonely palace at night, wanting to defile the harem. He made up his mind to ask Shangqing to depose him. After knowing about it, he actually bribed the temple people to poison the orphan, and the widow was poisoned and vomited three liters of blood.

"Seeing that the matter was exposed, Chiu joined forces with the Qin people and wanted to send troops into the palace to kill the orphan. Fortunately, Shangqing knew in time that he dispatched soldiers to defeat his party members, and Chiu also died in the chaos of the army. There is no escape, this boy is disobedient, and he has caused a great disaster, he should be abolished as a commoner, this son has been mourned, so he will be buried with the ceremony of common people as a punishment..."

"The widow is dying, and this edict is hereby issued to expose the face of the chiseled beast."

He especially emphasized at the end: "When the widow Chongling succeeded to the throne, he was mistaken by the traitors of the Fan clan and Zhi clan, wasted all day, ignored the government and government, so that the people could not live well, the ministers fought each other, and the crime of widowhood, after death, should be given a bad posthumous title. Fortunately, the Zhao family cleared away the barriers, and the state of Jin was still bright. I often regretted that Zhao Qing could not be used earlier, but it was too late... At the end of the day, the edict was issued. The Wei clan is immortal, Jin is still in trouble, and when it is extraordinary, we should practice extraordinary methods. If the heir can be supplemented, the Shangqing can help; if it is not talented, the Shangqing can also take it from himself!

This so-called suicide note of the Marquis of Jin caused an uproar. Marquis Jin seemed to have been confused all his life, and when he died, there was a sudden reversal, and he had the attitude of King Wu of Zhou's dying care for Zhao Wuxi. Ordinary people are betrayed by the sudden appearance of the prince, and the monarch is stunned by his death, but the smart people pay attention to the information released by the last sentence, "Shangqing can also take it by himself"...

For a time, those who wrote to persuade them to enter are like crucian carp crossing the river.

Zhao Wuxi, however, had the attitude of Duke Zhou's magnanimity. He asked Zixia to draw up a document to announce his grief: "He who is in the sky is extremely arrogant? Wuxi is the minister of the Jin Kingdom. In addition to his grief, he is duty-bound and should uphold his grief. Duke Zhou's ambition is to welcome a new ruler, to use all his strength, to be loyal to the festival of chastity, and then to die, to exterminate the traitors of the Wei clan, expel foreign enemies, and to help the state of Jin."

As for the unfortunate Prince Chiu, according to the posthumous letter of the Marquis of Jin, he was buried outside the city of Tongjiao with the courtesy of a commoner, and there was no Jingyan. Zhao Wuxi took pity that he was mistaken by a spy and was buried with several vehicles.

On the day of the burial of the abolished prince, the people of Tongli gathered to watch, most of them believed Zhao Wuxi's propaganda, but a few smart people disagreed. But even though the crowd was surging, none of the loyal and brave men whom the prince hoped his death would awaken...

Tongjiao people have a stable heart. After all, the Zhao family has usurped power for many years, and the people have become accustomed to whether there are Marquis of Jin. The war is also far away from here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The next thing the big figures in the DPRK will be busy with is the aftermath of the Houwu of Jin: assigning a posthumous title and going to the funeral.

Jin Houwu was finally named "Jin Min Gong".

When you are in trouble in the country, it is called sympathy; when you encounter difficulties in the country, it is called sympathy; when disasters are in trouble, it is called sympathy; if you make the people sad, it is called sympathy; if you hurt the people, it is called sympathy; Said above. This is an evil posthumous title, and Zhao Wuxi did not treat Jin Wu politely because he took advantage of Jin Wu's death.

Then, the candidate for the new monarch must be determined. Although this matter has little to do with the future of Jin, the Zhao family has already trampled on the monarch, and whoever succeeds will be a puppet.

On this day, when Zhao Wuxi was discussing the candidates with his retainers, he was replaced by Yulinwei as Suwei. Instead, he hid in the darkness, and the black-clothed guards who were engaged in surveillance and spy activities suddenly appeared and hurriedly threw a piece of bamboo. The book was presented to Zhao Wuxi.

"Shangqing, this is the latest piece of "Jin Shicheng" written by Taishi Mo..."

Wu Xie unfolded it and saw that it was written: "Jin Qing Zhao Wu Xie killed his lord and prince!"

(To be continued.)

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