Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1008: Wei Feng

ps: There are still two chapters today, please recommend tickets!

Although the Jin State gives the impression that the public family is declining and the Qing family with different surnames is in power, this is actually wrong.

It goes without saying that the Han clan is one of the Duke Quwo clan of the Jin State, and even the Wei clan is actually the younger brother of King Wu of Zhou, after the attack on Bi Gonggao, one of the heroes of Yin. After the demise of the state of Bi, the descendants of the princely clan of the state of Bi became ordinary people and went into exile, either in the Central Plains or in the barbarians. One of them, Bi Wan, fled to Jin and served in Jin, serving Duke Xian of Jin.

In 661 BC, Duke Xian of Jin used Zhao Su as the imperial army and Bi Wan as the right of the chariot, and sent troops to crusade against neighboring countries. After the Jin army returned in triumph, Duke Xian of Jin, in order to reward Zhao Su and Bi Wan who fought bravely, gave Geng Di to Zhao Su and Wei Di to Bi Wan, and let them both serve as doctors. This is Wei's family. Name and origin. Although the fates of the Zhao family and the Wei family were very different at this moment, at that time, they were on the same starting line with the Zhao family.

The conditions of Wei land are not good. It is located at the southern foot of Zhongtiao Mountain and is close to the big river to the south. When it was not developed, many land were saline-alkali land, just like the old "Wei Feng" singing: "Kankanfatanxi" , set the river dry, the river is clear and rippling..." The land is poor and the people are poor and frugal, and farming, mulberry and hemp, and hunting are the main way of life here.

The poor environment and the precocious culture made the people of Wei arouse their consciousness earlier. Whether it is "Falling Sandalwood" or "Shuo Rat", the poems are filled with the dissatisfaction of the lower class against the upper class rulers. They ridicule the carnivores who eat for nothing, are indignant at exploitation, and think that the so-called lords are just parasitic on the people. Just a rat.

During the reign of the Wei clan, this kind of folk customs was suppressed because the past dynasties were still kind to the people. However, in recent years, with the frequent natural and man-made disasters, there has been a revival trend. The Yanchi Salt Workers Rebellion is an example. , they would rather choose their own destiny.

For example, on the day of the crucial decisive battle, he suddenly refused to carry out the order, and instead fled eastward with Wei Ju...

On April 31, the next morning of the decisive battle at Fenglingdu, the fleeing Wei soldiers were not far from Weiyi after walking for a day and a night.

When the war started yesterday, there were still more than 10,000 Wei troops. When they broke through the siege, only half of them escaped. They were intercepted by Zhao's pursuers along the way, or they left the team on their own and disappeared in the middle. Now there are only less than 2,000 left, and these deserters have no army. It looks like they threw their flags, took off their armor, and only kept their weapons for self-defense. They were nervous like rogues.

Wei Ju's carriage was caught in the middle. When the rout occurred, even Wei Wuzun, whom he had always trusted, betrayed him. They slammed Wei Ju and left the battlefield. They just want to go home alive...

When Sanglin outside Weiyi was watching from afar, these thirsty, hungry, and mentally depressed Wei Bing burst into tears, and sang the song "Zhi Ao" from "Wei Feng".

"Zhi is in the hills, and I look at my brother. My brother said: sigh! If I give my brother to serve, I will be with you in the night. You are very careful, you still come! There is no death!"

No matter how many loyal masters Wei's preached to die, they would not be able to match the words of parents, wives and children, "You still come, there is no death!"

The familiar singing encouraged everyone. Even though their legs were as heavy as lead, they still licked their chapped lips and walked towards Wei Yi step by step.

Outside Weiyi is a spacious mulberry forest. The end of April and the beginning of May are the season for mulberries to ripen. Soldiers who have not eaten or drank all day and night have picked mulberries and swallowed mulberry leaves, and even fought over it.

Some of Wei Ju's personal guards managed to grab some fruits from the wolf pack and sent them to the carriage to present to Wei Ju.

The sweet and sour purple juice made Wei Ju calm down. During yesterday's escape, he once fell off the military carriage and fainted. Fortunately, some personal guards were loyal to the Lord, so that he could get back on the carriage again. They were all dizzy, and it was not until this moment that they woke up. Looking at Wei Bing who was in a mess around him, he could only sigh silently.

When approaching Weiyi City, Wei Ju looked up at the flag of the Wei family hanging high above, and couldn't help feeling filled with emotion.

The old walls, mottled moss, and the shadows cast by Wei's defeated soldiers when they entered the tower, they felt a cool breeze, as if they were at home.

But for Wei Ju, it was full of shame.

At the beginning, Bi Wan asked someone to do a divination for him before he returned to the state of Jin, and obtained the hexagram image that was included in the "Tun" and "Bi". The fortuneteller said that this was the seal of the prince. As a descendant of the princes, Bi Wan entered the Jin Dynasty as an official. Given time, the descendants will surely be able to restore the status of princes!

And when Bi Wan was awarded the Wei land due to his merits, Guo Yan, the doctor in charge of divination in Jin state, predicted: "Bi Wan's descendants will be prosperous. Because his name is 'Wan', Wan is the full number; the meaning of the fief Wei Wei It is tall and majestic, the Wei family must be widely supported by the people, and the future is limitless..."

This is the unforgettable prophecy of several generations of Wei family owners. It is also their tireless pursuit to strengthen the family and restore the status of prince. Unwilling to succumb, but after they launched a hard fight, they found that the fantasy of the prophecy was fragmented.

The defeat in the battle was a mess, and Hedong was also lost. Fortunately, Wei Yi was still in the hands of the Wei family. It has been almost two hundred years since Bi Wan was sealed in Wei Di and the Wei family started. Although the main town of Wei family moved to Anyi, this is still where their ancestral graves are located. Who would have thought that this is also the last refuge of Wei Ju so...

He doesn't know what will happen in the future. Zhao's army has now cleared the battlefield and wiped out Qin and Zheng. Their chasing troops may be ten miles behind them. Wei Ju cannot afford to think too much about the situation. He can only let this happen now. Two thousand remnants of the defeated soldiers entered Weiyi, relying on the ancient walls to defend, and they could live one more day.

The city gate creaked open, and the impatient Wei clan remnants rushed in. Wei Ju's chariots and horses fell behind. Wei Ju watched coldly. The first thing he did after entering the city was to take the lead and escape. Those who cut down all the officials and re-established their authority.

However, after the more than a thousand people who rushed into Weiyi first stumbled in, they found that something was wrong...

In the bustling city of Weiyi in the past, no one is seen now. The streets are deserted. Only a few hens are walking on the road. After seeing a group of defeated soldiers pouring in, they fluttered their wings in horror and flew to the roof.

"Suspension bridge!" At this moment, the people behind shouted in horror, but the suspension bridge was slowly pulled up, blocking their retreat.

A burst of shouts of killing came from the wall, and when everyone looked up, they saw that the Wei clan's flag was still hanging high, but it was the Zhao clan's official who was holding a crossbow machine and aimed at them behind the battlements!

"The one who descends will not die." Yan Gao, a sharpshooter from the State of Lu, commanded his condescension. He led two thousand officers equipped with powerful crossbows and had already captured Weiyi. This was just a bait to induce the Wei army to abandon its allies and flee!

"Wei Yi has been lost..." Wei Ju knew that the situation was bad when he saw that the suspension bridge was suddenly pulled up and the flag of the Wei family at the head of the city was cut off and replaced with the flag of the Zhao family.

Inside the city, the turtle was caught in the urn, and outside the city, two troops of Zhao soldiers each of a thousand people had already flanked over the city. Zhao Wuxi had sufficient troops, and it was not difficult to divide thousands of people to conquer Weiyi. To the remnants of Wei Ju.

About two-thirds of the Wei's defeated soldiers had entered the city, and there were less than a thousand people who were still stranded outside the city. When the last shelter was also declared to have fallen, their spirits collapsed suddenly, and many people did not want to run away, so they left. Kneeling in front of the city and standing still, or simply sitting on the moat and howling.

Only Wei Ju turned around in a hurry with more than a hundred people. At this time, Zhao Jun, who was chasing from Fenglingdu, also arrived. There were wolves in front and tigers in the back. Wei Ju could only use their familiarity with Weiyi's terrain to avoid them. Flanked and escaped into a wooded path.

This path leads to Wei's ancestral tomb.

When the vision in front of him finally widened, Wei Ju looked behind him and suddenly realized that there were only dozens of people still following him...

Wei's people, soldiers, diners, and retainers either defected or surrendered to the enemy. Wei Ju completely felt what it meant to betray and leave!

At this moment, the wheel of the carriage got stuck in the crack of stone and could not get out again.

The screams of killing sounded from all directions. Zhao did not know how many people were dispatched to chase and kill Wei Ju. He could only get off the carriage under the **** of his personal escort, and staggered towards the ancestral tomb covered with graves...

Wei Ju didn't know why he came here, was it to seek the protection of his ancestors? It turned out to be of no use, or did you want to be forgiven by your ancestors at the last moment?

This is a huge tomb area. The first thing to pass is the tombs of Wei's retainers who are allowed to be buried in the surrounding area. In a panic, Wei Ju also caught a glimpse of the names of Yan Wei, Nv Kuan and others. They dared to give advice when they were alive. After death, they are also distributed around the mausoleum area to guard the dead souls of the masters.

There were very few people still following them. They were walking among the stone tombstones, and arrows were constantly being shot from behind. Wei Ju couldn't stop breathing and could only keep running.

Further inside, it is the tomb of the Wei family's Shidai Patriarch...

He saw the tomb of Bi Wan, the founder of the family, with grass and grass, and two stone warrior statues standing around the seal. Because of the age, the warrior's face has been blurred. Two hexagrams can be vaguely seen on the tombstone. This is Bi Wan's expectation for future generations, but that prophecy has been completely shattered. Instead of obtaining a "big name" and restoring the status of a prince, the Wei family is forced into a desperate predicament. .

Then, he saw Wei Wuzi's rough and unadorned tomb, and heard that the head of the family was a pure reckless man who followed Duke Wen of Jin into exile, but made a big mistake after returning to the country. In the end, he could only go back to Wei's hometown to become a lord of Song Xian, and finally died on the bed, which also made Wei's development in Jin state into a bottleneck. His descendants can only work hard as doctors...

Then there are the tombs of Wei Xiang and Wei Qi, the two patriarchs of Xiaozong's Lu family. Wei Ju remembered his cousin Lu Xing. Since Wei Yi fell, he must have died unexpectedly like Linghu Bo of Puban.

The broken man screamed, and Wei Ju unfortunately fell down with an arrow. When he looked up, he found that he had reached the deepest part of the cemetery. Two tombs with tall and sealed soil stood here...

The tombs of Wei Zhuangzi and Wei Xianzi, the two greatest patriarchs of the Wei family, the ancestors who laid the foundation for their status as emperors and wealth.

For a time, Wei Ju burst into tears.

Zhuang Zijiang of Wei was a minister of Zaifu in the era of Duke Mourning of Jin. He advocated reconciliation with the Rong and made many military exploits. He also made outstanding contributions in foreign affairs. Within eight years of Duke Mourning of Jin, the princes of Jiuhe included With half of his credit, since then, the Wei family has been able to ascend the throne for the first time and encroach on the power of the state...

As for Wei Xianzishu, Wei Ju's grandfather is also the first minister of the Wei clan of the Jin state. He first created the Wei Xianzi phalanx in the battle of Taiyuan, making the Wei army a leader for a while. Wei Ju built on this foundation. Combined with Zhao's tactics, Wei Wuzun was created. After that, Wei Shu was in power for 6 years, showing his talents, dividing up Qi and Yang Tong, and making Wei's territory reach its peak...

"How wise the ancestors are, but the descendants are unworthy!"

Wei Ju first burst into tears, and then laughed again.

He kind of understands why he is here.

Birds fly against their hometown, and foxes must head to the mound when they die. I heard that if the fox dies outside, it will definitely turn its head towards its cave, and when Wei Ju was cornered, he returned to the starting point of the Wei family...

"Unworthy children and grandchildren, today I finally donate blood to my grandfather and great-grandfather!"

Under the gaze of the heroic spirits of successive Wei clan masters, Wei Ju pulled out his sword and placed it across his neck. Before Zhao Bing, who was chasing after him, touched him, he killed himself in front of the tombs of Wei Zhuangzi and Wei Xianzi!

His blood spattered on the tombstones of the two ancestors, like red flowers...

(To be continued.)

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