Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1007: disarm

Wei Jun collapsed suddenly.

The second division of Qin and Zheng was in a foreign country. The Qin people were unwilling to surrender because of their long-term bravery, and the Zheng people had to fight to the death because of the Zhao family's slaughter of prisoners in Luoshui. Compared with the Hedong Wei army who fought at home Morale was the lowest. A few days ago, thousands of people sneaked out of the camp to join the enemy at night, and the Zhao family made full use of these people to let them return to the Wei camp to publicize the Zhao family's policy: those who surrender will not die, and they don't even have to worry about becoming slaves.

But after all, the incident of the robber slaughtering the captives caused Zhao's credibility to drop greatly. Not all Wei soldiers were willing to believe it, but they gradually lost their trust in their coach...

Wei Ju recruited them, claiming to lead them to victory, and promised a lot of rewards, but now everyone's hometown has been lost.

Those who have weak points of strength and those who are suspicious of them have their backs. This is a taboo in the use of troops.

When the road ahead was blocked and there was nowhere to go, these Wei soldiers could only protect each other with the Qin people. However, in this crucial battle situation, because the Qin people attacked where Zhao Wuxi's flag was, the two Zhao armies in the east and southeast began to move towards the middle road, and a one-mile-wide barrage suddenly appeared on the river bank they were guarding. void.

It is like a person who has been trapped in a secret room for a long time suddenly sees the sunlight outside and bursts into tears for a while; it is like a wild beast who has been locked in a cage for too long suddenly sees the way to escape, and can't help running towards it. .

Wei Jun suddenly collapsed.

They did not follow Wei Ju's order to stop the Hanoi and Shangdang Zhao forces from outflanking the middle route, but threw their picks in groups and spontaneously rushed towards the gap in the east...

Ordinary soldiers can't understand the situation of the battle. They care more about their own lives. Anyway, their coach Wei Ju set an example in the first battle of Changping. Compared with defecting and fleeing, the former is more shameless, right? This impression made Wei Jun not good at fighting to the death, especially when there was still a chance of life. They had no interest in helping the Qin and Zhao troops desperately, and knowing that Weiyi had not fallen, the large gap in the enemy's formation seemed to lure them to escape.

As long as you can get to Weiyi, you don't have to bear the fear of fighting with the Zhao army.

At least half of the Wei soldiers joined the rout, Wei Ju was shocked, and kept beating drums to send orders to try to save him. But seeing the way to survive, the Wei soldiers were all red-eyed. Whoever stopped them would be the enemy. A Wei general who tried to stop the fleeing had only had time to chop off the heads of two deserters, and was directly pushed down by the later soldiers and stepped on the ground. The feet are dying.

Similar things repeated in the entire Wei army, like a pavilion that suddenly collapsed, and the rout became more and more intense, and the direction of the entire army was led astray. In the end, even the so-called "loyal and brave" Wei Wu pawns also joined them. They simply wrapped Wei Ju's carriage and horses and fled to the east...

Wei Ju felt a sense of powerlessness. The feeling that he once commanded the army was like waving his arms. His chariot was like a small boat in the storm. Bound together under the rush to the east.

"That's fine..." In desperation, Wei Ju looked back at Qin Jun, presumably Zihu must be yelling at himself, but he was too late to warn Zihu, saying that Zhao's positive temptation might just be a trap. The real killer move lies in the elites who are surrounded...


"Little Wei Ju!"

Zihu let out an angry roar, but was unable to catch up and chop off his head to vent his anger.

The Wei army in the east suddenly collapsed and fled on its own, the Qin army's flank suddenly opened wide. body, disintegrate their offensive, and cut the forward and back line in two.

With the anger of being betrayed, Qin general Zihu still commanded more than 10,000 Qin people to move forward. The formation of Yecheng soldiers gradually became thinner under the attack of the Qin people, and behind them was Zhao Wuxi's handsome flag!

Behind him are Hanoi and Shangdang Headquarters, which are gradually nibbling away from here, and Zheng Jun in the west is also in danger under the attack of Zhao's cavalry and Taiyuan County soldiers. Now is the critical moment of the battle, and Qin Zheng's defeat is a foregone conclusion. The only hope is to capture or kill Zhao Wuxi...

"Follow me!"

At this time, those who could summon the courage to charge with Zihu were the most ferocious warriors in the Qin army. Even though the formation was divided by the enemy, they still subconsciously followed behind Zihu towards the enemy formation, at first jogging in small steps, and then gradually increasing their speed. As they ran, they naturally formed a sharp cone. Following the roar of the Qin people, the entire team slammed into the formation of the Zhao clan's Yecheng army, like a huge iron vertebra.

The first thing that greeted them was the Zhao army's dense arrows. Unlike the scattered arrows shot by the Qin people, the Zhao army officers used the three-stage shot that they were famous for. In the fierce battle in Hedong, the armor and weapons of the Qin army were severely damaged. Almost none of these Qin people who followed Zihu wore armor, and their defense against arrows was close to zero. Therefore, the arrows fell, causing them a lot of damage. casualties.

But they were still not afraid of death, using their own flesh and blood to resist the enemy arrows, and let the Paoze behind them go forward one after another.

The second is still the dense spears. Zihu is really disgusted by Zhao's tactics, but he also thought of a way to crack it. He ordered the warriors in the Qin army to swing the long beryllium and the long axe to cut off the spear shaft, and then the Qin people behind him flew forward, trying to turn the tug of war into a hand-to-hand battle.

Zihu also charged forward with his horse, a spear swept across his forehead, and lifted the entire cap off. The tip of the spear cut through the skin on his forehead, and a lot of blood dyed his vision red, okay. After his horse kicked and shattered the jaw of that Zhao soldier, Zi Hu was not stabbed off the horse.

The Qin people suffered heavy casualties, but it was worth it. Under the crimson vision of Zihu, Zhao Jun, who had been holding on for nearly half an hour in front of him, finally couldn't hold it any longer. They spontaneously retreated to both sides. It could be seen that this time Not a feint, but a real retreat.

However, when the lid of the urn was lifted, what the prisoner in the urn saw was not the sunlight he had hoped for, but a deeper darkness...

There was a tragic battlefield in front of him. None of the Qin State chariots and soldiers who had rushed into the Zhao formation were spared. They turned on their backs, the wreckage of the vehicles was everywhere, and some of the wheels were still turning slowly.

As for the warriors, they all died in battle, either hanging on the spears of Zhao's soldiers, or lying motionless on the ground...

Zi Hu came a step late, and what made him even more desperate was that there was still an urn outside the urn.

Although the Zhao army in Yecheng was penetrated, behind them, there were several well-armored Zhao army ready to go. Nearly 10,000 people formed a strong formation in the shape of a crescent moon, firmly guarding Zhao Wuxi's central army.

Zhao's Black Bird Flag, as safe as a rock!


"Sure enough, it's a trap..." Not only were ordinary Qin soldiers in despair, but Zihu lost his momentum.

Looking around the battlefield, although you can still hear the shouts of killing, there is no other Qin army behind you. Only a few thousand of them are left to fight alone. The Zheng people are also completely defeated. The Zhao army was surrounded.

Sima Rangju said in the Art of War: In any battle, use strength for a long time and win with qi. It means that the general principle of combat is that if the troops are strong, they can last for a long time, and if the morale is strong, they can win. At this moment, the Qin people have no advantage in military strength, and their morale is also depressed and hopeless. Their courage is like snow covered by the scorching sun, melting every minute and every second.

At this time, Zhao Shi, who was wearing a brocade and holding a flag, came over and shouted: "The general situation is over, why did Zuo Shuchang let the Qin people die, why not surrender, the surrender promised by Shangqing is still valid."

For a time, even the tenacious Qin people were shaken.

The overall situation of the war has been decided. Even though the Qin people are brave and have the idea of ​​fighting to the death under the encouragement of Zihu, they are exhausted, and many people have been injured and their weapons are seriously damaged. There is absolutely no chance of winning against the main force of the Zhao army who is waiting for work and is armed to the teeth.

Zihu lowered his head and made the most difficult decision of his life.

"Generals of the three armies, surrender to Zhao Shangqing..."

In the silence, Zihu threw away the weapon, the saber that brought him glory and shame, the sword swayed in the mud mixed with blood, and the smooth tiger head on the hilt was reflected. Zihu's unwilling gaze.

Qin people also followed suit and began to lay down their weapons, waiting for Zhao Jun to collect the bundles.

Next, Zihu untied the thick armor, which seemed to have been stained with blood, from dark to dark red. The process of unraveling the armor affected the wound, and it was painful.

When he took off his bun and all the burden on his body was gone, Zi Hu felt relaxed. He gently touched the mane of his mount, while his eyes continued to stare at Zhao Wuxi's black bird banner.

The female cultivator swallowed the egg and gave birth to the surname Ying. This is a common legend of Qin and Zhao. However, today, the two descendants of the mysterious bird met here.

But the defeat is suffocating!

Zihu turned his head to look at the Qin soldiers who had already given up their resistance, and then kicked his feet. At a moment no one expected, he charged at Zhao Zhen.

"Second and third sons shouldn't die for me, but Qin's son Hu, righteousness will no longer be humiliated!"

He rushed straight towards the dense array of Zhao troops, his hair fluttering in the wind, and the Qin people stood up again in astonishment, but it was too late.

The Zhao clan officer subconsciously aimed at one person and one horse~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A crossbow was fired with a "bang", followed by another, countless. At such a close distance, Zihu has already disarmed his armor. His sturdy body is like a thin sheet of paper. Arrows are nailed to his shoulders, thighs, and his mount. However, the tall horse with crossbow bolts is still moving forward. Charge, move forward, staggeringly jump up in front of Zhao Jun's spear formation!

The arrows were flying, the spears were stabbing, and when everyone took a closer look, the saddle was empty, and only Zihu's mount fell to the ground...

"On the 30th day of the fourth month in the summer of the third year of Qin Bopan, Zuo Shu's eldest son Hu Shuai, Zheng Shi, Wei Shi, and Zhao's army fought at Fenglingdu. Wei Shi ran first, but Shu Chang fell into the battle to no avail. He ordered everyone to surrender, and said: 'No more righteousness. Humiliated', then disarmed and entered the Zhao formation and died...

The gentleman said: In the battle of Jiji in the past, Zhen said, 'A man who is willing to show his will to the ruler but has nothing to complain about, dare not to challenge himself? ' Avoid entering Di Shi and die. Now that Zihu has been defeated by the army outside, Uncle Qin can’t ask for it, so he did what he wanted to do on his own. He disarmed himself and died for the country. Although he was not wise, he was brave and courteous. The Poetry says that there is a strong military man, and the country is a strong city. Death is known. On the other hand, when Wei Shi abandoned his army and ran first, fighting vigorously, it was ceremonial, but he did not abandon his robes and robes, and it was also polite. "Poems" said, "A rat has a body, a person is rude, and a person is rude!" Hu Bu Tun died? ' We know that the extinction of the Wei clan is also appropriate! "

ps: There is another chapter in the evening (to be continued.)

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