Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 975: Killing Yingye

ps: there will be another chapter in a while

Liangfu is from the east gate of Xinzheng. He was conscripted into the army during the expedition to the west, and he accompanied the army to attack the areas outside the Hanshi River. He was unfortunately captured in the battle of Luoshui the day before.

They were all detained on the bank of the river, which was a good place to hold prisoners. But at night, Liangfu's village party quietly came over and asked him to escape with him.

"I am good at water and can swim to the other side."

"There is also a Zhao army on the other side." Liangfu fought fiercely for half a day yesterday, and only after being captured did he break his scalp and slap his foot, which was painful and swollen. He didn't eat anything all day long, he just drank a few mouthfuls of river water, which gave the illusion of fullness in his stomach, which would make him weak and dare not take risks.

The foreign party scolds him for his lack of courage, so he asked a few people to run together, and Liangfu looked at their backs reluctantly. As a result, those people were discovered as soon as they entered the water. A burst of arrows shot from the shore, and everyone died by the water.

The Zheng people shouted, and Zhao Bing on the shore shouted sharply: "Sit down! All sit down!" Then the whip came.

After a while of confusion, everyone sat down in place. Some people moved slowly, and a flying whip whipped them on the shore, and their faces suddenly bled.

Madam Liang slumped on the ground, her heart skipping a beat. If he had gone with the township party before, this would have been the end.

After a while, the corpses of those who escaped were dragged back, their bodies covered with arrows, and their heads were chopped off by Zhao Bing and put on spears to show the public: Liangfu saw the lean and thin heads of the foreign party. , the eyes are still wide open like a living person, as if they are dead...

Everyone shuddered, and the officials of the Zhao army shouted from the shore: "Those who dare to flee will end like this!"

Although the Hebei dialect was very hard to speak to Zheng people, they still understood it. It was night, and no one dared to run away.

That night, Liangfu slept very restlessly. The stones and lumps on the ground made his back hurt so bad, and his stomach was growling with hunger. But he was too tired. It didn't take long for him to have a dream in a daze. He dreamed that when he returned to the house next to the east gate of Xinzheng, his parents were pleasantly surprised to welcome him out the door, and then his wife ran out of the house. Holding his head and crying, he was scolded by Liangfu before he went to cook for him. Fresh rice, the fragrance would make Liangfu forget the stench of the battlefield.

However, before he could take a bite, he was awakened by the swelling and pain in his feet. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the entire river bank was still full of ragged and withered prisoners of Zheng State. In the dim morning light, it was black and pressed like a swarm of ants huddled on the shore.

Then, someone shouted loudly: "Silence!" followed by a whip. The noise on the riverbank suddenly stopped, and only the morning breeze could be heard, which was creepy.

After a while, the drums sounded on the shore, and when the drums stopped, a black-clothed and black-crowned officer of the Zhao army came out to lecture, and his entourage sent his lectures sentence by sentence——

"Zheng Jun has no faith, betrayed the party from the Wei clan, and attacked our country of Jin..."

"Shangqing's army will raise his troops to defeat it... You wait for the most common people, who have committed obedience and no crime of evil, the army will allow them to be released on the spot!"


"Release in place?"

Liangfu couldn't believe his ears. He thought that his best end would be to be detained as a coolie, at least for several years or even ten years. Who would have guessed that General Zhao would be so generous. Maybe it was because there was not enough food, and there was a lot of discussion around. Some people speculated that it was because before the war the day before yesterday, they saw that Zhao Jun had burned his own cauldron and food. .

After they cheered for a while, the military official spoke again: "The general said again, is there anyone willing to join Zhao's army as a recruiter and follow the army to attack Qin and Wei? Long live the mountains and return to Zhao..."

There was silence on the river bank, and the people of Zheng country looked at each other. Although the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period did not have a strong sense of nationality, the Zheng people were an exception. They migrated here from the distant Weishui Valley, built a country from scratch, and then struggled between the powerful countries. Zheng people attach great importance to the township party, and they unite with each other. They also have a sense of national difficulties and personal responsibility, so people like Xiangao have emerged. This ethos continued until the Qin and Han kingdoms, and Yingchuan was still often linked with the township and party, and there were many strange people, and they were bold and unrestrained.

However, the military official was tempted to say: "If you wish, you will be regarded as a new soldier of the Zhao army, and you will be given food, money, silk, and clothes."

Having said that, 99% of the Zheng people still refused to give their lives to the Zhao family, and were enemies of the Chinese people and the township party. After waiting for a while, the military official sighed secretly, this is his last fight, and it is also the last chance for Zheng people to survive.

He said angrily, "If you don't want to, then take off your clothes, go hungry, and find a way to go back to Zheng State naked!"

So the prisoners of Zheng State were taken away from the river bank in batches and taken in different directions. At the end of the road, several large tents covered with black cloth were waiting for them with their mouths open. According to Zhao Li, who led the way, Zheng Ren wanted to take off his armor and military uniform here, leaving only a single coat.

"Is Zhao's family so short of clothes?" Liangfu secretly complained to others, but the joy of being released outweighed the dissatisfaction. They stepped into the tent one by one, but did not know what was waiting for them inside.

Finally, it was Liangfu's turn, and he was very hesitant. Just before, someone started to contact him secretly, and they wanted to gather in the mountains after being released to plan a major event...

Liangfu knew they wanted to go back to find General Yusu, but Liangfu had had enough, he just wanted to go home now. Although it was a few hundred miles to go back to Zheng State from here, the army was in chaos, and everything was unknown, but it was better than returning to the army and handing over your life to the meat eaters to arrange squandering.

"Going home..." Thinking of the dream he had, Zheng Renliang's husband showed a smile and stepped into the tent, his hands were shaking a little. How long does it take to wash it off before you can hug your wife and children.

It was dark inside the tent, and it seemed like there were no windows open. Before the good husband could become suspicious, a **** sack was placed over his head, and his mouth was blocked...

In this camp, there were actually dozens of fully armed soldiers. They strangled their necks with sacks, and stabbed their swords at the key point.

His dream had completely become a dream.

The same thing happened in the other tents. In less than half an hour, the ground inside the tents was full of blood plasma, the soles of the shoes were stuck on the ground and it was almost impossible to pull them out. anywhere.

By this time, 2,000 Zheng people had already lost their lives, and the rest of the people finally realized that they were wrong. Why is the smell of blood in front of them so strong? Why is there blood coming out of the tent? Did the village party, father and brother who went in really walked away from the other end of the tent? What the **** happened to them inside?

As the Zheng people began to resist, the murder began to escalate into massacre. Zhao's crossbowmen appeared around them, and their cold arrows aimed at the Zheng prisoners. After a few rounds of volleys, they fell to the ground screaming and still standing There are very few people...

When the massacre was coming to an end, it had become a pure brutal killing, and the methods of Zhao Bing, who had already killed the red-eyed ones, became more rude and simple.

A thousand Zheng prisoners were driven into the pits they dug themselves. These Zheng people realized that something was wrong and wanted to escape. Zhao soldiers immediately opened their bows and shot arrows, and one arrow ended in their lives. Then Zhao Jun began to throw dust into the deep pit with a sullen face, and the sharp spear prevented the survivors from climbing out of the pit. Even if he was lucky enough to climb up, he was knocked down by Zhao Bing who was standing by the pit and shoveling soil with a shovel and quickly buried alive. .

In the end, more than a dozen pits disappeared, leaving only a piece of land that had been trampled on, and a few hands that were struggling to stretch out like dry branches...

The last 1,000 people were not driven away from the river bank at all, but were stabbed by Zhao Jun with spears. They rushed towards the rushing Luoshui, and a rain of arrows flew over their heads. Almost everyone was injured. How to swim with a heavy dead man tied together by straw ropes? So they drowned more than half of them, and in the end, there was no one in ten who was lucky enough to swim downstream.

The massacre began in the early morning and ended in the evening. Of the 5,000 Zheng people who were captured, only a hundred of them were willing to join the Zhao army as a recruiter for unknown reasons. The remaining 4,900 people were all killed. Their bodies were either burned or buried, and hundreds more died in the Luoshui River, drifting downstream as the river flowed...


After several military officers who were dismissed for refusing to carry out the order came out and watched the scene, their eyes looking at Roi Zhi were about to breathe fire. It turned out that this was a brigade commander who followed Zhao Wuxi in the Song Dynasty.

"Shangqing once said when he founded Wuzu, that when you stop fighting, you are a force. Wuzu is to suppress violence, shove soldiers, and bring peace to the people and wealth. In the past, although we also killed the enemy in battle, we never took unarmed prisoners. I've done it! The generals went their own way today, killing 5,000 Zheng prisoners who put down their weapons, this is killing innocent people!"

"Who is innocent in the war?" Roi Zhi was unmoved, and gave these people a cold look. He announced the matter with a general order, but a few people refused to accept it. Robber Zhi was also polite and immediately dismissed them. The supervisor and the black clothes were nearby, and there was no protest because this was within the purview of the general.

"If you have any objections, go back and report to the superior."

Robber Zhi did not explain much. After saying this, he stopped looking at the floating corpse in the river and turned to leave.

The wind roared on the north bank of Luoshui, as if the souls of thousands of Zheng people were crying. Even Zhao Bing, who had killed people before, shuddered in retrospect at this moment. Even the veteran soldiers who had experienced hundreds of battles were also stunned when dealing with corpses. He vomited uncontrollably.

Robber Zhi has killed countless people for decades, and he has no regrets in his heart.

"Although the battle of Rushui is over, the battle with Lianheng is still not over. The Zheng people may hinder our way back, or we may be recruited again after returning to China. Today we release Zheng's soldiers, and tomorrow we may die under their hands. This is why being unkind to the enemy is a great kindness to oneself!"

What's more, the robber thinks that Zhao Wushi's so-called "stop ge" is a contradictory joke. Isn't he just encouraging soldiers to kill in disguise?

All soldiers are conquered by Tao, some by might, and some by force. Among them, breaking the army and killing the generals, taking advantage of the opportunity, defeating the crowd and taking the land, killing thousands of people, can be called Lisheng. Since Zhao Wuxi chose the quick Lisheng, he must be mentally prepared for today's event.

"Zhao Qing has the heart to annex the Central Plains, so I don't believe that he will give up the country of Zheng to the Han family. But today I cheated Zheng with five thousand soldiers, but it actually made Zhao's swallowing Zheng a full five or ten years ahead of schedule!"

There was no one around, and the robber burst out laughing: "At that time, will Zhao Qing attack me in order to please the people of Zheng country? But if he wants to realize his great ambition and make the world united, he needs more A ruthless murderer..."

Dao Zhi was not very clear about his own future, but he had already seen a little bit about the future of this world.

No matter how beautiful, how seductive, and how righteous Zhao Qing said about the prospect of "the world" he said to his grandson. In this process, it is bound to be accompanied by blood and rain, fighting for land and fighting, killing people in the wild; fighting for cities and killing people in the city!

(To be continued.)

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