Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 964: 11 Dancheong

ps: There is an error in the previous chapter, it has been revised, the deadline for the paper tomorrow, I have to stay up late to revise, there is only one chapter tonight

When the orphans of the Zhao family felt the difficulty of going to the palace, there was no one to guard them in the headquarters of the Zhao family, so they selected young people who were proficient in martial arts from the retainers and young people of the younger sect. "Black". In the following hundreds of years, Heiyi has been loyal to serving the Lord of the Zhao family. Although he has experienced several **** coups during the period, he still persists tenaciously. As far as Zhao Wuxi knew, during the Warring States Period, when Chu Long talked about the Empress Dowager Zhao, these black-clothed guards were still active in the Zhao court.

However, after Zhao Wuxi was promoted to the head of the family, the affairs of the guard of honor and Su Wei were taken over by his newly established Yulin orphans. As for the previous black clothes, he was hidden in the dark and was given another more important task: inspection and arrest, and spy activities.

In order to ensure the safety of Zhao's family, Heiyi must take precautions before it happens. In peacetime, he mainly focuses on the country, spying on behaviors and speeches that may threaten Zhao's family and endanger the regime, and arrest and interrogate suspects. In wartime, he also served as a military spy, similar to the later Jinyiwei.

That's why Tai Shimo wrote a record in the history book that might be detrimental to the Zhao family. He was soon found out by the black-clothed investigation. Before the ink on the brief was dry, he himself was imprisoned and interrogated.

After the death of Zheng Long, Heiyi changed several leaders, and now the guard is Wang Deng, a scholar from Handan.

Wang Deng was similar to Fan Li. When the Handan clan was in power, he was a humble person. Not only was he not appointed, but the villagers often looked down on him. It was not until the Zhao clan broke Handan that he took refuge in Zhao Wuxi and entered the official career.

He has been diligent and diligent for ten years. He once served as a county magistrate in Zhongmu, and recommended many local talents. Zhao Wuxi put him in charge of black clothes, not only because of his talent, but also because of his loyalty.

Perhaps because of the kindness of his confidant, Wang Deng was even willing to try food and poison for Zhao Wuxie. When something happened, he did not consider moral right or wrong, but considered whether it would be beneficial or harmful to the Zhao regime.

If it is harmful, suppress it without hesitation!

At this moment, in the empty storage room, Wang Deng confronted Taishi Mo and said, "Shangqing murdered the king and the crown prince? Where did Taishi hear about this kind of non-existent thing?"

Taishi Mo, who closed his eyes and said nothing, opened his tired eyes and said calmly: "The rebellion in the Tongjiao Palace happened suddenly, and who was the one who was running rampant in the palace with weapons and swords, the death of the prince is quite strange, and the imperial edict even There are so many doubts that the Taishi has not been delivered to save the copy, how can it not make people suspicious?"

Wang Deng didn't smile: "Tai Shi has never seen what happened in person, so he can't talk nonsense, let alone write it in the history books, this is not what good history did."

"Although the old man is old, his eyes are still sharp. The prince has the heart to seek Zhao, and the emperor has the intention of taking advantage of the situation. Although they are all obstructed by the current situation, Zhao Qing also has an excuse to act, but the act of killing the prince to force the palace is a bit too much. After all, the monarch was also forced to death by Zhao Qing, as for the authenticity of the news circulating in the market, the gentleman is frank, and the villain is often affectionate, Zhao Qing should know it himself."

Wang Deng had been a black-clothed leader for several years, and had interrogated no less than 180 people, so he was already very experienced. After a few words with Taishi Mo, he knew that this white-haired wrinkled old man was a hard-headed man, and he couldn't talk to each other at all. It was impossible for him to deal with other people's bribes and coercion before.

So he gave up the persuasion, and had murderous intentions in his heart, but he still smiled kindly and nodded: "I will tell Shangqing these words of Taishi one by one."

When he left the courtyard specially used for house arrest of nobles and ministers, Tai Shimo said to his back: "Since this is the case, tell Zhao Qing a word for me. If he wants to kill me, he will do it early, but Jin There are a lot of good histories in the country, and there are quite a few who are willing to imitate the writings of Jin Donghu and Qi Taishi's brief. Write it down. The world is not confused, how could Zhao Qing's whitewashing tricks deceive the whole world?"


Wang Deng didn't reply, but he walked away after a slight pause.

This cell was surrounded by walls, and only a small skylight was thrown into the cell, which was quiet.

Taishimo was sitting on the couch, the only thing in front of him was a table, and on the table there was a copy of "Jin Shicheng", which was the official history book of Jin state. The bamboo slips were spread out. Wang Deng asked him to think about it again, and crossed out the dazzling ink words "Jin Qing Zhao Wuxi killed his king and the prince".

But in Tai Shimo's view, this is absolutely impossible.

He is in his 70s this year. He has gone from a small official in the Tibetan chamber to the Taishi of the Jin State. He is in charge of drafting documents, instructing the princes and officials, recording historical events, compiling historical books, and in charge of national classics, astronomical calendars, sacrifices, etc. One line has been doing it for decades.

He has lived too long. He has seen the dawn of peace after the Soldiers Meeting turn into the flames of war in Ji Shi. He has seen countless states and lands turned to ashes. Vocal music, wine and **** have lost their place of honor, and they cannot end well.

After getting used to it, it is followed by the coldness on the outside and the enlightenment on the inside. That's why he could see through the natural contradiction of "there are two things in life" from the various states of the world, and said bluntly to Zhao Yang: "The society is impermanent, and the ruler and the minister are impermanent, since ancient times!"

Therefore, he had no mood swings about the death of Marquis of Jin and Prince Chiu, and he did not want to be a loyal minister to the monarch.

But being ruthless does not mean ignoring it indifferently. As a Taishi, he must carefully record what is happening in the country. And he wanted to find its branches and leaves, find out what was poor, and find the truth, so he wrote down what he thought was the truth.

Moreover, Shi Mo believes that history has a literary quality, and the words are detailed and abbreviated, so there is no need to change it.

In the eyes of their group of historians, history books are sacred and cannot be tampered with at will. When a historian hears or witnesses an event and thinks it is very important, it will be recorded. The ancient alchemy records Jixun, Qingshi chronicle, so it is called danqing, when the strokes are formed on the danqing, the fact of this matter is doomed, any easier, is the blasphemy of history.

Although he will face the pressure of powerful officials, and even usher in death and the end of the clan, Shi Mo will not be shaken.

"Jin Donghu, Qi Taishi, I don't know who I will be this time?"


"Tai Shi wants to imitate Dong Hu, is Qi Taishi?"

After receiving Wang Deng's response, Zhao Wuxi couldn't help but fell into contemplation.

In the early days of Chinese history, historians were a terrifying group. Under the power of the powerful monarchy, they still stood firm and adhered to the bottom line of their careers. Dong Hu and Qi Taishi were even more important to the historians. emotional support.

At that time, Duke Ling of Jin was ordered by Zhao Dun to kill Zhao Chuan in Taolin, so Dong Hu, the historian of Jin State, directly wrote the words "Zhao Dun killed his lord". Zhao Dun defended that it was Zhao Chuan who killed the monarch, not me. , Dong Hu retorted that you, as Zhengqing, acted in exile, ran to the border but stopped to wait for the change in the country, the monarch was killed, and you did not first crusade the monarch when you came back. Is the ambassador not you or who? Zhao Dun's words left Zhao Dun speechless, so he could only let Dong Hu write this, but the interesting thing is that Dong Anyu, the descendant of Dong Hu, became Zhao's die-hard loyal.

As for the deeds of Taishi Qi, when the powerful minister Cui Pei murdered Duke Zhuang of Qi, Taishi of Qi wrote straightly: "Cui Pei killed his lord." Cui Pei was furious and killed Qi Taishi. Taishi's two younger brothers also recorded truthfully that they were both killed by Cui Zhi. Cui Hao told Qi Taishi's third younger brother, "All three of your brothers are dead, and if you want to survive, you will die from a sudden illness, so what?" Qi Taishi's younger brother responded that it was the historian's duty to write straight books based on facts. It is better to die if he neglects his duty to survive. He still writes down the facts. Cui Hao was also shocked by the hard bones of the historians. In desperation, he could only turn a blind eye and go with them.

What he did was right, because after hearing about this incident, Nan Shi of Qi State came running with bamboo slips in his arms, wanting to continue writing straight after the death of Qi Taishi's family!

These are two major victories between historians and powerful officials, and they are also the pride of Chinese historiography.

Zhao Wuxi was also fascinated by it. After coming to this era, he also attached great importance to Shi, but he never imagined that one day he would face the choice between Zhao Dun and Cui Hao.

Wang Deng said softly: "My minister can let Taishi die in the secret room, without being aware of it."

"But some historians have already spread the news about Taishi Mo's house arrest."

Zhao Wuxi sighed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His enemy was not only Tai Shimo, a respected old man, but also the entire group of historians.

In the pre-Qin period, the style of scholars has always been to be brave and not afraid of death for the ideas in their hearts. The season is poor and the season is now, and they are all in the limelight. Their heart of defending the Tao is comparable to the dead on the battlefield. This is a point that Zhao Wuxi appreciates.

However, when one day, you suddenly find that you stand on the opposite side of the spirit that you have been fascinated with and become the villain of Danqing, what should you do?

"Yu Zhi? Kill him?" Wu Xie was lost in thought, but before he could finish thinking, someone came to intercede for Tai Shimo.

This is to be expected. Although Taishi Mo has no power, he is very important in the court and opposition of Jin. Several generations of monarchs have been instructed by him. Countless nobles have asked him for advice, even the merciless father Zhao. Yang also served Shi Mo's teacher, Zhao's Zongzheng Shi Zhao, and even more directly a student of Tai Shi Mo.

But what surprised Zhao Wuxi was that among the people who pleaded for Shi Mo, there was also his concubine Kong Jiao...

(To be continued.)

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