Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 976: last cruelty

Maoyi is located in the upper reaches of Luoshui River. Because it is located in the south of Chengzhou, it has been called "Southern Zhou" since hundreds of years ago. People here do not compete with the world, and life here is quiet and comfortable. It is spring and March, the sun is shining, the grass is green, the willow trees are low, and everything is so beautiful, just as the beautiful poem sings:

"Guanguan Jujiu, in the river continent. A slender lady, a gentleman is a good man."

"The variegated veggies flow from left to right. A fair lady, I long for it."

Nymphae is a shallow water plant, with slender and soft stems and leaves shaped like water lilies. It floats on the water surface, swaying left and right with the flow of Luoshui, small and unique bright yellow flowers stand out from the water, and a dragonfly stands on it. , the wings kept trembling.

The fishing boats rowed across the Luoshui, shuttled through the water, and the fisherwoman was rocking the oars. She sang and smiled at her tanned husband who was casting a net.

The fisherman smiled too, with his arms open, the big net was thrown towards the sparkling river water. Today is very lucky, the first net is the heavy receipt.

"It's a big fish." The fisherman and the fisherwoman were overjoyed.

But when the fisherman pulled the net up and the two saw what was in the net, their smiles froze on their faces.

Dead man, that's a blushing dead man...

The fisherman's daughter was startled, screamed, and sat slumped in the boat, while the fisherman hurriedly loosened the net back. After wiping his cold sweat, he looked around, but saw countless floating corpses floating on Luoshui.

In the evening, there are as many as three or four hundred people who are not too scary, and the total number may be even more if you count the corpses that have been stranded or sunk all the way.

Judging from the marks of arrow wounds on the recovered bodies, they should have been killed during the war, but their hands tied by straw ropes behind their backs also showed that this was a one-sided massacre...

This matter has just passed. By the middle of March, the fisherwoman still dared not go into the water to fish, and even eating fish was disgusting, and the Maoyi people were still talking about the floating corpses that had passed through the border a few days ago. What made them even more unexpected was yet to come. On the 16th day of March, a Zhao army of up to 5,000 people once again took the road and passed through Maoyi to increase troops upstream of Luoshui.

After the army passed, some people began to speculate that those corpses might be the Zheng people who fought against the Zhao army upstream. But no matter whether this guess is correct or not, Mao Yi, Zhou Nan, and even the atmosphere of indifference to the world in the whole of Chengzhou were completely broken in this spring.


Because of the lack of news, the story of Robber Zhi killing five thousand Zheng Prisoners in Luoshui has not yet spread throughout the world.

It was the people of Zheng who first learned the news from a prisoner who had escaped by chance. They called it "the disaster in Luoshui". , the younger brother cried for his brother, the ancestor cried for his grandson, the wife cried for his husband, the streets were full of the city, and the sound of pain was endless."

From then on, the name of Robber Zhi's viciousness and viciousness was able to stop Xinzheng's children from crying at night, and the old rumors of his eating people's hearts have been turned up again, and it has become more and more fueled.

Zhao's side also learned of the outcome of the battle of Luoshui and the incident of the robbery killing the prisoners. Unsurprisingly, Zhao's old camp really caused a great uproar.

"Five thousand people, that's five thousand lives!" Zixia was very angry, and he directly called what Robber Zhi had done on the banks of Luoshui "outrageous" and "horrific."

When Deng Xi from Zheng Guo was shocked to hear about the incident, he also wrote a letter to Zhao Wuxi, saying: "The "Book of Documents" says that the suspicion of crime is only light, and the suspicion of merit is heavy. , not to mention the treatment of prisoners?" Deng Xi is a Dali, the head of many Zheng people who work for the Zhao family, and his status is high.

As for those Confucian disciples who had a prejudice against Roi Zhi, they even signed a letter to Zhao Wuxi. Yan Gao said that if he was under Roi Zhi's hands, he would rather be killed than kill an unarmed prisoner.

And his fellow apprentices pointed directly at Roof Zhi, saying: "Sima Fa once said that in the land of sinners, even if you meet a strong person, you will not fight against the enemy. The robbers of Jiangyang, who do not know what kindness and righteousness are, kill captives indiscriminately, and Luoshui will not let them flow. If this matter is known to the world, it will definitely humiliate the name of Shangqing's benevolence! I also hope that Shangqing will punish him severely and kill Luoshui's unjust soul. By example!"

After reading this joint letter, Zhao Wuxi laughed at himself: "I have never had the name of benevolence among the princes." Even so, he was still a little angry at Robber Zhi's behavior in his heart. .

Although there are reasons for Robber Zhi, such as it is inconvenient to take the prisoners to march, and the prisoners are released to worry that they will continue to help Yousu to resist, or they will be recruited again after returning to Zheng Kingdom...

But if Zhao Wuxie himself, in the face of these situations, there are many flexible ways to deal with it. The best strategy is to directly send people to **** the prisoners into Chengzhou, and treat these people as "gifts" to the emperor of Zhou and the nobles of the Zhou family. Zhao is the enemy. Moreover, he also killed two birds with one stone. He bought the King of Zhou. It was more convenient for Zhao Jun to borrow food or even people's husbands. It's a pity...

"General Liu Xiajun is not Shangqing. He has such a personality, such a vision, and such a pattern. He can't think of such a good solution." Kan Zhi is the only person in the Zhao family's decision-making circle who still understands what Robber Zhi is doing.

"No matter how bad it is, you can also mutilate the little finger and release it. Although it is cruel, it is much better than killing 5,000 people in one go. We will not face such a passive situation..." But Kan Zhi is right, the reason why This kind of thing happened because it was Roof Zhi who was in front of the battle, not Zhao Wushe himself.

Zhao Wuxi did not expect that since the Zhou people slaughtered tens of thousands of Yin people after breaking the Dayi Shang, the latest massacre in China was actually done by his own army. I believe it will not be long before this matter spreads out, and the public opinion in the world will be very unfavorable to the Zhao family. In addition to the people of Zheng who will hate the Zhao family to the core, the lords and scholars will also regard the Zhao family as a cruelty who only focuses on merit. The regime, it seems that it is inevitable that he will be severely recorded in the history books...

It's not right to blame it all on the robber, because the robber is a general, not a ruler. As a general, he only needs to think about how to defeat the enemy, fulfill the master's request, kill the prisoners, pursue the Zheng army, and quickly rescue the Han family. It was indeed at that time. the most efficient way.

However, Zhao Wuxie's moral concept of the later generations could not accept this kind of ruthless treatment.

He rubbed his temples somewhat distressedly.

Kan Zhi approached again and said in a low voice, "Although General Liuxia has nothing to blame for considering this matter, at this time, there is no other way than to blame Liuxia and preserve Shangqing's reputation."

"However, will those 5,000 people survive?"

Kan Zhi was stunned, he didn't expect that Zhao Wuxi was more concerned with the lives of those 5,000 people than his own reputation.

As the so-called "poor and indefinite riverside bones are like people in a spring boudoir's dream", 5,000 people are not a small number even if they are put into later generations, and there are tens of thousands of family members involved. , seems to be refreshing, but in fact there are endless troubles, this is not a question of whether the virgin or not, but the difference between the general and the king.

Zhao Wuxi waved his hand, told Kan to stop, and invited Sun Wu over.

"Sir's suggestion allowed me to design a strategy of detouring the southern line to the west and annihilating the enemy in Hedong. Although the southern line is progressing smoothly, the robbery has caused me a big disaster. The teacher thinks what is the most appropriate way to deal with it."

Sun Wu was in Wu State for many years. The morals and concepts of the South were far more savage and radical than those in the Central Plains. There was no ritual, music and benevolence in it. Especially when the State of Wu attacked the State of Chu, Sun Wu also experienced the matter of killing prisoners because of his urgency to obey power. It's happened more than once. Although most of them are orders from Wu Wang Helu, Wu Zixu, Fu Gai, etc., but he watched and acquiesced, and he is also an accomplice.

But seeing more and more, but it does not mean that this kind of thing is accustomed to, as it is right.

He stroked his beard lightly and said, "In ancient times, benevolence was the foundation, and righteousness was the rule..."

Sun Wu also thinks, should it be completely blamed on Robber Zhi? Zhao Wuxi thought.

However, Sun Tzu's voice changed, and he said again: "However, if you don't get your mind, you have power. Power comes from war, not from middle people. That's why people kill people, kill them; attack their country, love their people, and attack them. It’s okay; it’s okay to stop war with war, even though war is okay!”

"Shangqing must have begun to have some doubts about Luoshui. If you want to be an old man, if the purpose of Shangqing's murder is really to reassure people, and the purpose of attacking the country is really to further love the people of other countries, The purpose of creating a war is really to stop the war in the future, then, just do it all you want! As for what Liu Xia did, although the old man would not recognize it, he did everything for this point of view. What should be done. For the person who died wrongly, this person is a butcher with a past, but for Shangqing, he is a good general and has merit."

Zhao Wuxi paused, and after Sun Wu left, he let the pen official come in to draft the order.

"A few days ago I asked Zi Shi to kill 5,000 prisoners in Luoshui, and I was also shocked. I remembered your loyalty and bravery, and I also sighed that you acted violently and without thinking. Killing prisoners is against the harmony of heaven. However, it is also a big taboo for soldiers to change generals at the moment of the battle. In wartime, you are still a general on the southern front, and you will lead the army to rescue Han Qing from the siege of the river, and do not cause any more troubles.”

After sending this order, which seemed like a rebuke to a compliment, and still let the robber continue to lead the army to the southern front, Zhao Wuxi wrote another letter to Deng Xi, expressing his shock and grief over the incident. He passionately denounced the killing and prisoner It is an act of conscience~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and thinks that a sentence "killing prisoners for no reason and bereavement of the army is the same crime" should be added to Zhao's military mana!

But as for the handling of Robber Zhi, he just promised that he would give everyone an explanation after the war.

After suppressing this matter, what Zhao Wuxi thought was that there were still some soldiers on the southern front who were only loyal to him, and Wen County had another 5,000 people to support the robbers. There is no way to do it again like this time.

"After the war is over, even if you don't kill him to pacify the world's anger, you have to completely hide it. Zishi, this battle is your last battle, just do your best..." Zhao Wuxi sighed, some pity. When he made his first achievements in the army, he might have expected such a day to come. I just hope that this is the last cruelty before there is no war in the world.

The curtain has been slowly opened. With the opening of the situation on the southern front, the Hedong side is also ready. Two-thirds of Zhao's strength, a hundred thousand troops from various counties have been assembled on the Hedong front line. This net is slowly tightening.

Now, Zhao Wuxi is waiting for the news from Hexi. He believes that his flying general Yu Xi will never let him down!

(To be continued.)

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