Spring and Autumn I Am King

Chapter 1009: first letter

That evening, there was a burst of cheers from the Zhao family's camp in Fenglingdu...

"Congratulations to Shangqing for his complete victory!"

"Congratulations to the lord for completing his work!"

"Congratulations to Shangqing for destroying the Wei family..."

The flattery was incessant, but Zhao Wuxi ignored it, just scrutinized the head in front of him. The head was sent in a good wooden letter. Because it was just dead, it was lifelike. If you didn't look at the blood stains on the bun and beard, as well as the terrifying fracture at the neck, and the rolled flesh. , the deceased seems to be just closing his eyes and resting.

This person is Wei Ju, yes, Yan Gao said that he killed himself in the Wei family's cemetery. The Zhao Bing who came to fight for Wei Ju's head formed a group in front of the tomb. There were many people. casualties...

After all, Zhao Wuxi offered a reward of 500,000 yuan for this head!

The wealth and poverty within the Zhao family are based on family wealth. The family wealth standard of a Chinese family is "ten gold", that is, 50,000 Zhao money, and a bounty of 500,000 is equivalent to the wealth of ten middle-aged families. , Whoever captured Wei Ju's head, no matter how poor and humble he was before, can instantly become a wealthy class, and generations of generations can't enjoy the glory and wealth.

With such a heavy reward, I can't complain that everyone is competing for Wei Ju's head.

But at this moment, the head that made Zhao Wuxi pay 500,000 money was put in front of him, but he couldn't feel the slightest joy and joy, but rather empty and disgusting.

It's true that Wei Ju is his enemy, but the two have had friendship for more than ten years before, and they have become righteous brothers and sisters. Those vows of life and death are still in my ears.

Although Wei Ju was inhumane in this matter, Zhao Wuxi didn't dare to justify himself. The relationship between Zhao and Wei would come to this point, and he was inseparable from each other. In the final analysis, the contradiction between Zhao and Wei was caused by the imbalance in the distribution of power in the Jin state. Because of Bi Wan’s prophecy, Wei Manduo and Wei Ju both had the ambition to become princes again, and they desperately hoped to divide the Jin state equally. for princes. However, Zhao Wuxi didn't want to repeat the three divisions of Jin at all. He just wanted to swallow this big country on the premise of ensuring the integrity of Jin...

And the Wei family refused to subdue, and with Chen Heng's instigation and Qin Zheng's invitation, Wei Ju completely broke with Zhao Wuxi, and finally ended up dead.

With the death of the last head of the Wei clan, the Wei army sparsely surrendered and was killed, and the territory completely fell, and the Wei clan could be declared dead.

A century-old noble clan disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Zhao Wuxi sighed, closed the wooden letter, and said to Zixia, who was waiting beside him: "The things in the Weiyi government's treasury are sparsely distributed to the soldiers of merit, but Wei Zhuangzi and Wei Xianzi are people who have made great contributions to the state of Jin. The descendants were unworthy, and they were executed for plotting a rebellion, and Wei Shi’s blood was cut off, but they could not obliterate their past achievements, and let people protect them well.

Zixia's eyes lit up when he heard it. When the Zhou Dynasty destroyed Yin and Shang, although Shang Zhou's head was beheaded and Wu Geng was killed, Zhou Gong still sacrificed some Yin and Shang sages, and even engraved them on Zhouyuan oracle bones and passed on to future generations. Yin Min surrendered and did not dare to rebel again. Zhao Wuxi’s move was imitated by the Duke of Zhou. During the war, the enemy must be harsh, but after victory, he must be generous. For example, forgiving petty sinners and paying tribute to the ancestors and sages who the local people never forget are all good ways to clean up the hearts of the people. , Only in this way, the Zhao clan can replace the Wei clan and rule the people of Wei.

"There is also Wei's treason, but the people of Wei are innocent, and the Zhao army is not allowed to disturb them, and those who violate the order will be reduced to Zaoli!"

"As for Wei Ju's head..." Zhao Wuxi thought about it for a while, and asked his pedestrian Chu Long to step forward and ordered: "Bury his body with the courtesy of a doctor, the head will be placed in a wooden letter, and you will deliver it yourself Guocheng gave Han Qing a look. During the war, Wei completely forgot the friendship in Wenxian County. He besieged Han many times, killed his people, and destroyed his city. Han Qing must have hated it, let him see this. The death of a person can also eliminate the hatred in the heart..."

This is another strategy that will shake the mountain and shake the tiger. After Wei's lesson, Zhao Wuxi no longer wants to fight another civil war. Hu, give him some sweetness later, let him figure out who has the final say in Jin now.

What's more, in Zhao Wuxi's plan after that, the Han family can still come in handy.

"After that, I asked Han Qing to come to Fenglingdu to meet with me, saying that although the internal thieves have been cleared away, the foreign enemies are still jumping on the beam. Only the sincere cooperation of the Zhao and Han families can make us feel ashamed of the outside world!"


The major event of the soldier's country, once the troops are engaged, not to mention the complicated and changeable process, even the aftermath is not something that can be solved by protecting a tomb and sending a head.

After half a year of war, the east of Hedong was in ruins. The population was ten to three or four, and the people were either dead or homeless. After bringing this fertile land under his rule, Zhao Wuxi must start to restore it, otherwise the expansion of the territory will not only bring no benefits, but will become a burden.

But that is what needs to be done in the next few months. As for now, what Zhao needs to deal with urgently is the issue of prisoners of war...

Long before the decisive battle, the Zhao clan had already taken in more than 10,000 Qin and Wei prisoners because the battle of Hancheng, the battle of Longmen, and the battle of Puban were all victorious. After the Battle of Fenglingdu, Qin Zheng collapsed early because the Wei family ran first. There were not many dead, but many surrendered. More than 30,000 people were counted on the spot... In addition, the Wei soldiers who fled were still being continuously killed. Captured, it is expected that the final number of prisoners will reach 45,000...

In addition to the previous ones, the Zhao family had about 60,000 prisoners all at once. The prisoners of war camps were overcrowded, and the pressure on food increased sharply. This was unimaginable before the war.

Because of the slaughter of prisoners in Luoshui by Robber Zhi, prisoners of war have become a sensitive topic. As the minister of a big country, Zhao Wushi has to take care not only of his personal interests, but also of his face. of. Not only because of the condemnation of the prisoners by internal and external public opinion, but also because in the eyes of Zhao Wuxi, these prisoners are precious resources, more precious resources than gold, copper, tin, wood, and leather!

When Xiang Lu came to reward the army with the cattle and wine escorted from the rear, what he saw was a huge cage. The prisoners of war were scattered and reorganized, and the corpses on the battlefield were buried before they decomposed. Almost every team of prisoners was guarded by Zhao soldiers with swords.

When he entered the tent, he happened to meet Zhao Wuxi playing with building blocks in the camp.

"Come here, Zige."

When Zhao Wuqi saw Xiang Lu entered, he called him over, then pointed to the building blocks on the ground and said, "When you see this thing, what do you think of?"

Xiang Lu glanced at each piece of wood, and there were some small characters on it. With his sharp eyes, he could clearly see that it was "the emperor", "the princes", "the ministers", "scholars", "common people, industry and commerce", "zao Li" and so on~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Among them, the emperor is the highest, and the Zaoli is the lowest, one by one, and finally formed a stepped tower.

He blurted out: "A high-ranking official in the state of Chu once said that there are ten days in the sky, and there are ten grades of people. Therefore, there are things in the lower ranks, and gods in the upper classes. Therefore, the king, ministers, ministers, officials, officials, scholars, ministers, commoners, Industry and commerce, commoners, and ministers of industry and commerce…”

"That's right." Zhao Wuxi nodded: "This is common knowledge that everyone knows, and it is also composed of several grades in the world today."

He pointed to the block at the bottom and said: "Zao Li is lowly and has no personal freedom, but he does the hardest work without pay, and the food he gets every day is only enough to feed his stomach. Although freelance farmers and businessmen are talented It is the foundation of Jin and Lu, but Zhao's achievements today are impossible without Zaoli."

Speaking of this, Zhao Wuxi showed a wry smile. In the past ten years, he has attacked burials wherever he went and canceled the sacrifices of living people. In many aspects, he is indeed moving in the direction of "people-oriented", but there is only one thing. The evil habit that his regime cannot strip for the time being, that is slavery...

ps: There is another chapter in the evening, please recommend a ticket

(To be continued.)

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